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TUW: The Steel Trade [IC]

Sylvar B.

Saemund looks frustrated ...
"We travel all this way just to return home with an incomplete mission...return if we must but I agree with Sannit I would not like to may a habit out of this...is there no way to heat the skins with way in order to cure them?"
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Days 96 - 102: An Unplanned Return

After some discussion it is decided that for this special occasion of such rare skins, the party will return to Southroad Fair. Following the same path backward is faster on the return with less to distract the party's attention. Having so recently passed along the way, only common animals are observed, and there is no need to search for metals or stones since it has already been done.

After requiring 2 days to properly dry and stretch the skins, the party is able to make the return trip of about a 7 days' distance in 4 days.

GM: NOTE: While it is possible to manipulate way in order to reduce the drying time for skins from days to hours and Sheldon and Merin are already doing this, it is not possible to properly cure them them without the addition of salt and various other substances which cannot be "created" by manipulating way. It is suspected by Sheldon, Bolo, and Merin that the skins will last for about 2 weeks, but afterward they will start to become brittle and be unusable for armor, not that they will rot. At this juncture, the party has no idea of how long it might take to locate the particular clan of Maldrog.

Upon returning to Southroad Fair, the townspeople are surprised at such a quick return. The town Council is only momentarily discouraged by the Seekers' report of not locating any definitive sign of where the Maldrog might be. They quickly offer words of encouragement adding that it was expected that this mission might even take up to a year to complete.

On a surprisingly good note, the small band of Spiofthest that had rescued Vadin have decided to say and join the Southroad Fair community, a situation that Giodavi, the Mayor, finds extremely favorable. The leader of the Spiofthest band has leather working skills equal to Swift Raven's and the two have joined forces for their production purposes. This particular fortune has propelled the reputation of Southroad Fair with regard to leatherworks and news is spreading toward Boga City and Asylim.

OOC: Tasks While in Town:
Offer Beetle Carapaces to Maeli
Negotiate Skins with Raven
Divide usable stones and metals among the party.

GM: Feel free to make town related posts are inquiries.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Along with the usual town tasks, Sannit wishes to take some of the new lizard skins for bracers to replace his cowhide ones. San-Bolo will welcome the Spiofthest to the town, and check on the Rheini as well. Sannit asks Maeli if lacquering his new bracers would increase their effectiveness, and if so then he will have them lacquered.

At some point during the stay in town, San-Bolo will sit with Giodavi and the other Boar's Head regulars to hoist a few pints. He does not feel necessary to talk town business, they just chat with the people. Sannit shares the location of the olive grove. "We saw some critters around the grove, a pride of lions and some vultures, but they did not bother us when we went by. In fact it was quite a safe journey until those scaly beasts showed up. They were hungry, but their eyes were bigger than their stomach that time. After we cut them up for parts we decided they were too valuable to risk going to waste."

Bolo says, "I brought some of the olive trees back to plant close to town." She will coordinate with Maeli to see where best to plant them.

Bolo will find time to talk to Lyndha along with any Seeker that wishes to join in about the Acidify she used on the lizard. "I could feel the creature boil in its own skin. When they cut into it to peel the skin off I could see what I had done to it. I am telling you this so you will know what is possible. Our enemies might have this power as well."

San-Bolo camp on the build site and propose leaving in the morning.

Turtle starts to sulk when the people draw near to the town again. He refuses to go in, deciding to camp outside by himself. Bolo will know how to find him when she is ready to leave.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 103: Business in Southroad Fair

GM: I have updated town information concerning new residents: Southroad Fair

Along with the usual town tasks, Sannit wishes to take some of the new lizard skins for bracers to replace his cowhide ones. San-Bolo will welcome the Spiofthest to the town, and check on the Rheini as well. Sannit asks Maeli if lacquering his new bracers would increase their effectiveness, and if so then he will have them lacquered.
2 Horned Lizard Hides: (150% cover each)
Value / 10% coverSoakHinder / 10% cover
80 clams194

New ArmorCoverSoakHinder
Horned Lizard Bracers20%198

GM: Raven greets the party with familiarity. Fallen Leaf greets them as well, speaking a few words in Ansylin. They are both awed by the presentation of the lizard hides, to the point it takes them a moment to speak about it.

Raven agrees to purchase the deer hides. He also shows the Seekers some of the smaller pieces of armor he and Fallen Leaf have been working in collaboration. The intricate quality of the work is phenomenal. It is also conveyed that should the Seekers not need any of the exotic skins that they are able to collect, Raven will gladly purchase. He hopes that Southroad Fair might become a trade hub for specialized leather armor.

OOC: Deer Hides were traded for 675 clams of credit.

GM: Maeli and Alba greet the party warmly, introducing themselves to Vadin, and then each hugging Indigo and Bolo.

Maeli, too, is amazed by the presentation of the horned lizard skins. She explains that she has heard of such beasts but never seen one, much less two. She also explains that lacquering would be a disadvantage to any reptile skin, as the scales are already made from chitin and that lacquering would ruin the skin's flexibility. It has proven most beneficial on deer and bovine skins.

OOC: All Beetle Carapaces were traded for 112 clams of credit.

Kwargrow said:
At some point during the stay in town, San-Bolo will sit with Giodavi and the other Boar's Head regulars to hoist a few pints. He does not feel necessary to talk town business, they just chat with the people. Sannit shares the location of the olive grove. "We saw some critters around the grove, a pride of lions and some vultures, but they did not bother us when we went by. In fact it was quite a safe journey until those scaly beasts showed up. They were hungry, but their eyes were bigger than their stomach that time. After we cut them up for parts we decided they were too valuable to risk going to waste."
GM: Giodavi greets the party as boisterously as always and introduces himself to Vadin. He thoroughly enjoys the tale of the lizards. He also conveys to Vadin that all evening meals and first round of drink for members of the Southroad Seekers are on him.

Lyndha is most interested in the discovery of the Olive Grove and will gladly orchestrate its collection at the appropriate time each year. She also offers the Seekers 20% on all their proceeds.

Kwargrow said:
Bolo says, "I brought some of the olive trees back to plant close to town." She will coordinate with Maeli to see where best to plant them.

Bolo will find time to talk to Lyndha along with any Seeker that wishes to join in about the Acidify she used on the lizard. "I could feel the creature boil in its own skin. When they cut into it to peel the skin off I could see what I had done to it. I am telling you this so you will know what is possible. Our enemies might have this power as well."
GM: Maeli is honored by the gift of the olive trees and begins marking off a site outside the shop where she wishes to plant them. She makes quite a ceremony of the whole process and Bolo, with Indigo who joins them, can sense that she is manipulating way but are unsure as to exactly how.

Lyndha asks Bolo to involve Maeli in their discussion about being able to acidify another's bodily fluids. Maeli, as it turns out, understands the concept well.
"This talent is particular to our academic proclivity in manipulating way. It can be incredibly powerful because it is so different from generating heat. There is a way to develop a resistance to this just like resistance to heat can be developed but it will take considerable time and practice."

OOC: Acidify:
Affect / Range:
  • Cohesion + Evocation +
  • Will + Discipline
  • Essence + Cohesion + Evocation +
  • Mind + Knowledge + Will + Wisdom + Discipline +
  • Collegiate + Academic + O'ology
This causes the fluids in the target to become acidic thereby causing harm (loss of Body).
Resist Acidification:
  • Conditioning (Commercial Task) +
  • Bolster
  • Buffer
  • Body + Health + Fortitude +
  • Commercial + Athletic + Prowess
Range: Self
  • Essence + Confluence + Hemostasis
  • Mind + Knowledge + Will + Wisdom + Discipline + Acuity
  • Collegiate + Aberrative / Academic / Theologic + Manifest Will / Ayurveda / Philosophy
Range: Self
  • Essence + Confluence + Hemostasis
  • Mind + Knowledge + Will + Wisdom + Discipline + Acuity
  • Collegiate + Academic + Ayurveda

Kwargrow said:
Turtle starts to sulk when the people draw near to the town again. He refuses to go in, deciding to camp outside by himself. Bolo will know how to find him when she is ready to leave.
GM: As Turtle contends himself to remain outside of the town proper, he tolerates the occasional visit from a wayward townsfolk. His curiosity is piqued at one point by the detection of a familiar yet only once encountered smell. The large red wolf belonging to one of the Spiofthest finds Turtle and greets him in a friendly, albeit, animalian manner. The wolf apparently has business to be about and does not linger too long.

GM: NOTE: Party XP was earned for the gift of the olive trees and the inquiry on acidification, which will be awarded later.
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Vadin is happy to meet some of the townsfolk. He introduces himself to Maeli, Alba, and Giodavi. He also greets the Spiofthest. He is still thankful to them for his life. Vadin ponders what would have become of him if they did not come along and find him. He most likely would have perished.

Vadin looks around town a little, taking in his surroundings. He hopes to see what more this town has to offer. While he looks around Vadin is also anxiously awaiting to get back on the road. Wondering what else they will come up against.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tor asks Raven, "How much skin is this? How many sets of armor could you make from it? I'd like to replace my Knobbed Lizard Vest with a Horned Lizard Surcoat, similar to the one you made for Merin. I think Vadin needs new chest armor as well, his looks damaged. And I am sure Sannit and Sheldon will probably be interested as well."

Merin will spend some time with Myth, trying to ascertain whether or not he could open the animal's mind any further.
~I wonder if I could teach you to actually talk?~ he muses, inwardly.

Merin will also look over his own gear, to see if any of it is in need of repair. He will also ask Raven whether or not a Horned Lizard Surcoat would give superior protection to the Black Snakeskin Surcoat that he already has.

Lastly, Merin will spend time with the new Faethrin, attempting to learn what he can of their language.

While this is going on, Myth busies himself with catching mice, rats, squirrels, and other varmints that might be skulking around town and/or trying to get into the food stores. He notices Merin watching him, and wonders why he spends so much time concentrating but never seems to attempt anything.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
During the stay in town Sannit shows Vadin the build site and says with only the other Seekers around, "We have this location marked for a guild house, and as you can see, construction is underway. Southroad Fair is a growing community, and its a good place to make our home outside of the corruption of larger cities like Boga City or Asylim. We call ourselves the Southroad Seekers because we make our living bringing back what we find from our journeys, like with the lizard skin. Creatures like that we can bring down quickly, but other people with abilities similar to ours are harder to deal with. We have already come into contact with murderous agents from Asylim, and we are sure to do so again. We lost some loved ones to the corrupt magisters of that city already, and we know how they deal with competition. Our friend, Martello the blacksmith, was murdered here not too long ago. No one saw the assassins come or go, but they left their mark with the corpse. Just letting you know we're not just hunting lizards out in the wilds. Our quest now is to find a qualified blacksmith to replace Martello. Southroad Fair will be at a disadvantage until we do that."
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 103: Vadin Travels about Town

Vadin is happy to meet some of the townsfolk. He introduces himself to Maeli, Alba, and Giodavi. He also greets the Spiofthest. He is still thankful to them for his life. Vadin ponders what would have become of him if they did not come along and find him. He most likely would have perished.

Vadin looks around town a little, taking in his surroundings. He hopes to see what more this town has to offer. While he looks around Vadin is also anxiously awaiting to get back on the road. Wondering what else they will come up against.
GM: Vadin has been to Southroad Fair many times, from childhood to adulthood but always with the Tin Caravan. It is different having the opportunity to see it for himself. He knows Giodavi and Lyndha but has never formally met them. Coming into to town as a member of the Southroad Seekers, he is surprised by the number of regular townsfolk who greet him warmly and respectfully. The Spoifthest who have integrated with the town also greet Vadin, though they have yet to learn much of a common language.

Before, he has only visited the Boar's Head Tavern and the Trade Store. He now visits Maeli and Alba at the Herbalist Shop and Raven, now with Fallen Leaf, at the Tannery. He readily notices that this town has grown much since his last visit.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 103: Raven, Fallen Leaf, and the Tannery

Tor asks Raven, "How much skin is this? How many sets of armor could you make from it? I'd like to replace my Knobbed Lizard Vest with a Horned Lizard Surcoat, similar to the one you made for Merin. I think Vadin needs new chest armor as well, his looks damaged. And I am sure Sannit and Sheldon will probably be interested as well."
GM: Raven explains that even after making new bracers for Sannit that there is enough skin to make a surcoat for Tor, a tunic for Vadin, and 2 more sets of bracers or greaves, or a shendyt to replace Saemund's hoghide one.

Passing the new sample piece of armor through the party, it looks very similar to the lizard skin the party just acquired, but it has been made from individual rhombuses of leather stitched together to look like overlapping scales.

Raven and Fallen Leaf are very excited about their creation. Raven says that the little piece will be used to advertise their new invention. He explains that it was made from individually lacquered pieces of deerskin stitched together to simulate the nature of the very lizard skin the Seekers just returned.

"We will call it lacquered scale mail. It should be very popular with the caravaners, though it takes much longer to make than regular armor."

It is understood that the Seekers with depart again rather than wait for the completion of any work. The usual rate is applied, and 700 clams are deducted from their store credit.

Sheldon translates the conversation from Ansylin to Centrin for the benefit of Vadin, to help him learn a better grasp of the language. It also helps the rest of the party with their Centrin.

Tellerian Hawke said:
Merin will also look over his own gear, to see if any of it is in need of repair. He will also ask Raven whether or not a Horned Lizard Surcoat would give superior protection to the Black Snakeskin Surcoat that he already has.
GM: Raven explains,
"The new skin is more protective than the snake skin, but it is equally more cumbersome. The advantage of crocodilian hide is that it is as hard as pachyderm hide but almost half as cumbersome. The only thing better would be dragon hide, but I think those are actually myth. Snakeskin is as hard as deerskin but almost half as cumbersome. The reptiles are what we want to emulate when making armor."

Tellerian Hawke said:
Lastly, Merin will spend time with the new Faethrin, attempting to learn what he can of their language.
GM: The Spiofthest are a bit skittish, at first, when visiting with Merin, but he unsure as to why.

Tellerian Hawke said:
While this is going on, Myth busies himself with catching mice, rats, squirrels, and other varmints that might be skulking around town and/or trying to get into the food stores. He notices Merin watching him, and wonders why he spends so much time concentrating but never seems to attempt anything.
GM: Myth easily captures several small rodents of various types.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 103: The Guild Site

Back at the construction site for the Seekers' Guild House, Sheldon engages Saemund in conversation and demonstrates the concept of sensitivity to various materials for Vadin.
"I have noticed that as I have been training my mind to expand its awareness, I have become as attuned to stones as I once was to metals..."
GM: Sheldon continues to explain about the items. He sets out a feather, a stone , an ingot, and a claw. Vadin currently has equal sensitivity and draws equal benefit from all. As he trains further these benefits will increase but only with a particular medium. Bolo and Indigo are more benefited by feathers, Sheldon, now, by stones, Sannit and Saemund by metals, and Tor and Merin by bones, hince claws and fangs.

Sheldon also offers to trade his alloy bracer for Saemund stone necklace since the trade would benefit both. Sannit and Saemund both feel an affinity for silver and begin carrying an ingot each.

Tor and Merin keep 2 lizard claws, each.

Indigo takes 1 of the vulture feathers and adds it to her hair braid.

Sannit trades the stones he currently carries for various collected ingots.

Vadin keeps 1 bloodstone, 1 aluminum ingot, 1 chromium ingot, 1 black stone, 1 orange stone, 1 burgundy stone, 1 yellow stone, and 1 magnesium ingot.

OOC: Silver Ingot: augments Adhesion
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