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Two Kingdoms [Group 2]


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With one single burst of magic, the reinforcements turned on their tails and ran screaming.

With them gone, attention could be focused on where is belonged, the mercenaries turning on the already wounded paladins in a flurry of raging badger, whirling halbard, barking dog and backstabing short swords.

Within moments, the paladins lay dead, the clearing once again silent and empty, the five foot tent hanging closed but otherwise undisturbed.

[sblock=ooc]Meant terrified as a figure of speech actually. My bad ^_^;

Sorry if this update seems a little scant. I've had a hell of a day, and I need to go to bed, but promise is a promise.

Carlax - Kills guard #4. Mental note, tone down his damage. Yay for playtesting!

Cyrus - 'Panics' his bunch.

Elaine - Since I haven't heard anything, I'm going to assume you revise your action? The guards drop their only visible weapon, and run. They won't be back. ^_^

That in mind, apply that damage to guard #2? If so, feel free to add another 17 for flanking sneak attack! (Side note, why is that the only damage you deal with sneak attack, three tries, three 17s... weiiiiird.)

Err, that kinda simplifies things for me as every enemy is now dead or running. Effectively you drop out of initiative at this point, unless you plan on chasing the fleeing guys?

Once again, sorry for the 'bleh' quick update. Regular monday/wed/friday continues on... well monday =)


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"Well, what should we do about the runners? And is there anything helpful in that tent?" Buddy asks the others, before muttering some prayers for the dead paladins.

[sblock=ooc]Well, where are the fleeing guys running to? As far as we know, the walls around the compound have no doors or the like. Are they running into the tunnels we made?[/sblock]


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[sblock=ooc]Five foot tall walls. They can drag themselves over them in about a round. Admittedly I'm just trying to abstract thier departure as you'd only be wasting resources and time huntin them down.

That said, This all the posts? Gonna give it about 4 hours then update.[/sblock]


Guest 11456

Elaine 'IcyHot' Sharptail

Elaine is a bit disappointed in the short battle. She had hoped for more. As the last of the paladins are dispatched she turns to the central tent. She moves cautiously over to it and opens the flap, peers in, and then enters checking on its contents.


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The inside of the tent was much different that what was expected. Far from a simple sleeping tent, the inside of this obviously extra-dimentional space was loaded with materials. A globe of darkness covered one corner of the room, soft hissing audible from within, while stacks upon stacks of supplies provided concealment to much of the rest.

Even the wagons were inside this portal, a table propped up on the back of one, cards and coins piled atop it, as if the soldiers had left in a great hurry.

[sblock=ooc]See new map! You're out of initiative until further notice.[/sblock]


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Guest 11456

Elaine 'IcyHot' Sharptail

Elaine sticks her head back out of the tent and whistles to the others. "You have to see this. I think we hit the jackpot on supplies. This tent is much bigger on the inside." Although she had seen extra-dimentional spaces in the past, it never seemed to get old for her. She always approached such a thing with a feeling of awe.

Walking Dad

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Cyrus, AC 20 (T14, FF17), HP 91/91, F +7,R+5,W+7

"This is really fascinating, but we should investigate this dark spot first." Cyrus replies as he enters the tent.

Is this game still going?


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Buddy wanders into the tent to start looking around, smiling in amusement that the space inside is bigger than the tent outside. "This is neat, but do we do now?"

(ooc: I dunno, I've been wondering.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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