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Ultimate SECRET WAR "Issue #0, Prelude to WAR"

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Hawkeye- The Ultimates- The Triskelion, NY, NY

Kevin Perrine said:
The simulation ends - more abruptly than as expected... PLATO - the Stark-Pym hybrid Artificial Intelligence that controls the defensive systems of the mighty Triskelion siezes control of the base!
RED lights indicate the emergency.
Soldiers and Staff alike break for their posts, dropping money and munchies that they cheered with while watching the Ultimates in training...

a quick inquirey to any control panel shows the issue...
their was a situation on the Med-Flight deck.
Spider-man was creating a problem...

Hawkeye, lounging in the war room, falls backward out of his chair with the suddeness of the klaxon and lights. He pulls himself to his feet and reads the status update.

"Trouble up top. Wonder what those jokers are up to now." He spies the Black Widow just arriving at the room. "Hey Widow, Fury wants us up at the flight deck, come on." He heads out of the room at a trot, unfolding his bow and checking his quivers as he goes.
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First Post
Kevin Perrine said:
He smirks, takes two steps backward disappearing into the building...
the massive titanic structure – A bizarre construct with an archways to this modern version of Stonehenge. Seeming benighn – having absolutely no effect on the surrounding grass or trees.

and then from the darkness within - three shots ring out...
1... BLAM!!
2... BLAM!!
3... BLAM!!

and the smell of fresh spilled blood mingles with .......

Matt hazily stands up, stumbling around, barely even able to walk. His senses are messing with him, sounds coming from every direction, the same sounds, but every one different. It's like nothing he ever felt before, almost like he lost control of his senses.

"He killed My Father...he Killed Foggy....Karen...he killed them all..."

As the thought leaves his head, that one name comes to his mind, his most hated enemy, the man he most wanted to see dead. No more mercy, Vengence was now. Vengence....Death......FISK

As Matt finally regains a little bit of his senses, he starts to head for the building in front of him, whatever in the hell it is, the same thought repeating through his head, over and over.

"I'm Coming Fisk..."
"I'm Coming Fisk..."
"I'm Coming Fisk!!!!!!!!!!!"


Storm - X-Men

Storm hovers in the air, listening to Woverine's explanation when the mental assault suddenly hits. Dropping to unceremoniously the ground, she clutches her head, listening to the Professor's message dizzily...

In the Blackbird, she rubs her temples, thinking, "Wow, I didn't think staying with Scott would have been less of a headache than coming back here..."

She looks around at the others. "You guys think that was actually the Professor? Am I the only one that thinks this doesn't seem right?"


First Post
Rogue - X-Men

Agamon said:
Storm hovers in the air, listening to Woverine's explanation when the mental assault suddenly hits. Dropping to unceremoniously the ground, she clutches her head, listening to the Professor's message dizzily...

In the Blackbird, she rubs her temples, thinking, "Wow, I didn't think staying with Scott would have been less of a headache than coming back here..."

She looks around at the others. "You guys think that was actually the Professor? Am I the only one that thinks this doesn't seem right?"

"Hey he's your teacher, why don't you tell me?"
Rogue replies weakly. She has dim memories of picking herself up from the floor after the mental assault hit them, all the time trying not to touch anyone.
She has no idea then she climbed into the blackbird but being onboard at least feels a lot more comfortable than her vision of being left behind.
And then there was Iron Man. She has no intention of ever messing with the ultimates again.
And people think Mutants are dangerous.
The confused women just sits silently, trying to sort out what's going on. Her only signs of life are occasional glances to Nightcrawler and Wolverine. She just isn't sure if the later really comforts her.
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First Post

Kevin Perrine said:
"Ahhh Piotr, I am so glad you are alright... I will go to get the professor and meet you in the basement." **BAMF**

As Kurt arrives in Professor Xaviers room he finds only a quickly scrawled note... and a locked window... even Kurt can smell the twinge of ozone in the room, and a cold scortch mark crusts the area where Xaviers wheelchair last fell!!
and on the paper...
It calls me... as a moth to the flame... I must go. The park, in the center of Manhattan... I cannot stop it... cannot stop it ... alone...
"Mein God!! What could have happened to the professor I must go to the others... Uggnnn.." Kurt crumples to the floor once more.
followed by a white noise - the sound of a silent room full of computer equipment... a blur of nothing noise...
and then......
a sharp commanding thought rings out, echoing across the great grounds of the Xavier Institute!

ATTENTION my X-men! This is Professor Xavier calling! REPEAT: this is Professor X! You are ordered to appear at once! Class is now in session! Tardiness will be punished!

and before you know if you each find yourself organizing... the Blackbird begins dusting off and finally your senses return with all the others around you...
Yes... this was likely some sort of ellaborate trap - but there could be no doubt, Xavier was in need!
the controls guided them toward Mid-Manhattan... Central Park...
Shaking the cobwebs out of his head once more Kurt grabs his head and the pain slowly gives way to the reality of him sitting in the Blackbird with the others.

"Aahhhck!! I wish he would warn us before a class!! We didn't even get to watch our movie or eat our popcorn... And what was with the Ultimates attacking us?!? I don't think this is going to be a good day...Unt so it begains once more..." Nightcrawler slumps resigned into his seat ready for the trip.

Kevin Perrine

First Post


PR- 200-04
CNN - Live Feed,
PressRoom, Manhattan,
New York City, NYC
Edward Skyler, Press Secretary to Mayor Bloomberg - speaking
July, 2004


"Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Parks & Recreation Commissioner Adrian Benepe today have been alerted to the sudden appearance of a large structure that appeared from nowhere in the early evening hours in lower Central Park. The Mayor and Commissioner have appointed representatives from the Park Community Development Corporation for the initial area survey that is currently underway. Reports speculate that a few Central Park pedestrians, bicyclists and patrons have entered the site prior to site quarantine. More to follow...

The site onwhich the complex rests is Central Park's green just west of W 68th St. between the Tavern on the Green and Center Dr. - W 65th St. Transverse Rd and Terrace Dr.
This futuristic version of a walled stonehenge-like structure seems to have an open roof and is no less than the size of two city blocks in diameter. Four archway entrances of large size face each of the compass points.
(For arial location map see http://www.mustseenewyork.com/maps/central-park-attractions.html)

The complex is currently under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Secruity and the city has asked that it be secured by the ULTIMATES prior to public entrance. We await their arrival."


Edward Skyler (555) 555-5551
Adrian Benepe (555) 555-5552
Office of the Mayor
Edward Skyler, Press Secretary
Edward Skyler is the Press Secretary to the Mayor. In 1999, he was appointed a Deputy Press Secretary to Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani where he served as a spokesman, coordinated press conferences and coverage of the Mayor at various events such as the Millennium Celebration in Times Square. In June, he joined Michael Bloomberg's successful Mayoral campaign where he serves as Press Secretary.

[NOTE: ANY Hero can hear about or see this on nearly any TV or Radio, or hear of it from others... assume it's common knowledge NOW breaking news immediately in the current storyline]
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Kevin Perrine said:

Silent until now, Piotr finally stirs when the jet's radio picks up the broadcast. So something is afoot. And it sounds like this danger is already in good hands. But why would the professor want us there? Hmm. Piotr turns to Logan, This may prove to be more dangerous than it appears, what do you think, Logan?


I aim to misbehave
Wolverine (Logan) - unhurt [X-men]

Colossus said:
So something is afoot. And it sounds like this danger is already in good hands. But why would the professor want us there? Hmm. Piotr turns to Logan, This may prove to be more dangerous than it appears, what do you think, Logan?

"I think we go there and get Chuck out of there before those Ultimates decide to take matters in their own hands," Wolverine replied, "or before Chuck does to them whatever happened to us . . . and that could put all of Manhattan in trouble."

Voidrunner's Codex

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