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Kevin Perrine

First Post
Kevin Perrine said:

We have a conflict with She-Hulk.
I have two people writing me backgrounds for her (one privately and one here).

I'm not sure which of you is John Powel but he's the one that spoke up first.

let me know who's who...

FYI... FearlessLeader had spoke up privately and then forwarded in Shulky's background so he takes the spot...


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Kevin Perrine

First Post
> I'd like a strength modifier suggestion. I'm not sure how Colossus is
> "supposed" to measure up compared to the other heavy hitters in the Marvel
> U. It would help to have a benchmark. I can raise or lower it from there
> according to my taste for the character. I'm thinking mainly he's going to
> be nigh-indestructible.

Build him as YOU think he should be.
The original Colossus was on par with the Thing (maybe), but in more recent years he's seemed to have increased.
He's still not on Hulk's level. Maybe he is on Thor's level for Strength only. He's definitely tougher than She-Hulk. Right up there with Iron Man.

This is a great question...
When I'm converting characters I consider: all the levels of the NPCs like Police officers, reporters, Soldiers from the Core book. I also consider all the Super Characters that Green Ronin has created, since many are in the style of Marvel or DC characters.
Use those as guidelines.

But ALSO take a look at this jpg showing the only OFFICIAL Marvel Character, created by Green Ronin for a magazine article.
The Incredible HULK...

(scroll to the bottom)

Does that help?


First Post
Nightcrawler request

Hi Kevin, I'd like to play the nightcrawler if he's still available. I have to go for now but I can get the Bio in hopefully sometime this evening.

Kevin Perrine

First Post
DocSpoon said:
Hi Kevin, I'd like to play the nightcrawler if he's still available. I have to go for now but I can get the Bio in hopefully sometime this evening.

Nighcrawler is put on hold for you!

I keep thinking of that old "We need more Calgon!" commercial... except with X-men.



Kevin Perrine

First Post

I have begun to hand out Power Levels for those who've confirmed (with a short writeup on their choice). I'm sending those privately.
If you're confirmed and haven't gotten your Hero's PL email me with the character's name and I'll reply back with PL.

Power Levels differ across the heroes but I used the Hulk as a base at PL15, some heroes are equal or greater - some are lower. All fall within PL 8-15. And NONE will be less useful than others.

We are not using Power Level Maximum limits, if you feel like your character should have a higher stat than his PL dictates that's fine. I'll look over and approve all once complete.

If you haven't gotten your PL, email me at: kperrine@aii.edu

I'm away from my computer most of tomorrow, but otherwise I'll reply quick as I can for you to get started.



First Post
Marvel Girl

HERO NAME: Marvel Girl
REAL NAME: Jean Grey [Not really]
QUOTE: I’m impressed. You’re the first guy that hasn’t thought dirty thoughts about me… Until now.
OCCUPATION: Full time heroine
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters
PERSONALITY: Jean Grey’s a nutcase in recovery. This doesn’t prevent her from being one powerful mutant, which she has come to term with eventually. She’s loyal to her new family, where she’s acting in many ways as the older sister or maybe the mother of the team. She’s extremely mature of her young age, at least on the surface, a surface which seems almost impossible to see behind. Oh, and of course, as all modern women, Jean’s an expert in acting tough and independent. A part of her is also scared of the powers that she wields, she’s unable to come to terms with being possibly the most talented mutant in existence. And despite all of the pentup angst in the woman, she's also possessing a lot of humor, when she's not forced to act all maternal of course.
BASIC POWERS & TACTICS: Jean Grey is a very powerful telepath, with the ability to control minds, modify memories, probe minds, read surface thoughts, psychometry and a lot of other tricks, including the ability to borrow information from the mind of other people. In addition to this she’s one of the worlds strongest telekineticists and she’s able to manipulate a lot of weight as if it was nothing, and she’s able to raise shields of pure force or throw bolts of kinetic energy. She’s even able to manipulate molecules with the kinetic energy and make heat (Pyrokinesis), although she’s not a pyrokineticist on a level as Pyro. Jean’s the Phoenix Force and she’s in the possession of a power that’s far greater than humanity should be allowed to wield. But her personality prevents her to tap into the full force (hence why Dark Phoenix is so much more powerful).
BACKGROUND: Jean Grey’s life started out perfectly normal until the day, in the beginning of her puberty, she bagan hearing voices inside her head, powerful voices. And this led to more than 5 years in a mental institution, drugged up to keep those voices away, as they obviously had to be purely imaginationation... It was even to the point where she began believing herself to suffer from insanity, as the doctors told her. And no medication worked on the young girl that was in so much pain. One thing was that she heard voices in her head, but she also caused chairs to float around her, which just helped freaking her out more.
But then came her salvation. A professor Charles Xavier heard about her and he came to her rescue as things looked most bleak. He knew what she was and he got her released from the mental institution into his care. And it was Charles Xavier that taught her control, enough control to handle the immense powers possessed by the girl. And as control came, life became better for Jean Grey.
It was with Xavier as her tutor that she met another young mutant with great powers. Scott Summer. And as time has passed, Jean Grey’s powers has grown and she’s one of Xavier’s chosen, one of the prodigies of the group known as X-men. In her time as an X-man, she has had an affair with Wolverine, she has fought Magneto with the X-men and later discovered that he was still alive and she has felt feelings for Scott blossoming together with a great loyalty to those who are her family rather than the family that is her flesh and blood. She has also been part of a transformation, in which the Phoenix Force was revealed, but now the force is gone once again, kept under strict control by Jean’s will.

Email: angelbialaska@hotmail.com
Last edited:


First Post
HERO NAME: Nightcrawler

REAL NAME: Kurt Wagner [Is Identity Secret: No]

QUOTE:Please return your tray tables to the upright position and prepare for takeoff --<<Bamf!!!>>

OCCUPATION: Adventurer, X-Man

BASE OF OPERATIONS: Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, Westchester County, New York

PERSONALITY: A swashbuckling comedian at heart, fast to make friends, thoughtful, idealistic, Kurt knows from painful experience how cruel the world can be, but he'll never stop trying to make it a better place.

BASIC POWERS & TACTICS: Wall-Crawling, Prehensile Tail, Teleportation, Teleport 1 or 2 passengers, Teleport part of an object, multi-port making up to 10 attacks, Fencing. Kurt uses his acrobatic and teleportation abilities coupled with fencing skills in a formidable manner.


Kurt Wagner has resembled a demon since birth. His unusual physical characteristics -- including indigo fur, a prehensile tail, pointed ears, fang-like teeth, three-fingered hands and two-toed feet -- caused his mother to abandon her
newborn son.

Adopted by a motley crew of carnies who harbored no prejudice against so-called freaks, he learned that his mutant abilities and unique appearance were gifts to be celebrated.

Hated and feared for his strange powers and frightening appearance even more than most mutants, the blue-skinned swashbuckler is one of mutantkind's guardian angels, fighting the forces of bigotry and genetic terrorism. While many of his teammates can pass as human in public, Kurt is forever marked as an X-Man.

A man of faith, Nightcrawler holds dear to a dream that may be doomed to failure -- universal acceptance, and the peaceful coexistence of man and mutant -- but still he believes with every fiber of his being


First Post
which do you prefer

I'd play either of these backgrounds let me know which is preferable....

REAL NAME: Tony Stark [Is Identity Secret: No]
QUOTE:"last one to drop a bad guy buys the 12 yr old scotch!"
OCCUPATION:Technology Mogul/American Hero
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Stark Industrial Park
PERSONALITY: Lighthearted braggart with a dark side.
BASIC POWERS & TACTICS: Power Armor, Gadgets, and "technological sympathy".
BACKGROUND: When wealthy Multi-Billionaire Tony Stark found out his hard living as a socialite rogue had rotted his internal organs he decided he'd rather test some questionable medical treatments instead of changing his lifestyle.
He had his top researchers inject him with experimental nanotechnology. His liver and renal system was fixed in hours. In the same number of hours the Doctors realized his system hadn't been repaired by the microscopic machines so much as it had been taken over. Although the machines were brought under control Tony's fate is far from definate. Tony is a man under siege from an enemy he can't control or predict.
Tony's nanites have given him an affinity with machines and allowed him to control some very quirky technology his company has developed including a high tech battlesuit that proved fatal to other pilots.
Tony is grateful for the amazing powers granted by his nanites but ultimately fears them and often turns to drinking and carousing to take his mind off the millions of invaders he has coursing through his viens.

REAL NAME: Bruce Banner [Is Identity Secret: Yes]
QUOTE: "The actual physics involved in my transformation are quite com......err..where was I?? Me say....RARRRR.....HULK SMASH!!
OCCUPATION: Scientist / Natural Disaster
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Ultimate's Containment Facility
PERSONALITY: Bruce is a mild mannered man of amazing intelligence who is plagued by his own undue feelings of inadequecy. The HULK is a towering monster that trades Bruce's formidable Intellect for astronomical strength and resillience.
BASIC POWERS & TACTICS: Bruce is a super genius with gadgets and an amazing intellect at his disposal. As the HULK Bruce is a rampaging monster. Bruce has developed some limited control over the transformation allowing him to maintain control up to a certain point.
BACKGROUND: Bruce Banner was attempting to develop a super soldier formula based on Captain America's original serum but only had limited success. Striving for results he tried the serum on himself and was transformed into the HULK and went on a massive rampage. Since his capture by the Ultimates Bruce has used his intellect to develop his control over the transformation but he lives in fear of the fact that he can only access the true stength of the HULK if he abandons his intellect and allows his primal rage to run rampant.

Tell me which you prefer and I'll start working on the write up


First Post
Bihlbo said:
I'd like a strength modifier suggestion. I'm not sure how Colossus is
"supposed" to measure up compared to the other heavy hitters in the Marvel
U. It would help to have a benchmark. I can raise or lower it from there
according to my taste for the character. I'm thinking mainly he's going to
be nigh-indestructible.

Build it as you want, but if you want suggetsion, I see Colossus as much as good in combat than many other X-men, but when it's time to lift, now you're talking about one of the most powerfull in ultimate universe, so I suggest you to take the stunt of Super-Strenght: lifting, to represent that fact. Just imagine how much weight a nuclear submarine, that's would be your target.

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