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Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC


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Kailju continues to charge towards the nearest vehicle, intent on hurling it towards the group that seemed focus on things other than themselves (as well as expose any agents using it for cover). He spared a brief look over at the Professional and growled, "No fair! You said no gets that badly hurt! You can't change your mind like that! Or else!" And with a heave he throws.

::throwing the vehicle if he can, as mentioned above, feel free to make any rolls for me it will be easier in the long run::

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Citizen V drops to the ground in a crouch, his rapier out and held in his right hand. He rises and walks through the chaos towards a group of clustered 'Packers. A stray bullet hits the ground near his feat, but he doesn't deign to notice it. He stops and points his blade at the attackers. His voice echoes throughout the battlefield, as if he has some type of amplifier built into his mask.

"Rat Pack! Here is your opportunity to surrender! We are the THUNDERBOLTS! And this city is under our protection!"
Without waiting for a response, he rushes towards the nearest soldier. The man utters a curse and begins to raise his gun, but Citizen V spins about and slams the guard of his sword into the man's head. There's a sound like a hammer hitting a watermelon, and the man spins and falls to the ground, unmoving. Citizen V hits, and the minon is knocked unconscious.

"Tens and fives, fire on the gold tango!" shouts one of the Rat Pack. It's not hard to determine who they're talking about, as a hail of gunfire suddenly erupts around Kaiju. Bullets stitch the ground, and quite a few hit the giant, but none do any damage. All they do is seem to make him angrier. Two of the four attackers hit Kaiju. But nothing gets through.

At the same time, one of the Rat Pack jumps on top of a nearby transport, trusting to the 'Chaser to provide him cover from the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. He raises his MP5 at the back of The Professional, who is readying to attack another target. He opens fire with a grin. But he's not called The Professional for nothing. At the last possible moment he seems to sense another attacker, and he falls prone to the ground, both legs out and horizontal. Jean Claude himself would have been proud. The bullets go over his head, and he quickly slides back up to a standing position. One attack on The Professional, he misses. Fool. Went for higher ground but there's no bonus for it! Ahem.

A Rat Packer a bit to the southwest of the 'Chaser opens fire on Fracture. A few bullets hit the vehicle just over his head, but come nowhere near him. The Rat Pack are trained, but it's obvious that they're rattled. Regardless, one of them has a bit of moxie. He throws a small oval shaped device no larger than an egg at the feet of Fracture. One thought goes through his head. Grenade. He moves quickly, trying to jump clear of the explosion. But he's almost too slow. The explosion propels him forward, shrapnel flying everywhere. But Fracture somehow twists in mid-air and controls the jump. He lands on his feet, none the worse for wear. One opens fire on Fracture but misses. Reflex save vs. grenade fails by one. Ouch, another bad roll. Thankfully he has Evasion, so he only takes half damage. He makes the toughness roll easily. End of Rat Packs turn.

But Fracture doesn't stop. He continues running and then leaps into the air. A distinctive *scrunch!* is heard as bone blades erupt from his hands. One of the Rat Packers sees him coming, and stands - almost as if to flee. But he is too late. Two jagged pieces of bone slide through his upper chest, pinning him against the wall to a security hut. The man shrieks as he realizes his clavicle has been shattered in two different places. Fracture releases him and he falls to the ground. Still conscious (though barely), he looks up at Fracture standing above him. Through blood-stained lips he says, "Who... are... you?" Fracture easily hits(1d20+12=30). Rat Packer fails his toughness roll miserably. (1d20+6=11)

Then Verdant enters the battle. He calmly surveys the fighting, and picks his opponent with a nod. He reaches his hand out, and with an odd grinding noise, it stretches and grabs the soldier that fired on The Professional. The arm itself seems composed of some type of bark-like flesh, with an occasional green vine wrapped around it. The hand literally dwarfs the soldier. There's a *crunch* sound, and the soldier begins to yell out something, but it's too muffled to understand. He's not going anywhere. Verdant hits easily (1d20+8=28). Grapple check for Verdant is (1d20+9=25), and for the Rat Packer it's a 1! Wow. (1d20+1=2). He's grappled, to be sure. I'm assuming you're pinning him for now.

Next up: Twister, SHIELD, and Kaiju. Feel free to start with round 3 moves. You've taken out about 1/3 of the forces you know of. I would write more, but I have to do some work! Edit - as an aside, Citizen V's initiative is 19.


I aim to misbehave
The Professional

Kaiju said:
"No fair! You said no gets that badly hurt! You can't change your mind like that! Or else!"
"I know, I know . . . it was an accident, the guy stepped into it . . . nobody does that," the Professional replied. 'Definitely not memorizing his move,' he thought. Looking at the guy he just attacked, Professional said, "Run . . . and you'll live."

Then he moved 30' toward the group of five, attacking when he got there.

OOC: Definitely Move, then attack, looking to redirect if it comes to that. Remember improved defense when in melee against ranged attacks.
Last edited:


lissilambe said:
(ooc: um, I thought I mentioned what Kaiju was doing in my post just above, the one just above your results post)
You sure did. I was just saying that I had to take a break before I finished the move. :)


First Post
(ooc: Got it. Misunderstood what you wrote, thanks for clearing up...I thought you meant that we were to respond next...been a long day for me too. Thanks)


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Fracture(Deckard); 1 HP

Dayspire said:
Through blood-stained lips he says, "Who... are... you?"

Fracture smiles down at the unfortunate soul. "The Thunderbolts. Like the Ultimates only without the presidents hand up our butts." Fracture ducks slightly as Kaiju sends a flaming truck over his head. As he looks back down into the pain filled face of his victim he gives his best stare. "You should run now."

Fracture looks up to the Packers who just lost their cover to the rampaging Golden Giant.
"You should run too. He don't look happy. And I'm starting to get pissed too." A feral grin spreads across Fractures face as teh bones in his face shift to add a darker harsher cast to his features.

OOC: Intimidate all of the rat packers as a move. With the -5 and skill mastery that is an intimidate of 18. Standard action to Total Defense. Defense is now 24. Evasion and elusive target might apply.


With a roar, Twister flies over to a huddled group of Rat Pack soldiers who have retreated slightly to hide behind a cement berm. As their uniforms begin to flap from a sudden strong wind, they all look up with a "What now?" expression. Twister glances at the nearby helicopter, and then back at the grouped Rat Pack. He lets the poor soldiers have it.


An enourmous column of wind smashes into the group, slamming them into the ground. The nearby berm shatters into a pile of rubble, and the asphalt cracks. You can only imagine what it does to the Rat Pack. Four of them are unmoving, some with arms and legs twisted and broken. Shockingly, a single soldier managed to leap away from the blast at the last possible moment and landed awkwardly behind another berm. Twister looks back at the Helicopter and gives a big thumbs up. Only one makes his reflex roll. Area Affect attacks are nasty. No one but that single lucky 'Packer makes the toughness roll.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents send up a cheer as they see that they have a group of superhumans fighting on their side. They advance, sending out suppression fire and trying to keep the Rat Pack from fleeing. One not-so-bright agent shouts out, "It's the Ultimates!"

Kaiju takes a step forward and puts his now huge hands underneath one of the APC's. With a grunt he lifts it into the air. Cracks appear in the asphalt around his feet, and something inside the APC makes a loud CLONK! sound. A crouching Rat Pack soldier who was using that APC as cover looks up at the scowling behemoth. His weapon drops to the ground with a clatter. He puts his hand forward and all he has time for is one pleading word.


But Kaiju is no killer. With a louder grunt, he throws the APC twenty feet, where it smashes into another transport with the sound of twisting metal. You hear a couple of screams of pain from behind that vehicle, but they are quickly silenced. A single soldier begins crawling away from the wreckage, leaving his weapons behind. Kaiju now uses his 10' reach to grab an APC. He lifts it and throws (he could throw it 25' total, but he only throws it 20'). I considered it like an area attack with an improvised weapon. He misses both, but one fails by less than 2, and considering the sizethe soldier has to make a reflex save. He doesn't make it. Damage is +9, +2 for the APC. Soldier fails, and is probably pinned beneath the wreckage of two APC's.

OOC: Round Three later today! Repeating Initiative, so everyone is clear on it. Interestingly enough, the Invisible Castle was having a problem properly reporting rolls. Hopefully they'll fix it soon.

Professional rolls a 17 (+9) = 26
Citizen V rolls a 14 (+5) = 19
Rat Pack rolls a 14 (+1) = 15
Fracture rolls a 2 (+11) = 13
Verdant rolls a 11 (+2) = 13
Twister rolls a 10 (+1) = 11
SHIELD Agents rolls a 3 (+1) = 4
Kaiju rolls a 1 (+1) = 2


Tactical: There are a total of five transport vehicles. One was on fire before you arrived, and is heavily damaged. Two others lie smoldering, one on top of the other courtesy of Kaiju. Hiding behind berms and the remaining two transports are approximately 10-15 more Rat Pack members. They are spread out, but a half move can get any of you to a cluster of them. Sorry for the confusion, I'm trying to keep it somewhat abstract.

"Run... and you'll live."

That's all the Professional has to say to the wounded Rat Pack soldier. He drops his weapon with a dull thud, and takes off running. Ignoring him, the Professional stalks over to a group of three that have been firing on the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents from behind a concrete berm. As he does so, an explosion goes off from one of the demolished APC's, lighting the scene briefly for a moment. Professional ignores it. He brings his katana down in a diagonal stroke, the blade cleanly slicing through the body armor of the first soldier. A spray of blood covers the blade and part of the Professional's arm, painting it red. As he brings the blade back, his left foot shoots out and pins one of the soldiers to the berm by his neck. The katana follows the foot and slides almost effortlessly into the man's chest. The third soldier begins to rise, but he is far too slow. The Professional frees his katana and elbows the man in the throat in one smooth motion. As he stumbles back, the Professional is on him. He becomes a whirlwind with his katana, leaving a dozen small cuts all over the poor soldier's body. Even his face mask is ripped off by the vicious attack, showing the wide eyes of a very scared young soldier. The Professional readies another attack, but the bloody Rat Packer goes down with a sigh. First attack on RP#1 is a hit. 1d20+12=21. #1 fails his toughness roll (1d20+5=7). Attack on RP#2 is a hit(1d20+12=17), thought it's close. He too fails(1d20+4=12) a toughness roll. Prof hits on #3 (1d20+12=18), who fails his toughness roll (1d20+4=16). Trifecta for the Professional.

"Rat Pack! Primes cover mousehole!"
says an amplified shout from one of the soldiers. Almost instantly, most of the Rat Pack ceases fire and begin to retreat. You see them flee in a variety of different directions, scattering to make capture difficult. They do leave behind a group of four, who try to cover their unit's retreat with a burst of automatic gunfire.

It looks like you have them routed.

OOC: Considering they're fleeing, if you'd like to adjust your move - feel free. Otherwise, I'll assume that you attack the rear guard.


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The huge man will move towards those holding the line for their partners, growling menacingly. Then he will open his mouth wide and release a gout of radioactive energy that tears across the asphalt just deliberately before them, following with, "Drop your weapons and give up now! Or I can't promise you'll survive this!" The atomic steam slipping out between his lips after the terrible blast.

::Moves toward the firing soldiers, and then fires his blast in front of them to intimidate them into dropping their weapons and surrendering; will deduct three points from his defense to add to his attack to make sure he doesn't hit them directly::

Voidrunner's Codex

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