Dragonlance Unconverted Dragonlance creatures


Shirokinukatsukami fan
From Dragons of Triumph (DL14):
  • School of Salmon - Animal
From Dragon Dawn (DLA1):
  • Hurdu - Humanoid
From Otherlands (DLR1):
  • Spirit, Wisdom - Deathless
From Dwarven Kingdoms of Krynn:
  • Calnar Horse - Animal
  • Raptor Birds - Animal
From Seeds of Chaos:
  • White Tiger - Animal
From The Sylvan Veil:
  • Irda Tree - Unique Plant
From Rise of the Titans:
  • Darken Owl - Magical Beast
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First Post
Echohawk said:
From Dragons of Truth (DL13):
  • Revenants
Now I'll be the first to admit that I don't know a lot about Dragonlance but is the Dragonlance revenant much different from the Faerunian revenant (Monsters of Faerun) or the Mystaran revenant (a conversion of which can be found here.)?



Draconian, Sesk can be done by applying the proto-creature template to the Sivak Draconian (BoK)

Zhakar dwarves are dark dwarves as per DLCS

both types of lizard man are just that, lizard folk/men ... change culture and civilization and you're pretty much set


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Mortis said:
is the Dragonlance revenant much different from the Faerunian revenant (Monsters of Faerun) or the Mystaran revenant
Now that I check, no not really ;). The revenants in DL13 are "in most respects identical to those found in the Fiend Folio", which went on to become the revenant template in MoF. I'll drop them from the list, thanks!


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Wolf72 said:
Draconian, Sesk can be done by applying the proto-creature template to the Sivak Draconian (BoK)
I agree that that would be a good way to build a Sesk draconian, but I can't seem to find any confirmation of that in the BoK, so I'm hesitant to remove this one.

Zhakar dwarves are dark dwarves as per DLCS
Hmmm... they might be a type of dark dwarf, but I can't find any mention of them on page 14 of the DLCS. Both the Thiewar and Daegar are mentioned there, and they both have separate entries in the MC4. And the Zhakar were small creatures in the MC4, unlike their cousins, so I don't think the dark dwarf racial traits in the DLCS would work for them.

both types of lizard man are just that, lizard folk/men ... change culture and civilization and you're pretty much set
The Jarak-Sinn and Bakali seem to have abilities that normal lizardfolk don't: venomous spittle and "squirt blood" (which doesn't seem to be explained in MC4). Not to mention that the Jarak-Sinn are large creatures, rather than medium. I don't think they can quite be counted as updated to 3.X yet.

Cam Banks

Echohawk, do you own all of the MWP products? Races of Ansalon, Bestiary of Krynn (revised), Dragons of Krynn, etc?

A lot of these are either already converted (with a new name) or not considered part of continuity (like the astral dragons and kodragons) and thus won't be converted.

Trust me, we've been over lists like this with a fine toothed comb in the past. ;)



Shirokinukatsukami fan
Cam Banks said:
Echohawk, do you own all of the MWP products? Races of Ansalon, Bestiary of Krynn (revised), Dragons of Krynn, etc?
Yes, all of them :)

A lot of these are either already converted (with a new name) or not considered part of continuity (like the astral dragons and kodragons) and thus won't be converted.

Are you able you point out the critters that have been converted with new names? I have checked all the MWP Dragonlance products for creatures, but I could easily have missed updates if the creatures have new names.


First Post
The following monsters can be found in Bestiary of Krynn Revised (as well as the original Bestiary of Krynn): Vapor imp (formerly known as the Blood Sea imp), chaos spawn (carrion wretch, cedar wretch, sand wretch), shadow wight, Urkhan worm (also known as tractor worm). As I mentioned above, the death statue can be found in Dragons of Spring.

The astral dragon is no longer considered part of official continuity and I think the ice bear is just a standard polar bear or perhaps a dire or advanced version of the polar bear.


Cam Banks

Death Statues - Construct / Dragons of Spring
School of Salmon - Animal Swarm
Bear, Ice - Animal / Dragons of Winter (used advanced polar bears)
Dragon, Astral, Unmated - Dragon / No longer in continuity
Dwarf, Zakhar - Humanoid / Races of Ansalon, Dark Dwarf
Imp, Blood Sea - Monstrous Humanoid / Bestiary of Krynn (renamed Vapor Imp)
Ogre (of Krynn), Orughi - Giant / Races of Ansalon, use half-ogre plus aquatic traits
Shimmerweed - Plant / Now a hazard; Key of Destiny errata supplement
Draconian, Sesk - Dragon / Use proto-creature + Sivak
Hurdu - Humanoid / Not converted, use lizard folk
Curotai - Aberration / No longer in continuity
Dragon, Spider - True Dragon / No longer in continuity
Ice Vampire - Undead / Not converted
Spider Horse - Aberration / No longer in continuity
Weapon, Living - Construct / Not converted
White Tiger - Animal / Use advanced tiger (in this case, it's a shapeshifted wizard)
Chaos Sentinel - Elemental / Not converted
Shadow-Wights - Undead / Bestiary of Krynn
Cedar Spawn - Plant / Bestiary of Krynn, renamed Cedar Wretch
Sand Spawn - Elemental / Bestiary of Krynn, renamed Sand Wretch
Scavenger Spawn - Undead / Bestiary of Krynn, renamed Carrion Wretch
Darken Owl - Magical Beast / Giant Owl variant
Tractor Worm - Vermin / Bestiary of Krynn, renamed Urkhan Worm


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