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Undead Origins


From the Ashes

From the Ashes
Animus: The animus is a unique undead creature created by priests of the evil Power Hextor with the help of infernal, fiendish aid.
The exact processes by which animuses have been brought into being are unknown. What is known is that priests of Hextor, using a form of resurrection spell, together with fiends, work on the corpse and spirit of a slain human to create the animus, working its special defenses into its body and affecting its spirit. Ivid wanted single-minded, utterly loyal servants. What the priests and fiends created was a creature with the capacity to be ferociously single-minded and cold in its motivations and utterly implacable in its pursuit of what it wanted. How they did that, and whether the result was exactly what they wanted, is not clear.
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Bone Colossus: Once per month, if the caster has access to twenty skeletons that he or she animated. the Bone Wheel of Nebirkors can cause the skeletons to fuse together into a larger undead entity called a bone colossus.
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Vecna Lives

Vecna Lives
Kas the Terrible, Vampire: As he lived out the remainder of his years, Kas was steeped in the energies of the Negative Material plane. Slowly these accumulated and transformed him. The energy ate out his body from the inside. Finally, it seized his heart and soul, but Kas did not die. Instead, Kas the Terrible was transformed into one of the most fearsome of undead, a vampire.
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WGR1 Greyhawk Ruins

WGR1 Greyhawk Ruins
Troll Spectral: It has recently been noted that humans slain by a spectral troll become spectral trolls themselves in three days, unless a proper burial ceremony is performed (by a priest of the victim’s own religion, of course).
There has been much speculation about the origin of spectral trolls. Some sages maintain that the spectral troll is simply a magical variant of normal troll, and they point to its lack of a negative material bond (i.e., no energy drain) as proof of their position.
However, others maintain that the lack of an energy drain is no proof that the troll wraith is not undead, as many admittedly undead creatures possess no such attack. They point to the skeleton, zombie, and even the lich as prime examples of their position.
Few believe that the troll wraith is a magical cross-breed, created by some mad wizard for his evil pleasure, as it is obvious to all that the solitary and belligerent nature of the creature makes it useless as a guardian or even as an assassin. If it was an experiment, they agree, it was certainly a failed one.
There is new speculation that the troll wraith is not undead at all, but is in fact the product of some powerful curse gone awry. New information from dubious sources also seems to link the fate of the troll wraith to that of the mysterious shades, rumored to dwell on the plane of Shadow.
In any case, the ecology and nature of the spectral troll, or troll wraith, is an active topic for debate among the many retired adventurers and sages-for-hire dwelling throughout Greyhawk. The actual truth behind the suspicions, allegations, and suppositions may never be known.
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A Guide to the Etheral Plane

A Guide to the Ethereal Plane
Apparition: Sometimes when a poor sod is slain, his spirit lingers on the Border Ethereal in the form of an apparition: a skeletal being loosely wrapped in ethereal tatters that resemble cloth bandages.

Ghost: When clueless primes of great evil perish or when poor sods die a particularly traumatic or untimely death, their spirits sometimes linger to haunt the site of their passing.
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Masque of the Red Death

Masque of the Red Death
Tanner Jacobbi, Heucuva: In the late 1700's, a lighthouse and monastery were built on the largest of the fragmentary Gull Islands. Construction was difficult due to bad weather and the uneven terrain of these rocky outcroppings, but the workers were indefatigable. Shortly thereafter, 25 members of the Order of the Flame of Saint Nicholas took up residence on the island.
One of the monks was a young man named Tanner Jacobbi, new to both the order and the strict devotions of the monastic life. Despite this, he found himself charged with manning the lighthouse one stormy night in January of 1775. The winds of a great nor'easter ripped at the dark sea, and an endless blanket of rain and snow made it all but impossible to see. Jacobbi sat at his post, watching the sea and maintaining the beacon of the lighthouse. It was not long, however, before the monotony of his duty and the almost hypnotic gale outside caused him to drift into a deep sleep.
Within an hour, the beacon of the lighthouse failed. Not far away, the British frigate Resplendent fought to keep afloat in the mighty storm. Bound for New England, she was destined to end her journey that night on the rocky coasts of the Gull Islands. When the frigate ran aground and shattered, her cargo of black powder ignited and exploded. Fire swept across the island, destroying the monastery and killing its inhabitants.
For Jacobbi, who died in the disaster, this was, the beginning of an endless torment.
Dracula, Vampire: With his dying breath, he vowed that he would trade all that he held sacred for the chance to avenge himself. The Red Death heard his plea and responded. Dracula become one of the most dangerous and devoted servants of evil on the face of Gothic Earth.
Coetlicrota, Zombie Lord: With the coming of the next full moon, Coetlicrota performed a dark and evil magic ritual in which he vowed that he would gladly trade all of his magical powers for the chance to avenge his people. The Red Death, or some element of it, heard his pleas and acted upon them. As the ceremony was completed, Coetlicrota and all his followers fell dead, only to rise again at the next full moon as a pack of zombies under the absolute control of the zombie master Coetlicrota.

Zombie: With the coming of the next full moon, Coetlicrota performed a dark and evil magic ritual in which he vowed that he would gladly trade all of his magical powers for the chance to avenge his people. The Red Death, or some element of it, heard his pleas and acted upon them. As the ceremony was completed, Coetlicrota and all his followers fell dead, only to rise again at the next full moon as a pack of zombies under the absolute control of the zombie master Coetlicrota.
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Children of the Night Ghosts

Children of the Night Ghosts
Mae Upton, First-Magnitude Ghost: Mae Upton passed away on the very morning that the heroes entered Stangengrad. In a cruel twist of fate, her spirit did not go on to whatever final rest awaited it. Instead, Mae found herself still attached to this world, retaining all her memories but also awash in a dreadful epiphany; she was given complete understanding of exactly what had happened to Jimmy and exactly how it was all her fault. Another flash of inspiration told her that in order to escape the same fate she had unwittingly inflicted on her son, she would have to find a cure for his condition. To this end, she walks again in the world of the living for the sole purpose of securing the heroes’ aid. If they save Jimmy, they also save her.
On the day of Jimmy’s encounter with Fennelstock, Mae heard several neighbors tell tales of what happened. She became convinced that her son had been killed. The guilt she felt was overwhelming; she had lied to her only child and used his love for her to send him into a confrontation from which he never returned. She devoted the rest of her life to helping the poor, caring for the debilitated, and preaching the ways of honesty to her former partners in crime. She did all this in the hopes of regaining enough of her honor to be able to look her son in the face when they meet in the afterlife.
Ghost Cat, Unfamiliar, Minor Fury: ?
Wilhelm Pellman, First-Magnitude Ghost: Wilhelm had been trying to find Mark, to warn him about Kole’s particularly angry mood that day. He caught up with his friend just in time to see the final blow. When he saw Mark’s body go limp and fall to the ground, Wilhelm screamed, turned, and fled into the street, where he was struck by an out-of-control cart carrying vegetables to the market.
Wilhelm lay where he fell, bleeding from a massive head wound. A local innkeeper known as Mother Ladria held him and tried to make sense of his last words as he died. Because of the violent scene that he witnessed just before his death, Wilhelm became a ghost.
Susannah Joson, Third-Magnitude Geist: At last, Rafe convinced Susannah to go with him for a romantic boat ride on the pond, promising it would help “put to rest her torturous fears over what had happened to her family.” He pinned a red rose to her dress to win her over, and the tactic worked to his ends once more. Then, he rowed to the center of the pond and absently asked what she would give to learn her family’s fate, to which she responded “my life!”
“Fair enough,” said Rafe with a cruel chuckle. He plucked the rose from her shoulder and threw it into the water, where Susannah slowly focused upon her brothers and parents, just barely visible in the depths. As she screamed in horror, Rafe seized her from behind and held her head under the water so she could look into the vacant eyes of her dead family while she, herself, drowned. When she stopped struggling, he took a knife and cut her ring finger off, claiming the family heirloom of her grandmother’s wedding ring.
Susannah is a third-magnitude geist, owing to the fact that she died traumatically.
Jediah Joson, Second-Magnitude Ghost: Susannah’s parents and two brothers are all second-magnitude ghosts. Their ghostly origin is due to sudden death, strengthened by the betrayal of Rafe.
Meriam Joson, Second-Magnitude Ghost: Susannah’s parents and two brothers are all second-magnitude ghosts. Their ghostly origin is due to sudden death, strengthened by the betrayal of Rafe.
Aldan Joson, Second-Magnitude Ghost: Susannah’s parents and two brothers are all second-magnitude ghosts. Their ghostly origin is due to sudden death, strengthened by the betrayal of Rafe.
Tomon Joson, Second-Magnitude Ghost: Susannah’s parents and two brothers are all second-magnitude ghosts. Their ghostly origin is due to sudden death, strengthened by the betrayal of Rafe.
Pond Zombie: The ghost Susannah’s passion and beauty have made quick work of many men, so lots of bodies lie in the pond. They rise much like the Josons do, as a variety of the common zombie.
Theona Helsvar, Third-Magnitude Ghost: Finally realizing what was happening as her sentence was read aloud by the mayor, Theona started invoking her spell. Unfortunately, she was tied to a stake before she could finish the spell. Searching out the figure of Monica, Theona stared at the girl as her body began to bum. As pain swept over her, Theona continued to stare at Monica until a wave of disorientation hit her. She blinked and found herself standing among the townspeople, watching as her dead former body was burned to ashes. Looking down at herself, she realized that she was in Monica’s body.
Monica Ferrier, Second-Magnitude Ghost: Instead of departing, Monica’s spirit managed to remain nearby, intent on regaining her stolen body.
Lord Alexander von Lupinoff, Third-Magnitude Ghost: Just as the moon reached its zenith, Alexander appeared at the edge of the clearing in wolf form. After the wolf killed the goat and settled down to its meal, the villagers opened fire with their bows and mortally wounded it. As the wolf lay dying, its form shifted into that of Alexander von Lupinoff. The villagers backed away in awe and terror. Fearful that Alexander might live long enough to understand what his former friend had done to him, Claude stepped up and delivered the final, killing blow with the same silver dagger he had used to kill the sorcerer. As Claude struck, Alexander fully realized his former friend’s part in the whole situation. While part of Alexander was saddened by his friends betrayal, another part of him, the aspect of Alexander that had been attracted to the wolf form, cursed his former friend and killer. He wished Claude to suffer the rage and despair that filled the final moments of his own life until such time as Claude confessed his crime.
Lord Claude Hornberg, Second-Magnitude Ghost, Mutable Ghoul-Ghost Hybrid: ?
Sir Marcus Malvoy, Third-Magnitude Ghost: The beast found Marcus and tormented him. Sir Marcus cried for mercy and, finally, for death. The undead creature surrounded Sir Marcus with the bodies of his allies and animated them. They all cursed him with dead tongues, and Sir Marcus cried out, beseeching the monster for release.
Finally, the undead beast put Sir Marcus to death. Even then, Sir Marcus’s story did not end. Sir Marcus can no longer escape his torment, any more than he can escape his world.
Hurrek the Giant, Fourth Magnitude Ghost Stone Giant: The temple remained hidden for about thirty years, but then a truly cruel warlord found it, and Hurrek died by torture. As he had tortured people in the past himself, his new nature made the experience even more unbearable as he realized the pain he had caused others. The agony brought him back from death as a very powerful but very sad ghost.
Accalus, First-Magnitude Ghost: Acchalus’s violent death and, more importantly, his failure to defend the temple, caused him to return as a ghost.
Marta, Geist: This is Marta, a warrior who fell in the battle and arose as a geist, a harmless restless spirit.
Lord Bryg Colvin, Wight: ?
Nicholai Melantha, Third-Magnitude Ghost: Enraged by this “back-talk,” the father proceeded to beat Nikolai harder and more violently than ever before. Nikolai died to the screams of his mother and sister. As life left him, his final words were: “Don’t you ever touch my sister again, you monster.”
Intelligent Zombie: If a wizard or priest spends 1d4 minutes flipping through the pages of the book, the hero realizes that the text covers the creation of zombies through the use of a magic powder rather than the casting of actual spells. A pinch of the powder must be thrown into the face of the victim, and if he breathes any of it, or gets any in his eyes, he dies within a minute. After ten minutes, he reanimates as an intelligent zombie who is unwaveringly loyal to his creator. Only a dispel magic or neutralize poison spell will stop the process. (Slow poison delays the inevitable.)
Additionally, Nanette has one use of the magical powder that creates zombies. During the first round of combat, she throws it into the face of an attacking hero (with only a -1 penalty to her attack roll, due to the called-shot penalty being offset by her high Dexterity). The hero must then make a successful saving throw vs. death magic, or die within 1d4 rounds-only to rise again as a zombie under Nanette’s complete control (but with all his skills intact).
Rhianna, Third-Magnitude Ghost: Rhianna’s guilt at being involved in so many horrible deaths overpowered her so much that she has become a restless ghost.
Duncan MacFarn, Fourth-Magnitude Ghost: When the door closed, Duncan barred it from the outside with a four-inch beam of solid oak that dropped into iron receivers two inches thick. His archers on the vented roof drew their ashen bows and rained death on Donal and his men from the murder holes Duncan had carved.
When the last man (Donal himself) twitched a final spasm, Duncan’s men opened the door, reentered the hall, and knifed any who showed brief signs of life. They removed the tables and the remains of the feast, and then returned with the paving blocks. Donal and his men were interred on the bare soil, and Duncan’s varlets laid the dressed floor stones atop their bleeding corpses. The hall they reset for dining, and the victors sat to drink and feast.
One year later, on the anniversary of that bloody, tragic night, Duncan MacFarn of MacFarn, Chief of Clan MacFarn, came home to celebrate his wedding in the ancient keep. The chief, his blushingly beautiful new bride, and the entire bridal party gathered in the feast hall. Just as the last guest entered, the oak door slammed shut. The four-inch beam, without human agency, fell into its thick receivers, and the stones of the floor began to fly. In their hundreds they flew, whirling and smashing about the room, striking and bashing and hammering; death rode bloody wings that night. Everyone was slain. Duncan lay smashed and broken, penetrated by granite shards.
Ghost of Hospitality, Third Magnitude Ghost: When the door closed, Duncan barred it from the outside with a four-inch beam of solid oak that dropped into iron receivers two inches thick. His archers on the vented roof drew their ashen bows and rained death on Donal and his men from the murder holes Duncan had carved.
When the last man (Donal himself) twitched a final spasm, Duncan’s men opened the door, reentered the hall, and knifed any who showed brief signs of life. They removed the tables and the remains of the feast, and then returned with the paving blocks. Donal and his men were interred on the bare soil, and Duncan’s varlets laid the dressed floor stones atop their bleeding corpses. The hall they reset for dining, and the victors sat to drink and feast.
One year later, on the anniversary of that bloody, tragic night, Duncan MacFarn of MacFarn, Chief of Clan MacFarn, came home to celebrate his wedding in the ancient keep. The chief, his blushingly beautiful new bride, and the entire bridal party gathered in the feast hall. Just as the last guest entered, the oak door slammed shut. The four-inch beam, without human agency, fell into its thick receivers, and the stones of the floor began to fly. In their hundreds they flew, whirling and smashing about the room, striking and bashing and hammering; death rode bloody wings that night. Everyone was slain. Duncan lay smashed and broken, penetrated by granite shards.
Vlana Waldershen, Fourth-Magnitude Ghost: Two days after Vlana locked herself in the tower, the annual harvest festival took place in the village. As Thaeos reigned over the festivities, young Drugen enjoyed watching the jugglers and listening to the music of the minstrels. At the festival’s climax, Vlana appeared suddenly in her old Vistani garb and made long accusations about Thaeos’s treachery and deceitfulness. Just when her vituperative cries seemed to reach the pinnacle of ferocity and hatred, Vlana invoked a terrible curse, condemning the entire Waldershen line for Thaeos’s crimes against her. After her vile declaration, she leaped at him, but Thaeos was quicker. He ducked her charge and, grabbing a sword from his chief advisor, Bracy, struck the baroness through the heart. Vlana writhed in agony as the cold steel bit her flesh, and she died within moments. At her death, her shade caressed Drugen (using her cause wound ability) and then fled to the manor and took up residence in the mausoleum, where she has rested undisturbed ever since.
Josephine de Monceau, Third-Magnitude Ghost: ?
Ezekiel Preston, Fourth-Magnitude Ghost: One winter’s day, while trying to find a good spot to beg for more coins, he stumbled over a frozen corpse. Instead of seeing the corpse’s face, however, he saw his own. Fear settled deep into Preston’s bones. That night, while lying shivering in the poorhouse and brooding over Amalia’s love for another man, he vowed that death would never hold him. The next morning, his corpse was thrown onto a heap with several others while his ghost watched gleefully.
Amalia Preston, Second-Magnitude Ghost: On a gloomy winter day precisely six months after Willem’s demise, Amalia sat straight up in her bed and spoke to her maid. Her figure was bony and her hair matted, but in her eyes danced the old sparkle of life. “I’ll soon see Willem!” she announced. “Help me get ready!” Then her voice dropped to a whisper. “Make sure that we are together in this world for all eternity.” Then Amalia fell back into her pillows and died.
Preston, despite her deathbed request, buried Amalia on the edge of the woods behind his home, with a white marble stone marking her grave.
When Willem turned thirteen, he and Amalia (who was eleven) stood under a spreading oak tree and promised themselves to each other forever, sealing their pact with a kiss. When Amalia turned fourteen and finished school, they planned to marry.
In the meantime, Amalia’s parents promised her hand to Ezekiel Preston. The young couple pleaded with Amalia’s father and mother to cancel the wedding, but the Wrights would not hear of it. Amalia cried every day as the wedding approached. Her parents realized that a bride who cried through her wedding day would be quite a spectacle and would not reflect favorably on anyone. They postponed the wedding until they could ensure that their daughter was restored to physical and mental health.
Overjoyed at her temporary freedom, Amalia ran from the house, saddled her horse, and set off to find Willem. At his home, however, she learned from a neighbor that he had left the house in a rage, carrying a sword and cursing Preston under his breath. Amalia rode swiftly to Preston’s home, hoping to prevent Willem from committing an act he would regret.
Upon reaching Preston Hill, she could hear angry shouts so she spurred her horse up the slope. As she crested the hill, she caught sight of Preston and Willem sparring with each other, but a sudden flash of steel in the moonlight told her she was too late. Willem staggered and crumpled to the ground, a victim of Preston’s quick dagger. The following day, Willem was laid to rest in the graveyard adjoining the school where he and Amalia played as children.
Willem Tyson, Third-Magnitude Ghost: When Willem turned thirteen, he and Amalia (who was eleven) stood under a spreading oak tree and promised themselves to each other forever, sealing their pact with a kiss. When Amalia turned fourteen and finished school, they planned to marry.
In the meantime, Amalia’s parents promised her hand to Ezekiel Preston. The young couple pleaded with Amalia’s father and mother to cancel the wedding, but the Wrights would not hear of it. Amalia cried every day as the wedding approached. Her parents realized that a bride who cried through her wedding day would be quite a spectacle and would not reflect favorably on anyone. They postponed the wedding until they could ensure that their daughter was restored to physical and mental health.
Overjoyed at her temporary freedom, Amalia ran from the house, saddled her horse, and set off to find Willem. At his home, however, she learned from a neighbor that he had left the house in a rage, carrying a sword and cursing Preston under his breath. Amalia rode swiftly to Preston’s home, hoping to prevent Willem from committing an act he would regret.
Upon reaching Preston Hill, she could hear angry shouts so she spurred her horse up the slope. As she crested the hill, she caught sight of Preston and Willem sparring with each other, but a sudden flash of steel in the moonlight told her she was too late. Willem staggered and crumpled to the ground, a victim of Preston’s quick dagger. The following day, Willem was laid to rest in the graveyard adjoining the school where he and Amalia played as children.

Lich: ?
Wight: ?
Bastellus: Rhianna’s mother discovered her limp body the next morning. In an effort to prevent further night terrors from springing from Rhianna’s death, her family cremated the body (which prevented her from becoming a bastellus like the one that killed her).
Ghost: If the Waldershen have died and the heroes have not managed to banish Vlana from the manor grounds with her ashes, she takes control of the manor house and attempts to rule the lands around it. She begins terrorizing the village and turns her victims into ghosts bent-on serving her needs.
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RQ1 Night of the Walking Dead

RQ1 Night of the Walking Dead
Marcel Tarascon, Zombie Lord: Jean took Marcel straight to the village shaman, who attempted to raise Marcel, but failed. Jean cried out in pain and left with his brother’s body. The shaman did not understand the true outcome of his failure, but Jean did, for his bond with his twin was strong. Instead of regaining life, Marcel had become an undead creature of the foulest sort. Marcel Tarascon had become a zombie lord!
He describes the stormy night on which Jean brought Marcel to him about a month ago. Marcel was quite dead, torn apart by undead hands. “I retrieved a scroll from my small collection and attempted to raise poor Marcel,” Brucian continues, “but something went wrong. Marcel remained dead, and Jean cried out in anguish. He spirited away the corpse of his brother. That was the last I saw of Marcel, and the last time I saw Jean alive.”
Jeremiah d'Gris, Zombie: ?
Duncan d'Lute, Zombie: ?
Jordi, Ghoul: Jean Tarascon's servants have all become ghouls, turned into the foul creatures by eating carrion at the madman's insistence.
To fully participate in Marcel's new state of existence, Jean has ordered the family servants to feast on dead human flesh as well. This has turned his servants into ghouls.
Teresa, Ghoul: Jean Tarascon's servants have all become ghouls, turned into the foul creatures by eating carrion at the madman's insistence.
To fully participate in Marcel's new state of existence, Jean has ordered the family servants to feast on dead human flesh as well. This has turned his servants into ghouls.
Luc the Ghost: If Luc is killed anytime during the adventure, his ghost returns to haunt the PCs.

Zombie: Marcel Tarascon's odor of death.
Marcel Tarascon's animate dead.
Skeleton: ?
Ghoul: Jean Tarascon's servants have all become ghouls, turned into the foul creatures by eating carrion at the madman's insistence.
To fully participate in Marcel's new state of existence, Jean has ordered the family servants to feast on dead human flesh as well. This has turned his servants into ghouls.
Ju-Ju Zombie: ?
Monster Zombie: ?

In addition, the odor of death that surrounds Marcel affects all living beings who come within 30 yards of him. Characters must save vs. poison or suffer one of the following effects:
1d6 Roll Effect
1 Weakness (as the spell)
2 Cause Disease (as the spell)
3 –1 Point of Constitution
4 Contagion (as the spell)
5 Character unable to act for 1d4 rounds due to nausea and vomiting
6 Character dies instantly and becomes a zombie under zombie lord's control

Three times per day, Marcel can cast animate dead to create zombies. By using this power on living beings, he can also turn them into zombies. In either case, the range of this innate power is 100 yards. If a living target fails a saving throw vs. death, he is instantly slain and rises in 1d4 rounds as a zombie under Marcel's control. (Marcel's ability to create zombies has been enhanced.)
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RA2 Ship of Horror

RA2 Ship of Horror
Lebentod: The first lebendtod were created by a powerful necromancer. Thrilled with his new servants, he gave his creations the ability to turn their victims into lebendtod in order to propagate the “species”. Any lebendtod can create another lebendtod by killing a victim and breathing into its mouth as the victim breathes its last breath. The victim must then by isolated and left undisturbed for 72 hours. If these conditions are met, the victim awakens as a lebendtod.
Lebendtod can be created by high-level wizards or by the lebendtod themselves.
The Graben’s condition is the result of Meredoth’s necromancy. When the domain formed, Meredoth realized that he needed a way to maintain the supply of bodies required for his research. In time, he developed the necessary magic, poisoned the entire family, then converted their bodies to their current state.
Jacob, Ghost: Jacob and Charlotte are likewise victims of Garvyn’s greed. He was paid to deliver their bodies to a mausoleum, but he took the money and dumped the bodies overboard.
Charlotte, Ghost: Jacob and Charlotte are likewise victims of Garvyn’s greed. He was paid to deliver their bodies to a mausoleum, but he took the money and dumped the bodies overboard.
Madeline Stern, Ghost: Garvyn was hired by a wealthy family to transport Madeline’s body to the family mausoleum on a small island. He was paid for the job, but instead of completing his mission, he dumped her body overboard rather than make the three-day journey to the island.
Skeletal Shark: ?
Squirrel Skeleton: ?
Rabbit Skeleton: ?
Ferret Skeleton: ?
Chipmunk Skeleton: ?
Cat Skeleton: ?
Opossum Skeleton: ?
Bird Skeleton: ?
Monkey Skeleton: ?
Small Dog Skeleton: ?
Sheep Skeleton: ?
Pig Skeleton: ?
Goat Skeleton: ?
Large Bird Skeleton: ?
Panther Skeleton: ?
Cheetah Skeleton: ?
Wolf Skeleton: ?
Coyote Skeleton: ?
Large Dog Skeleton: ?
Mule Skeleton: ?
Boar Skeleton: ?
Badger Skeleton: ?
Kangaroo Skeleton: ?
Bear Skeleton: ?
Moose Skeleton: ?
Horse Skeleton: ?
Lion Skeleton: ?
Elephant Skeleton: ?

Ghast: If the body of a lebentod's victim is disturbed before 72 hours have elapsed, the victim awakens as a ghast.
Skeleton: ?
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