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Undead Origins


Imperial Age True20

Imperial Age True20
Mummy: Mummies are preserved corpses animated through the auspices of forgotten Egyptian gods.
Apparition: Apparitions are the spectral remnants of intelligent beings that, for one reason or another, cannot remain at rest.
Ghost Apparition: ?
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GAZ3 The Principalities of Glantri

GAZ3 The Principalities of Glantri
Vampire: Alone among his kind, prince Morphail can choose whether his victim will be a vampire or a nosferatu.
Nosferatu: A nosferatu has all the abilities of the vampire, but may choose whether its victims come back as nosferatu or not.
Alone among his kind, prince Morphail can choose whether his victim will be a vampire or a nosferatu.
Undead: Third Circle Necromancer power.
Lich: Fifth Circle Necromancer power
Prince Morphail Gorevitch-Woszlany: Prince Morphail's power is due to his obsession with immortality. He managed to gain an Immortal's attention, and promised to serve him for as long as he would live in this world, if the Immortal would reveal him the path to Immortality. The Immortal was Alphaks (see module Ml), a Lord of Entropy. He accepted Morphail's kind offer, and gave him a great quest at the end of which Morphail became a nosferatu.
Lady Natacha Datchenka, Nosferatu M12: ?
Sir Boris Gorevitch-Woszlany, Nosferatu M18: ?
Lady Tatyana Gorevitch-Woszlany, Vampire M12: ?
Sire Claude d'Ambreville, Vampire F10: ?
Sir Mikhail, Vampire T16: ?
Lord Youri Ivanov, Vampire M10: ?
Lady Szasza Markovitch, Nosferatu M12: ?
Lord Piotr-Grygory Timenko, Vampire M9: ?
Lord Laszlo Wutyla, Nosferatu M9: ?
Lady Myra McDuff, Haunt M10: Years ago, a large orcish tribe from the Wendarian Reaches overran her barony. After the orcish king forced her to marry him and bear his child, he assassinated her. After the garrison from Fort Nordling drove the orcs back to the mountains, Myra returned to the tower as a ghost and tricked the Viceroy into believing she was still alive.
Prince Brannart McGregor Lich M33: He attained the status of lichdom years ago when overusing the powers of the Radiance.

Create Undead (Third Circle): Upon completion of studies in the Third Circle, a necromancer may create undead monsters. He must first research the arcane ceremony and components needed to create each type of undead desired and write them down in his Book of Necrology. Finding these dark ceremonies is similar to spell research (see "Creating Spells and Magical Items"); each two HD of undead equals a level of spell research. For example, creating zombies requires first level spell research, wraiths require second level research, fifth level for vampires, ninth level for revenants, etc. Necromancers cannot create liches at any level whatsoever.
Each undead a necromancer creates remains permanently under the necromancer's control; the control undead ability is not needed. The necromancer cannot create more HD of undead during any one ceremony than he has levels of experience. The ceremony takes 1d6 turns for creatures with no special abilities (no asterisk after their HD statistics). Otherwise, the ceremony takes 1d6 hours per asterisk. For example, a ceremony to create skeletons takes 1d6 turns; creating vampires takes Id6 hours; ghosts require 4d6 hours. A body is necessary for each corporeal undead (skeletons, zombies, wights, vampires, etc). Only a portion of a body is required for immaterial undead (wraiths, haunts, phantoms and spirits), although each part must come from a different body. Created undead are permanent and cannot be dispelled, except for skeletons and zombies.
A roll of 01 causes the necromancer's life-force to be partially drained, his attempt failing lamentably. He suffers Id6 points of damage per HD of undead he attempted to create, plus 5 for each asterisk (no save). If the necromancer dies, he immediately becomes an undead of the type he attempted to create.
Attain Lichdom (Fifth Circle): The High Master of Necromancy can become a lich of the appropriate level. The ordeal of becoming a lich takes a day per level of experience. Once a lich, the necromancer remains one forever. He controls undead as per rules on Lieges and Pawns (see DM Masters Book, page 22 for more detail). This power replaces the normal necromancer's control undead ability. The lich otherwise retains all other abilities particular to necromancers.
The prime components of this power are a pint of venom from a nightcrawler's tail stinger and the skull of a red imp (see "Critters from the Cauldron").
There are other liches in the world, but only one at any time can be a necromancer lich (the High Master).
A roll of 01 determines the High Master's ultimate fate. He immediately becomes a true Immortal, a screaming demon (see D&D® Immortal set) under the DM's control. The creature gates to the Sphere of Entropy after totally wrecking the necromancer's tower and ravaging his dominion, if any.
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GAZ10 Orcs of Thar
Thar, King of the Broken Lands, Chief of Orcus Rex, Supreme Commander of the Legion, Nosferatu Orc 29/SH12: The undead's anger was such that the creature reached Thar and caught him off guard and alone. Thar was defeated and shortly after became a nosferatu himself.
Ghost: ?
Mummy: She managed to recover parts of her late husband, which she reanimated in the form of a mummy.
Mummifiers, Chalhuanaca & Son: Priests and nobles are traditionally mummified after their death. This is one of the best known places where mummification is performed.
The Chalhuanacas are a family of goblins who have been practicing mummification for generations, using obscure shamanistic rituals. The Chalhuanacas also run a butcher stand at the market where they sell discarded organs as gourmet food, or spell casting components to wiccas and priests.
Is it commonly thought that mummification ensures life after death. Mummies are placed in family crypts under the city; these places are taboo. Mummies are rumored to animate and stalk their profaners until they get revenge by way of horrifying curses.
The mummified remains of orcish high priests.
Dormant Undead: ?
Nightshade: ?
Nightwalker: ?
Nightwing: ?
Vampire: ?
Nosferatu: ?
Wizard-Prince of Boldavia, Nosferatu: ?
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Black Sheep NPC Codex Vol. 1

Black Sheep NPC Codex Vol. 1
Pathfinder 1e
Lilliana, Ghost Gnome Wizard 3: Lilianna served for many years as an entertainer to the royal court. Her illusions entertained adults and children alike. It was a shock to all when she suddenly killed the king. Tried and sentenced to death by hanging, Lilianna died a traitor to her people.
This wasn't the end however. Lilianna hadn't killed the king. She had been framed by an unknown party. Anger at the injustice had brought her soul back, and her arcane power bound her spirit to her spell book. Now she protects the royal family while seeking out the assassin.
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Black Sheep NPC Codex Vol. 2

Black Sheep NPC Codex Vol. 2
Pathfinder 1e
Desmond's Hand: The true origins of this annoying abomination are supposedly lost to the years. Only rumor and odd legends surround it now. Most involved in arcane circles knowingly attribute the severed hand to long dead wizard named Desmond. Not many kind things can be said about Desmond as he seemed to lead a life of wanton hedonism. One example of his wasted skill was a spell that undressed a sleeping person. Not many of the people he traveled with found the spell as funny as him, ultimately leading to him being blacklisted by most adventuring groups in most cities. He did eventually find a group, and in particular female half-orc bard, that shared his rather aggravating sense of humor. Life can sometime be poetic, albeit in a morbid way. According to the tale, the female bard was working on an axe juggling act she wanted him to see. The half-orc bard did well at two, then three, but things went wrong at the fourth axe. The phrase, “wizards should never try axe catching!”, is often spoken at this point.
The story continues with Desmond delving into the necromantic arts to feed life, in a way, into the embalmed hand. Desmond now had an unliving hand, which he very unwisely made into his familiar.
Thomas the Imaginary Friend, Greater Shadow: “You will stay here boy. Don’t try to return home.”, said the terrified boy's father.
Thomas looked around at the near endless expanse of nothing around him with tears freezing to his face. When the child turned to where his father had been, Thomas saw that he was already leaving. The heartless man walked away without even a glance back. Thomas screamed out to his father as the he labored hard to catch his father in the rising snow. He was just too small, too cold, and too exhausted. Thomas still pushed his body until his lungs hurt, and fits of coughing started. Collapsing into the snow the child looked around in the whiteout, his father nowhere to be seen. Thomas had no idea what to do, then the boy heard the howls of wolves.
Shroud, the Black King, Simulacrum Half-Elf Sorcerer 10: Few suspect it but a part of the King of old remains trapped within his enchanted burial shroud.
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8-Bit Adventures Welcome to the Fungal Kingdom

8-Bit Adventures Welcome to the Fungal Kingdom
Pathfinder 1e
Scaredy Ghost: ?
Undead Turtle: The origins of these creatures is shrouded in mystery, but the common story is that they were created by the Turtle King himself to allow him access to what he assumed had to be vast treasure troves hidden in the haunted mansions of the Fungal Kingdom.
At first the Turtle King was frustrated at the ease with which the unquiet spirits of the Fungal Kingdom rebuffed his attempts to explore the old and decrepit houses that dotted the landscape, casting out his Turtle Legion and preventing access to what must be the best treasures and resources. To combat this, he delved into some necromancy of his own, creating the nigh-indestructible undead soldiers that serve him today. With his new skeletal servitors at his disposal he quickly explored these haunted sites, learning that they held little of interest.
It can be created by an animate dead spell, but only if the subject was originally a turtle soldier.
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Occult Rituals of the Necromicon: Vol. 1 Undead

Occult Rituals of the Necromicon: Vol. 1 Undead
Pathfinder 1e
Mummy Lord: Many cultures practice the sacred art of mummification, though the sinister magical techniques used to imbue corpses with undead vitality are far less widespread. In certain ancient lands, such blasphemous techniques have been refined through centuries of ceremony and countless deaths, giving rise to mummies of terrible power. On rare occasions, if the deceased was of great rank and exceeding malevolence, he might undergo such elaborate rituals, rising from his tomb as a fearful mummy lord. Similarly, a ruler known for his malice or who died in a moment of great rage might spontaneously arise as such a vengeful despot.
“Mummy lord” is an acquired template that can be added to any living corporeal creature that has at least 8 Hit Dice. The process of creating a mummy lord requires 50,000 gp worth of rare herbs, oils, and other mummification materials.
Sand of Flesh ritual.

Zombie: Land of the Damned ritual.

Flesh of Sand
School Necromancy; Level 8
Casting Time 8 Hours
Components V, S, M (bandages and spices), F (rare herbs, oils, and other mummification materials worth at least 50,000 GP [as described in template])
Skill Checks Heal DC 30, 3 successes; Knowledge (planes) DC 30, 2 successes, Knowledge (religion) DC 30, 3 successes
Range Self
Duration Permanent
Saving Throw None; Spell Resistance no
Backlash Caster gains 2 permanent negative levels
Failure The caster is exhausted and suffers from Mummy Rot
With several hours of preparation, the caster seals themselves into an occult symbol covered coffin filled with sand. The ritual slowly drains the life force from the caster, and replaces it with the powers of the undead. Hours later, the caster rises from the coffin, with the powers and abilities of a Mummy Lord.

Land of the Damned
School necromancy; Level 9
Casting Time 9 hour
Components V, S, M (Sea Salt), F (Onyx statue of death worth 10,000GP)
Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) DC 33, 3 successes; Knowledge (nature) DC 33, 3 success; Knowledge (religion) DC 33, 3 success
Range touch
Duration permanent
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Backlash Caster is exhausted
Failure the caster is afflicted with a more potent version of the Zombie Rot disease (DC 17; 2 saves; 1d2 Con; 1/day).
Under the light of a waning moon, the caster makes a large circle of occult symbols with the sea salt. Inside this circle, the caster buries the onyx statue beneath the soil, while performing an ancient curse.
Any creatures of Small size or larger killed within a one mile radius of the buried statue rise as uncontrolled zombies 24 hours after their death, as do corpses buried in the area. Burning or dismembering the corpses prevents them from rising as zombies.
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Adventurer Conqueror King System

Adventurer Conqueror King System
Adventurer Conqueror King System
Undead: These beings were alive at one time, but through foul magic or by dying at the hands of another undead type, have risen again as undead horrors.
Chaotic spellcasters who reach 11th level or higher may transform creatures into intelligent undead through the black arts of necromancy. The undead must not have HD greater than the spellcaster’s class level, and may not have more than one special ability plus one special ability per point of the spellcaster’s ability score bonus from Intelligence. EXAMPLE: Quintus, an 11th level mage with 16 INT, can transform creatures into undead with up to 11 HD with 3 special abilities each.
It requires 2,000gp per Hit Die plus an additional 5,000gp per special ability to grant unlife. The process takes one day per 1,000gp of cost. The creature to be transformed must be dead when the ritual is completed, but it can only have been dead for 1 day per HD, so it is often best if preparations are begun before the creature is killed. A spellcaster may transform himself into an intelligent undead using necromancy if desired, by killing himself at the conclusion of the ritual.
Granting unlife requires a magic research throw. If the creature is willing, the target value for this throw is increased by +1 for every 5,000gp of necromancy costs. If the creature is unwilling, the target value for the throw is increased by +2 for every 5,000gp. Using precious materials can affect chances of success of granting unlife, as above. The success or failure of the necromancy will not be known until the creature is dead.
To perform necromancy, a necromancer must have access to a private mortuary and embalming chamber at least equal in value to the cost of the necromancy. For every 10,000gp of value above the minimum required for the necromancy, the spellcaster receives a +1 bonus on his magic research throw. By using precious materials, the spellcaster can gain a bonus on his magic research throw, as described above.
Transforming a creature into an undead monster also requires special components. Components are usually organs or blood from one or more monsters with a total XP value equal to the cost of the research. If the undead has special abilities the creature providing the components must have at least as many special abilities. The Judge will determine the specific components based on the necromancy involved. If the undead has particular needs (a phylactery, coffin, etc.) these must also be provided. If a character doesn’t know the components at the outset of the necromancy, he learns them when the necromancy is 50% complete.
Corpses in shadowed sinkholes have a 10% chance to return as undead in 1d12 months unless their bodies are burned.
Corpses in blighted sinkholes have a 20% chance to return as undead in 1d4 days unless their bodies are burned.
Corpses in forsaken areas have an 80% chance to return as undead in 1d4 rounds unless their bodies are burned.
Ghoul: Formerly human, but now flesh-eating undead mockeries of their former existence, ghouls are fearsome enemies of all things living.
All humans slain by ghouls rise again in 24 hours as ghouls, unless the spell bless is cast upon their bodies.
Mummy: Mummies are preserved undead corpses animated by the dark arts of Zahar, and commonly guard the old tombs and lost ruins of that fell kingdom.
Skeleton: Mummies are preserved undead corpses animated by the dark arts of Zahar, and commonly guard the old tombs and lost ruins of that fell kingdom.
Animate Dead spell.
Spectre: Should a character be slain by a spectre, he will become a spectre 24 hours after his death.
Vampire: Vampires create others of their kind by draining humans or other humanoids of all life energy. A character slain by a vampire will return from death as a vampire after 3 days.
Wight: Wights are undead creatures who were formerly humans or demi-humans in life.
Any human or demi-human slain by a wight becomes a wight in 1d4 days.
Wraith: Wraiths are incorporeal undead creatures born of evil and darkness.
Characters slain by a wraith become a wraith in 24 hours.
Zombie: Zombies are undead corpses reanimated through dark and sinister magic.
Animate Dead spell.

Animate Dead Range: touch Arcane 5 Duration: special
This spell turns the bones or bodies of dead creatures into undead skeletons or zombies that follow the caster’s spoken commands. The caster may animate a number of Hit Dice of undead equal to twice his caster level each time he casts this spell. Animated skeletons have Hit Dice equal to the number the monster had in life; for skeletons of humans or demi-humans, this means one Hit Die, regardless of the character level of the deceased. Zombies have one more Hit Die than the monster had in life. An animated skeleton can be created only from a mostly intact skeleton; a zombie can be created only from a mostly intact corpse. The caster must touch the remains to be animated. Animate dead normally lasts for just one day, but the spellcaster can make the spell permanent by sprinkling 1 vial of unholy water per Hit Die on each zombie or skeleton. If this is done, the undead remain animated until they are destroyed or dispelled.
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Lairs and Encounters

Lairs and Encounters
Adventurer Conqueror King System
Blood Hound: Created from a lithe human corpse, skin stripped to ease movement and entrails removed to reduce weight, a blood hound is no hound at all, but a necromantic attack beast. The joints of the arms and legs are twisted and re-set, permitting the blood hound to crawl swift and low to the ground. The tongue is set with a hollow tip of sharp bone, and reattached with its base inside the mouth rather than down the throat; this, gives the blood hound a piercing tongue attack that it can use in close quarters. The tongue is also used to drain a victim’s blood, replenishing the blood hound’s necrotic flesh and permitting it to retain its flexibility.
Death Chargers: Undead cavalry, death chargers are created by necromantically bonding and stitching the upper body of a zombie-like humanoid to the back of a re-animated warhorse.
The death chargers were created from the burned corpses of soldiers and mounts that died in the fire, and are truly hideous to behold.
Desert Ghoul: Like other ghouls, desert ghouls attack with claws and bite. Their attacks do not paralyze their victims, but any humanoid creature that suffers the loss of 50% or more of its total hit points to a desert ghoul is infected with ghoul fever and will become a desert ghoul in 2d6 days. This transformation can be prevented with the cleric spell cure disease if cast before the disease has taken full hold.
Draugr: ?
Flay Fiends: Eight diagonal crosses have been erected in a 30' diameter ring. From each of the eight diagonal crosses hangs a corpse, crucified upside down and painstakingly flayed from head to toe, exposing its muscles, ligaments, and blubber. Below each flayed body lies a pile of flesh, the skin of the body, red and sticky with gore. The torturous executions that took place here generated necromantic energies that transformed the ring of crucifixion into a shadowed sinkhole of evil and the skins of the deceased into eight flay fiends.
Haugbui: Risen from those slain by a draugr in its barrow, haugbui are silent, decaying corpses that largely resemble zombies and may be mistaken for them at first glance with disastrous results.
Anyone slain by a draugr within its barrow will rise after 24 hours as a haugbui in thrall to the draugr.
Hoarflesh: The hoarflesh, the frozen dead, are born of those unfortunate souls who perish in the frozen wilds of Jutland and Rorn. Some of those who die as the ice creeps into their bones and veins animate as these frozen undead, perfectly preserved as they were at the moment of death.
Anyone slain by a hoarflesh rises in 24 hours as a hoarflesh themselves.
The frozen dead were once Jutland warriors, slain in battle during a snow storm. Their comrades could neither bury the fallen in the frozen soil, nor burn the corpses in the wintry precipitation, so they commemorated them with a crude runestone and abandoned them to the cold. Now the hoarflesh seek revenge on any who still have warmth.
Mummy Lord: Mummy lords are long-dead kings, high lords and sorcerers transformed by necromantic arts into powerful undead.
The evil rituals used to create mummy lords imbue the monsters with the ability to bestow curse (the reverse of remove curse) and charm person at will.
Nathaghol: A frightful fate awaited those caught trespassing in the tombs of the Zaharans – transformation into a nathaghol.
Necropede: A necropede is a terrible abomination, the necromantic fusion of multiple humanoid torsos, stitched in-line, the creation’s many arms serving as legs, propelling the foul thing swiftly across all manner of terrain, and even up walls and cliffs. Most necropedes are constructed using six torsos, but they may be made with more or less.
Venous Sentinel: The necromantically-animated heart and veins of a humanoid, a venous sentinel is a terrible, alien thing, a pulsing heart set at the center of a mass of writhing, sharp-tipped arteries and veins. Sometimes created during the mummification process when the heart and arteries and carefully removed, venous sentinels can be found set as guardians in Zaharan tombs, as well as secured in canopic jars, ready to attack when inadvertently released.

Undead: The entirety of Nirgal’s temple is a shadowed sinkhole of evil. Corpses in it have a 10% chance to return as undead in 1d12 months unless their bodies are burned.
Due to terrible black magic worked in its creation, the calendar stone is a vortex to the Nether Darkness, and radiates a forsaken sinkhole of evil in a 12' radius from its perimeter. Corpses in the sinkhole have an 80% chance to return as undead in 1d4 rounds unless their bodies are burned.
Ghoul: ?
Mummy: ?
Skeleton: ?
Spectre: ?
Wight: ?
Wraith: ?
Zombie: ?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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