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Undead Origins


Player's Companion

Player's Companion
Adventurer Conqueror King System
Skeleton: Undead Legion spell.
Zombie: Undead Legion spell.

Undead Legion Range: touch
Arcane Ritual 9 Duration: permanent
This ritual can only be cast in a place of death (such as a cemetery, catacomb, or battleground). When it is complete, the spellcaster raises an undead legion under his command from the corpses and skeletons residing therein. The undead legion will include a number of Hit Dice of skeletons or zombies equal to 200 times the caster’s level, subject to the maximum number of dead in his area. Whether the undead legion consists of skeletons or zombies will depend on the state of the corpses in the surrounding area. Animated skeletons have Hit Dice equal to the number the monster had in life, excluding class levels; for skeletons of humans or demi-humans, this means one Hit Die regardless of the class level of the deceased. Zombies have one more Hit Die than the monster had in life. The undead legion normally lasts for just one week, but the spellcaster can make the spell permanent by sprinkling 1 vial of unholy water per Hit Die on each zombie or skeleton. If this is done, the undead remain animated until they are destroyed or dispelled.
EXAMPLE: Sebek, a 14th level mage, travels to the catacombs of Old Zahar, in order to perform the undead legion ritual. After 9 weeks, his Magic Research throw succeeds, so he animates 2,800 Hit Dice of undead. Since the Old Zaharans mummfied the dead, the corpses are relatively intact and become zombies. Sebek’s undead legion consists of 1,400 2 HD human zombies. Sebek then sprinkles his army with unholy water so that it will remain animated indefinitely. The ritual has taken 9 weeks to complete, at a cost of 74,500gp (4,500gp for the ritual and 70,000gp for unholy water). Compared to the cost of training and equipping 1,400 heavy infantry (177,800gp), Sebek considers his ritual a wise investment.
Note that if undead legion is cast in a sinkhole of evil, the spellcaster will calculate the spell effects as if he were one or more class levels higher than his actual level of experience. See Sinkholes of Evil in Chapter 10 of ACKS for more information on sinkholes and places of death.
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Adventurer Conqueror King System
Barrow Wight: Living creatures struck by a barrow wight lose one level or hit die. Should a character lose all levels, he dies and will become a barrow wight himself in 1d4 rounds, under the control of the barrow wight that created him.
Crypt Thing: ?
Ghast: ?
Grave Risen: They arise in places where the blood from slain spellcasters has permeated the ground; the latent arcane energies in the blood seep into the corpses of those who die nearby and animate them as grave risen.
Lich: A lich is a mage of 11th level or higher who has used necromancy to transform himself into a terrible form of undead.
Termaxian Mummy: The Termaxian mummy is a rare form of undead created by the cult of Turms Termax in order to punish a member who betrayed the cult in some fashion. Through a magical ritual, the betrayer is granted imperishable existence dedicated to a singular task, such as the protection of a cult site against interlopers.
Undead Ooze: ?
Zombie Brute: Zombie brutes are large, hulking undead creatures reanimated through dark magical rituals.
Zombie Juju: ?
Zombie Lord: To date only one zombie lord is known to exist,
but other creatures that die with unfulfilled obligations
or duties might, if slain in environments
rich with ambient azoth, rise in a similar manner.

Skeleton: Creatures that die while engulfed by the undead ooze can be re-animated as skeletons under its control one round later.
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Anger of Angels

Anger of Angels
Vrykolaka: Vrykolakas are created when a fiend possesses the corpse of an evil person and animates it.
“Vrykolaka” is an acquired template that you can add to any humanoid creature.
A humanoid slain by a vrykolaka’s blood drain attack rises as a vrykolaka 1d10 days after its death (possessed by a different fiendish spirit than the one inhabiting its killer).
Nikolos, Human Vrykoloaka Aristocrat 2: ?
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Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea

Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea
Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea
Ghast: Slain victims of ghasts later become ghouls, though with a 2-in-6 chance of becoming ghasts.
Animate Dead II spell, 12th caster level.
Ghost: Cursed with undeath.
Banshee Benevolent: ?
Banshee Malevolent:
Ghoul: Slain victims of ghouls later become ghouls.
Slain victims of ghasts later become ghouls, though with a 2-in-6 chance of becoming ghasts.
Animate Dead II spell.
Ghoul Lacedon: ?
Lich: A lich is the mummy of a powerful sorcerer, knight, overlord, or king who chose a path to (or was made to suffer) unspeakable atrocities.
Mummy: A mummy is an undead monster born of maleficent necromancy using the prepared corpse of a man. In general the corpse is dehydrated and wrapped in resin-coated linen strips that prevent the introduction of moisture. The rites and incantations then performed by the sorcerer are forbidden and rightly damning to one’s soul; these oft require the use of sacred mystery tomes. Some mummies are born of a pact agreed upon by the would-be mummy (whilst mortal) and a dæmon or other netherworldly agent.
Shadow: Any creature drained to 0 str becomes a shadow in thrall to the one that transformed him, and likewise do they become utterly hateful of all corporeal creatures.
Skeleton: Animated and conjured to service by the baleful sorcery of magicians, clerics, and the like, these are the skeletons of men or humanoids.
Animate Dead spell.
Dance Macabre spell.
Skeleton Large: Large skeletons are the animate bones of albino apes, carnivorous apes, mountain apes, and minotaurs.
Animate Dead spell.
Skeleton Giant: Giant skeletons are the animated forms of fomorians and other giant species.
Animate Dead spell.
Skeleton Animal: These are the risen skeletons of carrion, raised to serve the vile purposes of some wicked necromancer.
Skeleton Animal Small: Animate Carrion spell.
Skeleton Animal Medium: Animate Carrion II spell.
Skeleton Animal Large: Animate Carrion III spell.
Spectre: If a man is drained to 0th level, one day later he becomes a spectre serving the one who drained him.
Vampire: Once per victim per day, a vampire can ensorcel a man with its gaze; must make sorcery save at −2 penalty or acquiesce to vampire’s will. Vampire can then bite victim’s neck to drain blood for 1 point of con per round. Those drained to 1 or 2 con become vampire thralls; those drained to 0 con are slain. Survivors regain lost con at 1 point per day of complete bed rest.
Wight: This dreadful creature is formed when a negative energy spirit inhabits a cadaver.
Wraith: A man slain by a wraith will become a wraith in 24 hours, serving the monster that slew him.
Zombie: These undead humanoids, sometimes referred to as the walking dead, are the soulless corpses of men or humanoids animated by witchcraft, necromancy, or a netherworldly curse; in other cases the affliction of zombiism is akin to disease transmission.
A zombie's bite infects victim with the zombiism disease, no saving throw allowed. Infection manifests 1 turn after bite and begins with an intense fever, followed by loss of consciousness 1d6+6 turns later. Within 1d10+2 hours the victim dies; then, 1d6 turns later, he rises as a zombie. Cure disease can disrupt and alleviate this process, if cast before victim’s death.
Animate Dead spell.
Dance Macabre spell.
Skeleton Servant: Skeleton Servant spell.

Animate Carrion
Level: nec 1; Range: 10 feet; Duration: permanent
Skeletons are animated from the bones or carrion of Small animals: amphibians, birds, mammals, and reptiles of natural sort. The animated animals obey the simple instructions of the caster (essentially one-word commands) and follow him unless either slain or turned (see VOL.III, COMBAT ACTIONS, turn undead); the dispel magic spell (q.v.) also nullifies the connexion betwixt the sorcerer and the undead animal. The caster can animate and maintain up to 1 HD of animals per CA level. Even if desiccated flesh remains on their bones, the undead animals have statistics as noted in VOL.IV, BEASTS and MONSTERS: S, skeleton, animal. Animated carrion loses any special abilities possessed in life; e.g., flight, musk, venom. N.B.: For purposes of turning, consider Small undead animals Undead Type 0.

Animate Carrion II
Level: nec 3; Range: 10 feet; Duration: permanent
As animate carrion, but effecting undead animals of up to Medium size. The caster can animate and maintain up to 2 HD of animals per CA level. N.B.: For purposes of turning, consider Medium undead animals Undead Type 1.

Animate Carrion III
Level: nec 5; Range: 10 feet; Duration: permanent
As animate carrion, but effecting undead animals of up to Large size. The caster can animate and maintain up to 3 HD of animals per CA level. N.B.: For purposes of turning, consider Large undead animals Undead Type 2.

Animate Dead
Level: mag 5, clr 3, nec 4, wch 5; Range: 10 feet; Duration: permanent
From the bones or cadavers of dead men or humanoids are the undead animated—skeletons or zombies (Undead Types 1 and 2; see VOL.IV, BEASTS and MONSTERS: S, skeleton; BEASTS and MONSTERS: Z, zombie). The undead will obey without question the commands of the caster, following, attacking, or standing guard as directed. They continue to serve until either slain or turned (see VOL.III, COMBAT ACTIONS, turn undead); the dispel magic spell (q.v.) also nullifies the connexion betwixt the sorcerer and the undead. Through this necromancy the sorcerer can animate and control up to 1 skeleton or zombie per CA level. If suitable remains are at hand, the sorcerer can opt to raise 1 large skeleton per 3 CA levels, or 1 giant skeleton per 6 CA levels (see VOL.IV, BEASTS and MONSTERS: S, skeleton, large and skeleton, giant), though zombies may only be created from the whole corpses of men (or cave-men).

Animate Dead II
Level: nec 6; Range: 10 feet; Duration: permanent
From the fresh graves of men, ghouls (Undead Type 3; see VOL.IV, BEASTS and MONSTERS: G, ghoul) are raised by means of unspeakable rites and forbidden incantations. The selected graves must be no older than one week and dug properly. The ghouls claw out from the earth to obey without question the commands of the sorcerer, following, attacking, or standing guard as directed. They continue to serve until either slain or turned (see VOL.III, COMBAT ACTIONS, turn undead); the dispel magic spell (q.v.) also nullifies the connexion betwixt the sorcerer and the undead. Through this necromancy the sorcerer can animate and control up to 1 ghoul for every two CA levels. If a 12th-level sorcerer raises 5 ghouls and has them in his keeping whilst raising another, the 6th may emerge as a ghast (Undead Type 6; see VOL.IV, BEASTS and MONSTERS: G, ghast) on a 2-in-6 chance.

Danse Macabre
Level: nec 2; Range: 180 feet; Duration: 1 turn per CA level
The corpse of a man or humanoid is animated to undeath and thenceforth controlled like a marionette, the necromancer waving his fingers and dictating the movements of the creature. The danse macabre subject is either a skeleton or zombie (see VOL.IV, BEASTS and MONSTERS: S, skeleton; BEASTS and MONSTERS: Z, zombie). It can be directed to move, pick up objects, or even attack, but requires the constant chanting and gesticulating of the caster. Once the caster ceases to direct, or when the spell’s duration elapses in any event, the creature crumples to the ground. Either form can be turned as Undead Type 1 (see VOL.III, COMBAT ACTIONS, turn undead).

Skeleton Servant
Level: nec 1; Range: 240 feet; Duration: 6 turns (1 hour)
This ritual requires 1 turn to cast, using the complete skeleton of a man or humanoid. The skeleton is animated to an undead creature of limited means. This skeleton servant attends the caster; it can clean, fetch / carry a 10-pound item (or drag a 20-pound item), tie a simple knot, mend a torn cloth or sack, open an unlocked door, or perform other menial tasks throughout the duration of the spell, so long as it remains within 240 feet of the sorcerer. The creature cannot fight. Its relevant statistics are: Undead Type 0; AL CE, MV 30, AC 7, HD ½, #A 0, D —, SV 17, Special: Immune to sleep, charm, and cold magic; edged and piercing weapons inflict ½ damage.
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Basic Fantasy

Basic Fantasy
Basic Fantasy
Ghast: Humanoids bitten by ghasts may be infected with ghoul fever. Each time a humanoid is bitten, there is a 10% chance of the infection being passed. The afflicted humanoid is allowed to save vs. Death Ray; if the save is failed, the humanoid dies within a day.
An afflicted humanoid who dies of a ghast's ghoul fever rises as a ghast at the next midnight.
Ghost: Ghosts are the spectral remnants of intelligent beings who, for one reason or another, cannot rest easily in their graves.
Ghoul: Humanoids bitten by ghouls may be infected with ghoul fever. Each time a humanoid is bitten, there is a 5% chance of the infection being passed. The afflicted humanoid is allowed to save vs. Death Ray; if the save is failed, the humanoid dies within a day.
An afflicted humanoid who dies of ghoul fever rises as a ghoul at the next midnight.
Mummy: Mummies are undead monsters, linen-wrapped preserved corpses animated through the auspices of dark desert gods best forgotten.
Skeleton: Skeletons are mindless undead created by an evil Magic-User or Cleric, generally to guard a tomb or treasure hoard, or to act as guards for their creator.
Animate Dead spell.
Spectre: ?
Vampire: The vampire's bite inflicts 1d3 damage, then each round thereafter one energy level is drained from the victim. The vampire regenerates a 1d6 hit points (if needed) for each energy level drained. If the victim dies from the energy drain, he or she will arise as a vampire at the next sunset (but not less than 12 hours later). Vampires spawned in this way are under the permanent control of the vampire who created them.
Wight: Any humanoid slain by a wight becomes a wight by the next sunset (but not less than 12 hours later).
Wraith: ?
Zombie: Animate Dead spell.

Animate Dead Range: touch
Cleric 4, Magic-User 5 Duration: special
This spell turns the bones or bodies of dead creatures into undead skeletons or zombies that follow the caster's spoken commands. They remain animated until they are destroyed. The caster may animate a number of hit dice of undead equal to twice his or her caster level, and no more. Animated skeletons have hit dice equal to the number the creature had in life; for skeletons of humans or demi-humans, this means one hit die, regardless of the character level of the deceased. Zombies have one more hit die than the creature had in life. An animated skeleton can be created only from a mostly intact skeleton; a zombie can be created only from a mostly intact corpse. The caster must touch the remains to be animated. No character may normally control more hit dice of undead than 4 times his or her level, regardless of how many times this spell is cast.
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The Basic Fantasy Field Guide of Creatures Malevolent and Benign

The Basic Fantasy Field Guide of Creatures Malevolent and Benign
Basic Fantasy
Allip: An Allip is the spectral remains of someone driven to suicide by a madness that afflicted it in life.
Banshee: Banshees are to the fey what ghosts, wraiths, and spectres are to humans.
Blade Spirit: Blade Spirits are restless souls of warriors fallen on the battlefield. The body of a blade spirit appears as a rotting or desiccated form or sometimes seems to be assembled from various corpses, always carrying a distinctive melee weapon. The weapon itself is possessed with the undead spirit which animates the form in order to continue its battles.
Greater Blade Spirit: ?
Bone Horror: Bone Horrors are large, vaguely humanoid creatures constructed from bones and parts from a handful of different creatures, animated to serve its master.
Greater Bone Horror: ?
Cadaver: The conditions that create Cadavers are uncertain, but it's rumored they arise in areas of dungeons or ruins that have been rich in undead for long periods of time.
Giant Ghoul Cockroach: Animated through the use of foul magics, Giant Ghoul Cockroaches are ravenous monsters, seeking to devour all flesh.
Crypt Dweller: Crypt Dwellers are undead creatures improperly buried or placed into graves that have been desecrated or defiled.
Death Dragon: Death Dragons are the skeletal remains of magically powerful dragons that have chosen to become undead for reasons inscrutable to mortals.
Draugr: Draugr are the undead remains of ancient kings, generally found only in their ancient crypts.
Headless Horseman: ?
Heucova: Heucova are clerics who have been cursed to undeath for their faithlessness.
Zombie: Those struck by the
heucova's claws must save vs poison or contract a terrible wasting disease. Each day the target takes 1d3 points of Constitution damage. Those reduced to 0 Constitution die and rise as a zombie on the following day under the control of the heucova. A Cure Disease spell must be used to prevent death.
Lich: A Lich is a former magic-user or cleric (of at least 10th level with all spells and powers intact) who used dark magic to prolong their life into a state of undeath.
Mohrg: Mohrgs are the animated corpses of mass murderers or similar heinous villains.
Necrotic Ooze: The GM should keep track of who is struck by a necrotic ooze; after a fight is over, each stricken victim must save versus poison. If failed the victim will suffer a rotting disease that deals 1d4 points of damage per day unless cured by Cure Disease or better (normal healing has no effect). If slain by the rotting disease, the victim will turn into a necrotic ooze.
Odeum: They are formed from the souls of the murderously insane and will force others to perform similarly heinous acts.
Plague Hound: Plague Hounds are undead canines infected with an infliction similar to ghouls or ghasts.
The plague hound's bite also carries the ghoul fever affliction, but is even more virulent. Each bite has a 10% cumulative chance of infecting the victim with ghoul fever. (Roll once per bitten character, after the encounter is over, at 10% per each bite; for example, a character bitten three times has a 30% likelihood of begin infected). If so afflicted, the victim must save versus Death Ray (at a penalty of -4) or die within a day, only to rise at the next sunset as a ghoul. Any dog or wolf will return as a plague hound.
Ghoul: The plague hound's bite also carries the ghoul fever affliction, but is even more virulent. Each bite has a 10% cumulative chance of infecting the victim with ghoul fever. (Roll once per bitten character, after the encounter is over, at 10% per each bite; for example, a character bitten three times has a 30% likelihood of begin infected). If so afflicted, the victim must save versus Death Ray (at a penalty of -4) or die within a day, only to rise at the next sunset as a ghoul.
Rot Vulture: ?
Skeleton Leaded: Leaded Skeletons are an altered form of a standard Skeleton with a coat of lead over their bones, making them slower but much tougher.
Skelton Crimson Bones: Crimson Bones are a special type of undead created through a combination of alchemy and necromancy.
Haunted Bones: Haunted Bones are the undead skeletal remains of fallen warriors possessed by malicious spirits.
Skeleton Pitch: ?
Vampire Spawn: Vampire Spawn are undead creatures that are created when Vampires slay mortals.
Zombie Flesh Eater: Those who are bitten by a flesh eater zombie and survive have a 5% chance per point of damage of contracting a fatal disease, causing death in 2d4 turns. Those who die from this disease rise in 2d4 rounds as flesh eaters. Cure Disease will prevent death, or if cast on the corpse after death will prevent the corpse from rising.
Zombie Leper: Humanoids bitten by leper zombies may be infected with zombie leprosy. Each time a humanoid is bitten or clawed, there is a 10% (cumulative per bite and blow) chance of the infection being passed. The afflicted humanoid is allowed to save vs. Death Ray; if the save is failed, the humanoid dies in 3 days. An afflicted humanoid who dies of zombie leprosy rises as a leper zombie at the next midnight.
Equipment, arms and armor of one slain by a leper zombie (or used to destroy a leper zombie) carries a 5% chance of transmitting the disease each day. The infection can be removed from gear by washing in holy water, heating with fire or casting Bless on each item.
Zombraire: ?
Skeletaire: A Skeletaire is the final form of a zombraire which has rotted away completely.
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AA1 Adventure Anthology One

AA1 Adventure Anthology One
Basic Fantasy
Insect Zombie: Animate Vermin spell.

Animate Vermin Range: touch
Cleric 1, Magic-User 1 Duration: special This spell turns bodies of dead insects into insect zombies that follow the caster’s spoken commands. They remain animated until they are destroyed. The caster may animate a number of hit dice of undead equal to twice his or her caster level, and no more. The animated vermin have 1 hit dice. An animated vermin can be created only from a mostly intact insect. The caster must touch the remains to be animated. No character may normally control more hit dice of undead than 4 times his or her level, regardless of how many times this spell is cast.
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BF1 Morgansfort

BF1 Morgansfort
Basic Fantasy
Starisel Zelinth, Zombie Necromancer: Deep inside the dungeon is the Altar of Darkness, a powerful evil magic item. A frustrated low-level necromancer named Starisel Zelinth learned of the Altar, and traveled to the caverns to obtain it.
The Altar has the power to animate the dead as zombies. Unfortunately for Starisel, the Altar is too large to move, so he has had to learn about its powers “on location.”
Starisel was a sickly individual, and staying in the cold, damp dungeon and handling the dead made his condition progressively worse. He finally convinced himself that the Altar could make him a lich (a powerful undead wizard) if he poisoned himself while lying on it.
For several days he gave himself small doses of arsenic, until he felt quite sick. Then he laid down on the Altar and drank a large dose of the same poison mixed with a narcotic, and soon he died. The Altar did its work, animating him as a zombie; but as he was also the person controlling the Altar, he was animated in a self-willed form.
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Basic Fantasy
Skeleton: Animate Dead spell.
Corpse Servant spell.
Zombie: Animate Dead spell.
Corpse Servant spell.
Headless Horseman: Call Horseman spell.
Ghoul: Ghoulish Hands spell.
Undead spell.
Mummy: Mummify spell.
Ghast: Undead spell.
Spectre: Undead spell.
Vampire: Undead spell.
Wight: Undead spell.
Wraith: Undead spell.
Ghost: Undead spell.

Animate Dead Range: touch
Necromancer 4 Duration: special
Virtually identical to the Cleric or standard Magic-User version, this spell turns the bones or bodies of dead creatures into undead skeletons or zombies that follow the caster's spoken commands. They remain animated until they are destroyed. The Necromancer may animate a number of hit dice of undead equal to three times his or her caster level, and no more (other casters can only animate twice their level in hit dice). Animated skeletons have hit dice equal to the number the creature had in life; for skeletons of humans or demi-humans, this means one hit die, regardless of the character level of the deceased. Zombies have one more hit die than the creature had in life. An animated skeleton can be created only from a mostly intact skeleton; a zombie can be created only from a mostly intact corpse. The caster must touch the remains to be animated. Normally, no character may normally control more hit dice of undead than 4 times his or her level, regardless of how many times this spell is cast, but for the Necromancer the limit is 6 times his or her level.

Call Horseman Range: 20'
Necromancer 7 Duration: special
This spell calls forth a Headless Horseman which is subsequently given a task to accomplish such as the slaying of one individual. The skull of an appropriately leveled warrior (of the mounted variety) is required to complete the summoning. The maximum level of the summoned Headless Horseman is equal to the caster's level or the actual level of the horseman at the time of his death (whichever is lowest). Thus the aspiring summoner usually works to get the most powerful warrior available, often by arranging the death of the warrior.
Each Horseman is an individual and usually appears in knightly garb similar to that they wore in life only darker and more grim (albeit all non-magical). Of course, as their name indicates, they are headless, but may appear with jack-o-lanterns in lieu of their actual head, ghost-like vestiges, vacant helmets and hoods, or other variations on this theme. The mount of the horseman is always summoned alongside its master. See the Headless Horseman monster entry for additional details and statistics.
The summoner must have possession of the actual skull of the Horseman in order to maintain control over him. If possession of the skull is lost, the horseman will attempt to gain possession of the skull with all the same fervor of his appointed task. If successful, the Horseman may become free-willed or simply vanish (GM's discretion). The spell can only be cast during the night (even if summoned underground), and the Horseman (and mount) remains until the task is complete or the sun rises. The spell must be recast the following night if the task was left unfinished or the Horseman is slain while on task.
The GM might allow other classes access to this spell. The spell remains seventh level, but the maximum level of the horseman is half the level of the caster (instead of equal to the Necromancer's level).

Corpse Servant Range: touch
Necromancer 1 Duration: one hour/level
This spell allows the caster temporarily animate skeletons or zombies. A number of hit dice equal to the caster's level may be animated for up to one hour per caster level. These non-permanent undead do not count towards the Animate Dead spell limitations, but they otherwise conform to the permanent undead created by that spell. Only one instance of this spell may be active at a time for any particular caster.
Animated skeletons have hit dice equal to the number the creature had in life; for skeletons of humans or demihumans, this means one hit die, regardless of the character level of the deceased. Zombies have one more hit die than the creature had in life. An animated skeleton can be created only from a mostly intact skeleton; a zombie can be created only from a mostly intact corpse. The caster must touch the remains to be animated.

Ghoulish Hands Range: touch or self
Necromancer 2 Duration: one round/level
This spell causes the hands of one living creature to become like the horrible claws of ghouls. The bearer of these ghoulish hands may make two clawing attacks that cause 1d4 points of damage each. If the recipient of this spell already had better claw attacks, then they gain a +2 damage bonus to their damage rolls while this spell is in effect. In addition to the damage, those struck by the hands must Save vs. Paralysis or be paralyzed for 2d8 turns (elves immune), exactly like the attacks of a ghoul.
Recipients of this spell must be true living creatures; other creatures such as undead, constructs, elementals, and the like would only waste the spell and they would not receive the effects. There is a 1% non-cumulative chance that on any particular casting of this spell that the recipient is actually infected with Ghoul Fever (per the monster description), which if proper curative steps are not taken, may ultimately result in the recipient's death and rising as an actual ghoul.

Mummify Range: touch
Necromancer 5 Duration: permanent
After careful ceremonial preparations lasting five days, and the application of many rare and expensive unguents, the caster is able to call back the spirit of the dead to reanimate its corpse as a mummy. Mummies so created are of the standard sort (see monster entry). Mummies do not count against the normal limits of controllable undead (per Animate Dead spell), but the caster can maintain control over as many Hit Dice of Mummies as his own level.
Mummies do not travel well, being slow and quickly wear down taking damage on long journeys. They make better guardians for the animator's lair. Preparations for mummification cost 100gp per hit die (500gp per Mummy). A separate casting of the spell is necessary for each Mummy created. It might be possible to create a mummy from a large humanoid such as a giant, however the costs associated with preparation increase dramatically to 5000gp per Hit Die of the final product. More powerful mummies, such as those with intact class-based powers, are generally created through the use of the Undeath spell.
Mummification is generally in the realm of the Necromancer, but occasionally Clerics of certain cults might have access as well.

Undeath Range: touch
Necromancer 6 Duration: instantaneous
As a vile necromantic alternative to the reincarnation spell, this spell can be used to bring back individuals to the world of the living. Upon casting this spell, the caster brings back a dead character (or creature) in an undead state, whether as some sort of reanimated body or as spiritual or ghost-like form. Wicked, cruel, murderous, or so called evil beings will often want to continue their predations in undeath, but for most beings the subject's soul is not willing to return in such a state. Most normal individuals roll a saving throw vs. magic to avoid coming back (rolled as if they were still alive and well), and if successful the spell fails completely as the soul cannot be compelled to return.
Roll on the following table to determine what sort of undead creature the character becomes. Entries marked with (ms) indicate creatures from the Monster Supplement. If that supplement is not available or another result seems more appropriate then the GM may alter the result accordingly.
d% Undead Form
01-25 Ghoul
26–40 Ghast (ms)
41-50 Mummy
51-55 Spectre
56-60 Vampire
61-75 Wight
81-90 Wraith
85-90 Ghost (ms)
91-00 Other (GM's choice)
Since the dead character is returning in a state of undeath, all physical ills and afflictions are generally irrelevant. The condition of the remains is not really a factor so long as the body is largely intact. The magic of the spell repairs or otherwise accommodates any changes necessary to conform to the new undead state, the process taking one hour to complete. When the spell is finished, the new undead being becomes aware and active. The caster has absolutely no special control over the newly 'risen' being. Of course, subsequent spells may be cast, having completely normal effects upon the new undead.
The newly undead character recalls the majority of its former life and form. Its class is unchanged, as are the character's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma (but see below). The physical abilities of Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution should be rerolled or determined by the parameters of the new form. The subject’s level (or Hit Dice) is reduced by 1; this is a real reduction, not a negative level, and is not subject to magical restoration. The subject of this spell takes on all the abilities, hindrances, and disadvantages of the new undead state, having either the undead creature's normal hit dice or will have hit points according to the character's reduced level, whichever is higher. In either case, the character's class abilities are available to the newly risen form excepting any obviously contradicting situations. For instance, climbing is probably of little importance to a ghost-like form. The spell can thus create generally superior undead beings who often go on to lead others of their kind. The undead creature gains all abilities associated with its new form, including forms of movement and speeds, natural armor, natural attacks, extraordinary abilities, and the like, but also must confront any special tendencies of the new state. For instance, a newly risen ghoul hungers voraciously for fetid flesh, and a new vampire thirsts for blood. The compulsions of the undead is very strong, and the behaviors will soon overcome any previous relationships with living beings, although it may experience remorse over killing its former friends. For undead such as ghouls, ghasts, wights, and similar beings, the urges to kill and feed are so strong that they can become effectively mindless (-6 to Intelligence and Wisdom scores) until the urges are temporarily satisfied. Vampires have a bit more conscious control over their hunger and they do not have this penalty. For other types of undead not listed here the GM may assign relevant behaviors that must be followed.
Constructs, elementals, and similar creatures cannot become undead. The creature must have originally been a living corporeal being with some semblance of intelligence. The GM has the final say whether a being rises from the use of this spell. Likewise the GM decides any special situations or special manifestations that may occur from the use of this spell. Generally, any character who becomes an undead immediately becomes an npc under the control of the GM unless he has made special accommodations to allow for undead player characters.
Note: this spell is intended only for Necromancers, as the other spell casting classes have access to similar types of spell (reincarnation and raise dead).
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Misfits & Menaces Tricks & Treats

Misfits & Menaces Tricks & Treats
Mutants & Masterminds 2e
Dracula: Fatally wounded in battle against the Ottomans near Bucharest in 1476, Vlad’s dark soul cried out into the cosmic void and there its call was heard by an incomprehensible power of deepest evil. Perhaps seeing an opportunity or merely looking for a way to amuse itself, this power infused Vlad with some of its dark essence, transforming the warrior prince into one of the undead.
Graveside: A former Mafia foot soldier during Las Vegas’ heyday, Samuel was left out in the desert and buried alive after turning over information to the FBI. Unknown to the toughs that buried him, Sam’s grave was dug in a lost Paiute Native American burial ground and its spirits did not welcome the intruder. After he died of asphyxiation, Samuel’s body rotted rapidly due to the spirits’ anger while his own spirit was cast out to wander the Earth.
The Horseman: A Hessian hussar paid by the British to fight the rebels of the American Civil War, Reichart Hümmel was an especially brutal warrior who made a reputation amongst his enemies for taking the heads of his slain opponents as a means to spread terror amongst the revolutionaries. Ironically, he was slain at the battle of Chatterton Hill in 1776 when an American cannonball skipped across the field and decapitated him while still mounted upon his massive black charger.
Pumpkin Jack: Unfortunately for the serial killer, his first victim in New Orleans was actually a Creole voodoo priestess in the wrong place at the wrong time. With her last breath and using the only thing she had at hand, a straw voodoo doll, the priestess cursed Jack by dispossessing his spirit and casting it into the spiritual ether. Because of the curse’s connection to the voodoo doll catalyst the priestess used, Jack’s soul settled in the first similar straw icon it came across: a straw scarecrow.
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