Undead Origins


Dragon 393

Dragon 393
Mourning Handmaiden: During the first years of the Lady’s exile, several handmaidens stayed with her, offering companionship and sympathy. As these handmaidens died, the Lady sustained them in undeath and sometimes sends these servants to aid her champions.
Spectral Protector: The knight who fell to Lolth’s treachery so long ago lingers as a watchful and protective spirit over his daughter. Although the knight vowed never to bear arms and don armor after his disgrace, he safeguards his offspring from harm by using the Feywild’s magic.
The Lady’s favor rewards you with a fragment of the knight’s essence to fight at your side.
Fallen Star Deva: A deva’s transformation into a creature of evil is a terrifying experience. Rather than hold the darkness at bay, the deva throws wide his or her arms to embrace it. The soul darkens, twisting and writhing, the countless lifetimes screaming and wailing in sorrow, nudging the deva closer to madness. When the deva is finally slain, it rises at once as a horrific undead monster until it is finally put down with purifying light.
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Dragon 395

Dragon 395
Vecna: As a mortal, Vecna proved willing to do things none of his contemporaries dared. He was the first to sacrifice his body to gain immortality as a lich.
Magical mastery enabled Vecna to secure temporal power, with the assistance of his companion Kas. At some point during his ascent, he created the Lich Transformation ritual, then became a lich, and finally authored the Book of Vile Darkness.
Lich: As a mortal, Vecna proved willing to do things none of his contemporaries dared. He was the first to sacrifice his body to gain immortality as a lich.
Magical mastery enabled Vecna to secure temporal power, with the assistance of his companion Kas. At some point during his ascent, he created the Lich Transformation ritual, then became a lich, and finally authored the Book of Vile Darkness.
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Dragon 402

Dragon 402
Vecna: “Nearly two millennia ago in a land known as the Flanaess, the name of the lich Vecna was sung by bards and cursed by clerics. How did he become a lich, and why did he seek to conquer the Flanaess? You may as well ask, ‘Why is the Shadowfell dark, Menodora?’ The cult of Vecna teaches that Vecna was cursed by gods who were jealous of his power. A monk who raves ceaselessly within his cell in a madhouse swore to me that Vecna confronted his own death and imprisoned it in a castle on the gray sands of an alien world, where it wails in eternal torment.
“As entertaining as these tales are, most sources agree that Vecna was a supremely talented wizard who became obsessed with overcoming death when his beloved mother died. He conquered villages in the Flanaess to use the townspeople as subjects for his necromantic experiments. After hundreds of failures Vecna devised a ritual that siphoned power from the planes to animate his lifeless body, giving him immortality as a lich. Imagine: all of those lives destroyed and a soul corrupted beyond saving, just because he missed his mother.
Kas: “Vecna used necromancy to extend Kas’s life, wishing to retain his trusted weapon as long as possible. When Kas’s mortal form had reached the point when even Vecna’s spells could sustain it no longer, the lich fashioned for him a fanged mask of silver, and channeled the energy of undeath into it. By wearing the silver mask and accepting its necromantic embrace, Kas willingly received the dark gift of vampirism.”
“You give me the evil eye? Perhaps you don’t believe me. Possibly you have heard that Kas became a vampire after his famous betrayal, as a result of being imprisoned in Vecna’s Citadel Cavitius, on an ash-covered world so cold that it freezes the very soul. That is what Vecna cultists quoting from the Scroll of Mauthereign would have you think, unwilling to admit that their lord so badly misplaced his trust twice. But is it so hard to believe that Vecna would choose to turn his most trusted warrior into a ‘lesser’ undead, in an attempt to satisfy Kas’s thirst for blood and ensure that he wouldn’t be tempted to steal the greater secrets of immortality?
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Dragon 406
Dead Lord, Kaisharga, Lich: The mightiest of the city’s undead denizens, who were in life the council of high wizards who ruled Ur Draxa in Borys’s name, were transformed into kaisharga—what on other worlds are known as liches. Now calling themselves the Dead Lords, they pay homage to the Dragon and continue to rule in his name.
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Dragon 415

Dragon 415
Haunt of Phelhelra, Castle Gloom: The haunting that inhabits the Phelhelra is rumored to have been present for centuries, growing steadily stronger and “larger” as it widened its reach through the fortress. Other rumors claim it crept out of the “deep darkness beneath the mountains” or is the mad remains of the pasha’s vanished daughter Phelhele . . . but no rumor-offerer knows the truth.
Elminster knows rather more than Sarklan. To his eye, the haunt of Phelhelra is actually a rare, unnamed-in-written-lore form of undead akin to a caller in darkness, but of five or six times the size and strength of a typical one of that sort. Everything Sarklan says about fighting the creature is correct, and it is insubstantial and nigh transparent unless it wills itself to more visible and substantial shape—which it must do to drain life force, which requires direct contact (usually it “rushes through” a chosen victim) and is an act of will, not an automatic attack or property of contact.
A wizard who knows how—such as some Imaskari and more recent Halruaan mages, the former by experimentation and the latter by correctly interpreting and trying written Imaskari records—can embrace this form of undeath instead of lichdom. This sort of entity is anchored to a particular object or group of objects (in this case, Elminster guesses, specific magic items hidden by Veherak el Paeredrhal and not moved since), and so it remains in a particular place and can’t venture far, unless or until the item or items are moved.
Elminster advocates that since most of these undead are unique in their powers, each one be referred to according to where it lurks, so this one he calls “the Phelhelra.” Understanding that sages whose lives will never depend on the differences between specific hauntings created by this obscure process will inevitably desire a collective name for all such creatures, he suggests “castle gloom” or “tower gloom,” because although quite a few haunt and guard their own tombs, almost none of the places these undead are found are underground or unfortified.
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Dragon 416

Dragon 416
Count Strahd von Zarovich: “Now, young one, we must start with the so-called first vampire. You’re right to be skeptical of the title. He’s unlikely to have been the first vampire to walk the world. On the other hand, it’s said he’s the first to be created by death itself. He certainly was the first vampire in his now famously tormented land, Barovia.”
“Strahd would not surrender, not even to death. No, he used his arcane powers to make a pact with death instead. On Sergei’s wedding day, Strahd sealed the pact by murdering his own brother.
“Tatyana fled from Strahd, refusing to hear his attempts to explain himself. The castle guards shot the count during his pursuit. Consumed in grief and horror, Tatyana threw herself from the battlements of Castle Ravenloft. She disappeared into the mists a thousand feet below.
“The count should have died from his wounds, like any normal man. But the pact saved his life, in a way of speaking. He did not die because he could not. He became undead. He became a vampire, and his wrath fell upon the entire wedding party.
Lord Soth, Death Knight: Finally, with her last breath, Isolde cast a curse upon her husband. “You will die this night in fire,” she cried, “even as your son and I die. But you will live eternally in darkness. You will live one life for every life that your folly has brought to an end this night!” With that, the flames engulfed Soth, charring his armor and searing his flesh. Soth witnessed the flames burning everything around him, wood and stone, cloth and iron. His retainers, loyal unto the end, attempted to flee, to no avail. None that were inside Dargaard Keep survived.
And yet the afterlife held no rest for Lord Loren Soth. Isolde’s curse would not let him truly die.
Shaking off the debris and ashes of his fallen home, the creature that once was Loren Soth arose, encased in his own armor. Of all the intricate designs that decorated the armor, only a single rose survived, blackened by the fire. As he came to learn, his divine powers, once fueled by Paladine, became terrible magics of death and hellfire.
Lord Soth, Death Knight, Lord of Sithicus: Finally, with her last breath, Isolde cast a curse upon her husband. “You will die this night in fire,” she cried, “even as your son and I die. But you will live eternally in darkness. You will live one life for every life that your folly has brought to an end this night!” With that, the flames engulfed Soth, charring his armor and searing his flesh. Soth witnessed the flames burning everything around him, wood and stone, cloth and iron. His retainers, loyal unto the end, attempted to flee, to no avail. None that were inside Dargaard Keep survived.
And yet the afterlife held no rest for Lord Loren Soth. Isolde’s curse would not let him truly die.
Shaking off the debris and ashes of his fallen home, the creature that once was Loren Soth arose, encased in his own armor. Of all the intricate designs that decorated the armor, only a single rose survived, blackened by the fire. As he came to learn, his divine powers, once fueled by Paladine, became terrible magics of death and hellfire.
Skeleton Warrior: Isolde’s curse spared no aspect of Soth’s life. His retainers, once loyal beyond reproach, turned into skeleton warriors.
Banshee: Isolde’s curse spared no aspect of Soth’s life. His retainers, once loyal beyond reproach, turned into skeleton warriors. Dargaard Keep became an ashen ruin, distorted by the fire and ravaged by the Cataclysm. Where once it was shaped like a beautiful rose, now it was blackened and crumbling like a wilted flower. And the priestesses that were so instrumental in Soth’s downfall were doomed to serve him as spectral banshees.
Rotting Zombie: In the days of Kalak’s reign, the vast majority of these undead were mindless hordes of rotting zombies, the victims of Kalak’s tyranny who were carelessly tossed into these catacombs to dispose of them.
Withering One: Of the undead that shamble through the undercity of Tyr, perhaps the most bizarre are the zombies that some have come to call the withering ones.
They were born (if such a term is appropriate) at the time when the city of Tyr was dying.
Back when Kalak was still alive and was preparing for his draconic apotheosis, the city of Tyr was awash in defiling magic. Whether the people knew it or not, their sorcerer-king was burning the life force out of the entire city. The living citizens above the ground in Tyr weren’t the only ones who suffered under the sorcerer-king’s greed. In the undercity, the still-rotting flesh of the undead creatures that roamed those catacombs was being affected as well.
Many of the zombies were ultimately destroyed by this prolonged exposure to Kalak’s defiling magic. A special few, however, reacted to the magic by seemingly absorbing it. Those that continued to shamble on after the sorcerer-king’s death had been transformed into zombies that now had defiling magic built into the very fabric of their being.
The withering ones are zombies that have been suffused with defiling magic.
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Dragon 417

Dragon 417
Kesod, Vampire: “But I’m getting ahead of myself. Not destroying the wand was just Kiaransalee’s first mistake. Her second and third were, arguably, allowing both of the dead mortals to be resurrected. She permitted the one named Erehe to be returned to his existence as a consort to a mortal priestess in the Vault of the Drow. The other one, Kestod, she reanimated as a vampire.
Tenebrous: “Some time after Orcus was vanquished—no one can seem to agree on how long—something stirred on the demon’s corpse as it floated in the Silver Void. That’s what you call the Astral Sea, you know, where the
corpses of gods go to rot.
“Some portion of the corpse must have been infused with negative energy, because a new entity emerged—an undead god who opened his eyes and beheld his gaunt, shadowy form. By all reports, he looked like a creature that had been squeezed until all the light had been wrung out of him, leaving only darkness.
Visage: “Tenebrous lacked the full power of a god and couldn’t resurrect his former servants, but he discovered that he could reanimate them. He created new undead horrors he called visages: demonic undead made of shadows and masks, able to control the perceptions of those around them and even to take on the forms and lives of their victims.
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Dragon 420

Dragon 420
Ghost: Still, extraordinary circumstances are required for a soul to refuse Letherna’s call and linger in the world. Often, a disembodied spirit resists moving on due to unfinished business in life: a crucial quest unfulfilled, a responsibility not upheld, a duty not honored. Like anchors, these memories weigh on the ghost and force it to remain, at least until whatever troubles it has been resolved.
The Shadowfell can also form ghosts from the newly dead. Shadow’s subtle influence can awaken memories, emotions, and sensations that quicken the spirit and prevent it from finding peace.
Finally, rare individuals with strong personalities, great magical power, or an extraordinary ability can cheat death through sheer force of will. They refuse to move on, unmoved by the Raven Queen’s demands.
Sudden, unexpected death can cause the soul to become disoriented, unwilling to believe it has died.
Player characters might become ghosts if they die before completing an important quest. Your commitment to the cause is too great to let death stop you.
Unusual situations can give rise to a character’s transformation into a ghost. For example, if you died on the Shadowfell, your soul might have become suffused with shadow energy. A vile spell might have ripped your soul from your body before death took you. Perhaps a curse barred your soul from its ultimate fate, dooming you to restless eternity unless you can find a way to escape or overcome the wicked magic.
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Dragon 425

Dragon 425
Tavern Spirit: When The Thrown Gauntlet fell to the Spellplague, dozens of people were crushed to death within it. For unfathomable reasons, the spirits of the dead were denied passage to the afterlife in the wake of the catastrophe.
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