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Undead Origins


L1 The Secret of Bone Hill

L1 The Secret of Bone Hill
Animal Skeleton: ?
Ghoulstirge: ?
Zombire: The animated corpse of a low-level magic-user.
Skelter: The skelter, like the zombire, is the animated remains of a once very evil low-level magic-user.
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I10 Ravenloft 2 The House on Gryphon Hill

I10: Ravenloft II: The House on Gryphon Hill
Strahd Skeleton: These skeletons have been animated by the Creature.
Strahd Skeletal Steeds: These are skeletal war horses that the creature has animated.
Strahd Zombies: These zombies are the creations of the Creature Strahd.
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Monster Cards Set 4

Monster Cards Set 4
Vampire: Anyone totally drained of life levels by a vampire becomes a vampire in one day.
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Monstrous Manual

Monstrous Manual
Banshee: The banshee or groaning spirit, is the spirit of an evil female elf -- a very rare thing indeed.
Beholder Undead: Death tyrants occur spontaneously in very rare instances. In most cases, they are created through the magic of evil beings -- from human mages to illithid villains. Some outcast, magic-using beholders have even been known to create death tyrants from their own unfortunate brethren.
Death tyrants are created from dying beholders. A spell, thought to have been developed by human mages in the remote past, forces a beholder from a living to an undead state, and imprints its brain with instructions.
Doomsphere: This ghost-like undead beholder is created by magical explosions.
Kasharin: An undead beholder, it passes on the rotting disease which killed it.
Crawling Claw: The much feared crawling claw is frequently employed as a guardian by those mages and priests who have learned the secret of its creation.
Claws are the animated remains of hands or paws of living creatures.
Crawling claws are nothing more than the animated hands and paws of once-living creatures.
Crawling claws can be created by any mage or priest who has knowledge of the techniques required to do so. To begin with, the creator must assemble the severed limbs that are to animated. The maximum number of claws that can be created at any one time is equal to the level of the person enchanting them. The hands (or paws) can be either fresh, skeletal, or at any stage of decomposition in between.
Crypt Thing: There are two types of crypt things -- ancestral and summoned. The former type are “natural” creatures, while the others are called into existence by a wizard or priest of at least 14th level.
The most common crypt thing is the summoned variety. By use of a 7th-level spell, any caster capable of employing necromantic spells can create a crypt thing.
Ancestral crypt things are the raised spirits of the dead that have returned to guard the tombs of their descendants. This happens only in rare cases (determined by the DM).
Death Knight: death knight is the horrifying corruption of a paladin or lawful good warrior cursed by the gods to its terrible form as punishment for betraying the code of honor it held in life.
Death knights are former good warriors who were judged by the gods to be guilty of unforgivable crimes, such as murder or treason.
Dracolich: The dracolich is an undead creature resulting from the unnatural transformation of an evil dragon. The mysterious Cult of the Dragon practices the powerful magic necessary for the creation of the dracolich, though other practitioners are also rumored to exist.
A dracolich can be created from any of the evil dragon subspecies.
The creation of a dracolich is a complex process involving the transformation of an evil dragon by arcane magical forces, the most notorious practitioners of which are members of the Cult of the Dragon. The process is usually a cooperative effort between the evil dragon and the wizards, but especially powerful wizards have been known to coerce an evil dragon to undergo the transformation against its will.
Any evil dragon is a possible candidate for transformation, although old dragons or older with spell-casting abilities are preferred. Once a candidate is secured, the wizards first prepare the dragon's host, an inanimate object that will hold the dragon's life force. The host must be a solid item of not less than 2,000 gp value resistant to decay (wood, for instance, is unsuitable). A gemstone is commonly used for a host, particularly ruby, pearl, carbuncle, and jet, and is often set in the hilt of a sword or other weapon. The host is prepared by casting enchant an item upon it and speaking the name of the evil dragon; the item may resist the spell by successfully saving vs. spell as an 11th-level wizard. If the spell is resisted, another item must be used for the host. If the spell is not resisted, the item can then function as a host. If desired, glassteel can be cast upon the host to protect it.
Next, a special potion is prepared for the evil dragon to consume. The exact composition of the potion varies according to the age and type of the dragon, but it must contain precisely seven ingredients, among them a potion of evil dragon control, a potion of invulnerability, and the blood of a vampire. When the evil dragon consumes the potion, the results are determined as follows (roll percentile dice):Roll Result
01-10 No effect.
11-40 Potion does not work. The dragon suffers 2d12 points of damage and is helpless
with convulsions for 1-2 rounds.
41-50 Potion does not work. The dragon dies. A full wish or similar spell is needed to
restore the dragon to life; a wish to transform the dragon into a dracolich results
in another roll on this table.
51-00 Potion works.
If the potion works, the dragon's spirit transfers to the host, regardless of the distance between the dragon's body and the host. A dim light within the host indicates the presence of the spirit. While contained in the host, the spirit cannot take any actions; it cannot be contacted nor attacked by magic. The spirit can remain in the host indefinitely.
Once the spirit is contained in the host, the host must be brought within 90 feet of a reptilian corpse; under no circumstances can the spirit possess a living body. The spirit's original body is ideal, but the corpse of any reptilian creature that died or was killed within the previous 30 days is suitable.
The wizard who originally prepared the host must touch the host, cast a magic jar spell while speaking the name of the dragon, then touch the corpse. The corpse must fail a saving throw vs. spell for the spirit to successfully possess it; if it saves, it will never accept the spirit. The following modifiers apply to the roll:
-10 if the corpse is the spirit's own former body (which can be dead for any length of time).
-4 if the corpse is of the same alignment as the dragon.
-4 if the corpse is that of a true dragon (any type).
-3 if the corpse is that of a firedrake, ice lizard, wyvern, or fire lizard.
-1 if the corpse is that of a dracolisk, dragonne, dinosaur, snake, or other reptile.
If the corpse accepts the spirit, it becomes animated by the spirit. If the animated corpse is the spirit's former body, it immediately becomes a dracolich; however, it will not regain the use of its voice and breath weapon for another seven days (note that it will not be able to cast spells with verbal components during this time). At the end of seven days, the dracolich regains the use of its voice and breath weapon.
If the animated corpse is not the spirit's former body, it immediately becomes a proto-dracolich. A proto-dracolich has the mind and memories of its original form, but has the hit points and immunities to spells and priestly turning of a dracolich. A proto-dracolich can neither speak nor cast spells; further, it cannot cause chilling damage, use a breath weapon, or cause fear as a dracolich. Its strength, movement, and Armor Class are those of the possessed body.
To become a full dracolich, a proto-dracolich must devour at least 10% of its original body. Unless the body has been dispatched to another plane of existence, a proto-dracolich can always sense the presence of its original body, regardless of the distance. A proto-dracolich will tirelessly seek out its original body to the exclusion of all other activities. If its original body has been burned, dismembered, or otherwise destroyed, the proto-dracolich need only devour the ashes or pieces equal to or exceeding 10% of its original body mass (total destruction of the original body is possible only through use of a disintegrate or similar spell; the body could be reconstructed with a wish or similar spell, so long as the spell is cast in the same plane as the disintegration). If a proto-dracolich is unable to devour its original body, it is trapped in its current form until slain.
A proto-dracolich transforms into a full dracolich within seven days after it devours its original body. When the transformation is complete, the dracolich resembles its original body; it can now speak, cast spells, and employ the breath weapon of its original body, in addition to having all of the abilities of a dracolich.
Ghost: Ghosts are the spirits of humans who were either so greatly evil in life or whose deaths were so unusually emotional they have been cursed with the gift of undead status.
Another common reason for an individual to become a ghost is the denial of a proper burial.
Ghoul: Any human or demi-human (except elves) killed by a ghoulish attack will become a ghoul unless blessed (or blessed and then resurrected).
Ghoul Lacedon: ?
Ghoul Ghast: ?
Heucuva: Legends tell that heucuva are the restless spirits of monastic priests who were less than faithful to their holy vows.
Lich: In order to become a lich, the wizard must prepare its phylactery by the use of the enchant an item, magic jar, permanency and reincarnation spells. The phylactery, which can be almost any manner of object, must be of the finest craftsmanship and materials with a value of not less than 1,500 gold pieces per level of the wizard. Once this object is created, the would-be lich must craft a potion of extreme toxicity, which is then enchanted with the following spells: wraithform, permanency, cone of cold, feign death, and animate dead. When next the moon is full, the potion is imbibed. Rather than death, the potion causes the wizard to undergo a transformation into its new state. A system shock survival throw is required, with failure indicating an error in the creation of the potion which kills the wizard and renders him forever dead.
Lich Demilich: It is the stage into which a lich will eventually evolve as the power which has sustained its physical form gradually begins to fail.
Lich Archlich: ?
Mummy: Mummies are corpses native to dry desert areas, where the dead are entombed by a process known as mummification. When their tombs are disturbed, the corpses become animated into a weird unlife state, whose unholy hatred of life causes them to attack living things without mercy.
Mummies are the product of an embalming process used on wealthy and important personages. Most mummies are corpses without magical properties. On occasion, perhaps due to powerful evil magic or perhaps because the individual was so greedy in life that he refuses to give up his treasure, the spirit of the mummified person will not die, but taps into energy from the Positive Material plane and is transformed into an undead horror.
To create a mummy, a corpse should be soaked in a preserving solution (typically carbonate of soda) for several weeks and covered with spices and resins. Body organs, such as the heart, brain, and liver, are typically removed and sealed in jars.
When a greater mummy wishes to create normal mummies as servants, it does so by mummifying persons infected with its rotting disease. This magical process requires 12-18 hours (10+2d4) and cannot be disturbed without ruining the enchantment. Persons to be mummified are normally held or charmed so that they cannot resist the mummification process. Once the process is completed, victims are helpless to escape the bandages that bind them. If nothing happens to free them, they will die of the mummy rot just as they would have elsewhere. Upon their death, however, a strange transformation takes place. Rather than crumbling away into dust, these poor souls rise again as normal mummies.
Mummy Greater: Also known as Anhktepot's Children, greater mummies are a powerful form of undead created when a high-level lawful evil priest of certain religions is mummified and charged with the guarding of a burial place.
Greater mummies are powerful undead creatures that are usually created from the mummified remains of powerful, evil priests. This being the case, the greater mummy now draws its mystical abilities from evil powers and darkness. In rare cases, however, the mummified priests served non-evil god in life and are still granted the powers they had in life from those gods.
The first of these creatures is known to have been produced by Anhktepot, the Lord of Har'akir, in the years before he became undead himself.
The process by which a greater mummy is created remains a mystery to all but Anhktepot. It is rumored that this process involves a great sacrifice to gain the favor of the gods and an oath of eternal loyalty to the Lord of Har'akir.
Poltergeist: Some say that poltergeists are the spirits of those who committed heinous crimes that went unpunished in life.
Revenant: Revenants are vengeful spirits that have risen from the grave to destroy their killers.
Under exceptional circumstances, a character who has died a violent death may rise as a revenant from the grave to wreak vengeance on his killer(s). In order to make this transition, two requirements must be met. The dead character's Constitution must be 18 and either his Wisdom or Intelligence must be greater than 16. Also, the total of his six ability scores must be 90 or more. Even if these conditions are met, there is only a 5% chance that the dead character becomes a revenant.
If both Intelligence and Wisdom are over 16, the chance increases to 10%.
Shadow: If a human or demihuman opponent is reduced to zero Strength or zero hit points by a shadow, the shadow has drained the life force and the opponent becomes a shadow as well.
According to most knowledgeable sages, shadows appear to have been magically created, perhaps as part of some ancient curse laid upon some long-dead enemy. The curse affects only humans and demihumans, so it would seem that it affects the soul or spirit. When victims no longer can resist, either through loss of consciousness (hit points) or physical prowess (Strength points), the curse is activated and the majority of the character's essence is shifted to the Negative Material Plane.
Skeleton: All skeletons are magically animated undead monsters, created as guardians or warriors by powerful evil wizards and priests.
Skeletons can be made from the bones of humans and demihumans, animals of human size or smaller, or giant humanoids like bugbears and giants.
Skeleton Animal: All skeletons are magically animated undead monsters, created as guardians or warriors by powerful evil wizards and priests.
Skeletons can be made from the bones of humans and demihumans, animals of human size or smaller, or giant humanoids like bugbears and giants.
Skeleton Monster: All skeletons are magically animated undead monsters, created as guardians or warriors by powerful evil wizards and priests.
Skeletons can be made from the bones of humans and demihumans, animals of human size or smaller, or giant humanoids like bugbears and giants.
Skeleton Giant: Giant skeletons are similar to the more common undead skeleton, but they have been created with a combination of spells and are, thus, far more deadly than their lesser counterparts.
In actuality, they are simply human skeletons that have been magically enlarged.
The first giant skeletons to appear in Ravenloft were created by the undead priestess Radaga in her lair within the domain of Kartakass. Others have since mastered the spells and techniques required to create these monsters; thus, giant skeletons are gradually beginning to appear in other realms where the dead and undead lurk.
They are created from the bones of those who have died and are abominations in the eyes of all who believe in the sanctity of life and goodness.
The process by which giant skeletons are created is dark and evil. Attempts to manufacture them outside of Ravenloft have failed, so it is clear that they are in some way linked to the Dark Powers themselves. In order to create a giant skeleton, a spell caster must have the intact skeleton of a normal human or demihuman. On a night when the land is draped in fog, they must cast an animate dead, produce fire, enlarge, and a resist fire spell over the bones. When the last spell is cast, the bones lengthen and thicken and the creatures rises up. The the creator must make a Ravenloft Powers check for his part in this evil undertaking.
Skeleton Warrior: Formerly powerful fighters, skeleton warriors are undead lords forced into their nightmarish states by powerful wizards or evil demigods who trapped their souls in golden circlets.
Spectre: Any being totally drained of life energy by a spectre becomes a full-strength spectre under the control of the spectre which drained him.
No one knows who the first spectre was or how it came to be.
Troll Spectral: It is noted that a humanoid slain by a spectral troll becomes one itself in three days, unless a proper burial ceremony is performed by a priest of the victim's religion.
Vampire: Any human or humanoid creature slain by the life energy drain of a vampire is doomed to become a vampire himself. The transformation takes place one day after the burial of the creature. Those who are not actually buried, however, do not become undead and it is thus traditional that the bodies of a vampire's victims be burned or similarly destroyed.
Vampire Eastern: ?
Wight: Persons who are slain by the energy draining powers of a wight are doomed to rise again as wights under the direct control of their slayer.
Wraith: The wraith is an evil undead spirit of a powerful human.
Any human killed by a wraith becomes a half-strength wraith under its control (e.g., a 10th-level fighter will become a 5 Hit Die wraith under the control of the wraith that slew him).
A wraith is an undead spirit of a powerful, evil human.
Zombie: Zombies are mindless, animated corpses controlled by their creators, usually evil wizards or priests.
The dead body of any humanoid creature can be made into a zombie.
Zombie lord odor of death power.
Zombie Ju-Ju: These creatures are made when a wizard drains the life force from a man-sized humanoid creature with an energy drain spell.
Zombie Lord: The zombie lord is a living creature that has taken on the foul powers and abilities of the undead. They are formed on rare occasions as the result of a raise dead spell gone awry.
The zombie lord comes into being by chance, and only under certain conditions. First, an evil human must die at the hand of an undead creatures. Second, an attempt to raise the character must be made. Third, the corpse must fail its resurrection survival roll. Fourth and last, a deity of evil must show “favor'” to the deceased, and curse him or her with the “gift of eternal life.” Within one week of the raise attempt, the corpse awakens as a zombie lord.
Zombie Sea: Sea zombies (also known as drowned ones) are the animated corpses of humans who died at sea. Although similar to land-dwelling zombies, they are free-willed and are rumored to be animated by the will of the god Nerull the Reaper (or another similar evil deity).

Create Crypt Thing
7th-level Wizard or Priest spell (necromantic)
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 round
Components: V,S Area of Effect: 1 corpse
Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster to cause a single dead body to animate and assume the status of a crypt thing. This spell can be cast only in the tomb or grave area the crypt thing is to protect; the spell requires that the caster touch the skull of the subject body. Once animated, the crypt thing remains until destroyed. Only one crypt thing may guard a given tomb.
A successful dispel magic spell returns the crypt thing to its original unanimated state. Attempts to restore the crypt thing before this is done fail for any magic short of a wish.
The reverse of this spell, destroy crypt thing, utterly annihilates any one such being as soon as it is touched by the caster. The target is allowed a saving throw vs. death magic to avoid destruction.
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Blood Spawn

Blood Spawn
Faerie Unseelie Undead: Undead members of the Unseelie Court come into being when a faerie (of any
alignment) dies in a battle between the two courts. The horror of kin slaying kin creates a ripple through the Seeming itself, preventing the deceased faerie from dissipating into it. The creature’s spirit becomes trapped, sentenced to eternally walk the Shadow World but stripped of the magical abilities it once had. It becomes an unthinking being, lashing out in anger and resentment at the living, held in check only by the Dark Queen.
Spectral Awnsheghlien: Summoned by the Cold Rider to serve his dark bidding in undeath, spectral awnsheghlien are the spirits of slain Abominations from the waking world. At their moments of death, the Cold Rider trapped their essences in the Shadow World—it would be a shame, after all, to let such pure, unmitigated evil merely scatter to the winds.
When a Cerilian awnshegh dies, the bloodline of Azrai that it carried in its veins dissipates and travels to the Shadow World. This holds true even for awnshegh victims of bloodtheft. (Recall that even with a tighmaevril weapon, the attacker receives only 5 bloodline strength points; the rest dissipate.) Only an awnshegh who invests its bloodline before death is immune to the possibility of becoming a specter.

Spectre: Each time a spectral awnshegh touches an opponent, it transforms some of the victim’s life essence to shadow and drains 1 Constitution point. Should a character’s Constitution drop to 0, the victim turns into a spectre.
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City by the Silt Sea

City by the Silt Sea
Dwarf Cursed Dead: Dregoth personally helped defeat the dwarves of Giustenal, and he watched as each of them was hanged from the trees in front of the place they sought to defend. When his troops set fire to the remains of the settlement, Dregoth cursed the dwarves for defying Kim. On that day the cursed dead were born.
Krag: Krags are undead created when a cleric aligned to an element or para-element dies in the medium diametrically opposed to his own. The anguish and trauma of dying to the very force he devoted his life to opposing is sometimes enough to transform a cleric into a wicked and bitter undead.
Kragling: Kraglings are creatures who have perished from the elemental transfusion attack of a krag. Anything that dies in this manner has a 45% chance of coming back as a kragling in 1 -4 days.
If death results from a Krag's elemental transfusion, there is a 45% chance that the victim will become a kragling in 1d4 days.
Any creature can become a kragling if it was killed by the elemental transfusion of a krag. Silt spawn, humanoids, demihumans, humans, and even nonhumanoid monsters are all subject to the transfusion attack and thus can become kraglings. What type of kragling and how powerful it is depends on the creature's Hit Dice.
Greater kraglings are created when creatures with more than 4 Hit Dice are killed by a krag's elemental transfusion. Lesser kraglings are created via the same process, though the creatures must have less than 4 Hit Dice to fall into this weaker category.
Venger: A venger is the animated remains of some strong-willed being who suffered a great wrong in life. The wrong must have been committed by an intelligent creature who survives beyond the death of the being who will become the venger. At the moment of death, the consciousness of the wronged person is trapped by its rage and frustration within its corpse, and it rises as an undead venger 2d6 days later.
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Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium

Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium
Arasheem: These undead araneas retain the High Intelligence of the spider-humanoid race and still possess superior magical ability. Though they are rumored to be failed liches, no proof of this fact has been discovered.
Cursed One: The onset of the Red Curse always causes the loss of ability score points, and in some cases, cinnabryl cannot be found in time to stop this loss after the first point. When any of a person's ability scores is lowered to 0, that person dies. If special measures are not taken, that person will rise again as a cursed one.
To prevent the rise of a cursed one, one ounce of cinnabryl must be buried with the remains of anyone who dies from the attribute point loss brought on by the Red Curse.
Cursed ones are also sometimes created by the touch of an Inheritor lich.
The touch of an inheritor lich automatically kills any individual who has one or more attribute scores (with the exception of Charisma) reduced to 0 or less. The next night, however, that victim will rise as a cursed one.
Deathmare: A deathmares is the spirit of a horse that was abused and killed by an evil, sadistic owner. They return from the dead to exact revenge on all horsemen, regardless of alignment, feeding on the life forces of the riders they kill.
Lich Inheritor: These vile undead creatures are the remnants of high-level Inheritors who sought to increase their power. Through arcane, alchemical processes, they transform from living beings into powerful undead creatures.
Inheritor liches were once 15th-level Inheritors, possessing seven Legacies before transformation. No Inheritor lich of greater or lesser power has been reported. Some sages speculate that such a creature's power is limited by the transformation process, but others claim that the reason a more powerful Inheritor lich has not been encountered is because no Inheritor of greater power has attempted the transformation-yet.
To become an Inheritor lich, an Inheritor must first construct the item that will hold his life essence. This must be done by the prospective lich-never by a second party. Ideally, the red steel used in the creation of the item was worn as cinnabryl by the Inheritor. The Inheritor must also personally create a difficult alchemical preparation. This potion is something like crimson essence, but also contains steel seed, finely ground red steel, herbs, blood, and miscellaneous arcane and costly items. The exact formula is known only to a few, but it might be found in the journals of those who have attempted the process. Like crimson essence, the potion must be bathed in the magic of depleting cinnabryl for several weeks. When ready to become a lich, the Inheritor imbibes the potion; he must then make a successful system shock roll or die. If the roll is successful, the Inheritor becomes an Inheritor lich and immediately enters the Time of Change, transforming according to the Legacies possessed. However, no points are lost from ability scores during this process, and any that were subtracted previously are gained back.
Nosferatu: Human or humanoid victims of a nosferatu may later become a nosferatu only if the original undead wishes it. If so, the victim rises from the dead three days after being drained of blood, unless its body was burned or totally destroyed.
Spawn of Nimmur: When a powerful (11 or more Hit Die) Nimmurian manscorpion dies from exposure to sunlight, it has a 1% chance per Hit Die of becoming undead, rising as an avenging spawn of Nimmur when the sun sets.
If the ashes of a sun-burned manscorpion are sprinkled with holy water from a temple dedicated to the Immortal Idu (Ixion), blessed, and scattered to the four winds, the manscorpion cannot rise as a spawn of Nimmur.
Only very powerful manscorpions can "survive" the burning process to become true Spawn of Nimmur.
Ziggurat Horror: Ziggurat horrors are intentionally made by Nimmurian priests, under carefully controlled conditions.
Sprit Heroic: The heroic spirit is an undead entity who died while attempting to perform some especially heroic deed or defeat some dastardly villain.
Yeshom: Yeshoms are the undead remnants of aranean mages who sought power, got it, and paid too high a price.
Yeshoms came into being about 1,500 years ago, when a group of Herathian mages cooperated in an effort to gain immortality, augment the natural shapechanging abilities of the aranean race, and gain additional spellcasting power.
Their research effort succeeded in all three of these goals, discovering a method by which a powerful aranea could be transformed into a new form with vastly greater power. A number of Herath's best and finest mages volunteered for the treatment and were transformed into yeshoms, before the process's horrible side effects were discovered.
Zombie Red: Red zombies are usually formed when a wicked mage or priest uses the spell animate dead to enchant the corpse of an Afflicted person. A red zombie will sometimes spontaneously form when somebody dies from the "red blight," a form of illness that causes non-Legacy using creatures, or those beyond the limits of the Haze, who wear cinnabryl to lose 1 point of Constitution per day until dead. A person who dies from the red blight and is not blessed during the burial has a 10% chance of rising one day later as a red zombie.
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MC7 Monstrous Compenium Spelljammer Appendix

MC7 Monstrous Compenium Spelljammer Appendix
Ancient Mariner: An ancient mariner is the undead spirit of a member of a long-lost evil race that once sailed the phlogiston seas.
Mariner Shadow: Any creature killed by the energy drain of an ancient mariner becomes an mariner shadow with most of the abilities of a normal shadow.
Spiritjam: A spiritjam is the soul of an evil cleric or wizard who died while spelljamming. The spirit of the cleric or wizard remained behind when the physical body perished.
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Corsairs of the Great Sea
Amiq Rasol: Amiq Rasol, also called Deep Men or Dark Men, are undead corsairs who were lost at sea, murdered, or marooned. Corsairs who refused to acknowledge or turned away from the Enlightened gods may also become amiq rasol.
Ghul-Kin Soultaker: ?
Ghul-Kin Witherer: ?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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