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Undead Origins


C5 The Bane of Llewellyn (1e)
Heimwell the Haughty, Ghost: ?
Tornum the Terrible, Royberno, Skeleton Warrior: ?
Suradel the Scholar, Vampire: Unknown to his subjects, Suradel was cursed with vampirism before his death.
Lightmal the Dark, Spectre: ?
Headless Horseman Wraith: ?
Ghoul: ?
Zombie: ?
Skeleton: ?
Shadow: ?
Wight: ?
Ghast: ?
Wraith: ?
Mummy: ?
Spectre: ?
Vampire: ?
Ghost: ?
Lich: ?

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DL8 Dragons of War (1e)
Spectral Minion: Spectral minions are the spirits of humans or demihumans who died before they could fulfill powerful vows or quests. Like ghosts, spectral minions do not fully exist on the Prime Material plane. Even in death, spectral minions are bound to the vows or quests placed upon them when they were alive. Every day, they must relive the events leading to their deaths, trying to fulfill their vows, or quests.
Spectral Minion Berserker: Some agents of evil in the tower were driven into a berserking frenzy when the Cataclysm came upon the world. Though quested to find the Khas game pieces, they have rebelled against the task and have no hope of ever being freed from their charge.
Spectral Minion Guardian: These minions were quested, at the death of Yarus, to guard the ways of the Khas pieces.
Spectral Minion Philosopher: Not all spirits are engaged in the quest for the Khas pieces. Over the centuries, many have fallen back into the ways of their previous lives. The philosophers are one such group, as are the revelers. Philosophers love libraries and books and can spend decades studying the nuances of a single book.
Spectral Minion Reveler: Not all spirits are engaged in the quest for the Khas pieces. Over the centuries, many have fallen back into the ways of their previous lives. The philosophers are one such group, as are the revelers. Philosophers love libraries and books and can spend decades studying the nuances of a single book.
Spectral Minion Searcher: These armed (broadswords) minions of evil stalk the halls of the tower, forever searching for the Khas game pieces.
Spectral Minion Warrior: Both good and evil warrior minions wander the tower. They fight a battle with each other every day, neither side gaining an advantage, both sides grimly determined to win.
Virkhus, The Horn of the Dawn, Undead Knight Returned: ?
Soth, The Black Rose Knight, Death Knight: Soth was an ancient Lord Knight of Solamnia at Dargaard Keep. Through his own foolish acts he called a terrible doom upon himself and his associates, including his loyal Knights.
Lord High Cleric Yarus, Lord High Clerist, Old Yarus, Undead Cleric 23: Yarus, Lord High Cleric of the Knights of Solamnia was the most powerful man in Solamnia. He sat atop his great tower, built in the Westgate Pass south of Palanthus, and watched the world pass.
Yarus came from a very old line of Solamnic Clerics. His forefathers had been of the Order of the Crown since the days of Vinas Solamnus.
Yarus was not concerned for the power of his position but for the good works he could perform while there. Ever and always was he an opponent of evil. Thus it might seem strange that he befriended his greatest enemy.
Kurnos was the greatest tyrant remaining during the Age of Might. Himself a prisoner of Yarus, he was treated more like a guest than someone taken in battle.
Both men found their greatest diversion in games of Khas. They would amuse themselves for hours on end, playing games that would last for weeks. So even were they in their final game that it continued for over four months with neither gaining the advantage. They were playing when the Cataclysm came.
A great pillar in the Hall of Yarus fell as they played. It struck Yarus from behind, knocking him from his chair. The pillar crushed his body and pinned one of his hands at his side. Thus did Yarus find himself powerless and dying.
Kurnos, sitting placidly in his chair despite the destruction that raged outside, looked silently for a moment at Yarus, then smiled. Slowly rising to his feet, the evil bishop reached out with both arms and swept the pieces to his side of the board. “Your men are mine, I have won!”
With his free hand, Yarus gestured once and all his Khas pieces disappeared from the board. With this last mortal gesture, Yarus died. Yet as the fire burned in Kurnos’s eyes, the voice of Yarus filled the domed hall. “I will return to finish our game, friend Kurnos, when the 33rd piece is come.”
Death Knight: ?
Groaning Spirit, Banshee: ?
Lich: ?
Phantom: ?
Shadow: ?
Skeleton Warrior: ?
Wraith: ?
Spectre: ?
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DL16 World of Krynn (1e)
Banshee, Groaning Spirit: ?
Crypt Thing: ?
Eye of Fear and Flame: ?
Ghast: ?
Ghost: ?
Ghoul: ?
Sheet Ghoul: ?
Haunt: ?
Huecuva: ?
Lacedon, Marine Ghoul: ?
Mummy: ?
Penanggalan: ?
Shadow: ?
Sheet Phantom: ?
Skeletal Warrior: While on a mission far to the east, Soth, an intensely passionate man, met and fell in love with a beautiful elf-maiden cleric. Denissa was a disciple of the Kingpriest of Istar. Not knowing that Soth was married, she fell under the spell of Soth's saintly strength. A fortnight later, he left her with a promise to return within the year.
Upon returning to his keep, Denissa haunted his thoughts. A plan emerged out of tormented passion for his elven cleric: Lady Korinne had to disappear-permanently. Korinne was no longer seen in the keep. It was rumored that she was pregnant and had taken to bed.
The Knights and regular servants were told that it was a difficult pregnancy. Special attendants were hired by Soth to care for his wife. Only these hand-picked servants were allowed to see Korinne. Then came the announcement that Soth's wife and the baby died in childbirth. The truth was that she was strangled by an assassin hired by Soth himself.
She was buried in the huge cemetery across the chasm from the keep. Her hired attendants were quickly dismissed and sent packing. Soth, in his apparent grief, rode off to the east.
Weeks later he returned with a group of elf-maiden clerics, disciples of the Kingpriest.
His closest friends knew that Soth was not the same man they had campaigned with. Something had changed since his wife died. They watched as he quickly became enamored of one of the elf-maidens. In the spring they were married. Within the year she gave birth to a handsome little boy.
Lady Denissa earned the love and respect of the Knights and servants quickly. She was very wise, very kind, and never showed the grief she felt when she learned of the sinful deeds of her husband. In commune with her goddess, she was told that a holocaust would occur, that the Gods were displeased with the selfishness of the rulers of Ansalon and the very clergy itself! She warned Soth of the impending disaster, but he scoffed at her religious hysteria.
She prayed to the Goddess Mishakal that Soth be allowed to redeem himself. Her prayers were answered, Mishakal told her how Soth could stop the great Cataclysm that was to occur. Through her love and spell-induced visions, she convinced Soth that he could redeem himself by finding the rod of omniscient wisdom and putting it into the hands of the Kingpriest at the Temple of Istar. Questing deep into the Dargaard Mountains, Soth and his hand-picked band of Knights fought their way down to the bottom of a maze of volcanic caverns to claim the legendary rod.
The adamantite coffer that held the rod bore the inscription “He who removes this artifact from its resting place shall replace it with his soul.” Believing himself on a holy quest, Soth cracked open the coffer lid and peeked inside. He was the only one to see the purple drawstring bag, bearing the five segments of the rod, and 13 gold circlets. He reached in and removed the purple bag. Suddenly, the room became unbearably hot. Soth and his thirteen Knights passed out in a delirium. When they regained consciousness, Soth could not help but wonder if he had just lost his soul. He went to the coffer which was now closed. It would not open. So they left the caves and set off toward Istar with the holy artifact.
Halfway across Thoradin, they made camp by a shallow river. There were no moons visible in the sky when the group was approached by four dark elven maidens, all disciples of the Kingpriest of Istar. They had sought him out after learning of his murderous deed and his present quest.
Here he was, risking his life to reach Istar and the Gods were telling every female cleric of his sins! Then the elf-maidens threatened to betray him to the Kingpriest and destroy his quest. His dear wife Denissa, they said, was at that very moment sleeping with Greyspawn, Knight of Heart.
This was more than Soth could bear! He ordered his men to break camp at once and to bring the women
with them. They were returning to Dargaard Keep.
If these accursed elves knew of his crimes, how could they be wrong about his wife? This was his ironic fate-he had been unfaithful to his first wife and now his second wife had been unfaithful to him. As he had murdered Korinne, Denissa had sent him on a deadly quest so she could be alone with her lover! Had he lost his soul? And she was cavorting with his long-standing friend! Betrayal and double betrayal!
Soon after their arrival, the rod was placed on the temple altar and council meeting was called in the great circular Entry Hall. His wife was summoned before all and accused of infidelity by the treacherous dark elves.
Innocent, stunned, and shamed before all, she ran to him, clutching her young child to her breast. At that moment, the world shook and everyone was knocked to the floor. The great chandelier fell from the ceiling above the hall and caused a blazing inferno in the heart of the keep. No one escaped the deadly flames. But before Denissa died, she called down a curse upon Soth, condemning him and his Knights to eternal dreadful life. Soth and his men were “reborn” as a death knight and 13 skeletal warriors.
The keep was largely left intact after the Cataclysm. The fire scorched the lower floors and charred the outside of the tower. The southeastern wall of the keep had crumbled and fallen into the chasm as a result of the earthquake. From a distance, the keep now looked like a withered black rose.
Forever wearing his enchanted armor, Soth became the Knight of the Black Rose. Soth soon found that he was quite different in form and power from his loyal followers. The men who had accompanied him on his quest had become skeletal warriors and the rest of his men had become undead creatures of every type.
Skeleton: ?
Son of Kyuss: ?
Spectre: ?
Vampire: ?
Wight: ?
Wraith: ?
Juju Zombie: ?
Monster Zombie: ?
Lord Loren Soth, Solamnic Death Knight, Knight of the Black Rose: While on a mission far to the east, Soth, an intensely passionate man, met and fell in love with a beautiful elf-maiden cleric. Denissa was a disciple of the Kingpriest of Istar. Not knowing that Soth was married, she fell under the spell of Soth's saintly strength. A fortnight later, he left her with a promise to return within the year.
Upon returning to his keep, Denissa haunted his thoughts. A plan emerged out of tormented passion for his elven cleric: Lady Korinne had to disappear-permanently. Korinne was no longer seen in the keep. It was rumored that she was pregnant and had taken to bed.
The Knights and regular servants were told that it was a difficult pregnancy. Special attendants were hired by Soth to care for his wife. Only these hand-picked servants were allowed to see Korinne. Then came the announcement that Soth's wife and the baby died in childbirth. The truth was that she was strangled by an assassin hired by Soth himself.
She was buried in the huge cemetery across the chasm from the keep. Her hired attendants were quickly dismissed and sent packing. Soth, in his apparent grief, rode off to the east.
Weeks later he returned with a group of elf-maiden clerics, disciples of the Kingpriest.
His closest friends knew that Soth was not the same man they had campaigned with. Something had changed since his wife died. They watched as he quickly became enamored of one of the elf-maidens. In the spring they were married. Within the year she gave birth to a handsome little boy.
Lady Denissa earned the love and respect of the Knights and servants quickly. She was very wise, very kind, and never showed the grief she felt when she learned of the sinful deeds of her husband. In commune with her goddess, she was told that a holocaust would occur, that the Gods were displeased with the selfishness of the rulers of Ansalon and the very clergy itself! She warned Soth of the impending disaster, but he scoffed at her religious hysteria.
She prayed to the Goddess Mishakal that Soth be allowed to redeem himself. Her prayers were answered, Mishakal told her how Soth could stop the great Cataclysm that was to occur. Through her love and spell-induced visions, she convinced Soth that he could redeem himself by finding the rod of omniscient wisdom and putting it into the hands of the Kingpriest at the Temple of Istar. Questing deep into the Dargaard Mountains, Soth and his hand-picked band of Knights fought their way down to the bottom of a maze of volcanic caverns to claim the legendary rod.
The adamantite coffer that held the rod bore the inscription “He who removes this artifact from its resting place shall replace it with his soul.” Believing himself on a holy quest, Soth cracked open the coffer lid and peeked inside. He was the only one to see the purple drawstring bag, bearing the five segments of the rod, and 13 gold circlets. He reached in and removed the purple bag. Suddenly, the room became unbearably hot. Soth and his thirteen Knights passed out in a delirium. When they regained consciousness, Soth could not help but wonder if he had just lost his soul. He went to the coffer which was now closed. It would not open. So they left the caves and set off toward Istar with the holy artifact.
Halfway across Thoradin, they made camp by a shallow river. There were no moons visible in the sky when the group was approached by four dark elven maidens, all disciples of the Kingpriest of Istar. They had sought him out after learning of his murderous deed and his present quest.
Here he was, risking his life to reach Istar and the Gods were telling every female cleric of his sins! Then the elf-maidens threatened to betray him to the Kingpriest and destroy his quest. His dear wife Denissa, they said, was at that very moment sleeping with Greyspawn, Knight of Heart.
This was more than Soth could bear! He ordered his men to break camp at once and to bring the women
with them. They were returning to Dargaard Keep.
If these accursed elves knew of his crimes, how could they be wrong about his wife? This was his ironic fate-he had been unfaithful to his first wife and now his second wife had been unfaithful to him. As he had murdered Korinne, Denissa had sent him on a deadly quest so she could be alone with her lover! Had he lost his soul? And she was cavorting with his long-standing friend! Betrayal and double betrayal!
Soon after their arrival, the rod was placed on the temple altar and council meeting was called in the great circular Entry Hall. His wife was summoned before all and accused of infidelity by the treacherous dark elves.
Innocent, stunned, and shamed before all, she ran to him, clutching her young child to her breast. At that moment, the world shook and everyone was knocked to the floor. The great chandelier fell from the ceiling above the hall and caused a blazing inferno in the heart of the keep. No one escaped the deadly flames. But before Denissa died, she called down a curse upon Soth, condemning him and his Knights to eternal dreadful life. Soth and his men were “reborn” as a death knight and 13 skeletal warriors.
The keep was largely left intact after the Cataclysm. The fire scorched the lower floors and charred the outside of the tower. The southeastern wall of the keep had crumbled and fallen into the chasm as a result of the earthquake. From a distance, the keep now looked like a withered black rose.
Forever wearing his enchanted armor, Soth became the Knight of the Black Rose. Soth soon found that he was quite different in form and power from his loyal followers. The men who had accompanied him on his quest had become skeletal warriors and the rest of his men had become undead creatures of every type.
Jariket, Lich: ?
Kitiara, Penanggalan: ?
Pietro Kristofsky, Prefect of Paladine, Revenant: The creature is the revenant of Pietro Kristofsky, Prefect of Paladine. He has waited for over 300 years to get revenge on Lord Soth and his skeletal warriors for killing him.
Marantha, Banshee: ?
Gisela, Banshee: ?
Joanee, Banshee: ?
Leedara, Banshee: ?
Apparition: ?
Lich: ?
Undead: While on a mission far to the east, Soth, an intensely passionate man, met and fell in love with a beautiful elf-maiden cleric. Denissa was a disciple of the Kingpriest of Istar. Not knowing that Soth was married, she fell under the spell of Soth's saintly strength. A fortnight later, he left her with a promise to return within the year.
Upon returning to his keep, Denissa haunted his thoughts. A plan emerged out of tormented passion for his elven cleric: Lady Korinne had to disappear-permanently. Korinne was no longer seen in the keep. It was rumored that she was pregnant and had taken to bed.
The Knights and regular servants were told that it was a difficult pregnancy. Special attendants were hired by Soth to care for his wife. Only these hand-picked servants were allowed to see Korinne. Then came the announcement that Soth's wife and the baby died in childbirth. The truth was that she was strangled by an assassin hired by Soth himself.
She was buried in the huge cemetery across the chasm from the keep. Her hired attendants were quickly dismissed and sent packing. Soth, in his apparent grief, rode off to the east.
Weeks later he returned with a group of elf-maiden clerics, disciples of the Kingpriest.
His closest friends knew that Soth was not the same man they had campaigned with. Something had changed since his wife died. They watched as he quickly became enamored of one of the elf-maidens. In the spring they were married. Within the year she gave birth to a handsome little boy.
Lady Denissa earned the love and respect of the Knights and servants quickly. She was very wise, very kind, and never showed the grief she felt when she learned of the sinful deeds of her husband. In commune with her goddess, she was told that a holocaust would occur, that the Gods were displeased with the selfishness of the rulers of Ansalon and the very clergy itself! She warned Soth of the impending disaster, but he scoffed at her religious hysteria.
She prayed to the Goddess Mishakal that Soth be allowed to redeem himself. Her prayers were answered, Mishakal told her how Soth could stop the great Cataclysm that was to occur. Through her love and spell-induced visions, she convinced Soth that he could redeem himself by finding the rod of omniscient wisdom and putting it into the hands of the Kingpriest at the Temple of Istar. Questing deep into the Dargaard Mountains, Soth and his hand-picked band of Knights fought their way down to the bottom of a maze of volcanic caverns to claim the legendary rod.
The adamantite coffer that held the rod bore the inscription “He who removes this artifact from its resting place shall replace it with his soul.” Believing himself on a holy quest, Soth cracked open the coffer lid and peeked inside. He was the only one to see the purple drawstring bag, bearing the five segments of the rod, and 13 gold circlets. He reached in and removed the purple bag. Suddenly, the room became unbearably hot. Soth and his thirteen Knights passed out in a delirium. When they regained consciousness, Soth could not help but wonder if he had just lost his soul. He went to the coffer which was now closed. It would not open. So they left the caves and set off toward Istar with the holy artifact.
Halfway across Thoradin, they made camp by a shallow river. There were no moons visible in the sky when the group was approached by four dark elven maidens, all disciples of the Kingpriest of Istar. They had sought him out after learning of his murderous deed and his present quest.
Here he was, risking his life to reach Istar and the Gods were telling every female cleric of his sins! Then the elf-maidens threatened to betray him to the Kingpriest and destroy his quest. His dear wife Denissa, they said, was at that very moment sleeping with Greyspawn, Knight of Heart.
This was more than Soth could bear! He ordered his men to break camp at once and to bring the women
with them. They were returning to Dargaard Keep.
If these accursed elves knew of his crimes, how could they be wrong about his wife? This was his ironic fate-he had been unfaithful to his first wife and now his second wife had been unfaithful to him. As he had murdered Korinne, Denissa had sent him on a deadly quest so she could be alone with her lover! Had he lost his soul? And she was cavorting with his long-standing friend! Betrayal and double betrayal!
Soon after their arrival, the rod was placed on the temple altar and council meeting was called in the great circular Entry Hall. His wife was summoned before all and accused of infidelity by the treacherous dark elves.
Innocent, stunned, and shamed before all, she ran to him, clutching her young child to her breast. At that moment, the world shook and everyone was knocked to the floor. The great chandelier fell from the ceiling above the hall and caused a blazing inferno in the heart of the keep. No one escaped the deadly flames. But before Denissa died, she called down a curse upon Soth, condemning him and his Knights to eternal dreadful life. Soth and his men were “reborn” as a death knight and 13 skeletal warriors.
The keep was largely left intact after the Cataclysm. The fire scorched the lower floors and charred the outside of the tower. The southeastern wall of the keep had crumbled and fallen into the chasm as a result of the earthquake. From a distance, the keep now looked like a withered black rose.
Forever wearing his enchanted armor, Soth became the Knight of the Black Rose. Soth soon found that he was quite different in form and power from his loyal followers. The men who had accompanied him on his quest had become skeletal warriors and the rest of his men had become undead creatures of every type.
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Dragonlance Adventures
Spectral Minion: Spectral minions are the spirits of humans or demihumans who died before they could fulfill powerful vows or quests. Even in death, spectral minions are bound to the vows or quests placed upon them when they were alive.
Spectral Minion Berserker: Some agents of evil are driven into a berserking frenzy when they become minions. This happened in many cases during the Cataclysm. These beings have rebelled against their quests and have no hope of ever being freed from their charges.
Spectral Minion Guardian: These minions were quested to guard some passage or object.
Spectral Minion Philosopher: ?
Spectral Minion Reveler: These minions revel through the halls and places to which they are tied. They are often found dancing madly or laughing in groups while drinking spectral ale. They dine gluttonously and play parlor games. Their frolicking has a dangerous, hypnotic effect on mortals who see them . Often adventurers are drawn into these revels. These unfortunate mortals dance uncontrollably, losing Strength and will power, and become spectral minions unless someone rescues them.
Spectral Minion Searcher: These armed minions of evil stalk their haunts, forever searching to fulfill their quests.
Spectral Minion Warrior: These groups of minions are the spirits of mortals who were locked in mortal combat at the time of death.
Lord Soth, Death Knight: Lord Soth, a Knight of the Rose who ruled in the far northeast reaches of Solamnia at Dargaard Keep had, in fact, been warned by his elven wife of the calamity that was coming.
But Soth had dark secrets to keep. He had wed the elf woman in secret though he was already married to a barren woman of human royalty. Having fathered a child by the elf woman. he then murdered his first wife and claimed that she died in childbirth. The child of the elf woman became his heir and he claimed the elf woman as his lawful wife. When warned of the impending doom of the world, Lord Soth rode forth with his loyal Knights behind him. Yet waiting for him along the way was a troop of elven clerical women who stopped him. They knew of his dark deeds and persuaded Soth to turn back in exchange for their silence.
Soth turned back and the Cataclysm took place. The elf woman and his child were consumed in a terrible fire before Soth's very throne. He returned to the keep to find the image of their bodies burned into the stone. No rug would cover it without being consumed. No brush would remove its stain.
Thus did Soth sit on his throne until he, too, died but even then the gods would not grant him relief from his torment.

Undead: Chemosh is the lord of false redemption; he offers immortality at the price of exaltation. Those who follow his ways hope to live forever but will do so in bodies that are eternally corrupted. Nearly all of the evil undead have at one time or another made a pact with Chemosh or one of his servants.
Skeleton: ?
Zombie: ?
Ghoul: ?
Shadow: ?
Wight: ?
Ghast: ?
Wraith: ?
Mummy: ?
Spectre: ?
Vampire: ?
Ghost: ?
Lich: ?
Skeletal Warrior: His Knights, blind in their obedience to his will, remain with him still as skeleton warriors.
Banshee, Groaning Spirit: ?


Dungeon Master's Guide (1e)
Undead: If a 0 level individual is drained an energy level, he or she is dead (possibly to become an undead monster).
When a character is drained of all energy levels, he or she might become an undead monster of the same sort which killed him or her. (See the appropriate paragraphs pertaining to the undead monsters concerned in the MONSTER MANUAL.) These lesser undead are controlled by their slayer/drainer. Each has but half the hit dice of a normal undead monster of this same type. Lesser vampires have but half their former level of experience with respect to their profession (cleric, fighter, etc.) at the time they initially encountered and were subsequently slain/drained by their now-master vampire, i.e., an 8th level thief killed by a vampire, even though drained to below 0 level in the process, returns as a 4th level thief vampire, as appropriate. However, upon the destruction of their slayer/drainer, such lesser undead gain energy levels from characters they subsequently slay/ drain until they reach the maximum number of hit dice (and their former level of class experience as well, if applicable) appropriate to their type of undead monster. Upon reaching full hit dice status, they are able to slay/drain and control lesser undead as they once were.
Lesser Undead: When a character is drained of all energy levels, he or she might become an undead monster of the same sort which killed him or her. (See the appropriate paragraphs pertaining to the undead monsters concerned in the MONSTER MANUAL.) These lesser undead are controlled by their slayer/drainer. Each has but half the hit dice of a normal undead monster of this same type. Lesser vampires have but half their former level of experience with respect to their profession (cleric, fighter, etc.) at the time they initially encountered and were subsequently slain/drained by their now-master vampire, i.e., an 8th level thief killed by a vampire, even though drained to below 0 level in the process, returns as a 4th level thief vampire, as appropriate.
Lesser Vampire: If a 0 level individual is drained an energy level, he or she is dead (possibly to become an undead monster).
When a character is drained of all energy levels, he or she might become an undead monster of the same sort which killed him or her. (See the appropriate paragraphs pertaining to the undead monsters concerned in the MONSTER MANUAL.) These lesser undead are controlled by their slayer/drainer. Each has but half the hit dice of a normal undead monster of this same type. Lesser vampires have but half their former level of experience with respect to their profession (cleric, fighter, etc.) at the time they initially encountered and were subsequently slain/drained by their now-master vampire, i.e., an 8th level thief killed by a vampire, even though drained to below 0 level in the process, returns as a 4th level thief vampire, as appropriate.
Lesser Vampire Thief 4: If a 0 level individual is drained an energy level, he or she is dead (possibly to become an undead monster).
When a character is drained of all energy levels, he or she might become an undead monster of the same sort which killed him or her. (See the appropriate paragraphs pertaining to the undead monsters concerned in the MONSTER MANUAL.) These lesser undead are controlled by their slayer/drainer. Each has but half the hit dice of a normal undead monster of this same type. Lesser vampires have but half their former level of experience with respect to their profession (cleric, fighter, etc.) at the time they initially encountered and were subsequently slain/drained by their now-master vampire, i.e., an 8th level thief killed by a vampire, even though drained to below 0 level in the process, returns as a 4th level thief vampire, as appropriate.
Minor Death: ?
Mindless Undead: ?
Intelligent Undead: ?
Vecna, Arch-Lich: ?
Vecna, Phantom: ?
Ethereal Mummy: ?
Vampire Cleric 7: ?
Vampire Cleric 8: ?
Vampire Cleric 9: ?
Vampire Cleric 10: ?
Vampire Magic-User 9: ?
Vampire Magic-User 10: ?
Vampire Magic-User 11: ?
Vampire Magic-User 12: ?
Ghast: ?
Ghost: ?
Ghoul: ?
Lacedon: ?
Groaning Spirit: ?
Ixitxachitl Vampire: ?
Lich: ?
Mummy: ?
Shadow: ?
Skeleton: Animate Dead spell.
Spectre: ?
Wight: ?
Vampire: ?
Zombie: Animate Dead spell.
Artifact minor benign power.
Artifact major malevolent effect FF.
Fire Giant Skeleton: Animate Dead spell.
Fire Giant Zombie: Animate Dead spell.

Animate Dead: It is, of course, possible to animate the skeletons or corpses of demi-human and humanoid, as well as human, sort. If creatures with more than a basic 1 hit die (or 1 + hit die) are so animated, the number of such skeletons or zombies will be determined in hit dice rather than total numbers. Thus, a cleric of 6th level could animate 6 skeletons of human or humanoid sort which in life had less than 2 hit dice, 3 such undead which in life had less than 3, but 2 or more hit dice, or a single undead creature which had 6, but less than 7, hit dice. For each such additional hit die, the skeleton or zombie will gain another die. Thus, the animated skeleton of a fire giant, an 11 hit die monster, is 10 over the norm for a skeleton normally animated, so it would have 1 + 10 hit dice (11d8). Likewise, a fire giant zombie would have 10 dice over and above the sort of creature typically made into a zombie, so it would have 2 + 10 hit dice (12d8). N.B.: This does not enable a cleric to make skeletons or zombies of characters of 2nd or higher level have more hit dice; such undead are simply human skeletons or zombies with 1 or 2 hit dice, nothing more.

FF. User withers and ages 3-30 years each time the primary power is used, eventually turning the possessor into a deathless withered zombie guardian of the item.
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Dungeoneer's Survival Guide (1e)
Ghost: Nothing lives here anymore, although it is obvious that these caverns were once highly prized by a number of races. The skeletons include those of drow, duergar, svirfneblin, and derro. In fact, other subterranean creatures who left no skeletons-pech, cloakers, and illithids-also fought and died for control of these caverns.
Although intruders do not encounter living things here, there is still danger. The spirits of the fallen warriors wish their battlegrounds to remain sacrosanct, and rise up to oppose those who tread there. Wights, wraiths, spectres, ghosts, and skeletons marshal their forces to attack trespassers.
Lacedon, Marine Ghoul: ?
Lich: ?
Mummy: ?
Skeleton: Nothing lives here anymore, although it is obvious that these caverns were once highly prized by a number of races. The skeletons include those of drow, duergar, svirfneblin, and derro. In fact, other subterranean creatures who left no skeletons-pech, cloakers, and illithids-also fought and died for control of these caverns.
Although intruders do not encounter living things here, there is still danger. The spirits of the fallen warriors wish their battlegrounds to remain sacrosanct, and rise up to oppose those who tread there. Wights, wraiths, spectres, ghosts, and skeletons marshal their forces to attack trespassers.
Spectre: Nothing lives here anymore, although it is obvious that these caverns were once highly prized by a number of races. The skeletons include those of drow, duergar, svirfneblin, and derro. In fact, other subterranean creatures who left no skeletons-pech, cloakers, and illithids-also fought and died for control of these caverns.
Although intruders do not encounter living things here, there is still danger. The spirits of the fallen warriors wish their battlegrounds to remain sacrosanct, and rise up to oppose those who tread there. Wights, wraiths, spectres, ghosts, and skeletons marshal their forces to attack trespassers.
Vampire: ?
Wight: Nothing lives here anymore, although it is obvious that these caverns were once highly prized by a number of races. The skeletons include those of drow, duergar, svirfneblin, and derro. In fact, other subterranean creatures who left no skeletons-pech, cloakers, and illithids-also fought and died for control of these caverns.
Although intruders do not encounter living things here, there is still danger. The spirits of the fallen warriors wish their battlegrounds to remain sacrosanct, and rise up to oppose those who tread there. Wights, wraiths, spectres, ghosts, and skeletons marshal their forces to attack trespassers.
Wraith: Nothing lives here anymore, although it is obvious that these caverns were once highly prized by a number of races. The skeletons include those of drow, duergar, svirfneblin, and derro. In fact, other subterranean creatures who left no skeletons-pech, cloakers, and illithids-also fought and died for control of these caverns.
Although intruders do not encounter living things here, there is still danger. The spirits of the fallen warriors wish their battlegrounds to remain sacrosanct, and rise up to oppose those who tread there. Wights, wraiths, spectres, ghosts, and skeletons marshal their forces to attack trespassers.
Zombie: ?


Forgotten Realms Campaign Set (1e)
Banshee: ?
Ghost: ?
Lich: Sabirine learned the secrets of lichdom but chose to die a natural death instead.
Dracolich: ?
Tharuighagh, Lich: ?
Shoon, Mage-King of vanished Iltkazar, Lord-Most Mighty, Lich: ?
Azimer, Lich: ?
Aumvor the Undying, Lich: ?
Arch-Lich Ruelve: ?
Shoon, Demi-Lich Magic User 26+: ?
Skeleton: Myrkul can animate and command the dead, but has no power over undead above the level of zombies and skeletons.
Skeleton Animal: ?
Skeletal Warrior: ?
Spectre: ?
Vampire: ?
Vampiric Guardian Ixitxachitl Cleric 6: ?
Wight: ?
Wraith: ?
Zombie: Myrkul can animate and command the dead, but has no power over undead above the level of zombies and skeletons.
Monster Zombie: ?


FR3 Empires of the Sands (1e)
Undead: The ruins of Castle Tethyr and the surrounding grounds are haunted by the spirits of all who died by treachery that night ten years ago. It's an impressive list of ghosts, ghasts, haunts, shadows, and other undead. Legends tell of the ghosts of Prince Alemander V and Gen. Nashram Sharboneth, locked in an eternal struggle as each tries to avenge his murder by treachery at the hands of the other. As the occasional lost traveler or foolhardy adventurer has entered the castle ruins, the numbers of the various spooks and undead have increased, much to the dismay of local residents.
Ghast: The ruins of Castle Tethyr and the surrounding grounds are haunted by the spirits of all who died by treachery that night ten years ago. It's an impressive list of ghosts, ghasts, haunts, shadows, and other undead.
Ghost: The ruins of Castle Tethyr and the surrounding grounds are haunted by the spirits of all who died by treachery that night ten years ago. It's an impressive list of ghosts, ghasts, haunts, shadows, and other undead.
Prince Alemander V, Ghost: The ruins of Castle Tethyr and the surrounding grounds are haunted by the spirits of all who died by treachery that night ten years ago. It's an impressive list of ghosts, ghasts, haunts, shadows, and other undead. Legends tell of the ghosts of Prince Alemander V and Gen. Nashram Sharboneth, locked in an eternal struggle as each tries to avenge his murder by treachery at the hands of the other. As the occasional lost traveler or foolhardy adventurer has entered the castle ruins, the numbers of the various spooks and undead have increased, much to the dismay of local residents.
General Nashram Sharboneth, Ghost: The ruins of Castle Tethyr and the surrounding grounds are haunted by the spirits of all who died by treachery that night ten years ago. It's an impressive list of ghosts, ghasts, haunts, shadows, and other undead. Legends tell of the ghosts of Prince Alemander V and Gen. Nashram Sharboneth, locked in an eternal struggle as each tries to avenge his murder by treachery at the hands of the other. As the occasional lost traveler or foolhardy adventurer has entered the castle ruins, the numbers of the various spooks and undead have increased, much to the dismay of local residents.
Lich: ?
Kartak Spellseer, Lich Magic User 31: ?
Shadow: The ruins of Castle Tethyr and the surrounding grounds are haunted by the spirits of all who died by treachery that night ten years ago. It's an impressive list of ghosts, ghasts, haunts, shadows, and other undead.
Haunt: The ruins of Castle Tethyr and the surrounding grounds are haunted by the spirits of all who died by treachery that night ten years ago. It's an impressive list of ghosts, ghasts, haunts, shadows, and other undead.


FR5 The Savage Frontier (1e)
Delzoun: ?
Monster Zombie Undead Ogre: ?
Monster Zombie Undead Bugbear: ?
Monster Zombie Undead Minotaur: ?
Spirit: ?
Banshee: ?
Ghoul: The Nabassu are surrounded by ghouls, ghasts, and shadows of their creation.
Ghast: Grintharke and his followers are exiles from the Abyss who may not gate in demons more powerful than manes (which are transformed into shadows and ghasts), rutterkins or dretches.
The Nabassu are surrounded by ghouls, ghasts, and shadows of their creation.
Ghost: When the spirit from a summon ancestor spell appears, the summoner must make a Wisdom Ability Check to control it; otherwise the spirit becomes an uncontrolled ghost and immediately attacks all living beings around it.
The hall is haunted by four ghosts, tragic lovers who caused each other's deaths.
This pass through a southern spur of the Spine of the World was the site of a desperate battle between orcs and the dwarven army of Delzoun. Now, most folk avoid it if they can, for it is haunted by ghosts, haunts, and apparitions of the warriors who died here.
Ghostly Defender: A ruined fortress located on the High Road between Waterdeep and Leilon, it was destroyed in the final orc assault against the Fallen Kingdom. It is said that on the anniversary of that battle, ghostly defenders walk the battlements waiting for allies who never come.
Champion Spirit: ?
Lizardman Lich: ?
Lich: ?
Wulgreth, Lich-Like Being 26: ?
Mummy: ?
Shadow: Grintharke and his followers are exiles from the Abyss who may not gate in demons more powerful than manes (which are transformed into shadows and ghasts), rutterkins or dretches.
The Nabassu are surrounded by ghouls, ghasts, and shadows of their creation.
Skeleton: Shamans of Yurtrus may animate dead to create skeletons and zombies.
In addition to his magical spells, Dendybar the Mottled may animate 1d6 skeletons or 1d3 zombies each round of combat, so long as bodies are available.
Skeleton Warrior: ?
Apatosaurus Skeleton: The clan's hearth at Morgur's Mound is surmounted by an apatosaurus skeleton. It is said that in time of great need, the tribal shamans can animate the skeleton to fight in the tribe's defense.
During Runemeet, the combined power of the shamans can cause the bones to come together as an apatosaurus skeleton.
Spectre: ?
Vampire: ?
Vampire Hill Giant Shaman 6: ?
Vampire Hill Giant: ?
Wight: ?
Wraith: ?
Zombie: Shamans of Yurtrus may animate dead to create skeletons and zombies.
In addition to his magical spells, Dendybar the Mottled may animate 1d6 skeletons or 1d3 zombies each round of combat, so long as bodies are available.
Monster Zombie: ?
Apparition: This pass through a southern spur of the Spine of the World was the site of a desperate battle between orcs and the dwarven army of Delzoun. Now, most folk avoid it if they can, for it is haunted by ghosts, haunts, and apparitions of the warriors who died here.
Coffer Corpse: ?
Shan Nikkoleth, Deathknight: ?
Penanggalan: ?
Haunt: A golden, decorated shield +3 lies half-hidden by shrubbery. The emblem design on the shield is that of a Griffon Rampant. A haunt, once a valiant cavalier, lurks nearby and attempts to possess any who take the shield. The dead cavalier's mission was to rescue a southern princess taken captive and sold in Waterdeep long ago. The princess is long dead too, but at least one of her descendants bears a remarkable resemblance to her.
This pass through a southern spur of the Spine of the World was the site of a desperate battle between orcs and the dwarven army of Delzoun. Now, most folk avoid it if they can, for it is haunted by ghosts, haunts, and apparitions of the warriors who died here.

Voidrunner's Codex

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