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In 1854, one of the worst cholera outbreaks in the history of London occurred. The disease claimed the lives of 616 people. It also distracted people from the fact that, shortly after the epidemic began, the Viscount of Ingramshire and the entire populace of that area literally vanished overnight. Though an official investigation was launched, no evidence was found that suggested the whereabouts of Ingramshire's residents.

Then, in 2020, the Royal Geographical Society made a startling discovery. In a previously-undiscovered cavern rougly 45 kilometres below England, a city was discovered. This city, wherein the inhabitants still dressed and behaved in a Victorian manner, had been built by the residents of Ingramshire upon fleeing underground. Despite their stalled culture, however, the UnderEnglanders possessed great technological developments, thanks to their harnessing of "aether" as a power source.

Needless to say, the nations of the surface flocked to UnderEngland, attempting to get their hands on aetheric technology. Dealing with the isolationist and nigh-xenophobic UnderEnglanders proved difficult, and no nation was willing to engage in open warfare with a nation that could create weapons able to melt through solid steel.

It is now 2025, and for the past five years, UnderEngland has been the focal point of a new Cold War. Every nation on Earth wants the secrets of "Under-Tech", and they're willing to do anything to get it. Needless to say, the UnderEnglanders are less than happy about the idea of exploitation of their resources by dirty foreigners. So, 45 kilometers under the Earth's surface, the Great Game is played once more in a city-state stuck in the Victorian Era and located just up the river from Hell (no, seriously!).

This thread is where I'll be posting information about this setting periodically. Feel free to contribute, but please keep the flames to a minimum (constructive criticism, however, is perfectly alright).

GENRE: Espionage/Adventure/Horror
PERIOD: Near Future
CATEGORY: Action/Horror

OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: This setting deals with some themes that are understandably sensitive, such as xenophobia. This is not an effort on my part to espouse any cultural or political agenda. I'm merely showing what an underground city populated by modern-day Victorians would be like.

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Wouldn't people with an 1854 Victorian culture typically be highly patriotic towards actual England? Or at least their ancestral memory of it - how do they react to discovering modern England?


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Glad you asked! I was actually going to detail this later, but now's a good time to touch on it, I suppose.

UnderEngland may be it's own independent city-state, but it does retain close ties to the United Kingdom. They still view them as foreigners, but not nearly as foreign as, say, the Japanese, the Mexicans, or the Irish. They basically see the UK as having "lost it's way", and are much more polite to their surface-dwelling cousins.

In fact, "UpperEnglanders" can basically move into and out of UnderEngland almost freely, and UnderEngland trades a lot more with the UK than with other countries.


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Please tell me the premier writer of "modern fiction" in UnderEngland is Michael Moorlock.


And that Neil Gaiman is from there, hence his novel, Neverwhere.

Neil Gaiman is, in fact, not from UnderEngland. For obvious reasons, however, Neverwhere is somewhat popular among the upper-class (read: literate) denizens of UnderEngland. They find it a bit crass, more than a bit vulgar, and would never admit to reading it at in public. But they still secretly enjoy it.


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1854: The Broad Street Cholera Outbreak begins in London. Arthur Delahunt, Viscount Ingramshire, begins having dreams of a large cavern underneath England. At the height of the outbreak, he convinces the entire population to follow him underground, where they will "preserve English society for time immemorial".

1869: After 15 years of work, "Ingramshire-Under-England" is completed. Delahunt is crowned King Arthur I, monarch of the new English society. All contact with the surface is permanently cut off.

1876: Aetheric crystals are first discovered. Realizing their potential, underEngland quickly adopts them as its primary source of energy. Later that year, the unstable nature of aetheric is discovered after a chain-reaction explosion destroys the Bletchly Shaft Aether Mine, killing 68.

1889: While exploring what would later be named the Styx River, UnderEnglish ships pass through the Stygian Gate and discover that Hell is, in fact, and actual physical place. Parliament debates their next course of action for the next 2 months. Upon reaching a consensus that a full-scale war with Hell would be disastrous (and really, who wants to rule Hell?), trade begins between the two locales.

1918: First recorded killing by Mirror-Face Jack. Notable in that the victims were Count Horace Graff and King Charles III.

1976: The colony of Barrow is founded on the other side of the Sea of Moloch. Barrow booms with a prosperous mining industry. More colonies quickly form.

2020: UnderEngland discovered by the Royal Geographic Society. A new Cold War begins over "UnderTech"- technology powered by aetheric crystals.

Voidrunner's Codex

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