• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Until First Light (DM: TwoHeadsBarking. Judge: renau1g)


First Post
A few hours pass. The sounds from outside are nearly unbearable. It started off as moaning, but as the night goes on you begin to hear shrieks and screams from the undead. Looking outside, you don't notice anything in particular that would cause these noises. Maybe these are noises of frustration. Or maybe that's attaching too much humanity to the things.

And then you hear a different sound. This one is much quieter, the sound of dirt and stone being displaced. You look to the pit in the center and see loose earth being tossed up by something beneath it. As you watch, a decayed arm, fingernails long and crusted with filth, reaches out and places a supporting hand on the stone floor. One of the strange loping zombies you saw before pulls itself out of the hole, and it is almost immediately followed by four similar undead. The first one through huddles into a crouch and hisses at you, clearly preparing to attack.

[sblock=Status:]This is everyone's hp, right?
Empathy (24/24)
Lily (36/36)
Raijin (22/22)
Zhen (22/24)
Loper 22
Loper 30
Loper 46
Loper 67
Loper 92

You guys are up.[/sblock]


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Empathy watches in curiosity as the creatures pull themselves up out of the ground. She seems oddly fascinated by their intelligence - having dug up through the earth and around their defenses - but as they advance menacingly her eyes turn cold.

With barely a thought the closest creature is suddenly jerked backwards by an invisible force to stand close to two others. Suddenly, a vicious strand of thought like a barbed wire pierces its brain and then the psychic vibrations reverberate to the two around it.

The vibrations only partially affect the first creature; they tear into one next to it but completely miss a third.

Empathy takes a step toward her companions and prepares for the onslaught.

[sblock=ooc]free: Forceful Push on Loper 22 to move it to O8

standard: Ravening Thought on Loper 22: 7 vs. will (woohoo, rolled a 2 on a daily).

miss effect (assuming 7 misses): loper 22 takes 8 psychic damage and 3 ongoing psychic damage (save ends).

effect: 2ndary attack on Loper 46, then Loper 92: 18 vs. will on Loper 46, natural 1 vs. Loper 92. If 18 hits, Loper 46 takes 10 psychic damage and 5 ongoing psychic damage (save ends).

move: shift to E9[/sblock]
[sblock=Empathy ministats]Empathy Shardmind Psion 1
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 16, Passive Insight: 20, Senses: Normal
AC:14, Fort:11, Reflex:14, Will:16
HP:24/24, Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges left:7/7
Resist: 5 psychic
Action Points/Daily Item Uses/Milestones: 2/1/1
Power Points: 2
Mind Thrust

Shard Swarm
Far Hand
Forceful Push
Second Wind

Ravening Thoughts

Important Stuff:


Full sheet: PC:Empathy (evilbob) - L4W Wiki[/sblock]


ENOUGH Raijin shouts and lightning and thunder course over his body. As he moves toward the undead, a storm brews around him. Lightning shooting out to lick the stones of the floor and thunder rumbles. He tosses from his hands a bolt that misses widely. Anger fills his face and he roars and from his mouth comes lightning. It strikes the three closest zombies with full force and the energies continue to swirl protectively around Raijin.

[sblock=OOC] Minor: Promise of Storm
Move: Walk to L7
Standard: Stormwalk on Loper 30 1d20+5=7 (vs Fort) for 2d8+10=16 (thunder damage) and shift to M6
AP: Lightning Breath from N7 to Q9
1d20+5=17 (vs Loper 46 Ref)
1d20+5=25 (vs Loper 22 Ref) CRIT for 42 damage
1d20+5=20 (vs Loper 92 Ref)
4d8+10=34 Lightning Damage (miss = half damage)
Also, TENT whenever an enemy hits you with a melee attack, you push that enemy 1 square and the enemy take 5 lightning damage.

[sblock=ministats]Status: TENT whenever an enemy hits him with a melee attack, he pushes that enemy 1 square and the enemy take 5 lightning damage.
Passive Perception 10, Passive Insight 16
AC 14, Fort 15, Reflex 10, Will 16
HP: 22/22, Bloodied 11, Surge Value 5, Surges 4/6
Resist Lightning 5, Resist Thunder 5
Speed 6, Initiative +0
Action Points: 0, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Blazing Starfall, Storm Walk
Encounter Powers: Promise of Storm, Thundering Roar
Daily Powers: Lightning Breath


[sblock=wow]Well when you have a level 1 daily that does 4d8+10, um, yeah... That's amazing - I think that's easily the highest-damage level 1 power I've ever seen. Did Empathy's damage even matter?[/sblock]


First Post
Lily frowned when the hand popped up from the pit, the zombie content of her life was entirely too high right now. As the others made their move to intercept the undead Lily summoned her shadow right in their midst. The mostly immaterial body of Lith fell over the injured one like a hungry wave, grasping and clawing. Lily watched the outcome carefully, planning her next move accordingly.


minor: Call Spirit Companion to P8.

standard: Watcher's Strike: vs Ref [Target: Loper 92] (1d20+7=12)
if it hits: Damage (1d8+5=9). Until the end of Lily's next turn, she and her allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +5 bonus to Perception checks while adjacent to her spirit companion.

If Loper 92 goes down Lily will move to E5 and Lith will move to P7, otherwise Lily will move to D10.



First Post
Zhen dashes across the room, leaps into the air, and kicks the wounded loper right between its dead eyes.

[sblock=Mechanics]Move action move to L8.

Standard action - Charge using MBA against Loper 92, ending in O9.

Charge Loper 92 (1d20+7+1=28, 1d8+4=7)

Hits AC 28 - CRIT! - for 12 damage against Loper 92. Deciding to use Furious Assault on Loper 92 as well, for another 8 crit maxed damage, if the charge itself didn't kill it. On a hit, apply Stone Fist Flurry of Blows to Loper 92 for 7 damage, unless the charge and Furious Assault killed Loper 92, in which case SFFoB will do 9 damage to Loper 67.[/sblock]

[sblock=Zhen's Info]Li "Zhen" Zhenyu - Male Half-Orc Monk 1
Initiative: +4, Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 17, Low-Light Vision
AC: 18, Fort: 15, Reflex: 15, Will: 14 - Speed: 6
HP: 24/24, Bloodied: 12, Surge Value: 6, Surges left: 6/8
Action Points: 0
Resists: None

Crane's Wings
Five Storms
Stone Fist Flurry of Blows

Furious Assault
Half-Orc Resilience
Rising Storm
Second Wind

Spinning Leopard Maneuver
Potion of Healing x1

Full character sheet[/sblock]


Well when you have a level 1 daily that does 4d8+10, um, yeah... That's amazing - I think that's easily the highest-damage level 1 power I've ever seen. Did Empathy's damage even matter?

I have to "charge up" Raijin to do it. I had thought Promise of Storm (+1d8) and Elemental Echo (+1 hit, +2 damage) to make At Will powers do 2d8+10 was impressive enough, but this is nice too. Striker!


First Post
Three of the zombies are torn apart by an onslaught of psychic, arcane, and physical blows. The other two pounce on Zhen, raking at him with their filthy nails. The monk cannot dodge every blow, and soon feels infection seeping through his limbs.

Empathy (24/24)
Lily (36/36)
Raijin (22/22)
Zhen (12/24, bloodied, 5 ongoing poison)
Loper 30
Loper 67 (-9)

No attack was wasted, although Zhen's Furious Assault was not needed, or expended.

Loper 30 shifts once as a move and again as a minor to flank Zhen and attacks, missing with an 11 vs Fort.

Loper 67 attacks Zhen, hitting Fort 22 for 10 damage and 5 ongoing poison damage, save ends. Zhen is bloodied.[/sblock]


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Move yourself, Zhen, and your spirit, Lily. Raijin bellows as his voice continues to be thunderous and lightning covers his body.

[sblock=OOC] I may need to delay for this to work depending if my TENT effects end if I ready an action. Otherwise here is my turn:
Move: Walk to O7
Minor: Draw dagger
Standard: Ready a Thundering Roar blast 3 from O8 to Q10
1d20+5=9 (vs Loper 30 Fort)
1d20+5=10 (vs Loper 67 Fort)
(thunder damage), target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls TENT
Both misses, so it looks like it doesn't matter (but those other two better scram)

Screw me!

Passive Perception 10, Passive Insight 16
AC 14, Fort 15, Reflex 10, Will 16
HP: 22/22, Bloodied 11, Surge Value 5, Surges 4/6
Resist Lightning 5, Resist Thunder 5
Speed 6, Initiative +0
Action Points: 0, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Blazing Starfall, Storm Walk
Encounter Powers: Promise of Storm, Thundering Roar
Daily Powers: Lightning Breath

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