Until First Light (DM: TwoHeadsBarking. Judge: renau1g)


Empathy strikes back at Iaros's mind, but again fails to break through.

[sblock=ooc]standard: mind thrust on iaros: 10 vs. will (yet another 5.... /sigh)

move: none

minor: none

ministats: the same[/sblock]

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Raijin keeps his distance, throwing out precise arcs of lightning in a seemingly futile effort to stop Iaros's crazed rambling. This one reaches the necromancer, striking him in the arm. We will stop you, give up and drop the crystal.

[sblock=OOC] We suck, but at least we aren't dying :)
Standard: Stormwalk 1d20+4=21 (vs Iaros Reflex) for 1d8+8=10 lightning damage


First Post
With Iaros down, K'atzn'ii has a disappointed look on her face, but she whispers to the genasi, "Nice work" as the githyanki rushes along the battlefield, her sword held in front of her. The swordswoman slashes her blade, drawing a small wound on the injured zombie. "C'mon brother, finish this abomination off" K'atzn'ii encourages.

Minor: Curse Risen 54
Move+ standard: Charge - vs ac; dmg (1d20+8=20, 1d8+4=6)
curse (1d6=5)

Hits AC 20 for 7 damage, no slide


[sblock=Mini Stats]K’atzn’ii - Githyanki Warlock|Swordmage 1
Initiative +2 Passive perception 9 Passive Insight 9
AC 19 For 14 Ref 14 Will 14
HP 25/31 Bloodied 15 Surge value 7 Surges/day 11/11
Speed 6 squares
Languages Common, Deep Speech AP 0
Magic Items Uses 1
Powers: Eldritch Strike
Sword Burst
Vampiric Embrace
Telekinetic Leap
Second Wind
Armor of Agathys [/sblock]


First Post
Zhen flies through the air, coming down next to the last enemy with a burst of thunder that slams into the undead.

[sblock=Mechanics]Move action - Rising Storm movement technique to fly to G13.

Standard action - Rising Storm against Risen 54, applying Furious Assault.

Rising Storm Risen 54 (1d20+4=18, 2d8+4=15) / Furious Assault (1d8=5)

Hits Fort 18 for 20 thunder damage, and on a hit apply Flurry of Blows for another 7 damage.[/sblock]

[sblock=Zhen's Info]Li "Zhen" Zhenyu - Male Half-Orc Monk 1
Initiative: +4, Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 17, Low-Light Vision
AC: 18, Fort: 15, Reflex: 15, Will: 14 - Speed: 6
HP: 19/24, Bloodied: 12, Surge Value: 6, Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1
Resists: None

Crane's Wings
Five Storms
Stone Fist Flurry of Blows

Furious Assault
Half-Orc Resilience
Rising Storm
Second Wind

Spinning Leopard Maneuver
Potion of Healing x1

Full character sheet[/sblock]


First Post
The zombie literally falls apart under the force of the thunder.

[sblock=You win!]Status:
D'keth (11/29
, bloodied)
Empathy (24/24)
K'atzn'ii (23/31)
Lily (34/36)
Zhen (19/24)
Raijin (15/22)

Also, there may have been some confusion, but the large red thing in the center is a unfortunately colored rug, not a pool of blood.[/sblock]


Empathy closely examines the so-called "rug" that had disguised itself as a pool of blood. It seemed squishy enough earlier...

And why are her feet stained red?


Raijin sheaths his dagger and settles his robes and hat back down into place. The purple lines on his hands and face are more visible, through what is now obviously makeup. He walks over to Lith. A spirit of nature? Though it appears menacing it is no Oni.

[sblock=OOC] I couldn't help the Oni/Oni tie!
Raijin will spend 1 healing surge, if Lily wants to use her healing with someone else Raijin will take the additional 1d6 since he is at 20/22 hp.


[sblock=reminder]I will be out of the country starting tomorrow! I may have spotty access here and there but I wouldn't count on it. This battle's over anyway (Empathy will have used no resources after 5 mins is up - she didn't even take damage), but I'm sorry I'll miss the RP stuff in between. THB, please feel free to NPC me. I should be back around June 13![/sblock]


First Post
Lily considers Raijin's question. Hmm...all spirits are natural, right? Well...unless they aren't, haha. She clapped Raijin on the back, but her laugh wasn't terribly convincing. So, what's an oni?


OK, here's what I'll do.

Healing spirit on D'keth, that's a surge+1. Extra healing to Raijin, can't roll lower than 2 so he's at full.

If everyone wants to take an extra rest, then I'll Use Healing Spirit on K'atzn'ii for surge +1 (bring her to full I believe) and heal D'keth for (1d6+1=6). Then use Healing Spirit on D'keth to bring him to full and heal Zhen for (1d6+1=6)


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