UPDATE: Politics/Religion no longer permitted again!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
UPDATE -- the below experiment has ended, and politics/religion is no longer allowed here again. Back to business as usual!

This is an experiment. It may or may not last.

You may now discuss political and religious topics in this forum only and only in threads marked with the new politics and religion tags. However, and this is important - you are still not allowed to be jerks to each other. If doing the former means you can't restrain yourself from the latter, then refrain from the former. We - as in the moderators - are assuming you are adults and if you choose to participate in a political or religious thread, you acknowledge that you possess the self-restraint needed to avoid being rude to those with whom you disagree. And make no mistake, on this board of 160K members from across the world, who grew up in very different environments to you, and share none of your daily cultural touchstones, people will disagree with you in ways you find alien and incomprehensible. It is YOUR responsibility to handle that situation, not theirs, or to avoid it, but you don't get to be rude.

Topics should be marked with the new politics and religion tags. Avoid these threads if you cannot control yourself. Use the report post button rather than respond in anger. If you respond in anger, you'll be at fault, even if you're right.

We will not accept "but I was right" as an excuse for rudeness. The words "right" and "rude" are two different words. We will ask you to leave if you're rude. Yes, we know there's a close to 100% chance you'll go around telling everyone it was because you were right, not because you were rude. It wasn't, but if that makes it easier for you to accept, or to deal with internally, we're used to that.

Nationalism is utterly unacceptable.

If this experiment doesn't work out, and you're the cause of it, you probably won't work out either. Don't be the reason this doesn't work. Don't make CHA your dump stat. Please, think and be nice. If you're on a track to trying to "win" something you're (a) not going to win anything; and (b) on a track to be asked to leave. Victory is not a goal.

One tool we might use is to simply ask you not to post in this forum (Media Lounge). That would be a shame, because you wouldn't be able to participate in the awesome science and movie threads.

This is very much an experiment. There is a good chance it won't work out, and we're perfectly ready to accept that, in which case we'll disallow politics and religion again. We'll review in a few weeks!
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Mod Squad
Staff member
I will add, in really big letters so people don't miss it:


If you start making statements about an author personally, rather than about his or her logical support as presented, that's a red flag for us that you're not working out.


just a side challenge, is it possible to talk about american politics without referring to political party or "liberal" or "conservative"? Because I don't think those words mean what people think it means. Maybe by handicapping the standbys of language which mostly ends up being namecalling, they could just talk about issues and ideas for solutions.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
just a side challenge, is it possible to talk about american politics without referring to political party or "liberal" or "conservative"? Because I don't think those words mean what people think it means. Maybe by handicapping the standbys of language which mostly ends up being namecalling, they could just talk about issues and ideas for solutions.

They also mean different things in different countries (and more used in some than others). But terms like that are very ingrained in discussion of US politics as far as I can tell, so that may be a tall ask.


Naked and living in a barrel
The nationalism clause needs some clarification. What constitute nationalism and why is it unacceptable?

I ask because if you say Québec needs to be independent from Canada, you are considered to be a nationalist here, which I guess makes it a "no no" subject if I understand the limit correctly. But I'm not sure why it is more contentious than abortion or the Pope saying global warming is bad, which I assume are ok to discuss. All sort of nations want independence or have independentist movements with in them, and it is no more or less emotional than say abortion.
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The nationalism clause needs some clarification. What constitute nationalism and why is it unacceptable?

I ask because if you say Québec needs to be independent from Canada, you are considered to be a nationalist here, which I guess makes it a "no no" subject if I understand the limit correctly.

Ditto Scotland.

Then again, given what Scotland went through in September of last year, and the stuff that's still ongoing, I was actually rather glad of a few places where it wasn't constantly being discussed. :)


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Remember, only threads tagged with one of the new tags. That way it's very easy for people to avoid politics.

By nationalism, I mean derogatory comments based on nationality. It may be the wrong word; I wanted a word which treats nationality as an -ism like sexism, racism, and so on.
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