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[UPDATED - With Cubicle 7] Games Workshop Concluding Deal For Licensing Rights To Warhammer Fantasy

Either Cubicle 7 or Modiphius.

I know nothing about Age of Sigmar (other than, I guess you could adventure in, duh, the age of Sigmar), so for me the question would be "what do you mean they will go with The Old World? As if there are any other Warhammer worlds...?"

They rebooted it and I think (please correct me if I'm wrong anybody) it takes place on another planet or another dimension now. The human knights look like fantasy versions of Space Marines and in general everything I've heard about the new setting is pretty negative.

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Daniel D. Fox

Assuming there is a new edition:
What I really want to see in a new edition of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay is to revisit the Age of Three Emperors. The man vs man conflict has always been more interesting to me, than simply man vs roving bands of mutant hordes. I also hope to see a return to the d100 system. For all of Fantasy Flight Game's fun narrative mechanics, the 'fiddly bits' made setting up a continuing weekly game difficult. Finally, I would also like to see a more open-ended career system, removing the career path limitations of previous editions.

Assuming they keep the old edition:
I'd love to see the Career Compendium and the main rulebook combined together. I'd also like to see more softback options with perfect binding. The last run by Green Ronin wasn't the best when it came to binding. I'd also love to see The Enemy Within 1e adapted to the 2e edition rules. That would be a major, major draw for me.

In the meanwhile, I'm hoping that ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG can be the community's bridge between editions, as it's been designed as a Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay retroclone.
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I know nothing about Age of Sigmar (other than, I guess you could adventure in, duh, the age of Sigmar), so for me the question would be "what do you mean they will go with The Old World? As if there are any other Warhammer worlds...?"

There was a year long event known as "The End Times" where the various powers of the old world destroyed each other and in the end the planet was destroyed too.

It's not "Warhammer Fantasy Battles" anymore - it's "Age of Sigmar" as the battles take place across the physically and dimensionally shattered remnants of the prior universe. It's a very different setting now. Some races are gone, some were effectively merged, and all of them got new names. A new RPG set in this universe would be interesting, but the RPG has 30 years of history where it was set in the Old World of the prior 8 editions of the miniatures game. That's where the benefit of the license would seem to lie. An Age of Sigmar RPG would benefit very little from that real-world history.


If you want an RPG comparison Age of Sigmar is the D&D 4E of that hobby. It was fanbase-shattering leading to a renewed "Oldhammer" movement, greater interest in existing competitors like Warmachine/Hordes, and a new upstart competitor that's giving long time fans more of what they want in Kings of War. GW is still pushing it and the game has gotten better, but with new senior management at the company seeming to be a lot more interested in what gamers think I wonder if we won't see a 5E-style-back-to-the-classics type game in a few years.

Old gamer note: It's more divisive than the Clan Invasions were for Battletech


Not gonna lie, here was my reaction to the news of Cubicle 7 picking up the WFRP license . . . .

"Oh good. Now they have one more license with which to diddle and release content for at a glacially slow pace that will try the patience of even the most ardent fan. Well done, Cubicle 7! Well done!"**

**Remember that time when Cubicle 7 told The One Ring fans that the Adventurer's Companion would be released in the fall of 2015? Bwahahah, I was so naive then.



All my group hated the third edition but the adventures are very good, we are playing them with the 2nd edition rules.
We also hate Age of Sigmar, I have a bad feeling with this new edition.


Not gonna lie, here was my reaction to the news of Cubicle 7 picking up the WFRP license . . . .

"Oh good. Now they have one more license with which to diddle and release content for at a glacially slow pace that will try the patience of even the most ardent fan. Well done, Cubicle 7! Well done!"**

**Remember that time when Cubicle 7 told The One Ring fans that the Adventurer's Companion would be released in the fall of 2015? Bwahahah, I was so naive then.

At least it wasn't Palladium Books that got the license.

Age of Sigmar is apparently now outselling WHFB, so it seems to have had more traction than 4e D&D did, in that comparison.

I'm kind of hoping that they don't use the careers system. It never made a lot of sense to me - the characters were all going on adventures, why are they becoming 'Arsonists' or 'Lawyers', when the only correct class title would be 'Adventurer'? - and was effectively a way of build-your-own-class. I think that the setting absolutely does not need this careers system to work well, and sticking to using them would rather raise the question of why use this over the existing 2e material.

However, I'm not enough of a numbercruncher to offer a suggestion for what else to base the game on. RPGs run the whole gamut from oppressively complex to very light; WFRP 2e was pretty solidly in the middle, not far from 5e in many respects. I'd really love a 5e D&D version to be honest, since I can't be bothered learning new rules, but it'd take some effort to pull off. Since these guys are busy doing Adventures in Middle Earth though, they might well be prepared to make the effort. I don't believe that they have a 'house system' that they crowbar everything into, unlike White Wolf and Storyteller, for example, so it should be interesting to see how that develops.

For all of Fantasy Flight Game's fun narrative mechanics, the 'fiddly bits' made setting up a continuing weekly game difficult.

That's really touching the core of RPG's, if its is to over designed and difficult to play a game it becomes a pest. An RPG should have mechanis that are simple and easy to grasp (D100 anyone?) and be relatively easy to setup. I play a lot of board games myself as well and the games that are easy to setup and play get's played more often. Easier mechanics and play will also allow for more improvised fantasy where energy is used on creating a good fantasy atmosphere and suspence instead of strugling with over designed rules.

And give us the good old midieval setting back from 1st ed. where you almost could smell the puke in the streets I say!

Make something that allows people to create that DUNGEON HORROR DEED experience! ;-)

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