• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Urban Arcana Hijacked Game


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Festy : Jeniffer used her contacts to get a transferral to a brand new Europol service : Group Ten.

Based in Brussels, Belgium, Group Ten investigates unusual murders, international serial killers, ritual gang killings, international sects, mass suicides, various different odds and ends. It took a long time to be established, but last week the bill finally got voted, and now you are the very first person on their payroll. Well , the second, really, because the creator of the service, Mr Vanderschot, is your superior officer.


It's a rainy day. Belgium is famous for it. Miserable weather, good beer and chocolate. Well, two outta three is allright, I guess. You packed your things and they were picked up by the moving firm, on their way to your new appartement. Well, that's what you hope. The TGV (high speed train) slowly comes to a halt in the brandnew Brussels South Train Station. The usual commuters, Businessmen, Europarlementarians and tourist swirl around you as you exit the train, looking around not really knowing where to go. A mustachioed man stands at a distance, holding a plate with your name on it.
As you walk closer, he looks op . "Miss Archer?"
"Chow aar you doingk. Chi ahm Sergio, yhour Driver. Phlease fgollow."
You hope his driving skills are better then his english, or french.Any attempts at conversation are futile, because after two or three near misses you decide to let him concentrate on the hectic traffic. The 120 Km/H (80mph) signs are clearly meant as indicators of the minimum speed.
After about twenty minutes you arrive at an apartement in Leuven. The place is filled with your stuff, still in the boxes. Your furniture has been placed at random apparantly, but the view from you apartment window is excellent.It has even stopped raining...
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Jennifer stands at the window, admiring the view.

Bet this ain't cheap.

A couple more minutes of day-dreaming then she goes about unpacking essentials, not quite concerned with the way the furniture is currently.

I really ought to learn the language.

Jennifer sets a kettle to boil, and puts some instant soup powder into a coffee mug. She sits on the kitchen bench, waiting for the kettle to boil, ignoring jet lag, and pondering about her new job.

Here I am, back in Belgium...
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Your mobile rings. A male voice, in perfect french, with the same funny accent you heard spoken in Brussels.
"Good afternoon, Miss Spencer. This is Emile speaking" Emile? Emile? Who on earth is Emile? Aaah, Mr E. Vanderschot.
"I hope you had a pleasant journey, and that you find your appartement in good order. Feel free to relax and settle in. In the top drawer of your desk in the livingroom you should find evrything you need to get your internet connection up and running. I also left some tourist information and adresses of restaurants. I can personally recommend "De Vlaamsche Reus". Sergio will pick you up at 8:00 tomorrow morning for work. Have a pleasant evening."

With that the conversation ends. Well, looks like you've got a new town to discover.
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Jennifer nods as she exchanges the mobile phone in her hands for the cup of instant soup.

Suppose I'd better set the computer up and check my e-mails.

She puts the computer together piece by piece, then takes a few minutes to establish the internet connection.

Hope I didn't miss much online.

Suggesting she finds nothing of extreme importance online, she tries to make a booking at the restaurant Mr. Vanderschot recommended then find her way there with the tourist information provided.

Always preferred eating out, guess I've got a good enough excuse to now.

Thoughts of her apartment scattered with partially unpacked boxes drift to the front of her mind, and she rolls her eyes.


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Thursday 04-mar-04, 23:00

Brussels airport. Looks like it's seen busier times. Well, sept 11 and all that. Aaah, there's my bags. Now where do I go. Customs, what a joke, couldn't catch a cold if they tried. Who on earth is that?

"Miester Choville, plees gfollow" a small mustachioed monkey of a man says, grinning like a chimp on LSD." "Chow aar you doingk. Chi ahm Sergio, yhour Driver."

After a short drive you end up in Leuven, in front of an appartement block. Only two names show up on the bell, looks like the other appartements arent used yet. Sergio gives you your keys, and after some sign language involving some obscure gestures he indicates that he'll pick you up at eight tomorrow morning.
Your appartement is spacey with a nice view, cluttered with all your stuff. A note on the kitchen table explains that you can hook up your computer to the broadband internet. Someone has kindly stocked your freezer with pizzas and lasagna, and there's a sixpack and some fruitjuice in your fridge. Sweet dreams.
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I aim to misbehave
Simon walked in wonderment on his first actual assignment outside of research and protocol. It figured that he would be traveling at night . . . lucky actually . . . for Simon was quite convinced that his skin would actually catch fire if it touched sunshine.

Upon meeting Sergio, Simon was uncertain how to respond . . . obviously this person knew him and was expecting him . . . but it wasn't what Simon had imagined. A sultry female assistant helping him on his new and exciting mission . . . yeah, right . . . only in the film, Simon thought. Simon merely nodded and allowed Sergio to take him to his new flat.

He reviewed the flat, checking the various rooms and sight lines before heading to the fridge and getting a cold one. Simon cracked it open and took a deep swallow. He looked for a good location to set up his computer - good lighting, outlets, and hidden from the views and sightlines of those who may look in on his flat.

Simon sighed . . . he hated this part - setting up the computer. He got to work anyway, knowing he only had a few hours before he had his first real meeting. He then checked the time, wondering if he could catch some BBC before crashing for the evening.


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Friday 05-mar-04, 07:00

You awake from a deep sleep by the sharp voice of your alarm-clock. Morning television is apparently unknown here, they just show some reruns of yesterday evening-news. Thank god for BBC. Some breakfast and a shower later you feel like a new person. At about a quarter to eight your buzzer indicates someone is at the door.
"Iet is aai. It ies taaim", unmistakably Sergio. Apparently he pressed two buzzers, because he seems to be talking to two persons at the same time, overtaxing his vocabulary.
This time you're not the only passenger in the car : someone else got in, a future colleague?

[ooc : feel free to introduce yourselves]

You arrive in Brussels at the europarlaiment. A new, imposing building in a sterile corporate area. The place is wellpatrolled by the police, keeping vagrants and beggars away. Wageslaves in their suits walk around in a hurry, like so much scurrying ants. Sergio parks the car in the underground carpark, and guides you to an office at the fifth floor.
"Come in" a polite voice says after your tentative knock. Parts of a design desk are visible under a clutter of hardcopy files, and the air is a bit hazy, testimony to mr. Vanderschots denial that smoking is dangerous to your health, and to the non-importance of all the non-smoking signs you've seen in this building.

"Aaah, miss Archer, mr Coville, welcome in Brussels." The man is built like a brick, with big hands that envelop yours as he gives you a firm handshake. The pockmarked face and the pathetic attempt at hiding an ever-increasing bald spot by strategically arranging the few remaining hairs do little to improve his appearance.
"I'll arrange for someone to get your papers, badge and gun. The cars have arrived as well."
He looks at the mess on his desk, taking a file from under a pile of paper.

"tell me, have you ever heard of the ton-ton macouts?"

[ooc : jennifer, you've heard the name, Simon : Something to do with Haiti]

"Narcotics has asked for our help, they're investigating a burglary and possible homicide at the African museum in Tervuren last night. You'll be met by Mr. Lafayette at the scene. Remember, you're advisors at the moment."

A few minutes later, armed with gun, badge, and a hardcopy file, you're on your way to the scene of the crime.

[you've been given a citroen evasion (think big monovolume), wich one of you is driving? Also, surf for info on the ton-ton macouts, have fun]


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Noticing the other person in the car Jennifer extends a hand to shake. She's a relatively attractive young woman, mid-twenties, with blue eyes and shoulder length brown hair which is partially tied back.

"I'm Jennifer Archer, pleasure to meet you," she says with a smile.

DrZombie said:
"tell me, have you ever heard of the ton-ton macouts?"

"Hmm, heard the name before, but can't think of who they are," she says, dredging her memories for clues.

[ooc: Papa Doc'c hatchet men, pretty interesting.]

DrZombie said:
"Remember, you're advisors at the moment."

Jennifer nods.

DrZombie said:
A few minutes later, armed with gun, badge, and a hardcopy file, you're on your way to the scene of the crime.

Jennifer calmly slides the USP into it's shoulder holster, smiling once its concealed by her jacket.

DrZombie said:
[wich one of you is driving?]

[ooc: Neither have any ranks in driving, so one's as good as the other. I'm picturing Jennifer in the passenger seat though unless Simon really hates driving :D]
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I aim to misbehave
Simon rose in the morning with the shreiking of the alarm. He followed his daily routine . . . though his excitement keep causing him to forget things. After more than a few comical difficulties, Simon made it to the car in time for work.

Simon was tall for a researcher, standing 6'1" and almost 200 pounds, though where the weight was hidden was anyone's guess. His black curly hair was short and almost alway out of place. Finally, his dark suit made his skin even paler than it normally looked. With a make-over, who knew how he could turn out . . . but Simon din't know or care much about those things.

Simon entered the car, expecting to be alone and was therefore taken aback when he noticed the car had another occupant. He recovered quickly and said, "Morning, miss. Good day and all that!"

After hearing her introduction, Simon introduced himself as well . . . "Simon Coville, pleasure as well." The nervousness and excitement started building a knot in his stomach which didn't really begin to loosen until the pair had been shuffled off on the mission.

Simon hadn't said much . . . if anything . . . but was excited to get started. "I can drive," he offered in gentlemanly fashion, "though I wanted to do some research on the 'ton-tons' on the way . . . Names familiar - something to do with Haiti - if I recall correctly."


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Keia said:
"I can drive," he offered in gentlemanly fashion, "though I wanted to do some research on the 'ton-tons' on the way . . . Names familiar - something to do with Haiti - if I recall correctly."

"Haiti... sounds correct now that you mention it," Jennifer replies, "As long as we don't take long research wouldn't be bad at all."

She slips into the passenger seat and makes herself comfortable.

Voidrunner's Codex

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