• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Urn Your Pay (Rae judging)


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Sorry, I had a huge test and I didn't want to get sucked in to D&D world, neglected all my games. I'm back now and I'll try not to let it happen again.[/sblock]

After the defeat of the mephit, Karm pats Kuma on the head in congratulations. The wolf looks up at him adoringly. "That creature was tough as nails! Well done, all," Karm says, looking around smiling. At the discovery of the library to the south Karm, looks around at the decaying books and the two wands, frowning. "I can only wonder, what must have happened here for the owners to leave such a treasure behind, Karm says. "Indeed, perhaps once this place is safe, we can peruse these books. Who knows what might be found within their pages?"

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"They left aw ay a sudden, did they nae?" Gildrim agrees. "Mebbe they coudnae bring thaimsels tae believe that th' river wad swallae thair land till it wis lappin' thair taes, an' thaur wis nae time tae pack thair vailuables. Or mebbe they steyed oan th' wee hill quite happy, rowin' thaimsels aboot in a boat, an' ane day they war aw etten by a cockodrill."


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Ter-raen considers the possibilities that his companions raise, but arrives at the same logic in the end: they ran out of proper things to eat. But he doesn't want to embarass them (or himself) by his simple answer, so he keeps the knowledge to himself. "Come, we move?" he asks.


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"Well put, and simply, Ter-raen. Let's be on our way, shall we?" Karm says in response to the taciturn half-orc's unaccustomed display of verbosity.

OOC: Could you post an updated map of what we can see? Alternatively, let's open the next door!


The last room on this floor proves to be another lengthy gallery of paintings. Unlike the dignified, serious portraits below, this gallery is more personal, showing paintings of children at play, hunting parties with dogs and horses, and casual scenes of life around the manor during its heyday. All of the paintings are badly damaged by time and moisture, though most are still comprehensible. On a pedestal at the end of the room is a small statue in silver and crystal depicting a mother and child gazing into each others eyes.

[sblock=ooc]I'll be lazy and not post a map of this floor, since there's nothing left unexplored, unless you're really curious about the shape of these last two rooms. Instead, here's a map of the ground floor again, should it be relevant to your next actions.




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Ter-raen looks at the paintings in disgust. He remembers the outcome of encountering the other paintings in the house, and is in no mood to awaken any more of the silent monsters lurking behind these pieces of canvas. "House of bad omen, and its children."


"Cheer up, laddie. Ah'll gie ye that pented likenesses are disturbin' - why wad onybody want tae see thaimsels pressed flet? - but haur's a pretty wee bit ay sculpture. Nae tae my taste, but thaur's humans an' ither fowk wha'd buy it. Lat's mynd tae tak it wi' whan we gae... if th' beasties aneath th' hoose dinnae end us."

OOC: when we're done, how about the stairs in O9?


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Ter-raen nods his head at the dwarf's sounds. It sounded like it made sense. Ter-raen hoped whatever the dwarf had in mind, it didn't involve more paintings. The dwarf could have said "Feed this half-orc to the paintings" and the half-orc wouldn't be any wiser. "Ok, we go!"


ooc: Sorry for the delay, guys. There's a bit of flu going around the house, and between that and a bit of unscheduled tendonitis in my mouse hand, I've not been able to get the map ready for the next move. I haven't forgotten you, though!

Voidrunner's Codex

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