Using Star Was SAGA Rules with D&D 3.5


You could probably import Saga wholesale as long as you cut out 90% of the magic and magic items. Magic is what makes dnd so different, and that's what's out of place in the system. If you turned the force abilities into magic you could run it fine. I do not think SAGA will do very well just throw into the dnd world. Starwars is not dnd in space.

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Baby Samurai

I have ported over the changes below from Saga to my fortnightly D&D campaign, and so far everyone loves it (I'll never go back):

-Charge is a standard action.

-Withdraw is a move action.

-No 5 ft. step.

-No iterative attacks – replaced by Double Attack, Triple Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Whirlwind Attack, Dual Weapon Mastery etc

-No confirmation rolls for critical hits – a longsword automatically critical hits on a natural 20, a rapier automatically critical hits on a natural 19, or 20, and a keen rapier automatically critical hits on a natural 18, 19, or 20.

-Half character level as bonus damage on attacks.

-The skill system.

Baby Samurai

Stalker0 said:
You could probably import Saga wholesale as long as you cut out 90% of the magic and magic items. Magic is what makes dnd so different, and that's what's out of place in the system.

Totally – the antiquated holdover that is the D&D magic system needs a complete facelift. Almost every other aspect of the game has evolved and moved on. I would love to see a per encounter based magic system, ala ToB.

I don't want spell slots or spell points.

The assumed 4 encounters a day malarkey has got to go.

I have already ported over mass changes from the Saga system to my fortnightly D&D campaign, and so far everyone loves it. The only bugbear left is the D&D magic/spell system.


I did some thinking on this already. Here's something to get you started.

+2 con, -2 Cha
4 squares
Re-roll Perception checks in underground settings.
+2 to Fort Defense
Conditional Bonus Feat: SF: Crafting (like mechanics)
Free Weapon Prof in Urgrosh and Waraxe

+2 Dex, -2 Cha
6 Squares
Low Light Vision
Always Take 10 on Perception checks
+2 Will Defense
Immune to Sleep Effects
Free Proficiency in Bows & Swords

+2 Dex, -2 Str
4 Squares
Re-roll Jump and Climb Checks
Conditional Bonus Feat: SF: Stealth
+1 to All Defenses
+1 to hit with slings & thrown weapons

+2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Wis
6 Squares
Conditional Bonus Feat: SF Endurance

6 squares
Low Light Vision
+1 Will Defense
Conditional Bonus Feat: SF: Persuasion
Re-roll Perception Checks
Immune to Sleep

+2 Con, -2 Str
4 Squares
Low Light Vision
+2 Will Defense
Conditional Bonus Feat: SF Crafting* (akin to mechanics)
Conditional Bonus Feat: Magical Talent (akin to Force Sensitive)
Free Proficiency in Gnome Hooked Hammer

My question is: how would you handle static defense scores vs. caster? Caster level? Spellcraft skill?


First Post
Remathilis said:
My question is: how would you handle static defense scores vs. caster? Caster level? Spellcraft skill?

Subtract 10 from DCs and roll 1d20.

1d20 + spell level + ability modifier >= appropriate defense = hit

Achan hiArusa

Skills are a big problem since unless you blow a feat you can't get more skills as you increase in level, so automatic gain in skills as you level up is a must (this is predicated on the idea that I keep the standard 3.5 skill list):

Standard Skill Point Gain which equals number of class skills gained (and additional class skills with increase in level):

2 + Int Bonus skills (Gain an additional class skill at 6th, 12th, and 18th level). EXCEPTION: The wizard gains additional class skills at 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 20th levels.

4 + Int Bonus skills (Gain an additional class skill at 2nd, 4th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 18th, and 20th levels).

6 + Int Bonus skills (Gain an additional class skill at every even level except 10th level)

8 + Int Bonus skills (Gain an additional class skill at every even level)
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First Post
If you're wanting to just Saga-ize 3.5, you'll need to keep the basic power level already present in the skills, so why not just have skills auto-advance, with untrained being cross-class, and trained being class.

Then if you want you can change skill focus to a +5 and make it worth taking, and perhaps change the "+2 to two skills" feats to +3-4.

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