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Variant Elemental Cosmology


First Post
Interesting. Thank you, I needed something like this right now. Yesterday morning, my paternal grandmother passed away :( . I need something to take my mind off of the grief, just to help me control it until I can deal with it, and forcing my mind to consider another subject, especially one that is both difficult (due to forcing my mind to think in way it is unaccustomed to) and intriguing, is a focus to aid in that control. I am not one to grieve openly, and allowing those feelings to rule me would be both useless and unproductive. I need time, and a chance to deal with it, and this provides both, as if I turned to the emotions in my present state I would be unable to cope in any way. Time is the best cure for me, that and having a forum to express it in. I only absorb such things with time. I do not cry once in a single torrential wave, but much over the course of years, and in small swells. Allowing such a flood to pour forth would not reduce the pain I feel, but only magnify, and make it a more difficult thing to absorb. My family needs support now, and I am in better shape emotionally than others, and I best deal with grief by allowing my mind to absorb the blow. Others do not and will need support, and I, who have also been wounded, am in a position to give it. I will not leave to go to the region where the funeral is held until tomorrow, and as such I have only time on my hands until then. My thanks be unto you, for an aid not deliberate nor intended, but well needed and received in good spirit, and that would be given freely if asked. And thank you also for reading this and giving me time to express my own grief, and thus allow it to seep out of me in a small dose. Being communicative and speaking to others is an aid to me, and I appreciate the kind eyes turned towards this long message of sadness, and ask forgiveness for the use of another's topic for such a grim subject, and to focus that pain into a font of creativity, to be constructive, and not focus on the destruction rendered more than is healthy.

Beyond that, this is an interesting subject of it's own accord. Kudos on your work, and on the effort you have put into it.

As for the idea of Ooze elementals, I have only one answer: An ooze, as a material lifeform, is a rendering in 'reality,' that only shadows an element, for whatever reason, divine or otherwise. The element of Ooze is a different concept, a primal force of magic and power that is a direct manifestation of that element. While it is not an ooze, it may well resemble one in some ways, though it will also share traits with other elementals. It would be more amorphous, but it already shares many of the traits of an ooze creature in that. As for a polymorph immunity, it might well be more malleable than less, being a fundamental force of life and existence, could be more easily shaped into another being, though it would have no consciousness change wreaked upon it. It has a direct, motivating force derived of the plane itself, and is therefore a different creature from a material ooze, which has as much of a mind in the traditional form as a mushroom does. I hope this is an answer that is well-suited.

In the idea of the Shadow Plane as the void of all possibilities, it would also be a passage to other pasts, perhaps a fundemental element of the multiverse itself. If it were emptier than the traditional Plane of Shadows (PoS forthwith), it would be thus. The Void, and a deeper region of darker shadows, unconcerned with and unconnected to the local region of 'reality,' save at second-hand, would be a place where the past, present, and future could each be sounded, and the depths of each explored. The PoS could also be the place where all the various 'realities' come together, and could be connected to a MotP reality through such, emerging in the normal PoS. The shadowy vision into the Material Plane would be a reflection of the possibilities occurring there, and could well be wrong, particularly as one drifts closer to the edges of the Deep Shadows, as probability breaks down and all times begin to come as one. A time stop spell might be needed to survive in that region, but would make a superb epic realm, as the heroes pursue a villain and attempt to guard their own timeline, and those of others. To expand this out further, in space fantasy settings, or those of science fiction (star Trek, Star Wars, etc.), and such that merge the two together (i.e. Dragonstar), a black hole could lead into that Deep Shadow, and could aid as a plot device for GMs interested in a variant experience, one with interesting consequences. I could further expound upon this, but unless asked, I believe that I have taken enough of the valuable time of my readers.

Well wishes to all, and gratitude for reading my post. May your be well, for I know the pain of losing a part of that crucial bond, and it is not a pleasant chill upon the heart, nor would I wish it upon another soul. Again, my thanks for reading all of this mass of excessive verbage.

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First Post
Moonsword, sorry to read of your loss. It is always hard to have the things of comfort taken from us. But it truly is for a betterment of ourselves as we continue on with the knowledge and memories of those who have touched us. The cycle goes on and grieving is part of it.

Take care,


First Post
Moonsword, I'm sorry for the loss to you and your family.
Cherish the memories of good times that you had together. Hopefully that will help you in some of those more difficult moments that occur.

Best wishes,


First Post
I already am. Thank you for the support. Nifft, sorry for hijacking your thread. I did try to put it back on track at the end. Really, though, I meant what I said. Just having something to focus on, to work with, and the chance to express myself, has helped me in working through it. It will help later. Also, very good work. Very cool :cool:.


Penguin Herder
Moonsword said:
I already am. Thank you for the support. Nifft, sorry for hijacking your thread. I did try to put it back on track at the end.

Yeah! How dare you allow your real pain and suffering to distract from my made-up stuff!

(Seriously: my condolences. Take all the time & space you'd like.)

Really, though, I meant what I said. Just having something to focus on, to work with, and the chance to express myself, has helped me in working through it. It will help later. Also, very good work. Very cool :cool:.

Hey, if you want to help, give me some ideas on where gateways to the traditional Outer Planes would be placed. I've already got a few mapped out:

Crawling Citadel -> Gehenna
Brass City -> Hell
Djinn Bazaar -> Ysgard
Border of Ooze, Ash and Storm -> Limbo
Elf Domains in Wood -> Arborea

In this cosmology, the Elemental Plane takes the place of the Outlands.

Finally, some clarifications:

Ethereal: displaced in time, forward or backward; out-of-phase temporally

Astral: in wormhole transit between the 3D Prime Material macrosphere and the 5D Elemental macrosphere.

Silver Thread: a particular wormhole through which information is being relayed to a simulacrum.

Force Descriptor: manipulating matter at the wormhole level. Thus, effects with the Force descriptor can harm incorporeal (out-of-phase) creatures. IMC, Teleport has the Force descriptor.

-- Nifft


First Post
Good-aligned region of Water -> sea/lake thing in Celestia
Particularly chaotic part of Fire, well away from the Brass City -> Abyss
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Penguin Herder
Moonsword said:
Good-aligned region of Water -> sea/lake thing in Celestia
Particularly chaotic part of Fire, well away from the Brass City -> Abyss

Sounds good! Let's put the Celestia gate on the border of Water/Wood -- some kind of magically fresh water, a lake of giant and divine-energy enhanced water lillies and lotus blossoms.

Fire -> Abyss -- sounds okay, but I already have Fire leading into Hell. The Abyss seems more like an Ooze place to me.

-- Nifft


First Post
Remind me again, is there a border between Fire and Ooze?

Also, I think that the idea of both the Abyss and the Nine Hells in the same area allows the Bloodwar to continue without significant alteration.



First Post
Moonsword- condolences.

The Abyss Gate:
The abyss is a pit, often cold where Hell is generally hot. I can picture the endless depths of the Abyss as being molded by an ancient evil out of the depths of ooze, that unformed stuff being shaped into inhabitants and given order by this dark being.

Here's a notion for elemental Ooze- it is infinite in density but weighs nothing. It moves of its own accord, usually in a sea of its own. It can shrink to the tiniest ball or grow to a veritable ocean. And it is at the base of Ooze that a malign spear of Ice (or Fire, etc) penetrated to the bottom, cutting into a single ooze in the depths and expanding it into the Abyss over which all Ooze floats, like putrid skum over the true evil.


Penguin Herder
Moonsword said:
Remind me again, is there a border between Fire and Ooze?

Also, I think that the idea of both the Abyss and the Nine Hells in the same area allows the Bloodwar to continue without significant alteration.

If, as Khorod says, the Abyss is basically cold, we could easilly put its entry way in Elemental Ice. The Abyss could extend deep into Shadow (the Icy Void), its perverted denizens brooding with chilling hatred for all things warmer than themselves.

Ash is another good place for an entryway to the Abyss. Ash is the realm between Fire and Ooze. Perhaps a whirlpool of poison, liquid metal and acid, on the border of Ash and Ooze, could lead to the Abyss...

-- Nifft

Voidrunner's Codex

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