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Vengeance in Mornonas


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The group reaches Mornonas around 3pm in the afternoon. From far you were able to see the tall spire of the Grand Wizard the tallest building of the city, then the observatory and the hall of justice.

You first go through the wooden palissade build at the base of the hill on which the city is build. The city is build on an artificial hill.

For a more complete description of the city go read post 9 Mornonas

You enter the wooden palissade the guards look at you suspitiously they usually don't like adventurer, because they usually means more troubles.

You walk up the steep hill. On your right you notice an ingenious mechanism that help heavy wagons climb up the hill.

You then walks towards the main gates, the two soldiers seem quite busy checking various merchandise wagon from a group elven gypsies and don't pay too much attention to you. You are now in the city. In front of you at the end of the street, you see the Central Market busy as always, on each side of the roads are small shops and restaurants most of them seems to be oriented towards travellers. You notice also a patrol of 4 soldier walking among the crowd making sure everything stays under control.

Karn turns towards you Now what? I haven't been here for years

Gnarll adds Wow never been here this is a nice city

From everywhere you can see the Grand Wizard tower, people in Mornonas frequently use it to orient themselves.

OOC don't forget to register to the thread
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Solomon Kreel

Solomon is impressed with Mornomas, having never seen a town much bigger than Pruman. He's been thinking about the day as they've been riding. "Gnarll, Karn, do either of you know this city well? We should secure a place to stay. One that is quiet and doesn't ask questions, if possible. I don't know how our confrontation will go, if it happens at all. But it could get ugly. We have no proof to offer the authorities that the conselor was involved in the Pruman attrocity, and we may find ourselves on the wrong side of the law. It's a risk I'm very willing to take."

"So our first two goals are to obtain secure shelter, and to locate the Temple of Helm on Viral street. Perhaps we could meet again at the Grand Wizard's tower tonight."

OOC: I'd like to continue conversations with Jasper and Dai that would have occured the prior evening or during the hours of travel. I think I'll post those in the prior thread to avoid timeslip here.


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OOC no problem Manzita. Also the Grand wizard tower is within the university wall and can only be accessed by student, professor and various notable, I doubt a simple militian would be allowed to enter.

Silentspace I assumed that you waited to have a confortable space to cast your spells. I figured that it could be difficult to study documents on a horse.


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Jasper Conrad

"The first place I'm heading to is my uncle's house. We shouldn't wait until tonight to meet up, they could be having their meeting tonight."

OOC: Jasper would have brought his siblings along too, to foist them off on his uncle.


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"I will head to Viral street directly. I will stay there, attempting to find concealment and watch out for our quarry. Karn and Gnarl, can you find us good shelter? Then wait for us where we can meet you. Can either of you suggest a good spot? Jasper, perhaps after speaking to your uncle, you could head for the Temple as well. Oculon, Tellic, Dai, what are your preferences?"


First Post

Oculus commends Jraq and Trolm on their professionalism. He tells them that they'll be on guard duty while he and Jasper do some information gathering, and to stay alert.

Once they get to Mornonas Oculus will take the book to the university library, find an isolated, secluded spot, and cast Comprehend Languages. He'll also do some research there if that will help. [Are there any sages or professors at the university that Oculus knows that might be of assistance?]

Afterwards he'll meet up with the others to share his findings.


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Oculus, Jasper, his sibblings and the two soldiers turn on University st. Jasper's Uncle lives near the University campus. Walking down this street brings back a lot of memories. They walk for about 1mile before reaching the campus wall. Oculus then heads toward the university doors and Jasper continue his walk towards his uncle houses with his sibbling and the two soldier who are not allowed inside the university walls.

Oculus present his university pass to the guards who allow him access to the campus. He quickly heads toward the campus university, where he hopes he can find references or people that could help him with the books. He walks about a 100 meters in the beautifull inner garden. He passes in front of the central fountain where all the intellectual relax and discuss various serious or less serious matters. Usually Oculus would have stoped and chat with some of the students/teachers. But now he doesn't really have the time to discuss about the two suns or how to grow flowers. He finally reaches the library door. The library is a very large rectangular building. The books are placed on shelves located all around the library. In the centers there are benches that are lit by well of light three floors above. Oculus quietly enters take a good look to see if he can recognise a known figure. What a surprise sitting at a table about 40 meters in front he recognises the Councellor, he has two of the rocks in front of him and his currently reading a books, looking at the rocks once in a while. One of the University teacher is sitting with him reading a book. He recognises one of his teachers. The women who taught him the basics theory of magic. She has very long grey hair and his quite good looking for a women of 75 years old.

Jasper finally reaches his uncle houses. He knocks on the door his aunt answers. "Jasper, what are you doing here? Let me open you the door" She let Jasper, his sibblings enter but is not sure about letting the two soldiers in. Jasper finally convince her that they are friends. Jasper uncles appears a few second later from an adjacent room. Jasper explain the whole story to his uncle and aunt. They are both very sad to learn that your parents were killed. They agree to take of your sibblings. The two soldiers stay at the back the whole time trying to be as discreet as possible through out this very sad and private family moment.
Jasper uncles, his eyes all red, asks Jasper I never expected your first experience at adventuring to be so hard. If you want to stop and continue your study I will understand, but if you want to shed the light on the situation I am willing to help He awaits your answer.

OOC I will wait for Dai and Telic answer before posting the rest.


First Post
The councilor, here! What is he doing with my old professor?

Seeing that the two are a good 40 meters away, Oculus will duck behind a bookcase and pull up the hood on his robes. Then he'll move closer, through the stacks, as a student or researcher would, pausing to take books out and read them, getting closer to take a look at what they are doing.


First Post
Jasper Conrad

Manzanita said:
Solomon is impressed with Mornomas, having never seen a town much bigger than Pruman. He's been thinking about the day as they've been riding. "Gnarll, Karn, do either of you know this city well? We should secure a place to stay. One that is quiet and doesn't ask questions, if possible. I don't know how our confrontation will go, if it happens at all. But it could get ugly. We have no proof to offer the authorities that the conselor was involved in the Pruman attrocity, and we may find ourselves on the wrong side of the law. It's a risk I'm very willing to take."

"So our first two goals are to obtain secure shelter, and to locate the Temple of Helm on Viral street. Perhaps we could meet again at the Grand Wizard's tower tonight."

"Hmm... we should meet at one of these restaurants in a couple hours for an early supper, and share what we've learned. Then we can head to that temple to see if anyone is meeting there. That one." Jasper says, pointing at a randomly chosen restuarant.

Jasper finally reaches his uncle houses. He knocks on the door his aunt answers. "Jasper, what are you doing here? Let me open you the door" She let Jasper, his sibblings enter but is not sure about letting the two soldiers in. Jasper finally convince her that they are friends. Jasper uncles appears a few second later from an adjacent room. Jasper explain the whole story to his uncle and aunt. They are both very sad to learn that your parents were killed. They agree to take of your sibblings. The two soldiers stay at the back the whole time trying to be as discreet as possible through out this very sad and private family moment.
Jasper uncles, his eyes all red, asks Jasper I never expected your first experience at adventuring to be so hard. If you want to stop and continue your study I will understand, but if you want to shed the light on the situation I am willing to help He awaits your answer

Jasper pauses for a moment to collect his thoughts, then looks back at his uncle. Joe has never before seen Jasper with such a loook of determination on his face. "I can't go back to my studies while the people that massacred an entire village, and my parents, are running loose. Not to mention a goblinoid army. But I do need to go back to the university, there's just so much I don't know. Do you know anything else about that unit you Oculus and I joined? I remember you mentioning the baron. Was he involved somehow?"
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First Post
Oculus walks through the bookcase as stealthy as he can. The pair seems so concentrated on what they are doing that they probably wouldn't notice an elephant entering the place. Oculus is able to position himself behind the pair. They seem to discuss about various interpretations of the book in front of them. Three rocks are placed on the table in front of them, they look at them then refer to the book and debate oraly. They both seems passionate about their research.

Jasper uncle while quite affected by the death of his relative, seems reconforted by Japser attitude, he always wanted him to follow his footstep. Jasper aunt went up upstairs to ashamed to cry in front of the children and the soldier. Joe walks to a large piece of furniture and grap a bottle of strong Axyrian gin. He pours himself a glass and offers Jasper and the soldier one. The two soldier politely refuse the offer stating that they are on duty.

When Jasper ask about the baron and the unit they suddenly pay more attention to the discussion, probably hopping to learn more about their mission. Joe finishes his small glass and poor a second one before answering Jasper. He drink a second glass and put the glass on the stone cubbard. "Jasper, I can't help you with that. I was at the baron's court when I overheard about those soldiers. I then offered your services. In a sense it's a good thing that you participated, if you want I can get you an audience with the baron? He is a busy man but he how me a couple, so we might be able to meet tomorrow afternoon during his daily hour with the commoners. What do you think? On that he pours himself another glass.

The two soldiers seems dissapointed by Joe answer, obviously seriously affected by the news. Jasper we should not wait tomorrow, we need to tell the baron as quickly as possible. The quicker we act the more villages we can save
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