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[Vile] Puppy Kicking PCs at Work

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T'aria snarls at the doorman. "Good work finding them, but get out there and help the others! I will take care of opening this box and bringing the potions out to you and the others; I have a key." She moves to one side to allow him to pass.

Once he has entered the dining room, (and is out of sight), she will move to the chest and start trying to open it.

[OOC: She will move aside to let him pass, but will watch for him to attack (she doesn't trust anyone). Let's say square H9. Bluff: The "key" she is talking about are her MW lockpicks. ;)]

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Hearing Bane start his barking, Aligor turns to him and says, "Git yer carcass over here and help me!" (Defend)

If Bane listens-He will turn to the fight, and seeing that he does not have a clear shot at Ezuvial, he will say, "Damn Mutts! At least mine listens!" He will then grip his waraxe with a fierce tenacity, seeing that the others are not faring well at hitting this beast, as he continues to hit the others with the flat of his blade, and biting at some. "Hey Sunny, remember the good times? You get high, I get low."

OOC - Aligor will try to get Sunedilar, the only one he 'trusts' and knows out of these combatants, to distract the Archon, (Aid Aligor), when he runs in to take his swing at the enemy. The reference to 'you get high, I get low' is just so that Sunny would know the plan, referring to old days. I believe that's some Bluff test, but not sure, so that Sunny can know what he is talking about.

If Bane does not listen, he will turn to Brie, "You owe me a dog after this!" Turning to the Hound Archon, he will say, "Damn mutts never listen!" Following with exactly the same actions as above.

Once that round is finished, he will move forward, and attack the creature in the following round.

Waraxe +9 / 1d10+3 / x3 (Plus any Aid bonus if that works)


First Post
The doorman in Brie’s room looks to T’aria and says “You have the key? Then you know where Brie is. Good, she’s safe then.” He rushes past her, through the dining room, and past the curtain into the foyer, where he sees Ezuvial in his true form for the first time. Meanwhile, T’aria goes to work on the chest, but it’s lock, at first, resists her efforts to pick it. After a few more seconds, however, she hears it click open. Suddenly, a flash of fire erupts from the inside of the chest, burning the half-demon over most of her body.

The fire, naturally, hurt like hell, but now the chest is open and within T’aria sees 12 vials, each labeled in a language she doesn’t understand, an open, good-sized bag with hundreds of platinum coins in it, a small pouch, and three scroll tubes. None of these items were touched by the fire.

[“Saved” round rolled Open Locks 6+11=17, this round rolled 16+11=27. No mention was made of taking a round to search for traps so, um… boom. :) Reflex save rolled 3+7=10, failed. T’aria took 12 points of fire damage.]

Gwyn, getting more and more upset, continues to attack the dog-headed creature, finally scraping him with one of his claws. The claw didn’t begin to penetrate the archon’s flesh, but getting a solid hit on him finally clears up the jittery feeling the half-demon has been feeling.

[Gwyn rolls 7+4-2+2=AC 11 and 19+4-2+2=AC 23. Second claw hit, rolled 5 damage, didn’t exceed DR.]
[Never heard from BS, so I’m assuming he’s withdrawing…]

Accalon backs away from the archon, squeezing around Alicia to get outside the building. The remaining guard follows him out, and says “I… I have to get reinforcements. Keep him here.” Then he takes off down the street.

Aligor yells at his dog, and Bane rushes into the showing room to defend his master. The dwarf then gets his message across to Sunedilar, who debates whether he wants to finally get to attack the thing, or instead distract him for Aligor.

[Aligor rolled Handle Animal 16+2=18, succeeded. Aligor rolled Bluff 20-1=19, succeeded. Stopping here since it’s still up to Sunedilar if he wants to follow Aligor’s suggestion.]

[Characters by initiative, damage, condition:
Sunedilar, unhurt, “feeling shaky”
Alev, HPs: 9/19
Aligor, unhurt
Madame Brie, hurt
Lydia, HPs: 7/20, aligned magic weapon & divine favor
Alicia, HPs: 22/26
Ezuvial, hurt
Algernon, hurt
Gwyn, HPs: 13/18,
Accalon, HPs: 20(8 NL)/32, magic weapon, shield of faith
T’aria, HPs: 1/13
City Guard 1, hurt
City Guard 2, unconscious
City Guard 3, unconscious]
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Isida Kep'Tukari

"Bitches? It was a bitch that bore you, and I'll be happy to send you back to meet her," Lydia says sweetly through her pain, swinging her mace again, hoping to shatter his leg.


First Post
Sunedilar al Hazir Human/Male Fighter

Sunedilar gives Aligor a brief nod and sends his chain slashing out at the head of the hound archon, using it almost like a whip to scald the dog and draw his attention away from the dwarf's attack.

(Doing as suggested)


First Post
Alicia growls, irritated by her inability to hit the enemy, and attacks again; this time with lesser force but greater precision. (full Reckless, no PA, -2 to AC, +2 to hit)

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Accalon Darcanda: Human/Male (Unholy Warrior)

Having withdrawn Accalon moves around the huge female creature who’s bulk seemed to claim most if not all the room. His forest green eyes scan over Lydia, while his free hand moves over his belt looking for one of the potions in question.

Moving up behind her he apologizes, "Sorry, milady but the incredible bulk was breath was a bit to much on the back of my neck." As he talks he breaks the wax seal and holds it for her, “Drink, it will help.”

OOC: Moving into m13, using one of Accalon’s Cure Light Wounds potion.
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First Post
Sunedilar swings his spiked chain over Gwyn’s head and toward’s Ezuvial’s, not hitting, but the chain dances in front of the archon’s face, distracting him. Aligor slides up beside Gwyn and uses the opportunity to hit Ezuvial in the arm with his axe. Unfortunately, the axe refuses to cut the creature. Alev, seeing no opening to attack hand-to-hand, waits until one of his allies drop.

[Sunedilar rolled 8+8-4(cover)=AC 12 on Aid Another, succeeded. Aligor’s attack rolled 15+9-4+2(flanking)=AC 22, hit. Damage rolled 1+3=4, didn’t exceed his DR. Fangor, the plus to hit is +9 including Aid Another, right? Normal attack bonus +7. Alev is delaying, GP can state any action he wants to take whenever he can post]

Lydia tries to bring her mace down on Ezuvial’s leg again, but he easily avoids it. Alicia, finally with an opening, sticks her greatsword at her enemy’s stomach, cutting deeply. The success cures the half-ogre of the fear she was feeling.

[Lydia rolled 2+3+1=AC 6, missed. Alicia rolled 17+10-2=AC 25, hit. Damage rolled 13+9=22 (minus DR, of course).

Ezuvial looks at his wound for a moment, then says to Alicia through gritted teeth “You will never harm another being.” He takes a step towards her, away from Gwyn and Aligor, and swings his sword and bites at Alicia with all his fury. Fortunately for her, only the sword strikes her, once, but it cuts her very deeply through her stomach, matching his own wound.

[Alicia was critically hit by one sword strike. Did 15 points of damage]

Algernon again tries to strike with his dagger, but misses the enraged archon. Gwyn leaps into the foyer and tries to grab Ezuvial, but his slashing sword cuts into the half-demon, keeping him at bay.

[Ezuvial got an attack of opportunity against the grapple. Hit Gwyn for 9 points of damage]

As Accalon moves around the half-ogre, he passes the muscle-bound, but unarmed doorman who is heading for the stairs. Accalon hands his potion to Lydia, as the doorman mounts the first few stairs leading up, the only position where he can reach the archon.

[Characters by initiative, damage, condition:
T’aria, HPs: 1/13
Sunedilar, unhurt, “feeling shaky”
Alev, HPs: 9/19
Aligor, unhurt
Madame Brie, hurt
Lydia, HPs: 7/20, aligned magic weapon & divine favor
Alicia, HPs: 7/26
Ezuvial, hurt
Algernon, hurt
Gwyn, HPs: 4/18
Accalon, HPs: 20(8 NL)/32, magic weapon, shield of faith]

[Updated map included]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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