[Vile] Puppy Kicking PCs at Work


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Before Dulanse can answer, no doubt with a witty rejoinder of some kind, Sunedilar steals his thunder, delivering the readily apparent answer in his own particular...idiom.

"Dulanse has been with us all day, except when he was in the bath, and I rather doubt the madame joined him there unobserved. Once we arrive, I'm sure Dulanse's prior relationship will see us through to the lady of the house."

(OOC: Just wanted to make sure we can at least get somewhere if John continues to be busy)
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Following close behind the other two, Sunedilar enters the house of ill-repute. He turns up his nose expectantly, but the Madame apparently uses carefully placed incense burners to conceal the usual scents of such a business, much to Sunedilar's relief. He steps to the forefront, with Dulanse behind him, and approaches to apparent doorman/bouncer of the establishment, standing aside only at the last minute to allow the nobleman to speak to the guard, standing just over Dulanse's right shoulder with a hand wrapped losely around a length of his spiked chain.


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It is late at night as the party enters the establishment, labeled Mrs. Brie’s Boarding House on the outside, although few in the city of Taeirn aren’t aware what the building is actually used for. And the lone figure quietly approaching the building, a half-demon named T’aria, knows exactly what it’s for too, given that her traveling companion Accalon Darcanda told her to meet him here. His ability to find a whore house in any city he’s in is uncanny. As the party negotiates their way past a tall and muscular doorman, T’aria recognizes one of them as someone she knows quite well.

Alev, Dulanse, Gwyn, Lydia, Rhesa, and Sunedilar enter the foyer, and the doorman closes the door from the inside, never saying a word to the party. A young, attractive elven woman appears from behind a curtain and approaches. With a big smile, braided blonde hair and a low-cut dress that is perhaps too small on her, given how it clings to her curves and pushes up her breasts in a manner that looks uncomfortable, she introduces herself.

“Good evening! I’m Valasia, and I hope we can entertain you tonight.” She seems quite exuberant, not at all what one would expect from someone who has worked here for any length of time. “Normally I’d ask what sort of evening you had planned, but with such a large, and um, diverse group,” she eyes Lydia and Rhesa as she says this, “I’m sure Madame Brie will want to cater to your needs herself. If you’ll wait through here…” she says, pointing through an open doorway, “I’ll go tell her.” The girl turns and heads for another doorway, this one covered by a light curtain. Within the doorway she directed, the party sees a number of large, comfortable looking couches, with 4 young women lounging on them, erotic yet fairly tasteful artwork adorning the walls. Also in this waiting room, talking with one of the ladies, is Accalon, and standing in a corner, apparently standing guard, is Alicia Gildenzee, whose height matches the 9 foot ceiling.
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Accalon Darcanda: Human/Male (Unholy Warrior)

The voice from with the hood was far normal than most would have suspected, male, young, eager but commanding where words that would describe it address the young petite human that seemed to be slightly nervous, “Have you been working long and what’s your name miss?”

The hood of cloak turns towards the commotion at the doorway and quickly judges rather or not that they are a threat to him or simply here for the wares.

Judging by their aura that they where not immediate threat to him he turns back to the young maiden in front of him addressing her both eagerly and hopefully as he makes a untying gesture at his breast level, “Do you mind showing me your wares? A mans got to know what he’s buying…”

OOC: Detect Good, and Detect Disease. Diplomacy /9
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Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Gwyn eyes Alicia with an air of assessment; definitely not human, and a possible threat. The rest of the girls he ignores; too frail to be decent companions, too sullied to be worth playing with.

T'aria, female half-fiend rogue2

Hmm... so Gwyn is here... that should be interesting.

T'aria attempts to get a glance at Gwyn's companions, but they step inside before she can get a good look. She slips into the establishment behind the party, nodding in acknowledgement to the doorman as she enters the foyer.

I wonder if Accalon is finished yet... I really don't care to stay here long. Although finding out what Gwyn and the crew he was with are up to may be worth a little time. I doubt it is the wares - Gwyn always seemed to like a different sort of... toy.
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