Viridian Plague--New Spring [Trayah]

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OOC: Don’t know if I’m supposed to post or not yet, but I’ll post anyway just in case. It would have been nice to have a starting scene to work with though. ;)

*Having stepped into the fluttering swirl of flower petals and the light beyond, Trayah blinks and looks around trying to adjust to wherever he finds himself.*

Rystil Arden

First Post
*The light surrounding Trayah fades away, and he finds himself on a large field filled with flowers stretching out in all directions.*

"Welcome Shaman," a floating light, like a will-o-wisp, drifts into view just ahead, floating peacefully, "It seems you have consigned your guardians to the other trials rather than complete them yourself. But yet, are you ready?"


First Post
“I was supposed to complete them all myself? Well, I suppose that was an option, though with the number of guardians I was allowed, it was certainly an unclear one, when they each represented one of the other trials. Nevertheless, events are in motion now, so there is nothing to be done about it.”

*Trayah then casts a number of spells on himself, before bowing to the floating light.*

“I am as ready as I can be, without being frivolous with the magic given me by the spirits or knowing what is to come.”

[SBLOCK=OOC]Spells cast in order: barkskin (+4 natural armour, 90 min), freedom of movement (90 min), greater magic fang (+1 enhancement to all natural weapons; 9 min), aid (1d8+9 temp hp; 9 min), spell resistance (21 spell resistance; 9 min).[/SBLOCK]

Rystil Arden

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"A true Shaman stands for one and all at once and brings no guardians. A true Shaman needs no crutches and masters every aspect of herself. She can tame the passion of summer, probably better than that Nymph you sent there, who would have already died twice in the second fight if she hadn't brought healing items with her and been empowered by the summer light. She can shift and move like the autumn breeze, certainly better than that Feldori you sent there, who doesn't seem to be able to Jump, Balance, or Climb to save her life. She can think with the cold logic of winter. And she possesses the peace of spring within her heart."

"Anyway, now that you wasted all that magic, congratulations--you aren't fighting anything now, which means you'll probably die later. Oh well. Some of your friends may be dead before that point--if the Nymph gets herself killed, you'll have to pick up the Trial of Summer for her. Maybe she'll manage to do that in under an hour."


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“Why allow guardians at all then, if the Shaman is supposed to stand alone? It seems most peculiar, especially when a guardian can begin a trial without the assistance of the Shaman they have come with.”

*Trayah then sinks to the ground, shaking his head as he broods on the disaster he’s led his companions into.*

“I knew I was unprepared for the tasks placed before me... I felt it from the first moment I was infected. Hrrrmm, we wouldn’t even be attempting to rouse Arylyra, if not for the threat of the darkness which pervades our world, and now I may have sacrificed the last guardians of it, because I did not properly perceive what was required of me.”

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Indeed. You are indeed a fool. Blinded by greed, you will be the death of your companions and yourself. Guardians are allowed as crutches, and crutches are for the weak. So many guardians...more than ever before--you must be the weakest Shaman ever to attempt this."


First Post
*Trayah stops shaking his head as the floating light responds, the questioning of his motives bolstering him.*

“Greed? What greed? I come not for my own benefit, but from the desire to save the world from the darkness which now prevades it. I would not even be here otherwise. As for the guardians... your response contradicts the reaction of the one who led us to the shrine, as he was impressed by the number of guardians I was permitted.”

*Trayah stands to his full height as he finishes speaking, baring his teeth slightly at the floating light.*

“You are a deceiver... a trick meant to cause me to doubt myself. I will not be confused further by your words, now I know what they are designed to do.”

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