• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Volunteers to proofread the 500 page Act One hardcover (4e)?

Update: I have enough people for now, but if you backed the Kickstarter or are a subscriber and want to see the mostly-done PDF now, just email me and let me know your screen name so I can verify.

Eric has sent me a 95% complete PDF for the act one compilation, which combines adventures 1 through 5 plus the Player Guide and Campaign Guide. We're still working on some of the appendices and edited maps, but it's kinda reached the point where I cannot stand to reread it again.

Would anyone be willing to lend their eyes to the book to look for typos, layout errors, or references that don't play out? Ideally, I'd like to get 7 people, one each for the Player Guide, Campaign Guide, and five adventures.

I intend to post this to the Kickstarter, but for some reason my Microsoft Surface's web browser will simply not let me type or copy-paste on that site, so I'll have to wait until I get back from vacation.

So, any volunteers? Please post here, and email me at ryanznock@gmail.com, and I'll assign folks books.

Campaign Guide - Mort655
Adventure 1 - Ediz
Adventure 2 - Morguth
Adventure 3 - Siberys
Adventure 4 - Jack Tannery
Adventure 5 - Elfshire and Roadtoad (it probably needs the most work)

We still need to do the Pathfinder layout before we send anything to print, so we're not in an immense rush. If you volunteer, please be able to get through the adventure by July 4th. Thanks!
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Guide of Modos
I'm a sucker for a good cause. Just say the word. I can easily do layout and typos - not so much anything rules-related.


I could.

I see you already plan to post it to the KS site. I recommend doing that, and having something like a Google document for making notes about errata et al. The Fate Core Kickstarter made that a standard practice, and it really helped get a bunch of eyes to the documents for proofreading. 'Course, they had a load of backers, so the volume of backers you have might make it so that course isn't worth while, but it seems to me like that wouldn't risk much.

Hrm. I did not think to ask people to include their screen names in the email, but I think I've figured out who's who.

Expect emails momentarily. Mort, I didn't receive an email from you, but I already have your address, unless it changed, so you should be getting an email too.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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