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D&D 5E Warforged Clockwork Soul Sorcerer. Is It fun and iconic?


Hi gentlemen, the thread Wizard x World (D&D 5E - 20th level Sorcerer vs the world) , I made a character in order to win everything.

But here, I will bring you a totally themed, fun and totally unexpected build. Yes, totally metallic. A Warforged Clockwork, being thematically perfect, fun, versatile and very powerful.

The objective here is to have fun with iconic characters.

The Warforged Sorcerer, The Machine of War.


Name: Ustur Stukov
Class: Sorcerer (Clockwork Soul)
Race: Warforged
Alignment: Lawful Evil when hunting, Lawful Neutral as a Judge
Background: Criminal Spy
Level: 14


STR 8 CON 18 DEX 16 WIS 16 INT 8 CHA 8
AC: 16 Extended Mage Armor + 1 Warforged + Shield (If applies): Maximum 22
HP : 142 + 15 Extended level 4 Aid + 20 Extended Armor of Agathys + 22 (Bastion of Law feature) = 200 HP
Feats: Skill Expert (Stealth, +1 COn), Resilient (Wisdow, +1 Wis), Tough

Saving Throws: +9 Con +8 Wis + 4 CHA.
It automatically pass all Wis and con Saving Throw with Trance of Order

Metamagic: Quicken, Extended, Subtle

Attack roll: With Trance of Order + Magic Weapon upcasted to level 6, It has minimum 20~30 attack rolls. Casting with Booming Blade + Seeking spell, It's a reliable attack roll. You certainly hits.

Cantrips: Known; Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Minor Illusion, Bladeward, Mold Earth

Spell known:

1 - Armor of Agathys, Absorb Elements, Mage Armor, Shield, Magic Missale, Sleep, Longstrider
2 - Aid Spell, Magic Weapon, Invisibility, Mirror Image
3 - Counterspell, Dispel, NonDetection, Fly, Blink
4 - Dimention Door, Polymorph, Greater Invibility, FireShield
5 - Animate Objects, Wall of Force
6 -
7 - Etherealness


- A true tanker: 200 HP (level 14), Mirror Image, Blink, Clockwork's Bastion of Law, Trance of Order, Greater Invisibility, Invisibility, Quickened Spells + Blade Ward, Absorb Elements. You really are an enviable tanker, perhaps the greatest tanker in the game. Advantage against him is useless (Trance of Order).

Wis and Con saving throw spells and abilities doesn't work against you. Since there is a minimum 18 of saving throw (Trance of Order). The spells that can really threaten you are con or wis saving throw. Becoming a highly reliable tanker and "Immune" to control spells.

You can survive a lot of Quicken Polymorph into a Giant Ape or T-rex, attack on same turn and still 19~29 concentration check rolls while transformed with Aid, Armor of Agathys, Shielf of Order, Blink, Mirror Image and +20~30 attack roll... It's incredible good to survive and damage.You can do this at any time, several times.

- Anti-melee: Fireshield, Armor of Agathys + Clockwork Shield of Law + Resistence against weapon damage trully punishes melee creatures a lot.

-The best concentration caster in the game: With Trance of Order + 8 Con saving throw. You have at least 18 in concentration checks. Along with Absorb Elements, Blink, Mirror Image and mainly Clockwork's Shield of Law that absorb damage, breaking your concentration is almost impossible.

Bigby Hand, Extended Animate Objects level 7 (14 creatures) is trully scare,. IT'S A LOT OF DAMAGE and his concentration is trully hard to break!!!!

It's average 91 damagge per turn (If all hits) + Sorcerer damage.

Magic Missale can also be a reliable force damage.

-Anticaster: Subtle Counterspell can trully counters the spellcasters easily.

Stealth Casting: Yes, With Trance of Order + 13 Stealth check + Magical Guidance + Extended Invisibility +Extended Nondetect(Blocks see invisible), you are a really good and realiable stealth caracter.
You can buff himself stealthy, cast subtle animate objects, subtle dispel and still remain hidden. It's really good.

20~30 attack roll can be trully good and reliable with Booming Blade at melee, Upcasted Magic Missale It's scarely realible damage +his thematic summons' damage

Thematically: Their Animated Objects are knives decorated with the word "Order" and the Bigby Handy is a Mechanical Handy


Animate Objects and Bigby Hand deals a lot of damage, control and It's thematically amazing.

Control: Upcasted Sleep and Wall of Force can trully be good at controlling creatures. It's insanely good.

Versatility: With 23 Spells known and metamagic, It's incredible versatile


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The main objective of this build is to be thematically perfect, fun, iconic, strong and useful for your friends.


Guest 7029617

“Hohige” is a notorious troll commonly known as “The Sorcerer King” on the Giant in the Playground (GitP) forums. He has been banned multiple times and makes multiple accounts in attempts to bypass bans. He may have been permanently banned through extreme measures by the moderators of that site. It is possible that he may be severely mentally unstable as he obsessively and abusively posts about a very particular subject (character builds based in one single class in a specific table top roleplaying game). At the same time, he has a poor understanding of the rules of the game he seems to obsess over so much. Beyond his obnoxious posting of Sorcerer builds, he can be identified by his forum behavior and his distinct use of the English language . It is advised by the moderators and common users of the GitP community that this user is immediately reported and not engaged with.


Looks cool, though I think you kind of buried the lede of it being a Sorcerer with 8 Charisma who nevertheless is probably pretty cool by avoiding most spellcasting stat based spells, which is actually a fairly interesting exercise.
Yes, there are countless powerful spells that do not depend on stats.
It is very versatile, powerful and iconic.
If the idea is to be iconic, a sorcerer with 8 Cha is very "Iconic"


A cool idea is to use your own HUGE animate object to fly like a flying mount and around it, there are still 6 flying knives. Well, it would be a lot of fun. Or 4 Large Flying Objects to your party as flying mounts.
It's fun.

I like the idea of trying to make a low-Cha sorcerer viable. It's always bugged me how all sorcerers (and especially warlocks) have to be so personable and charismatic to be any good at spellcasting. This does make the limitations of the approach stand out though - the D&D spell list and action economy is just not built for this sort of thing.

Doubling down on the mechanical theme with a warforged sorcerer is a cool idea. Having your mechanical guy polymorph into apes and t-rexes is a fair bit less thematic though - the exemplar of Mechanus turning into a primitive drooling monster as a primary combat tactic? That's no for me. Animate objects is less powerful, but more interesting in context.

In-game - not sure how it'd go. You've got polymorph, animate objects, bigby's hand, invisibility, greater invisibility, wall of force, magic weapon, and fly all competing for your Concentration slot. You've got shield, absorb elements, counterspell, and bastion of law (surely a low priority, it's useful but horrifyingly expensive in terms of sorcery points for what it does) all competing for your reaction. And while you've got a solid selection of non-concentration buff spells, getting them all cast is going to take multiple rounds and by then the combat is well under way, and/or you've burnt a lot of sorcery points casting everything subtly to stay hidden (which fire shield will make impossible, and only works if you're lucky enough to be able to choose when the combat starts), and by the time you're ready to go, a lot of the shorter-duration spells are half way to expiring anyway.

Damage output is an issue too. Animate objects, bigby's hand, and polymorph are obvious dispel targets (animate objects and bigby's hand especially, since the spell effect is going to be a long way away from you and anyone dispelling them will likely be out of counterspell range), and other than those, you're short of options. Magic missile's damage output is laughable at this level, fire shield only works if someone's attacking you melee, and a single attack with booming blade isn't going to frighten any melee combatants you'll meet at 14th level. The lack of instantanous damage spells that don't rely on your casting stat makes it hard, unfortunately. I like 5e, but it's not at all friendly to PCs who try to play against type, stat-wise.

If I was playing this in a real campaign i'd try to talk my DM into letting me have Summon Construct for sheer thematic value, though this is yet another concentration spell, which is the last thing you need, and sadly it's cha-dependant. And jeez, in a real campaign, a high-level spellcaster without Detect Magic or ANY capability to locate invisible enemies is going to have a tough time.

And how does this guy live long enough to get to 14th level anyway? Low-level spellcasters are very reliant on cantrips for damage output, which either has this guy using a Cha-dependent cantrip with an ability penalty, or running into combat with booming blade and hoping his 2-3 daily castings of Shield can keep him alive...

Edit: clockwork soul sorcerer already gets Summon Construct. It's still a pretty bad spell unless you have a solid casting stat though...
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“Hohige” is a notorious troll ....
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If you have issues with a user, or real evidence of wrongdoing, you take it to moderators, not smear people in public. Is that clear? If it is not, please contact one of the moderators to discuss it.

And, @Hohige - you've chosen to ignore moderators several times in the past - do not repeat that performance here. Treat folks with respect.

That is all.

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