D&D 5E 20th level Sorcerer vs the world


I generally don't like High Level. But as I have seen several campaigns starting at level 20, so I will follow this thread here. D&D 5E - 20th level Wizard vs the World

As the Wizard cannot beat this Sorcerer. Is anyone capable?

Aasimar Divine Soul Sorcerer is effectively a demigod creature.

Behold, The DEMIGOD.


Race: Scourge Aasimar (+2 CHA +1 CON)
Classes: Divine Soul Sorcerer 20
Stats (Point Buy): 8 STR / 14 DEX / 15 CON / 10 INT / 10 WIS / 14 CHA
ASIs: Actor (+1 CHA), Skill Expert (Deception +1CHA), Metamagic Adept, Inspire Leadership, Tough
Final Stats: 8 STR / 14 DEX / 16 CON / 10 INT / 10 WIS / 18 CHA
Final HP: 180 + 35 (Extended 8th Aid Spell ) + 24 (Inspire Leadership)
Aid increase your real HP (It isn't Temporary HP), So Aid and Inspire Leadership stacks.
It's 239 HP.
With Simulacrum's Extended Warding Bond, the Sorcerer has resistence against all damage. So, your real HP is 478.
But, the Divine Soul Sorcerer regains half of his HP as bonus action (Unearthly Recovery feature). The Real HP is 717.
It's an insane tank.
It's more HP than Tiamat. :eek:

Disguise kit, Expertise Deception, Actor feat, Magical Guidance, Extended Seeming Spell. It can be everything.
Metamagics: Quicken, Twin, Extended, Subtle, Distant, Empower
Wished Contingency condition: When a enemy invisibility spell ends closer than 121ft. (Cast Greater Invisibility)

Spell Known:

1 - Sanctuary
2 - Aid Spell, Warding Bound
3 - Counterspell, Dispel, Glyph of Warding
4 - Dimention Door, Death Ward
5 - Greater Restouration, Summon Celestial, Seeming Spell, Scrying
6 - Freezing Sphere, Disintegrate
7 - Finger of Death, Teleport
8 - Demiplane
9 - Wish

Loyal and Reliable Minions:


Extended Seeeming spell on all your allies to have a unique heavenly appearance.
In practice, this works like an Improved Mirror Image, creating multiple copies of you.
You can cast spells with impunity with subtle spells and enemies will not be able to find out who the real caster is.
Naruto's Shadow Clone.
The Sorcerer and all of his allies can fly and we have 2 Celestials (Summon Celestial) that are summoned to attack at 600 for 144 damage each turn

1) Twinned Simulacrum.

2) Wished Create Magen.
With, Inspire Leadership, Upcasted Aid and Tough feat.
You can create several of these constructs, because you have a lot of HP available. You can also buff them with Inspire Leadership spell.

Galven Magen is the best pick.
Flying creature
Static Discharge (Recharge 5–6).
The magen discharges a lightning bolt in a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw (with disadvantage if the creature is wearing armor made of metal), taking 22 (4d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

3) Planar Binding 9th level Summon Celestial x2 (Simulacrum and the Sorcerer)

Well, 9th avenger celestial is a flying creature dealing 72 damage per turn at 600ft. 2 Creatures is insane.
Buff with Inspire Leadership, Extended Aid and Extended Seeming them
With Planar Binding, The Celestial lasts a long time.
They will be responsible for destroying the battlefield.
Easily destroy any structure and creature in long range and flying.

4) Twin Finger of Death

It is a reliable way to expand your arm. 2x faster than any other spellcaster.

5) Simulacrum's extended Warding Bound gives you resistence against all damage

6) You have super strong long range spells, combined with Aasimar Ability. You can deals incredible damage. Long range spell combined with flight spell is insane.
All doubled with Simulacrum

Empowered Distant Freezing Sphere can deal 125 damage
Combined with Summon Celestial, It can deals more than 260 damage at 600ft.

7) Power Word Stun, Antimagic Field, Wish
all situational spells.

Alternative to Demigod build (Lighting Themed)

Behold, The Lightning Demigod


Race: Scourge Aasimar (+2 CHA +1 CON)
Classes: Storm Sorcerer 20
Stats (Point Buy): 8 STR / 14 DEX / 15 CON / 10 INT / 10 WIS / 14 CHA
ASIs: Actor (+1 CHA), Skill Expert (Deception +1CHA), Metamagic Adept, Inspire Leadership, Tough
Final Stats: 8 STR / 14 DEX / 16 CON / 10 INT / 10 WIS / 18 CHA
Final HP: 182 + 24 (Inspire Leadership)

Disguise kit, Expertise Deception, Actor feat, Magical Guidance, Extended Seeming Spell. It can be everything.
Metamagics: Quicken, Twin, Extended, Subtle, Distant, Empower
Wished Contingency condition: When a enemy invisibility spell ends closer than 121ft. (Cast Greater Invisibility)

Spell Known:

1 - Mage Armor, Shield
2 - See Invisible
3 - Counterspell, Dispel, Lightning Bolt
4 - Dimention Door, Greater Invisibility
5 - Seeming Spell, Insect Plague
6 - Freezing Sphere, Disintegrate
7 - Finger of Death, Etherealness
8 - Power Word Stun
9 - Wish

Loyal and Reliable Minions:


Extended Seeeming spell on all your allies to have a unique Magen appereance.
In practice, this works like an Improved Mirror Image, creating multiple copies of you.
You can cast spells with impunity with subtle spells and enemies will not be able to find out who the real caster is.
Naruto's Shadow Clone.
The Sorcerer and all of his allies can fly.
The Sorcerer, His Simulacrum can fly at speed of 60fts and The Storm Sorcerer has immunity to lightning and thunder damage.

Wind Soul​

At 18th level, you gain immunity to lightning and thunder damage.

You also gain a magical flying speed of 60 feet. As an action, you can reduce your flying speed to 30 feet for 1 hour and choose a number of creatures within 30 feet of you equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. The chosen creatures gain a magical flying speed of 30 feet for 1 hour. Once you reduce your flying speed in this way, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

1) Twinned Simulacrum.

The Storm Sorcerer creates a Simulacrum of himself and a Matron Mother Drow.

The MMD is riding a Pegasus (Wished Find Greater Steeds), buffed with Inspire Leadership.

2) Wished Create Magen.
With, Inspire Leadership and Tough feat.
You can create several of these constructs, because you have a lot of HP available. You can also buff them with Inspire Leadership spell.

Galven Magen is the best pick.
Flying creature
Static Discharge (Recharge 5–6).
The magen discharges a lightning bolt in a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw (with disadvantage if the creature is wearing armor made of metal), taking 22 (4d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

3) Twin Finger of Death

It is a reliable way to expand your arm. 2x faster than any other spellcaster.

4) You have super strong long range spells, combined with Aasimar Ability. You can deals incredible damage. Long range spell combined with flight spell is insane.
All doubled with Simulacrum

Empowered Distant 6th Freezing Sphere can deal 125 damage.
Empowered Distant 5th Insect Plague can deal 84 piercing damage at 660fts, each turn

5) The Sorcerer and his can regain 4 Sorcery Points, converting into new spells slots.

Why the Storm Sorcerer?

Well, he doesn't need wings to fly. Which allows you to disguise yourself perfectly with your Wingless Galven Magen. (Seeming Spell, Disguise kit and Deception check)
The enemy simply cannot distinguish who his enemy is.

Immunity to Lighting damage. This is incredibly powerful, because the enemy's Galven Magen does not threaten the sorcerer. Being completely immune to them. But the enemy are vulnerable to his Galven Magen Minions.

Your Galven Magen can freely cast
Static Discharge (Recharge 5–6). The magen discharges a lightning bolt in a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw (with disadvantage if the creature is wearing armor made of metal), taking 22 (4d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
The Storm Sorcerer has immunity to lighting damage.

Wingless Flight speed 60ft is really fast and this creates a great advantage in long range spells.

Mainly, The Lightning God is a lot of fun and perfectly themed.

One vs One
No multiclassing
No magical items
No infinite loops (Simulacra-Cheese, Coffeelocking)
Clear DM fiat spells and Abilities like Wish that is not duplicating spells or Divine intervention that is not duplicating spells is banned.

1) Let's recap.
You are fighting a highly efficient creature in disguise and you cannot know who the real caster is.

2) He is surrounded by powerful minions that simply kill any Wizard instantly.
With a general command (He doesn't have to be giving command all the time).
"Protect me with your best abilities and defeat any creatures other than us."
Even if the Sorcerer is knocked out, his command remains.

3) And all of your minions have long range, fly and can instantly kill a Wizard 660ft.

4) Do not think that you will simply approach and cast a spell, without first explaining in detail how you will approach, recognize the target and not be killed right away.

5) Everything seems very easy with all the spells, feats, races and subclasses available, assemble a complete build and you will see that it will lose 80% of its theoretical power.

A new Demigod. 3 Powerful versions.


Born of pure CHAOS (Wild Magic) and with his uncontrollable spells, he killed his parents when he was just a child. A serious accident that would change his life forever.
Abandoned as a dangerous and lonely child, he lived his life in the deepest darkness, acquired stealth expertise and the darkness took his life.
The shadow mark took over his body forever.
Determined to control his magic. He trained for years, defeating several powerful enemies. His magic is so powerful and intense that he has learned to enter another creature's mind, communicate with it and taste his emotions accurately(Telepathic feat) and with subtle Detect Through for still more reability.
Finally, he managed to control his unpredictable and relentless power (Tasha's Subclass retraining) for the Clockwork subclass. With hatred for the chaos of the world, he intends to reign over the world and control everyone with a precise clock.
He hates Wizards, after all they are not pure blood, they are usurpers of arcane magic. Therefore, all schools of magic must be destroyed. Forever.

Incredibly powerful and with trance of order, Subtle Empowerment Skill, Magical Guidance, Simulacrum (Help advantage). He can manipulate any creature and do just about any function he wants, with no chance of failure.
With Telephatic feat, he can manipulate creatures without revealing his plans to other creatures, extremely effective in destroying enemies in Social Encounters. He is a spell battery with Sorcerous Restoration, converting SP into Spells Slots.

With great benevolent abilities: Clockwork Cavalcade, Greater Restoration and other skills, it can easily please large numbers of people, with much healing, restoring buildings that were destroyed in wars or geological accidents.
The Bastion of Law has its powerful fortress with the creatures that it manipulated and it has its Demiplane to keep its Clone spells and other relics. His Fortness are virtually invincible with Clockwork Cavalcade:
"Any damaged objects entirely in the cube are repaired."

His plan to conquer the world is to destroy the schools of magic. Killing the most powerful wizards and forcing the creatures to see them as evil from all over the world.
After destroying the schools of magic, the world will be ruled by the fist of order.


With his Stealth Casting abilities, he is virtually invincible in combat and can easily eliminate any resistance. Without anyone even knowing who the killer was.

The Bastion of Law Demigod


Name: The Bastion of Law
Class: Sorcerer (Clockwork Soul)
Race: Shadow Mark Elf
Background: Criminal Spy
Level: 20

STR 8 CON 14 DEX 16 WIS 9 INT 16 CHA 16
HP : 122 + 25 HP 7th Aid + 25 Armor of Agathys + 22 (Bastion of Law feature) = 195
Feats: Skill Expert (Stealth +1Int), Resilient (+1 Int), Telepathic (+1 CHA), Sentinel feat, Actor (+1 Cha)

Saving Throws: +8 Con +9 Int + 9 Cha.
It automatically pass all Int Saving Throw with Trance of Order
Skill proficiencies: Deception, Arcana, Persuation, Stealth, Perception (Race)

Contingency Condition: ""If an enemy can see me and approaching 160ft or less of me, cast Distant Dimention Door."

Cantrips: Known; Shocking Grasp, Mage Hand, Booming Blade, Firebolt, Chill Touch

Spell known:
1 - Armor of Agathys, Absorb Elements
2 - Aid Spell, Pass Without Trace
3 - Counterspell, Dispel, NonDetection
4 - Dimention Door, Polymorph, Greater Invisibility, Banishment
5 - Skill Empowerment, Greater Restoration, Dominate Person, Planar Binding
6 - Freezing Sphere, Disintegrate, Mass Suggestion, Flesh to Stone
7 - Etherealness, Plane Shift, Reverse Gravity
8 - Horrid Wilting
9 - Wish, Meteor Swarm

Invisibility (Race), Minor Illlusion, Detect Through (Telephatic).

Let's see what the excuse is:

Trance of Order

Starting at 14th level, you gain the ability to align your consciousness to the endless calculations of Mechanus. As a bonus action, you can enter this state for 1 minute. For the duration, attack rolls against you can't benefit from advantage, and whenever you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can treat a roll of 9 or lower on the d20 as a 10.
Once you use this bonus action, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest, unless you spend 5 sorcery points to use it again.
He automatically wins every mental saving throw.
Stealth check: +10 Pass without trace+16 stealth check +1d4 (Mark of Shadow), With Advantage (Help action) and Magical Guidance for still more reliability.
With Trance of Order, It means 36~46+1d4 of Stealth check.
Simulacrum's Invisibility(Racials) for extra sweet effect

With subtle spell, It's the most powerful stealth casting of the entire game. When you cast a subtle spell, It doesn't reveal you.
Extended Seeming avoid detection.

With amazing stealth check. Subtle Skill Empowerment and Trance of Law, Telephatic feat. The Bastion of Law can manipulate any creature without reveal himself.

The Sorcerer level 20 regains 4 per short rest. It's 80 Sorcery Points that can be turned into Spells Slots. The Simulacrum can also do it. It's a lot of spells slots.

You roll stealth check once against creatures passive perception, He is hidden until revealed, if sucessful.

He can attack with or without simulacrum and can spend long periods fighting, since the non-detection spell keeps him hidden from divination magic.

Offensively, Subtle Dispel, Subtle Synatic Static, Subtle Mass Suggestion with (Telepathic synergy feat, It's insane), Subtle Earth Eruption, Subtle Wall of Force, Subtle Banishment and Sublte Polymorph.
It's nearly invincible.


The Bastion of Law, The Predador


The Reaper, The Bastion's Assassin Simulacrum.


It is very difficult to describe all the possibilities of Bastion, it is extremely versatile.

The Bastion and its Simulacrums have an Unbeatiable Stealth check. 36 ~ 46 + 1d4, magical guidance, advantage.. You roll once and remain hidden until revealed.
All the things he is proficient in, he is invincible. Stealth, Investigation, Perception, Deception etc. With Skill Empowerment spell + Trance of Order
With Subtle Spell, your spells are completely imperceptible. Since he is hidden and his spells are imperceptible, yes he can control any creature with Subtle Dominate Person, Subtle Planar Binding and simulate the creature's own voice in his mind (Telephatic and Actor feat.), with invincible deception check.

It is totally hidden against divination magic by RAI and RAW, because Nondetection is constantly cast. In addition to mentally controlling creatures mentally, impersonating (Actor feat) any creature and still inciting hatred against the Wizards, casting spells like Subtle Meteor Swarm that destroy entire cities and at the same time making people believe that the wizards are attacking. Your possibilities are innumerable here.
The limit is your creativity.

That manipulative power alone is enough to easily defeat entire schools of magic.
I call it Master of Deception.

Twin Simulacrum:
Yes, the bastion can have 2 simulacrums simultaneously.
How does he get these creatures?
Simple, Hidden and cast Subtle Dominate Person and will control any humanoid creature.
Orders failure of Flesh to Stone Saving Throw. He maintains several creatures that are statures, potentially his choice to be his Simulacrum.

About Assassin's Simulacrum: Is that DM fiat? Course is. But, bastion doesn't care about a specific Simulacrum, any strong humanoids can be targeted by it.
I'm considering assassin, because Bastion is a magical assassin and he's more likely to have access to assassins than other PCs.

So, Assassin level 20, Drow Mother, Cleric level 20 or any of these humanoids could potentially be your simulacrum (Like it or not.)


Invincible in combat:

In addition to being imperceptible, versatile and hidden.

No Spells really work against Bastion.

It automatically passes all saving throw of wisdom, charisma and constitition.

With Trance of Order + High saving throw check.

He is also not afraid of Feeblemind, since his Simulacrum is always hidden, always. It can dispel it or cast greater restoration that simply nullifies the effect of feeblemind.
In addition, if Bastion reveals itself, its contingency spell is activated: Greater Invisibility, which makes Feeblemind unable to cast.
To cast Feeblemind, you need to see the target, with Greater Invisibility, he is immune against that effect.
In fact, it is highly unlikely that anyone would be able to cast this on him, he would be dead long before he realized it.

Feeblemind is totally useless against Bastion.

Mind Blank: Bastion may or may not have this effect, depending on the situation.
My level 9th spell slot, depends on the situation.
This completely nullifies Feeblemind or any effect that affects the mind.

if you think Feeblemind works, well, good luck.

Damage: Its damage is monstrous, with subtle empowered meteor swarm + Simulacrum's Subtle empowered Horrid Wilding. Since these effects do not comes from the caster diretion as fireball spell, they do not reveal their position while It remains hidden and imperceptible.


Its control is monstrous. Subtle Dispel simply nullifies any spellcaster defense, can dispel Simulacrums, can dispel Contingency or any magic effect. The best part is totally imperceptible. Subtle Polymorph is a death sentence + Subtle Flesh to Stone. There is no defense against that. Subtle Domina Person + Telephatic is amazing, Subtle Mass suggesion, Subtle Planar Binding. He can control any creature he wants and its effects are imperceptible.

Planar Binding:
It can be by Wish or by normal Planar Binding Spell. You are hidden, your spells are imperceptible, the enemy cannot be hostile to me, because he does not know who Bastion is, his effect is imperceptible and the command will be obeyed. This has been thoroughly explained in that thread.

About Demon Lords.
I already explained that The Bastion will dominate any creature in its path, no matter who it is.
Demon Lord or not.
Genies, Elementals, Angels, Fiends. Everything on your path.

Many spells slots:
Regenerating Sorcery Points:
With Sorcerous Recovery class featture, its CAP level 20 class feature, it regenerates 4 SP for short rest.
How many days without sleep. Well, Bastion has High con save, which allows him to spend several days without sleep and without falling into exhaustion.
This is not coffelocking, this is a fair use of your capstone.
Coffeelock is to use features like Greater Restoration, Warlock Invocation to not get exhausted and accumulate infinite spell slots.
It doesn't happen here.

Daily spells: Aid level 6 or 7, Armor of Agathys level 5th, Pass without Trace and Invisibility.
Mind Blank, depends of situation.
Skill Empowermen, depends of situation.

The Antimagic Field has already been explained, I will not repeat.


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No flips for you!
Your base hp are wrong, even if you maximize the hp die (8×20 is 160, not 180).

Temp hps do not stack, so no Aid+Leadership.

You cannot twin Wish. Even if using it to cast a lower kevel spell, you are casting Wish and it doesn't meet the requirements.

What's with the loyal minions? Is this serious?


Your base hp are wrong, even if you maximize the hp die (8×20 is 160, not 180).

Temp hps do not stack, so no Aid+Leadership.

You cannot twin Wish. Even if using it to cast a lower kevel spell, you are casting Wish and it doesn't meet the requirements.

What's with the loyal minions? Is this serious?

4 base +3 con + 2 Tough feat = 9 x 20 = 180.

Aid increase your real HP (It isn't Temporary HP), So Aid and Inspire Leadership stacks.
It's 239 HP.
With Simulacrum's Extended Warding Bond, you have resistence against all damage. So, your real HP is 478.
But, the Divine Soul Sorcerer regains half of hiS HP as bonus action (Unearthly Recovery feature). The Real HP is 717.
It's an insane tank.
It's more HP than Tiamat. :eek:

Sage Advice Compendium:
Can my sorcerer use Twinned Spell on a spell duplicated by the casting of a wish spell? And if so, how many sorcery points does it cost? Yes, you can. It costs the number of sorcery points appropriate for the level of the spell you’re duplicating.
Yes, The Sorcerer can apply Twin Metamagic on Simulacrum.

Loyal and Reliable minions means they will follow all Sorcerer's commands without chance of betraying.
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To take over the world:

Step 1: Get hundreds of thousands if not millions of loyal followers who are willing to die fighting for you or protecting you. After all you are taking over the world, not just some local fiefdom. You will need to fend off any number of powerful enemies and monsters because you just put a big target on your back. You have to sleep sometime, and the potential armies sent against you and your holdings could easily count 10,000 or more. Oh, and you need to protect your holdings. Worldwide.

Step 2: take over the world.

See? Easy!

The question is do this sorcerer is currently driven by a player?
if so he benefit from the ultimate advantage, balanced encounter, he will surely remain the leader of the world.
if not why not sent against him 777 solar angels, or 666 Balor, or 999 pit fiend, or any other challenge that will surely lead him to oblivion.

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