D&D 5E 20th level Sorcerer vs the world

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No flips for you!
What if the Sorcerer disguises himself as a monk like you? :ROFLMAO:
My minions know. They're loyal, and you said that means there's no chance they'll betray me. You made a classic blunder, the most well known is don't get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well known is don't rsveal yourself so clumsily by trying to trick loyal minions!!! Now we know exactly where you are!


My minions know. They're loyal, and you said that means there's no chance they'll betray me. You made a classic blunder, the most well known is don't get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well known is don't rsveal yourself so clumsily by trying to trick loyal minions!!! Now we know exactly where you are!
The Sorcerer killed you and now He've changed his identity again. The Sorcerer casts subtle spells with impunity.
The sorcerer is not only strong in combat, but he is also a master of deception and disguise.
Subtle Seeming spell forces you to have the image of your enemy. :ROFLMAO:
"This spell allows you to change the Appearance of any number of creatures that you can see within range. You give each target you choose a new, illusory Appearance. An unwilling target can make a Charisma saving throw, and if it succeeds, it is unaffected by this spell."

Your "Loyal" allies see you as their enemy and the Sorcerer has assumed your identity.
I love subtle spell.
A new zombie ready to fight for him and the Sorcerer commands your loyal (I dont know why Its loyal) army.
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The build has some definite strengths, but a "demigod" with an AC of 13 (12 without a Simulacrum's help), zero bonus to Wisdom or Intelligence saving throws, and no viable capacity to see an invisible enemy is not ready for a solo "against the world" free for all.

Against any level 20 character with their primary attack stat maxed they will hit you on anything but a natural 1, unless it is a Sharpshooter or Great Weapon Master situation. Having over 200 hit points and resistance to all damage is still not going to cut it against an optimized character who hits 95% of the time.

Against any level 20 caster with their stats maxed this guy will only succeed on a Wisdom save (or the much rarer Intelligence save) on a natural 19 or 20, so 10% of the time. That opens up a lot of weakness. Against a level 20 Lore or Eloquence Bard who can burn inspiration for debuffing his chance of success ON A NATURAL 20 is 1 in 12, with no chance on a natural 19. This means that even spells with repeat saves like Slow or Hold Person are likely to last a fair while against him (and his Simulacrum) provided the caster maintains concentration. It also means he's going to get the benefit of only every 10th long rest once a hostile caster with the Dream spell learns who he is.

You would do well to change the Contingency trigger to be more specific. Lots of spells and effects that would trigger "I can't cast spells" would be unaffected by Greater Restoration.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
"You give each target you choose a new, illusory Appearance. An unwilling target can make a Charisma saving throw, and if it succeeds, it is unaffected by this spell."
You keep telling us how to build the Sorcerer's Assassin.
Paladin for the CHA Save (and smites).


Lord of the Hidden Layer
The question is simple. How will your Loyal Minions be? Sorcerer's Minions are obtained and controlled by Sorcerer's spellcasting.
Since we get helpers for a moment, we can take a crack at Counterspell-ing your controlling spell. Hope you had the foresight to treat your minions well.


The build has some definite strengths, but a "demigod" with an AC of 13 (12 without a Simulacrum's help), zero bonus to Wisdom or Intelligence saving throws, and no viable capacity to see an invisible enemy is not ready for a solo "against the world" free for all.

Against any level 20 character with their primary attack stat maxed they will hit you on anything but a natural 1, unless it is a Sharpshooter or Great Weapon Master situation. Having over 200 hit points and resistance to all damage is still not going to cut it against an optimized character who hits 95% of the time.

Against any level 20 caster with their stats maxed this guy will only succeed on a Wisdom save (or the much rarer Intelligence save) on a natural 19 or 20, so 10% of the time. That opens up a lot of weakness. Against a level 20 Lore or Eloquence Bard who can burn inspiration for debuffing his chance of success ON A NATURAL 20 is 1 in 12, with no chance on a natural 19. This means that even spells with repeat saves like Slow or Hold Person are likely to last a fair while against him (and his Simulacrum) provided the caster maintains concentration. It also means he's going to get the benefit of only every 10th long rest once a hostile caster with the Dream spell learns who he is.

You would do well to change the Contingency trigger to be more specific. Lots of spells and effects that would trigger "I can't cast spells" would be unaffected by Greater Restoration.
I suggest you to create/show a build that could effectively challenge the DEMIGOD.
Unfortunately, nothing you posted would work against him.
He has many defenses, it is difficult to beat him.

1) The best defende of all.
First and the strongest defense of the sorcerer is deception and disguise. It has effectively a improved mirror image with more than 60 clones that is disguised magically and mundane. Subtle Spells allows him to cast spells freely without reveal himself.
It also can be everyone, including your ally. +17 Deception check, Actor feat, Disguise kit, Magical Guidance, Extended Seeming spell is pretty hard to deal with it.

2) The Demigod real HP is 714. He doesn't fear creatures damage. If Sharpshooter and Greater Master Weapon one attacks the sorcerer, the sorcerer deals more than 260 damage at 660ft.
If close enough, It's more than 1.000 damage per turn with his minions. The bard can't survive more than a turn.

3) The bard will need fly and cast a spell against him, but the sorcerer blasts at 660fts and can fly. All spells mentioned can be counterspelled.
Also, It's pretty hard to keep concentration dealing with more than 1000 damage per turn.
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