D&D 5E Zards Builds 2024 Pt 1. Dragon Sorcerer Blaster


So the game has changed. Sorcerers got massively buffed from 2014 to 2024. This is a simple guide for the first few levels.

Generally blasting isn't that great imho due to 5E hit point inflation. Fireball at 8d6 damage looks good but in effect it's 3 or 4d6 relative to older editions as 5E critters tend to have double or triple the HP. However Sorcerers can still play control and the Dragon Sorcerer also gets Command for free. If you have played Baldurs Gate 3 you know. It's worth upcasting and can be twinned.

The other big change is Chromatic Orb. It bounces if you roll the same number on the dice. If you hit enough it can hit 1 target plus 1 more per level of the spell used.

Level /Bounce Chance
1. 34.4%
2. 59%
3. 79%
4. 92.3%
5. 98.1%

Critical hits with chromatic orb are a lot of fun I've seen it just saying. A level 6 chromatic orb is comparable to chain lightning no save assuming you hit. You will have advantage if it's that important. 8d8 damage no save per target Innate sorcery advantage to hit.

In effect it gives any caster a fireball or lightning bolt effect AoE that doesn't hit allies. Anything that buffs accuracy boosts this as well. Oh look you also get Innate Sorcery that does exactly that. Throw in Sorcerous Burst and Dragons Breath there's a lot less pressure to pick fire or lightning imho. Personally I'm not a fan of poison or fire damage. The Dragon Sorcerer gets a lot of stuff you want anyway on your spell list.

So what type of Dragon Sorcerer should you pick? Personally I like lightning. Acid is probably better in terms of resistance but the spell list is lacking. You can pick fire if you like due to fireball.

Stats (default/point buy)
Charisma 15
Dexterity 14
Con 13 (maybe 15 your choice)

After origin or back ground +1 con ,+2 Charisma

Race Doesn't Matter. I like 2014 ones from Mordenkainens Guide to Multiverse. Any that boost spells known. Your choice however.

Origin. This build is reliant on attack rolls. Personally I like magic adept Druid or Cleric picking up bless or faerie fire. Less strain on Innate Sorcery. Acolyte and Guide do not buff charisma though but backgrounds from 2014 not in the 2024 book do e gSCAG ones. If that's not allowed pick an origin that boosts Charisma to 17 or pick human and take magic adept.

Metamagic Choices. Note 2024 you get more Sorcery points.

Twin spell. Can't twin haste anymore. Free upcast for 1 sorcerers point. You can twin command, fly, and charm monster. See below as well.

Transmute Spell. If you're picking lightning you want this. If you have picked anything else you probably still want it. Only 1 point to use. Fire Sorcerers still want it due to how common fire resistance is. If you're happy to play control or make do with Sorcerous Burst, Chromatic Orb and Dragons Breath you can skip it.

Key Spells.

Scorching Ray
Hold Person
Lightning Bolt or Fireball (or both).
Hold Person

Optional (twin targets)

Greater Invisibility
Hold Monster

Scorching Ray is the most damage you can do vs a single target and we can boost it more. Hold Person can be twinned. Lightning

Bolt and fireball vs larger swarms where chromatic orb may not be ideal. You can transmute them to the element you want or need.

4th Fae Touched (hex)
8th Warcaster or +2 Charisma
12th Spellsniper (if you took warcaster 8th)

Spellsniper is nice but clever positioning and clever spell use makes it optional. Opportunity cost vs hex is to high.

If you've seen a Fiendpact Warlock in BG3 use hex+Scorching Ray you know. Hex also works with Sorcerous Burst and Chromatic Orb to a lesser extent. 9d6 damage with a level 2 spell slot. 12d6 level 3. At level 5 you weigh up what's better based on number of targets eg ScorchingRay vs Chromatic Orb vs Fireball/lightning bolt.

Magic Items to Craft or Buy (optional)
Focusing on cheap stuff you might be able to convince the DM to sell. New DMG has rules to craft and buy things.

Wand of the Warmage +1 (400gp)
Bloodwell Vial +1 (400gp TCoE)

That's the guts of the build with room for tweaking as I did not pick a race or all of the spells. Treantmonk had a basic build but he missed the hex interaction which boosts the Sorcerer up a tier in his tier 2 and 3 videos.

I'm also not making any assumptions about hit % or number of spell slots used. You can still buff or cast control spells as the situation demands. If you want to deal lots of damage and have a control/striker combo I present this build for your consideration.

A more control build orientation I would look at the Aberrant mind. I consider that Sorcerer and Dragon to be the best sorcerers and the Sorcerer is on the short list for one of the best classes in the game at levels that matter. IMHO of course.
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Worth noting true strike and a crossbow or quarter staff gets you a d8+3 damage attack in tier 1. In tier 2 it stays on par with other cantrips as well, unless you get to add cha mod to them from something like dragon sorcerer.

Of note, you cannot twin greater invisibility anymore.

Also I think careful spell is the single best metamagic for the sorcerer, especially from level 5+.

Worth noting true strike and a crossbow or quarter staff gets you a d8+3 damage attack in tier 1. In tier 2 it stays on par with other cantrips as well, unless you get to add cha mod to them from something like dragon sorcerer.

Of note, you cannot twin greater invisibility anymore.

Also I think careful spell is the single best metamagic for the sorcerer, especially from level 5+.

Nice xatch on Greater Invisibility. Delete derp.

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