D&D 5E 20th level Sorcerer vs the world


Most of this seemed to stem from having a Rule of Cool DM who decided that if you're using psychic effects cast from stealth, enemies don't even get to roll initiative, because they're not aware at all that they're under attack. This gave him an incredibly exaggerated understanding of how powerful stealth is.
I suspect all of their rulings came from them. I suspect no DM ever allowed the stuff he thought he could do.

But ... they can't even defend themselves and it's likely they're just an unstable individual. For me it's not fair to continue the trash talk.

Suffice to say, even with powerful builds, no single build IMHO will ever be able to take over the world. In a 1-on-1 fight between 20th level PCs it's going to depend as much, if not more, on luck, tactics and specifics of the scenario.

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Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
The Ranger is the one talking to a squirrel. The rogue is the one talking to his wallet.
One is a ranger/cleric, the other is a ranger/rogue (or maybe a rogue/ranger). Even knowing that, the fact the rogue/ranger is the one with the shield might confuse someone.

One is a ranger/cleric, the other is a ranger/rogue (or maybe a rogue/ranger). Even knowing that, the fact the rogue/ranger is the one with the shield might confuse someone.

The ranger/cleric is telling a squirrel about Heironeus and his wonderful plan for your life. The ranger/rogue is the one telling a chipmunk how to properly use a lockpick.


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Well, the dude's got a new thread with a new Sorcerer build. You've got to admire the tenacity (when it's in the form of being excited about something rather than making indefensible assertions and not backing down from them).
No, you don't, because it's probably ... at least as unworkable in actual play as the ideas he floated in this thread. Since the thread you linked does not appear when I look at the forums, I will ignore it. It's a kindness to him and to my sanity.

I agree.

150 pages of postings (not including other threads), speaks for itself.
Yes, though I guess we have some responsability in it :)

No, you don't, because it's probably ... at least as unworkable in actual play as the ideas he floated in this thread. Since the thread you linked does not appear when I look at the forums, I will ignore it. It's a kindness to him and to my sanity.

Maybe, but it's cooler as a design. And much less confrontational than any PvP idea.


Dances with Gnolls
That player was Moderator-evicted from the thread a few pages back.
He cannot explain (even if he had an explanation).
The reply was generated before seeing the change in the OP's status in the thread. But regardless. I am not sure the explanation would have been illuminating.

Voidrunner's Codex

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