D&D 5E 20th level Sorcerer vs the world

The question is do this sorcerer is currently driven by a player?
if so he benefit from the ultimate advantage, balanced encounter, he will surely remain the leader of the world.
if not why not sent against him 777 solar angels, or 666 Balor, or 999 pit fiend, or any other challenge that will surely lead him to oblivion.
Yup, my loyal and reliable minions beat your loyal and reliable minions.

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With that STR, a set of manacles plus a 50-lb rock (the mechanical implementation of a ball-and-chain), and a 10x10' pit full of water will do the job. Grapples (forcing on the manacles, shoving into the pit) will be a problem for this character. Drowning rules bypass HP.
And one-on-one your minions are elsewhere.

With that STR, a set of manacles plus a 50-lb rock (the mechanical implementation of a ball-and-chain), and a 10x10' pit full of water will do the job. Grapples (forcing on the manacles, shoving into the pit) will be a problem for this character. Drowning rules bypass HP.
And one-on-one your minions are elsewhere.
I found that interesting. This would never work against the Sorcerer's defenses. Deception, Minions, Long range, flight, etc. Let's assume that Sorcerer allowed that to happen. Subtle Etherealness/Dimention Door spell would be a problem.
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I found that interesting. This would never work against the Sorcerer's defenses. Deception, Minions, Long range, flight, etc. Let's assume that Sorcerer allowed that to happen. Subtle Etherealness/Dimention Door spell would be a problem.
You also have to decide: do I spend my action breaking the grapple or casting a spell? If you ignore the grapple, physical doom approaches steadily.
This grappler foe, if well-conceived, has the anti-caster feat that lets him clobber you on your turn; can he break your Concentration on something important to your usual plan - like Flight or Levitate?

You also have to decide: do I spend my action breaking the grapple or casting a spell? If you ignore the grapple, physical doom approaches steadily.
This grappler foe, if well-conceived, has the anti-caster feat that lets him clobber you on your turn; can he break your Concentration on something important to your usual plan - like Flight or Levitate?
This is not 3.5 It definitely doesn't work as you imagine ^^:giggle:

I have the same issue with this build as I did with the wizard. Yes, a few times a day the sorcerer can do cool stuff. But they can't stop an army, they can't foil multiple repeated assassination attempts on the same day. That one wish a day is awesome, but it's not going to turn the tide when your castle is under siege.

One lone individual simply isn't that powerful unless you limit the number of opponents and fights they have to fight per day. But against a dedicated enemy that's willing to send hundreds or thousands? It's going to be a short reign. I mean, I know you're assuming minions, but once one guy in the room sees through your illusion caused by seeming it's all going to fall apart.

I'll let others nit-pick the details, but my basic premise is the same. Being a 20th level anything is going to give you a leg up. A world leader may well be a 20th level something. That doesn't mean that being a 20th level anything is going to make all that much difference when it comes to world domination.

I wonder about that.
Being killed by the minions themselves must be funny. Is there a PC that can challenge the sorcerer?
Yes, the PC with the loyal and reliable minions! You opened this door, not my fault you brought in loyal and reliable minions. My level 1 monk has loyal minions that will reliably beat the OP character.

Yes, the PC with the loyal and reliable minions! You opened this door, not my fault you brought in loyal and reliable minions. My level 1 monk has loyal minions that will reliably beat the OP character.
The question is simple. How will your Loyal Minions be? Sorcerer's Minions are obtained and controlled by Sorcerer's spellcasting.

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