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Warhammer, The Darkness Within, OCC


Ability Scores In order:
2d10=20, 2d10=8, 2d10=3, 2d10=19, 2d10=20, 2d10=9, 2d10=14, 2d10=6
Shallya's Mercy for Strength = 31

1d10=2 10 wounds +1 Hardy Talent = 11

1d10=1 2 fate points

Random Talents:
1d100=24 = Hardy
1d100=98 = Warrior Born

1d100=4 Apprentice Wizard 1d100=37 Kislevite Warrior

13 GC

Hight: 1d10=8 6'2"
Weight: 1d100=82 170 lbs
Hair: 1d10=2 Corn
Eyes: 1d10=8 Dark Brown
Distinguishing Marks: 1d100=22 Earring
Number of Siblings:1d10=5 3
Star Sign: 1d100=21 Gnuthus the Ox
Age: 1d100=79 31
Birthplace: 1d10=8 A Pig Farm in... 1d10=5 Ostermark Kislev.

Hans Schwein-Herde
Male Human
Blond Hair, Dark Brown eyes
Born under the sign of Gnuthus the Ox
31 years old
Career: Kislevite Warrior

Main Profile
                  WS    BS    S   T    Ag   Int  WP    Fel
Starting          45    28    31  39   40   29   34    26
Advancement      +10   +10     - +10    -   -   +10    -
Free Advance     +5  
Current           50    28    31  39   40   29   34    26

Secondary Profile
                  A     W     SB  TB   M    Mag  IP    FP
Starting          1     11    3   3    4     0   0     2
Advancement       0    +2     -   -    -     -   -     -
Current           1     11    3   3    4     0   0     2

Common Knowlage Kislev
Consume Alcohol
Dodge Blow
Outdoor Survival
Speak Language Keslevian

Specialist Two Handed
Strike to Injure Critical Value increased by 1
Hardy +1 wound
Warrior Born +5% to Weapon Skill

Bow with 10 arrows
Two Handed Sword (pick the better of 2d10 for damage) + SB
Mail Coat AP2 Body, Legs
Leather Jack AP1 Body, Arms
Leather Leggings AP1 Legs
Common Clothing
Dagger SB-3
Hand Weapon SB
Backpack with
-Cutlery and a mug
Purse with 13 Gold Crowns

Hans is not a pleasant individual. He was born on a pig farm in Kislev and began blaming the rest of the world for his sorry lot in life at a remarkably young age. Though he wasn’t the strongest boy in the nearby village (or overly blessed in the looks or intelligence department either for that matter) he was tough as nails, handy with anything that could be used as a weapon and had a mean streak a mile wide.

A few weeks after his 19th birthday a recruiter for the local lord arrived in town looking for volunteers to help fight an incursion of Chaos Marauders coming out of the north. He promised Hans gold, glory and a chance to escape the station that birth had imposed on him. With barely a word to his ailing father Hans packed his few belongings, left to seek his fortune and never came back. He joined with other warriors from Kislev and his unit found itself in the vanguard of a hopelessly outnumbered imperial army staring down the teeth of hundreds of chaos spawned demons and warriors on the northern steppes of the Empire.

Somehow Hans survived the slaughter and continued serving with the imperial army. He was never promoted beyond corporal, partially because his leadership style was brutal even by imperial standards but also because he was casually blasphemous, and disrespectful towards any superior he thought couldn’t take him in a fight.

Hans’ military career came to an abrupt end when he was caught looting a church of Sigmar. Sentenced to die he was hung from a tree for thirty minutes. After he was cut down however it turned out he was still alive. According to Imperial Law anyone who was half hung was considered to have been spared by Sigmar himself and could not be hung for the same crime again. It didn’t save his career though, and he was quickly drummed out of the army. He began making a living as a bodyguard and general thug traveling around the empire fighting for anyone who paid. Running low on cash he is looking for another quick influx of money so he can get back on easy street.

Now I know Hans will probably be a difficult person to get along with, but his high physical stats combined with his career, lousy intelligence and fellowship screams bully. I’d suggest treating him as a bully. At his core he’s a coward, as long as he feels he can push you around he’ll try to do so, if you stand up to him though, especially if you knock him on his ass while doing so he’ll back down and accept you as alpha dog. Basically, as long as there is at least one other PC who could take him in a fight he shouldn’t be too disruptive. He’s also very mercenary, terrified of anyone who does magic, and dumb as a sack of hammers so tricking him into doing what you want shouldn’t be too hard. Of course I can redo his backstory too, make him the lovable dumb farm boy who picks someone to hero worship but this just seemed more interesting.
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First Post
I am house sitting over the holiday period so will be without my books til the 2nd or 3rd of Jan.

If someone can point me in the way of a character creation guide online or would not mind giving me a quick hand to finish off my character, that would be much appreciated.


First Post
TRD, IM me and I'll help you.

AIM (preferred): AsmorCrmsonblade
Yahoo: Asumoru
MSN: asmor@tokyo.com
ICQ: 10275986

I've got to pick up my fiancée from work at 10 PM est, so I won't be available from 9:50 PM until I get home, probably around quarter past.

Just leave me a message. My computer's always online. I'll get back to you as soon as I can if I'm not there.


First Post
Thanks again Asmor for helping me, very much appreciated.

Introducing: Orwin Vogel

[sblock=Orwin Vogel]
Orwin Vogel
Male Human
Blonde Hair, Green eyes
17 years old
Career: Student

Main Profile:
WS 31
BS 27
S 39
T 31
Ag 29
Int 42 (32 +5 Savvy +5 Student)
WP 30
Fel 31

Secondary Profile:
A 1
W 15 (13 +2 Student)
SB 3
TB 3
M 4
Mag 0
IP 0
FP 3

Academic Knowledge (Demonology)
Academic Knowledge (Magic)
Speak Language (Classical)
Speak Language (Reikspiel)

Etiquette (+10% charm and gossip skill tests when dealing with nobles. Also get that bonus when it would be appropriate, such as when using disguise to impersonate a noble)
Savvy (+5% INT)
Seasoned Traveller (+10% on common knowledge and speak language skill tests)

Two textbooks corresponding to knowledge skills
Writing Kit
Purse with 13 Gold Crowns
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Looks like you made a little mistake there...you used all your advances. (I did the same thing when I got the game)
You can only pick one to level up +5% at the start. The others you have to buy with XP.
So, your character should have:
Main Profile:
WS 31
BS 27
S 39
T 31
Ag 29 (+10 Student)
Int 37 (+5 Savvy +10 Student)
WP 30 (+5 Student)
Fel 31 (+10 Student)

Secondary Profile:
A 1
W 13 (+2 Student)
SB 3
TB 3
M 4
Mag 0
IP 0
FP 3

You can then buy the student bonuses for 100 XP each, plus you get the one free at creation.


First Post
Thankyou for the headsup.

So this makes sense, of the +10% AG, +10% INT, +10% FEL, +5% WP advancements, I can only choose ONE of those up to 5%?

So for example I can take +5% AG on character creation, than +5% on INT for 100XP, then another +5% on AG for another 100XP etc etc?

And is that how advancement in careers work as well? When you have made all your advancements within a given career you can then move up to an advanced career?

Sorry to be painful, been so long since I have used the system and no book at the moment makes me one silly little man.


First Post
TRD said:
Thankyou for the headsup.

So this makes sense, of the +10% AG, +10% INT, +10% FEL, +5% WP advancements, I can only choose ONE of those up to 5%?

So for example I can take +5% AG on character creation, than +5% on INT for 100XP, then another +5% on AG for another 100XP etc etc?

And is that how advancement in careers work as well? When you have made all your advancements within a given career you can then move up to an advanced career?

Sorry to be painful, been so long since I have used the system and no book at the moment makes me one silly little man.

Yep. That pretty much sums it up. Any advances you've taken count towards ones in other careers. For example, if in the above situation an advance career had a AG advancement of +20%, you'd only have to take the ones for +15% and +20%. If, however, the career only had +10% AG advances, you couldn't take those (since you've already taken in the first career).

Hope that made sense. :)


First Post
Looking good everybody, just need scranton and ObiAndy to finish up and we will get started.
I may be out of town tomorrow, so I may not make first game post until later in the evening.

You all will all be starting in a small impoverished village of Hochenbacher deep in the Forest of Shadows in Nordland about 10 miles southeast of Salzenmund, under the rule of Baron Karl Hochenbacher, who is a vassal of the Elector Count of Nordland. For the more martial inclined of characters, you can begin play as a member of Baron Karl's militia or just a sell sword wandering through the village.

TRD, because you have taken the student profession, would you be okay with being the Baron's scribe/courtier?

Voidrunner's Codex

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