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D&D 5E Warlording the fighter


Quick spontaneous thoughts:

Overall, an impression of too much text. Could go away once I see it in PHB font and size, though (no idea how wordy compared to PHB abilities).

Command Presence: no need to reinvent wheel, lift the Bard's ability wholesale

Inspiring Word: so this is a heal once per short rest? Not per ally?

Second the suggestion to drop multiplication. Either phrase it as "half target's level" or simply simplify to "hit points equivalent to the target's level".

Also: second the don't mix up hp heals with restores.

Call of restoration: in a game where even the weakest healing spell can do this, this is way too weak to be a stand-alone ability. Suggest you simply drop this and also drop the "cannot be at 0 hp" clause of Inspiring Word.

(If you're completely hung up on the particulars, instead add "ally must be able to hear and understand you" which covers unconsciousness. But then I would add "if you're adjacent to target, you can still inspire it by physically shaking it" since rebounding from zero hp needs to be priced as a very common effect in 5e. All this to Inspiring Word, assuming you drop Call of Restoration)

Tactical Leader: okay. I would probably add that the Warlord as a bonus action can give an ally a bonus action (that it would normally not have), to make this truly worthwhile. (As sacrificing your own action to give somebody an extra action is not a net gain; and smacks of the same issues I have with Beastmaster Rangers. This way, even when sacrificing your main Action isn't appropriate, you can still actually add to the party by having an ally gain a bonus action out of nowhere)

But lordy, what a wall of text! Unless you can cut out perhaps 3/4, you will have to rethink.

Bonus Action: unclear on whether you can give this to others (if you can, cool, since I just suggested this very idea above :) )

Getting a full unrestricted extra attack is probably too good, and getting two at any level is definitely too good... assuming the Warlord joins the martial classes in getting two attacks at level 5. (Otherwise ability is OK! Please clarify by stating explicitly "not getting second L5 attack)

Action Inspiration: wait what? Oh now I see, the first one is about advantage, this one is more bardy.

Do not like how you can dish out dis/advantage so easily. There are several situations where the hunt for advantage is a difficult one, and this ability shortcircuits the game's intricate checks and balances completely.

Quick and dirty suggestion: Remove the first one, and replace Action Inspiration with the bard one (we do not want two very similar but not identical abilities in the game).

Stategic Leader is okay provided benefits only to mass combat game.

Rally the Troops: either separate the mass heal ability and the mass restore ability, or hand out both benefits (no choice needed). Then simplify to "give each member an extra save against an ongoing effect".

Good luck!

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No real notes from me, because quite frankly... while I'd be perfectly fine if a Warlord class came out in the future (since I have no problems with the class concept), I also have no problems with just taking bits and parts of the Bard, Battlemaster, and/or Cleric to create a Warlord as well. As CapnZapp says, several of the ideas you present are just slightly different rehashes of other abilities already in the game.

If I had someone who wanted to play a Warlord-type character... I'd personally just jury-rig a Bard by reducing their spellcasting pyramid to half-caster or third-caster levels and then import some Battlemaster maneuvers... making a more martial Bard than even the Valor is. And then just wipe away a lot of the Bard's "magic" fluff, as I'm perfectly happy with using spells for their mechanics, while just not calling it "magic". So no reason to create a "martial healing" variant that basically heals hit points like spells do but without calling them "spells". I personally do not see the gain. Healing is healing, restoration is restoration... call it "magic" or "mundane" however you like. No reason to reinvent the wheel.


I did say that, but I also assume all of this will be built on a completely new class chassis.

I completely sympathise with the notion that taking bits and bobs of various existing classes will never be satisfactory.

El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
Thanks for the feedback, [MENTION=12731]CapnZapp[/MENTION]

The more we get, I think the better it will be - and the better it's chance of being looked at by WotC.


Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
Thanks for the feedback, [MENTION=12731]CapnZapp[/MENTION]

The more we get, I think the better it will be - and the better it's chance of being looked at by WotC.

I want to give you feedback, but I'm not sure it would be good feedback -with it being a thin thread between nice suggestions and basically repeating what I promised not to tell-. All I can say is soon, very soon and I hope you like it to mine for ideas, or why not play it.


Follower of the Way
Alright @El Mahdi : The summon has been heeded. :p

Preliminary: As others have said, right now things are a bit on the wordy side compared to many or even most other 5e classes. This is probably more a "first draft, needs an editor pass or three" kind of thing than a true "issue" per se, but it's worth keeping in mind. Also, I'll echo the reccomendation to avoid too much multiplication, but I'll add a caveat: I don't think it's bad to multiply, but don't multiply numbers that are difficult to keep track of, like "half the ally's level times your ability mod." I'll address individual cases as I go.

Also, I've noticed some varying support for the three different mental stats (Int, Wis, Cha). In 4e at least, all of them COULD be important to a Warlord--technically I think Cha was always valuable, but Int or Wis could be secondary or even co-primary depending on build. I think it's a laudable goal to make it possible to be a (say) Str/Int Warlord as well as a (say) Str/Cha Warlord, or even a double-mental-stat one (e.g. the "lazylord" of 4e fame). So, for some things, it might be best to say "highest mental stat modifier." One possible option would be to have the Warlord choose a mental stat--call it their Leadership mod--as part of their Subclass selection (preferably at first level); nicking specific names from 4e, you could have "Bravura" (Cha), "Tactical" (Int), "Resourceful" (Wis). That is, presuming you intended to include subclasses at all; it's hard to tell from this collection of mechanics.

Command Presence
We can trim the fluff description to a single sentence, maybe two. For example:
"The mere sight or sound of a commander boosts confidence and focus, as allies trust the plan and each other more. Even the reckless benefit from the confidence that having a commander beside or behind you provides."
Mechanically, I agree with the "violence punctuated by committee meetings" issue. I say make it akin to the Bard's inspiration dice--you pre-select who gets it on your turn. This reflects the "planning" side of the Warlord, that sometimes things don't go according to plan, and sometimes a chancey plan works great. Consider:
"At the start of each round, as long as she can take actions, the Warlord selects one ally who can see or hear her to Command. While Commanded, that ally may apply advantage to any single roll they make during the round, before it is rolled. If this benefit is unused at the start of a new round, it is lost."
("can take actions" is an attempted shorthand for things like "you can't be incapacitated, surprised, petrified, etc." There may be better ways to phrase this.)

Inspiring Word
I do like the fluff, but it might also be amenable to trimming. Perhaps:
"Warlords must know their allies just as well as their enemies. With just a few words, they can hearten their comrades' resolve."
The multiplication here is cumbersome. My suggestion, using the "any mental stat" idea above, would be: "ally's Hit Die size times Warlord's Leadership modifier." This scales, up to a point, though it would be a LOT of healing early on. Alternatively, you could do something like Leadership modifier times the ally's Proficiency bonus, as that gives a solid and level-based scaling effect (6 HP at level 1, 8 or 12 HP at level 4, 12/16/20 HP at level 10, depending on whether the Warlord takes feats or not). It *would* be nice to have bigger effects for larger Hit Dice sizes, but I'm not sure how to handle that. Maybe...I dunno, HD size * half proficiency + Leadership mod? You'll want to spend some time tinkering with different formulas to find something that will hopefully be simultaneously simple, effective, balanced, and scaling.
I'm not sure whether the per-Warlord's-short-rest is better than per-ally's-short-rest or not. I don't mind it at all, but it might go over better with people on the fence/not inclined to like Warlords if it were per healed ally's short rest. Number of uses per rest could also be linked to half proficiency modifier.

Call of Restoration
I agree with the suggestion to at least rethink the name--not only does it sound a bit magical, I'm not sure the name communicates what it means. Perhaps something like "Battle Cry" or "Exhortation"? Fluff text is pretty good though: short and sweet.
I find it a little odd that you must be adjacent, yet it's a "call." As others have said, either allow it to be ranged with a limit or adjacent without, or tweak it in some other way. There's also a serious issue: being at 0 HP means you're automatically unconscious, which (per the description thereof) makes you "unaware of your surroundings," which I would argue implicitly means you can't hear. I would also suggest a simpler mechanic for the healing. For example, "ally's Hit Die size times Proficiency bonus," which (except at the very lowest levels). A very solid heal--Prof is about half your level (after level 3) until the teens, when it becomes about a third of your level, so it's a solid heal in those levels where you're most at risk of getting pasted and needing the pick-me-up.
Also, make it once per ally's long rest--perhaps give a condition, "tapped out" or something, which isn't exhaustion but reflects the inability to repeatedly revive the dying because they've already given more than they thought they had.

Tactical Leader
Honestly this one is a little beyond me. Not having much firsthand experience with 5e's action economy makes this hard to judge. It sounds a little crazy to my ears--handing out THAT MANY actions--but I honestly don't know. I'd listen very carefully to the input from other posters though. Certainly, the fact that this feature is easily twice as long as the next-most-complicated features (Strategic Leader and Inspiring Word) tells me that this might be overly complex, though that could be just a function of editing (as noted earlier). Particularly when the fluff text is relatively minimal. I'm not sure I care for the addendum at the bottom--it makes it sound like the other players can (intentionally or not) "take away" the Warlord's class features, which is kinda crappy, along the lines of "if you ever perform an act which is not good or lawful you lose your Paladinhood" (albeit not quite *as* punitive.)

Bonus Action
No complaints.

Action Inspiration
Seems okay. Bit limited compared to Bardic Inspiration, Portent, or Bend Luck, but I suppose that's intentional.

Strategic Leader
No comment. I have no idea how mass combat works nor what influence this could have. Honestly, it feels like it might be better suited as an alternate class feature or even a feat, since mass combat could be HUGELY important in one campaign and totally unheard of in others (I'd actually assume the latter is most common).

Rally the Troops
Good name. Good concept. Might want to tweak the numbers/formula, as my other comments have stated.

Command Actions
No comment--"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."

Alright. [MENTION=59506]El Mahdi[/MENTION] , first, great job. Second, quick caveat. I ran a one shot of almost every iteration of the playtest, but my 5e GMing is limited. I've run 3 one shots of varying level (4 and a pair of mid). Consequently, my ability to provide insightful commentary on the relative power level of each of these abilities and the suite as a whole (particularly compared to the Valor Bard, War Cleric et al) is not sufficiently informed I'm afraid. So I won't attempt to. I have a general idea, but it would be pointless for me to post such things when there are several GMs that are considerably more informed than I am on the subject.

With that, I'm just going to use this aim...

Making the Warlord class as workable as possible for as many players and DM's as possible can only help further the goal of getting a 5E Warlord.

....and use the format and grade Good, Average, Poor (all of them are Good except the ones I have questions about):

Fun/Interactive: Warlord players want an interactive suite of abilities.
Functionality: Here I am mostly posing questions. Just looking for your answers and your reasoning behind the answers (eg; inspiration if mapping to another classes scheduling).

Without further ado...

Command Presence
The mere presence of a Warlord within an adventuring group instills confidence and facilitates synergistic cooperation. The Warlord’s competent direction imparts a sense to all their allies that someone always has their back. This gives allies a boldness to take chances they normally wouldn’t, and do so with sureness they normally wouldn’t possess.
Once per round, any one member of the Warlord’s group can apply advantage to any one roll – be it an attack, a save, or a check – but the group must collectively agree to its use. This is not cumulative and cannot be carried from round to round; each round has one and only one usage for the group.

Theme/Archetype: Good
Fun/Interactive: Good
Functionality: Action Economy?

Inspiring Word
A Warlord builds a significant rapport with each of their comrades, learning what motivates each one of them. They know their compatriots so well they can rejuvenate and refocus them with just a word.
Once per short rest you can encourage or call out to a faltering companion and bolster their resolve; even allowing them to shake off some of the accumulated wear and tear of combat. Doing so either allows an ally to recover hit points equivalent to the Warlord’s Wisdom or Charisma modifier times ½ the allies level (minimum of 1), or free an ally of non-magical fear (the Frightened condition), or reduce any effects due to exhaustion by one level.
The ally must be within hearing range of the Warlord, and cannot be at 0 hit points. At 5th level they can do this two times per short rest, three times at 10th level, and four times at 15th level.

Theme/Archetype: Good
Fun/Interactive: Good
Functionality: Action Economy? Scaling?

Call of Restoration
With the same rapport they use to inspire their allies, they can even sometimes call them back from the edge of death itself.
Through a combination of vocal exhortation and physical shaking, you can attempt to rouse a fallen ally (at 0 hit points). They must be able to hear you (not Deafened) and must be adjacent to you. The ally can immediately make a death saving throw, even if they have already done so for the round, and make the roll with a bonus equal to the Warlord’s Wisdom or Charisma modifier. If successful, the ally is returned to consciousness and recovers hit points equal to the Warlord’s Charisma or Wisdom modifier times ½ the allies level (minimum of 1).
You may attempt this once per long rest. At 7th level you may attempt this twice per long rest, and three times at 17th level.

Theme/Archetype: Good
Fun/Interactive: Good
Functionality: Given the way movement works in 5e, I don’t think the range (adjacent) would be an issue. Action Economy? Scaling?

Tactical Leader
A leader can unify and focus a group, making a group greater than its parts; but a leader that doesn’t have the trust or cooperation of their compatriots is less than useful, and becomes a burden to the group - a catalyst for dysfunction.
A leader may give up any or all of their actions to be used by any ally; especially move and attack actions, and including bonus actions, and reactions (if appropriate). These actions can be used by the ally even if they have already acted in the round, and may still use their own unused actions after using the Warlord’s actions. Any actions given in this manner must be used in a manner consistent with their original purpose (move action must be used as a move action, etc.).
The Warlord player must designate what the action or actions are to be used for (such as “Aleric is in trouble - disengage from your foe, and go back him up”), and the character receiving the actions must use them consistent with the direction (the DM can determine if consistency is maintained if a receiving character’s player “calls an audible” or otherwise alters or interprets the “spirit” of the directions).
Allied players can also ask the Warlord player for their actions; such as, “Do you want me to back-up Aleric?” But the Warlord player still designates what actions they are giving up and what they are to be used for.
Players can disregard the directions of the Warlord’s player (“Cleric can take care of himself!”), but then those actions the Warlord gave up are lost for the round (they still expended the time issuing directives).
If players consistently disregard the Warlord's directions (DM discretion), then the DM may decide that the group has also lost synergy and can no longer benefit from the Warlord's Command Presence.

Theme/Archetype: Good
Fun/Interactive: Good
Functionality: Good

Bonus Action
Beginning at 6th level, a Warlord’s quick thinking enables them to move, act, or give direction more quickly. You can take a bonus action each of your turns in combat. This action can only be used to take an Attack, Command Action, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action.
At 13th level this increases to two bonus actions per turn.

Theme/Archetype: Good
Fun/Interactive: Good
Functionality: Scaling?

Action Inspiration
You can inspire others through calm reinforcement or inspirational counsel. Once per short rest, you can inspire an ally attempting an action to greater success. That ally can add the roll of a d6 to their check roll. The action that the inspiration applies to must be specifically stated (picking a lock to get the group through a door, crafting an item for a mission, disabling a trap, etc.). There’s no set time limit on its use, within reason (DM’s discretion), but it’s not a blank check.
At 6th level, the effect of this inspiration increases to d8, at 11th level to d10, and at 16th level to d12.

Theme/Archetype: Good
Fun/Interactive: Good
Functionality: Scaling?

Strategic Leader (in-work)
The Warlord has learned how to apply their leadership skills and expanded their combat knowledge to include leading large groups. At 11th level and once per long rest, they can apply advantage to an action that a unit larger than their group, but no bigger than a company, undertakes. At 16th level, they can do this twice per long rest with a unit larger than their group but no bigger than a company, or once per long rest with a unit larger than a company up to the size of a battalion/regiment. At 20th level they can do this three times per long rest for a unit larger than their group but no bigger than a company, twice per long rest with a unit up to regiment/battalion size, or once per long rest with an entire army.
(explore faster than normal march, advantage to checks for fatigue due to a forced march, etc.)
…look at mass combat rules…

Theme/Archetype: Good
Fun/Interactive: Good
Functionality: Not familiar enough with the mass combat rules so I have no opinion.

Rally the Troops
Once per long rest, a Warlord can motivate and focus their group with a stirring speech (whatever group they are leading at the time, be it their adventuring group, a company, or a whole army). Doing so either allows all members of the group to recover hit points equivalent to the Warlord’s Wisdom or Charisma modifier times ½ the allies level (minimum of 1), or free all members of the group from non-magical fear (the Frightened condition), or reduce any effects due to exhaustion by one level.
The group must be within hearing range of the Warlord, and only affects members not at 0 hit points.

Theme/Archetype: Good
Fun/Interactive: Good
Functionality: Action Economy? Scaling may get out of hand with large units (perhaps a cap?)

Command Actions (in-work)
Individual tactics or maneuvers - based on Battlemaster maneuvers, 4E Warlord powers, etc.

Nothing to comment on this one other than that would be the place to go to look. However, I'd take a good look at the Commander in 13th Age as well.


Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
Thanks for the feedback, @CapnZapp

The more we get, I think the better it will be - and the better it's chance of being looked at by WotC.

Oh wait, turns out it is online already! Check the Noble class in en5ider, despite the name I meant it as a warlord. That's the reason I couldn't talk so much in the thread, I was in the middle of it all. The original draft dates way back to May.

Having said that I will tell you my opinion.

Command Presence
The mere presence of a Warlord within an adventuring group instills confidence and facilitates synergistic cooperation. The Warlord’s competent direction imparts a sense to all their allies that someone always has their back. This gives allies a boldness to take chances they normally wouldn’t, and do so with sureness they normally wouldn’t possess.
Once per round, any one member of the Warlord’s group can apply advantage to any one roll – be it an attack, a save, or a check – but the group must collectively agree to its use. This is not cumulative and cannot be carried from round to round; each round has one and only one usage for the group.
Free advantage is huge, the problem is this mechanic can cause a headache in the group. Maybe turn it into a reaction, so the player has some degree of control over what they bring to the party.

Inspiring Word
A Warlord builds a significant rapport with each of their comrades, learning what motivates each one of them. They know their compatriots so well they can rejuvenate and refocus them with just a word.
Once per short rest you can encourage or call out to a faltering companion and bolster their resolve; even allowing them to shake off some of the accumulated wear and tear of combat. Doing so either allows an ally to recover hit points equivalent to the Warlord’s Wisdom or Charisma modifier times ½ the allies level (minimum of 1), or free an ally of non-magical fear (the Frightened condition), or reduce any effects due to exhaustion by one level.
The ally must be within hearing range of the Warlord, and cannot be at 0 hit points. At 5th level they can do this two times per short rest, three times at 10th level, and four times at 15th level.

My equivalent of Inspiring word, Rallying word, used a dice and one hit point per warlord level. As it would be insanely powerful at first level, it started as a daily resource and then became an encounter one. It doesn't have any other restrictions. Your version scales weirdly, and multiplication and division

Call of Restoration
With the same rapport they use to inspire their allies, they can even sometimes call them back from the edge of death itself.
Through a combination of vocal exhortation and physical shaking, you can attempt to rouse a fallen ally (at 0 hit points). They must be able to hear you (not Deafened) and must be adjacent to you. The ally can immediately make a death saving throw, even if they have already done so for the round, and make the roll with a bonus equal to the Warlord’s Wisdom or Charisma modifier. If successful, the ally is returned to consciousness and recovers hit points equal to the Warlord’s Charisma or Wisdom modifier times ½ the allies level (minimum of 1).
You may attempt this once per long rest. At 7th level you may attempt this twice per long rest, and three times at 17th level.
This one suffers from trying to do a lot of things at the same time. And again the weird scaling with multiplication and division.

Tactical Leader
A leader can unify and focus a group, making a group greater than its parts; but a leader that doesn’t have the trust or cooperation of their compatriots is less than useful, and becomes a burden to the group - a catalyst for dysfunction.
A leader may give up any or all of their actions to be used by any ally; especially move and attack actions, and including bonus actions, and reactions (if appropriate). These actions can be used by the ally even if they have already acted in the round, and may still use their own unused actions after using the Warlord’s actions. Any actions given in this manner must be used in a manner consistent with their original purpose (move action must be used as a move action, etc.).
The Warlord player must designate what the action or actions are to be used for (such as “Aleric is in trouble - disengage from your foe, and go back him up”), and the character receiving the actions must use them consistent with the direction (the DM can determine if consistency is maintained if a receiving character’s player “calls an audible” or otherwise alters or interprets the “spirit” of the directions).
Allied players can also ask the Warlord player for their actions; such as, “Do you want me to back-up Aleric?” But the Warlord player still designates what actions they are giving up and what they are to be used for.
Players can disregard the directions of the Warlord’s player (“Aleric can take care of himself!”), but then those actions the Warlord gave up are lost for the round (they still expended the time issuing directives).
If players consistently disregard the Warlord's directions (DM discretion), then the DM may decide that the group has also lost synergy and can no longer benefit from the Warlord's Command Presence.
Very flavorful, but I fear this ability could severely slowdown play. Sounds nice in theory, but something more declarative could be better and straightforward.

This warlord would be very frontloaded, consider moving around some features so they don't dominate the first two levels.

Bonus Action
Beginning at 6th level, a Warlord’s quick thinking enables them to move, act, or give direction more quickly. You can take a bonus action each of your turns in combat. This action can only be used to take an Attack, Command Action, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action.
I see how this would combine with the previous one. But it can get confusing, is this a bonus general action? or an actual bonus action?
Action Inspiration
You can inspire others through calm reinforcement or inspirational counsel. Once per short rest, you can inspire an ally attempting an action to greater success. That ally can add the roll of a d6 to their check roll. The action that the inspiration applies to must be specifically stated (picking a lock to get the group through a door, crafting an item for a mission, disabling a trap, etc.). There’s no set time limit on its use, within reason (DM’s discretion), but it’s not a blank check.
At 6th level, the effect of this inspiration increases to d8, at 11th level to d10, and at 16th level to d12.
This is basically inspiration like a bard, but worse. There's lots of nuance in there. I was considering something like this, but I couldn't find a way that didn't break the game -the chance of a player stacking guidance, inspiration and inspiration is quite too much-or caused odd dynamics at the table. And basically it has never been a warlord's job to tell the others how to do their thing out of combat, so I scrapped it.

Strategic Leader (in-work)
The Warlord has learned how to apply their leadership skills and expanded their combat knowledge to include leading large groups. At 11th level and once per long rest, they can apply advantage to an action that a unit larger than their group, but no bigger than a company, undertakes. At 16th level, they can do this twice per long rest with a unit larger than their group but no bigger than a company, or once per long rest with a unit larger than a company up to the size of a battalion/regiment. At 20th level they can do this three times per long rest for a unit larger than their group but no bigger than a company, twice per long rest with a unit up to regiment/battalion size, or once per long rest with an entire army.
(explore faster than normal march, advantage to checks for fatigue due to a forced march, etc.)
…look at mass combat rules…

I see what you are trying to do here, but the biggest problem I see, is that mass combat rules are still on a draft state.

Rally the Troops
Once per long rest, a Warlord can motivate and focus their group with a stirring speech (whatever group they are leading at the time, be it their adventuring group, a company, or a whole army). Doing so either allows all members of the group to recover hit points equivalent to the Warlord’s Wisdom or Charisma modifier times ½ the allies level (minimum of 1), or free all members of the group from non-magical fear (the Frightened condition), or reduce any effects due to exhaustion by one level.
The group must be within hearing range of the Warlord, and only affects members not at 0 hit points.
This one seems kind of irrelevant compared to Inspiring word, consider making it a bonus to combat, and the same problem as with inspiring word, the odd calculation of hit points healed.

Command Actions (in-work)

Individual tactics or maneuvers - based on Battlemaster maneuvers, 4E Warlord powers, etc

I suggest you check the article if you have a suscription. I distilled many of the warlord movements and with James help I found a way to implement superiority dice on a cool new way.
Last edited:

Command Presence
The mere presence of a Warlord within an adventuring group instills confidence and facilitates synergistic cooperation. The Warlord’s competent direction imparts a sense to all their allies that someone always has their back. This gives allies a boldness to take chances they normally wouldn’t, and do so with sureness they normally wouldn’t possess.
Once per round, any one member of the Warlord’s group can apply advantage to any one roll – be it an attack, a save, or a check – but the group must collectively agree to its use. This is not cumulative and cannot be carried from round to round; each round has one and only one usage for the group.
This isn't very 5e. This edition is really focused on fast play around the table and simplicity. By allowing discussion on the use of the powers, this slows down play. And leads to disagreements. Plus, it's odd that the warlord is so passive with this ability. There's no action requirement from the warlord. The warlord could be stunlocked and the player in the washroom and the power would still activate.
Having the warlord grant inspiration by using their reaction seems more doable. It's more active and the warlord player can choose to bring other's opinions in.
Alternatively, this could be a "command die" that works like lucky, where the warlord can reroll a die rather than granting advantage, which would stack. But that's pretty awesome so it'd be a 1/short rest thing.

Inspiring Word
A Warlord builds a significant rapport with each of their comrades, learning what motivates each one of them. They know their compatriots so well they can rejuvenate and refocus them with just a word.
Once per short rest you can encourage or call out to a faltering companion and bolster their resolve; even allowing them to shake off some of the accumulated wear and tear of combat. Doing so either allows an ally to recover hit points equivalent to the Warlord’s Wisdom or Charisma modifier times ½ the allies level (minimum of 1), or free an ally of non-magical fear (the Frightened condition), or reduce any effects due to exhaustion by one level.
The ally must be within hearing range of the Warlord, and cannot be at 0 hit points. At 5th level they can do this two times per short rest, three times at 10th level, and four times at 15th level.
I accept warlords, but really not a fan of martial healing. And especially not a fan of warlords being default healers (when other healer characters can opt out of that). But let's look at this independant of that.
Is this an action? A bonus action? Not an action? Does it have to be on the warlord's turn?
I'd look at how the paladin's healing is written and handled and emulate that for formatting this ability. Really, that's good advice for any design: look at how existing powers are laid out and written and where elements like "recharges on a short rest" are placed in the sentence and how it is said.
Non-magical fear is odd. What is "non-magical fear"? Does a frightening monster (dragon) count as "magical"? Instead, granting a new saving throw (maybe with a bonus) would work.
Removing exhaustion is pretty badass. Not a lot does that. Since this power recharges as a short rest, a party could stop to rest four hour and have the warlord use it on everyone negating the need for either sleep or food. Because the warlord is actually removing the effect. Having a character just ignore the effects of exhaustion for a minute might work better.

Call of Restoration
With the same rapport they use to inspire their allies, they can even sometimes call them back from the edge of death itself.
Through a combination of vocal exhortation and physical shaking, you can attempt to rouse a fallen ally (at 0 hit points). They must be able to hear you (not Deafened) and must be adjacent to you. The ally can immediately make a death saving throw, even if they have already done so for the round, and make the roll with a bonus equal to the Warlord’s Wisdom or Charisma modifier. If successful, the ally is returned to consciousness and recovers hit points equal to the Warlord’s Charisma or Wisdom modifier times ½ the allies level (minimum of 1).
You may attempt this once per long rest. At 7th level you may attempt this twice per long rest, and three times at 17th level.
Okay, "adjacent" isn't used in 5e. The term is "within 5 feet". I'm not sure I'd use Wisdom for warlords. They're really an Int/Cha class. And, really, Int works better with the bard working better for Charismatic leader abilities.
Cha x ½ level is some funky math. A seventh level warlord with 18 Charisma would heal how many hp? That slows down the game. It also doesn't scale well, healing 3 hp at level 1-3, 6 at level 4 but likely 50 at level 20. That might be better than a cure wounds.
Or it could fail. Really, there's a 20-25% chance this power does nothing. And the character is *technically* closer to death and the warlord's action would have been better served stabilizing.

Tactical Leader
A leader can unify and focus a group, making a group greater than its parts; but a leader that doesn’t have the trust or cooperation of their compatriots is less than useful, and becomes a burden to the group - a catalyst for dysfunction.
A leader may give up any or all of their actions to be used by any ally; especially move and attack actions, and including bonus actions, and reactions (if appropriate). These actions can be used by the ally even if they have already acted in the round, and may still use their own unused actions after using the Warlord’s actions. Any actions given in this manner must be used in a manner consistent with their original purpose (move action must be used as a move action, etc.).
The Warlord player must designate what the action or actions are to be used for (such as “Aleric is in trouble - disengage from your foe, and go back him up”), and the character receiving the actions must use them consistent with the direction (the DM can determine if consistency is maintained if a receiving character’s player “calls an audible” or otherwise alters or interprets the “spirit” of the directions).
Allied players can also ask the Warlord player for their actions; such as, “Do you want me to back-up Aleric?” But the Warlord player still designates what actions they are giving up and what they are to be used for.
Players can disregard the directions of the Warlord’s player (“Aleric can take care of himself!”), but then those actions the Warlord gave up are lost for the round (they still expended the time issuing directives).
If players consistently disregard the Warlord's directions (DM discretion), then the DM may decide that the group has also lost synergy and can no longer benefit from the Warlord's Command Presence.
This is a HUGE wall of text. Flavour text is nice, but more than a couple short sentences kills space.
There is no such thing as a move action in 5e. The warlord cannot give it up.
How this power would actually work is uncertain. When does the warlord designate actions? On their turn? When the action is being used. Do they just pass on their turn and divvie up actions over the rest of the round?
Freely giving up an action and movement is also huge. The damage or utility output of the warlord is low so it's not giving up much by surrendering their action. Even the commander warlord seldom granted a new standard action, often just allowing a free Basic Melee Attack or At-Will (and not every warlord was a lazylord).

Bonus Action
Beginning at 6th level, a Warlord’s quick thinking enables them to move, act, or give direction more quickly. You can take a bonus action each of your turns in combat. This action can only be used to take an Attack, Command Action, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action.
At 13th level this increases to two bonus actions per turn.
This should be renamed to avoid confusion. This is basically Cunning Action and should be written similarly.
This would be crazy good when multiclassing. It's basically Action Surge usable all the time. 6 levels is a little more than a "dip" for fighters, but a multiclass warlord/fighter would be super effective.

Action Inspiration
You can inspire others through calm reinforcement or inspirational counsel. Once per short rest, you can inspire an ally attempting an action to greater success. That ally can add the roll of a d6 to their check roll. The action that the inspiration applies to must be specifically stated (picking a lock to get the group through a door, crafting an item for a mission, disabling a trap, etc.). There’s no set time limit on its use, within reason (DM’s discretion), but it’s not a blank check.
At 6th level, the effect of this inspiration increases to d8, at 11th level to d10, and at 16th level to d12.
Again, there is no action associated with this: action, bonus action, or reaction?
This feels like an awkward remix of bardic inspiration. The warlord shouldn't just be a mash-up of the battlemaster fighter and the valour bard.
Really, bardic inspiration is the bard's "thing". It's unique to that class. Giving it to another class feels like giving away sneak attack or rage.

Strategic Leader (in-work)
The Warlord has learned how to apply their leadership skills and expanded their combat knowledge to include leading large groups. At 11th level and once per long rest, they can apply advantage to an action that a unit larger than their group, but no bigger than a company, undertakes. At 16th level, they can do this twice per long rest with a unit larger than their group but no bigger than a company, or once per long rest with a unit larger than a company up to the size of a battalion/regiment. At 20th level they can do this three times per long rest for a unit larger than their group but no bigger than a company, twice per long rest with a unit up to regiment/battalion size, or once per long rest with an entire army.
(explore faster than normal march, advantage to checks for fatigue due to a forced march, etc.)
…look at mass combat rules…
Hrm, giving the warlord an ability to monkey with the Battlesystem rules. I like it! It's more a flavour ability though, since it's unlikely to break combat the rest of the time.

Rally the Troops
Once per long rest, a Warlord can motivate and focus their group with a stirring speech (whatever group they are leading at the time, be it their adventuring group, a company, or a whole army). Doing so either allows all members of the group to recover hit points equivalent to the Warlord’s Wisdom or Charisma modifier times ½ the allies level (minimum of 1), or free all members of the group from non-magical fear (the Frightened condition), or reduce any effects due to exhaustion by one level.
The group must be within hearing range of the Warlord, and only affects members not at 0 hit points.
As an action? Is there a range? In a group with mixed levels, how much is healed?


Possibly a Idiot.
Well ok, I guess if you insist:

Command Presence:Being a support character is one thing, but requiring the entire group to reach some kind of consensus in order to use your own power is almost like not playing a character at all. Just make the Warlord the sole arbiter of the bonus, it streamlines the combat process, engages the warlord's player, and avoids the nasty situations where one or more players aren't syncing up with the rest of the group. Ranged help as a reaction is a good place to start for a warlord at any rate.

Inspiring Word: What kind of action is this, a bonus action I hope? Being able to lead the party (i.e. buff or heal) and stab something in the same turn was kind of the Warlords thing, despite the birth of the lazylord later down the line. Well, I guess it was more accurately 4Es thing, but the Warlord was the 4E class personified, so it's to be expected.
It's also all over the place in terms of flavor VS mechanics. Why does it heal actual hp, but only above 0? Why not just make it Temp HP, which accomplishes the same effect? Is it necessary to distinguish non-magical fear, and is non-magical fear common enough to warrant such a clause? Exhaustion isn't quite as abstract as HP is, which could cause conflict if you are going for a strictly "non-magical" Warlord. And finally why WIS, shouldn't it be INT?

Call of Restoration: The deafened exclusion is a bit over limiting. It should be tied into inspiring word somehow, it seems like a leveled up power to be sure, allowing it to remove other conditions would be nice as well.

Tactical Leader: This is exactly the kind of thing I was worried about. Actions are extremely tight in 5e. A bonus action to trigger a reaction is kind of scale where this type of power should start.

Bonus Action: This is strangely worded. You can already take a bonus action once a turn. Is this intended to give a total of 2 or 3 at level 13? I'm not entirely against giving someone an extra bonus action as a power, but it's worth noting how exceptional such a power would be, limiting the extra bonus action(s) to just warlord exclusive powers would be a good way to limit abuse. Also, did you mean an attack action or a bonus attack, there is quite a bit of difference. How many attacks is a warlord supposed to have anyway?

Action Inspiration This is just basically cribbing from the bard. Maybe this could be replaced with something a bit different, like a power that removes disadvantage somehow, allowing people to get the full use of advantage even when the chips are down? Could be the leveled up form of Command Presence.

Strategic Leader: Mass Inspiring Word. That brings the signature Warlord power up to a full three tiers of play with a decent capstone concept.

Command Actions: I would have to see these to judge them, but you could take all the weirdness from Tactical Leader then hard code it with limited resources and restrictions to fill this list up.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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