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Warmachine and IKCS

Yeah, the only problem with the WM mini's you have posted Joshua - is that they are not available yet ! - but they will be, oh yes they will.

Some of the GW stuff might indeed work - I have bought some Skaven that will work perfectly. I HATE most of the GW dwarves though ( don't really like the Confronation dwarves either ), as they all have huge bellies and arms that reach past their knees.

The Warlord Mini's definitely mesh better, but I am using some of the regular line from Reaper too. Too make up for slight scale differences and a smaller base, I glue two thin One inch washers to the bottom. I'll post a few pics when I get my digital camera hooked up sometime.


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The most recent dwarves look much better than previous incarnations; in fact, they're about as good as any dwarves I've seen recently (and available in multipart, posable plastic, which is always good.)

However, I was thinking more like the Ash Waste Nomads from Necromunda, or something like that. Now there's some steampunkish lookin' minis.

Thanks Joshua - these pics are a bit better. I'm afraid my skills are a bit beyond those modifications right now, but it would be cool to try and "tech-down" those Necromunda guns a bit. Even though I have been playing D&D since a lad in the late 70's, I am only just getting into mini's the last couple of months - Thanks to WarMachine!

IIRC, you are/were a big Planescape fan right? ( Me too - I still have 4 of the Planewalkers Handbook in shrink wrap - I couldn't GIVE them away to bribe people to play in a PS Campaign! ) Did you buy any of the PS mini's? I'm kind of sorry I missed some of those...

edit: just noticed your new Avatar! Cute kid!
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It's actually not as hard as it looks -- I only recently started doing it myself, turning some "regular" Warhammer orcs into a BloodBowl team. First, I was just snipping the weapons out of their hands with a hobby knife and filing the hand down flat, but because it was easier than I thought, I've since done some slightly more dramatic things, like rather heavily modifying the pose of a Warhammer Ogre and even creating a Blood Bowl ball from scratch (not that that looks any good.) If you want to "tech down"t he guns, I'd still say your best friend is a set of needle files (which I picked up from Hobby Lobby for $4.99 if I remember correctly) to just file down the "tech bits" to a smoother surface. Using the guns available from GW here looks really easy -- you probably just have to cut off the hand at the wrist, file it down a little bit so it's smooth, and then superglue the new gun with hand in its place.

I'm not necessarily a big minis + RPG fan -- I really like minis for their own sake, and I do occasionally indulge in a mini game (mostly Heroclix or Blood Bowl, not the big-time games like Warhammer or the like) but my group really likes using good minis as much as possible, so I'm getting used to the idea. Never got any of the minis, though -- not even sure I've ever seen 'em, for that matter.

I am a PS fan -- there's only been about three or four published campaign setting I'd run "out of the box" not because there's anything wrong with them, but just because I like to tinker and change things too much to suit my own tastes. IK, PS and maybe Midnight are just about the only settings that qualify there.

re: the avatar - Thanks! That's just a trial run -- I was just about to crop a picture of my own head (ala the latest trend in avatars) when I thought to myself, "this kid is a heckuva lot better lookin' than I am -- screw it, he's the new avatar!" I almost put my wife's head in for the same reason, but I thought it'd just confuse folks to have a male name and a female picture. :cool:
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Thanks for the encouragement - Perhaps I'll try some experimenting...

Just in case you missed my earlier post in the Publishers's forum:

New IK - Warmachine Mini's available at/during GenCon
Check 'em out at:


Available at GenCon or through their online store after the con starts...

The 'jacks look similar to Cygnar's, but this is a "mercenary unit". Nice color scheme on the demo's.

I believe that you should be able to order these from the site tomorrow... ( Thursday 12:01 AM is what they say, but I don't know what time zone - past my bedtime anyway! )

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