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Warriors Of The Coast OOC


First Post
Taviss Jarga
Class: Ranger 1
Race: Human
Hit Dice: 1d8+2, 10 HP
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 16 (10 +3 dex +3 armor)
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Grapple: +3
Attacks: Longbow +5 (1d8, x3), Handaxe +4 (1d6+2, x3)
Full Attack: Longbow +5 (1d8, x3), Handaxe +4 (1d6+2, x3)
Face/Reach: 5x5/5ft
Special Qualities: Favored Enemy (humans), Track, Wild Empathy, +2 resistance bonus on saves vs. disease
Special Attacks: n/a
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1
Abilities: Strength 14, Dexterity 16, Constitution 14, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 12, Charisma 8
Skills: Climb +4 [2], Handle Animal +3 [4], Heal +5 [4], Hide +7 [4], Move Silently +7 [4], Search +2 [2], Spot +5 [4], Survival +5 [4]
Feats: Weapon Focus (longbow), Weapon Finesse
Languages: Common
Alignment: Neutral
Deity: None
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 148 lbs

Traveler's outfit (-)
Longbow (75 gp)
40 arrows (2 gp)
Handaxe (8 gp)
Studded leather armor (25 gp)
Bedroll (1 sp)
Backpack (2 gp)
Gallon of ale (2 sp)
Trail rations x4 (2 gp)
Targath ring (5 gp)

- - - -

Preliminary stats. I haven't calculated money, and I'm pretty sure there's some errors on here, but I'm sticking it up anyway for your perusal and perhaps suggestions.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Azaar said:
Hmm... barely have a chance to start, and already two of the three ideas have submissions. And somehow, I doubt I'm gonna be able to justify a warforged artificer in a small fishing town. Methinks this is (sadly) my cue to bow out of the running. I don't think I'll have a concept workable, especially by the start of next week. Sorry. :\

Sorry you feel that way; I was looking forward to the 'forged possibility. I think there are backgrounds that could work (refuge/sole survivor of previous shipwreak--worked there every since; followed old retiring War buddy since it had nothing else better to do...).


The man with the probe
Defcom: On a side note, I was thinking about Zan's background, perhaps it might be better if he came to run the library, not just be an assistant (as it'd be small). Either way, making no secret of being an educated man, having curiousity about everything and wanderlust in general, he'd be easy to use.

My other concept: Well, someone had something similar, but I'll see what I can do.

Zandrick moved.
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First Post
Khalia ir'Indari, LG Human Female Archivist

[b]Character Name:[/b] Kahlia ir'Indari 
[b]Character Race:[/b] Human 
[b]Character Classes:[/b] Archivist 1

[b]Age:[/b] 19 
[b]Gender:[/b] F 
[b]Height:[/b] 5' 10" 
[b]Weight:[/b] 125 lbs. 
[b]Eyes:[/b] Blue 
[b]Hair:[/b] Dark Brown
[b]Skin:[/b] Fair

[b]Character Level:[/b] 1

[b]Known Languages:[/b] 
	Common, Draconic, Daelkyr, Infernal

[b]Strength:[/b]	 8 +0 ( 0 pts)
[b]Dexterity:[/b]	12 +1 ( 4 pts)
[b]Constitution:[/b]	10 +0 ( 2 pts)
[b]Intelligence:[/b]	16 +3 (10 pts)
[b]Wisdom:[/b]		14 +2 ( 6 pts) 
[b]Charisma:[/b]	14 +2 ( 6 pts)


[b]Hit Dice:[/b] 1d6 
[b]Hit Points:[/b] 6 


[b]Save vs. Fortitude:[/b]	 +2 [+2 (Archivist 1) + 0 (Con)] 
[b]Save vs. Reflex:[/b]	 +1 [+0 (Archivist 1) + 1 (Dex)] 
[b]Save vs. Will:[/b]		 +4 [+2 (Archivist 1) + 2 (Wis)] 

[b]Special Save Notes:[/b] 

[b]Initiative Modifier:[/b] +2 
[b]Base Attack Bonus:[/b] +0 [+0 (Archivist 1)] 
[b]Melee Attack Bonus:[/b] -1 [BASE (0) + STR MOD (-1)] 
[b]Ranged Attack Bonus:[/b] +2 [BASE (1) + DEX MOD (2)] 


[b]AC:[/b] 13 [ BASE (10) + Armor (2) + DEX (1)] 
[b]Flatfooted AC:[/b] 12
[b]Touch AC:[/b] 11


[b]Armor Worn:[/b] Leather 
[b]Armor Check Penalty: [/b] 0
[b]Maximum DEX bonus: [/b] +6 
[b]Armor Type:[/b] Light 


Lt Xbow
ATK +1, DMG d8, CRIT 19/x2
ATK -1, DMG d8-1, CRIT 20/x2
ATK -1, DMG d4-1, CRIT 19/x2
Dagger (thrown)
ATK +1, DMG d4-1, CRIT 19/x2, RANGE INC 10 ft


Scribe Scrill (Bonus, Archivist 1)
Investigator (1st level feat)
Spontaneous Healer (human bonus feat, Complete Divine)

Master of Knowledge 
     (campaign bonus feat 1; Heroes of Horror;
      +1 to all Knowledge skills)
Research (campaign bonus feat 2, Eberron Campaign Setting)



Name/Total Mod (Ability) ** # Ranks taken 
				ranks	ability	misc	total
Concentration			2	0	0	2
Decipher Script			4	3	0	7
Gather Information		2	2	2	6
Knowledge (Arcana)		4	3	1	8
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)	4	3	1	8
Knowledge (History)		2	3	1	6
Knowledge (Reglion)		4	3	1	8
Knowledge (The Planes)		4	3	1	8
Spellcraft			4	3		7
Search				2	3	2	7

Spot				0	2	0	2
Listen				0	2	0	2

* Armor Check: 0 
[CC] Cross Class Skill 

[b]Special Abilities[/b] 
Dark Knowledge 3/day (lasts 1 min, 60' range, one type of creature)
- tactics (+1 bonus/attacks @ DC 15, +2 @ DC 25, +3 @ DC 35)

Spells per day
Level 0 - 3
Level 1 - 3

Spells Known

Level 0
Create Water
Cure Minor Wounds
Detect Magic*
Detect Poison
Inflict Minor Wounds
Purify Food & Drink
Read Magic*

Level 1
-Bless Water
-Comprehend Languages*
-Cure Light Wounds
-Detect Evil*
-Obscuring mist
-Protection from Evil*

* Usually prepared


[b]Equipment & Gear:[/b]

item		cost	weight
Leather Armor	10	15	
Dagger		2	1	
Light Crossbow	35	4	
- Bolts (10)	1	1	
Signet ring	5		
Spell component pouch
		5	2	
Prayerbook	15	3	
Scholar's outfit	
		5	N/A	
Wooden Holy Symbol	

[on mule while traveling]			
mule		8		
pack saddle	5	15
saddlebags	4	8

Bedroll		0.1	5
flint & steel	1		
Ink		8		
Inkpen		0.1		
parchment (5 sheets)
rations, 2 days trail
		1	2
- Bolts (10)	1	1
Rope, 50', hemp	1	10
Torch (10)	0.1	10
Tent		10	20
Waterskin	1	4
Scholar's outfit (spare)
		5	6
Courtier's outfit
		30	6

total	155.3	26 (carried)	87 (stowed)

[b]ARMOR WEIGHT:[/b] 15 
[b]WEAPON WEIGHT:[/b] 6 
[b]TOTAL WEIGHT:[/b] 26 

[b]Carrying Capacity[/b] 8 STR 
  [b]Light:[/b] 26 [b]Medium:[/b] 53 [b]Heavy:[/b] 80


remaining gold: 44 gp 7 sp


[b]Base Speed (Actual Movement):[/b] 30 ft


Tall, thin (food rarely holds her attention), and dark-haired, Khalia tends to simple and practical, yet elegant clothing (at least, when at home in Thrane; in the field, she dresses more simply).

She looks quite a bit like Amy Acker ('Fred' from Angel), actually.


Relentlessly inquisitive, deeply loyal to her father, Thrane, and the church, and more than a little ambitious, Khalia is never one to pass an opportunity to chase down a mystery.


Kahlia ir'Indari is the only child of the Lord Reverened Alistair ir'Indari, a bishop (mechanically an aristocrat/archivist) from an old noble family in northern Thrane. As her father's apprentice, he asked to investigate a set of ruins near Seawall, which held some ancient magical treasure, if Lord Alistair's information was correct.

And Khalia is sure there's something there, at any rate. She knew she would find the remains of a temple not ten miles from the town. She didn't expect extensive draconic iconography, or clear signs that parts of the temple had long since been looted. Someone like Garrick or his lizardfolk friend -- that, she did expect. For amatuers, they possed certain skills she did not, and she's hired them more than once to help her investigations -- though she has always watched them very closely. Their like weren't far from most ruins on Eberron; real scholars weren't all that common, and there was always someone who guessed that ancient ruins meant treasue and therefore wealth.

What she certainly didn't expect to find were intact magical seals well beyond her power to break, or even divine much about. She has sent for some scrolls and other equipment from her father to help her complete her investigations, but the ship they were to arrive on is among the missing, leaving her more than a little vexed.

Khalia still rents a room at the Green Lilac, though it's been nearly a year since she first arrived. She attends services at the local shrine to the Silver Flame, though anyone who engages her in conversation will learn that she thinks the local priest has fallen in too closely with the puritan Elder Nevillom of Wyrmwatch, who she, quoting her father, says is "a good man in his way if things get tough, but not one to consult on questions of theology".

Anyone local who shows interest in or knowledge of the supernatural or ancient history has been a victim of Khalia's inquisitions; she is leaving no stone unturned in her research, and that includes the people of Seawell. Indeed, she would be talking to lizardfolk shamans if she could meet them, and has hired guides to take her to them before.

Her closest friend among the locals has been Zan, the changeling wizard who maintains a suprisingly extensive library in town. She knows some in the Church aren't any more friendly with changelings than they are with shifters -- some have spoken openly of inquisition against dopplegangers along lines of the one against lycanthopes, and changelings would surely be caught up in such an effort -- but she's seen no sign of anything dangerous in him. Moreover, he's one of the few trained academics in the town, and so one of the few she's truly comfortable around.

DM note:
In Shards of the Silver Flame, Lord Reverened Alistair ir'Indari (Archivist 7/Aristocrat 2) was a very high-level member of the Argentum (see the Thrane section of Five Nations), as one of its foremost experts on divine artifacts. He had a fair number of adventurers working for him (most notably the PCs of the game, and his daughter Khalia), and extensive other contacts.

Khalia only became aware of her father's association with the Argentum (and confirmed that the Argentum really existed) as a result of the events that game, which haven't happened yet, so in this game she has no such knowledge.

Khalia on the other PCs

Ari Osten, Human Hexblade

Khalia's had little contact with Ari, prefering Jina's company if she needs an extra sword and trusting in her own magical skills. She believes hunting down monsters is a worthy cause, but it should be done for the Flame, not for money.

Garrick Yandson, Human Rogue

Khalia first encountered Garrick in the ruined temple she had come to Seawell to explore, and quickly discovered that whatever job he might technically hold, the young man was really a freelance amatuer treasure hunter. She has a somewhat mixed opinion those who follow that trade -- they seem all too quick to take profit, and often do not truly understand what they are exploring, but they have some skills she does not. As a consequence, she has hired Garrick and his lizardfolk friend on several occasions (both probably amused that someone was paying them to do what they'd prefer to be doing anyway), and generally likes thm.

Jina Silversun, Elf Swashbuckler

Khalia met Jina and her twin brother shortly after arriving in Seawell, and has seen a lot of them since, mostly because she has been living in their mother's inn. Jina reminds her of a friend of her father's -- a human swashbucler, though she learned the thinblade from an elven master -- though Hariel didn't have a twin brother.

Zan, Changeling Wizard

Zan is probably Khalia's best friend among the denizens of Seawell, as one of the few whose interests coincide largely with hers.

Combat and Tactics

Khalia tries to avoid getting into melee, if at all possible. She opens a fight by using her Dark Knowledge ability if possible (when fighting magical beasts, aberrations, undead, outsiders, and elementals), and then will cast support spells or use her crossbow.
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Thanx for the submissions everybody. They're looking good. I'm still interested in having more submissions from both old and new, so please don't hesititate to put down more ideas. Please remember as I've mentioned before that Seawell is a small fishing town, so let that color who you create.

I'd also love to see more characters that are directly involved with the town, as most of the submissions thus far have been characters who grew up and did most of their work far away from Seawell and Q'barra, and then somehow have just sort of "arrived". Don't be afraid of creating people like the town's blacksmith as a first level fighter, or like the wandering priest of the Soverign Host who goes from village to village along Q'barra's coast and who acts as the religious missionary for all the people (because the towns are to small to support their own full temple). I want the party to have an organic feel of the folks from town getting together and saying "what's up with the missing ships, anyone want to volunteer to go out there and check it out?" And the more the characters have a direct stake in the town's welfare, the more important the mission becomes, and thus true drama and excitement can unfold. So tie your character in to the town's history or needs, and create or color as many of the NPC's or areas around Seawell to help you do that. I encourage it! Nothing and no one in town has been set in stone yet (not even who or what the family in the lighthouse do or are) so go ahead and add it in.

But, if you create a character (as an example) who is far removed from the workings of Seawell and is just here because that's where the scenario is taking place... like if you make a character whose main focus is to regain status within The Twelve back in Karrnath because they were blackmailed into admitting guilt to something they didn't do, and are currently in Seawell to "gather evidence"... there's not a whole lot of reason for the character to either want to go on this mission, or care whether or not it succeeds. Yes, it's a very interesting character concept, and in another adventure might be an awesome addition, but here it doesn't necessarily lend itself well to this particular scenario. It's completely fine to submit a character like that... all I'm saying is that I'm probably less likely to actually select it. Just fyi.

Hopefully this helps you all out and you have a beter idea of what I'm ultimately shooting for when I make my selections. Thanx again for all your hard work everybody, and please let's have these concepts keep coming!
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First Post
As you have remarked for my concept, a changeling Warlock would unlikely be found in such village. Norros former life was one he wanted to put far behind him. Landing in this village, he found it a good place to hide. Since his landing, he became part of this small town. He has started to socialize with people, he made some friends and work as a common laborer, most likely carrying goods in and out of the ships. The dissapearance of ships would cut all his income, and most likely it would be the same for his friends, most of tem working at the harbor with him.

I'll think about it and see if I don't find a better concept, but playing Norros would be kind of interesting. He will most likely reveal part of his nature in the start of the game and see the interraction with the other on how they will react to see him being a Warlock and/or a Changeling.


And now, to answer some specific questions...

Kralin Thornberry said:
Thanks. Before I go and start creating any ruins, are there any restrictions or suggestions you would like to make? I don't want to create something (IF I'm accepted and you be stuck with it and don't like it. Same goes for NPC's. If I were to create an NPC to flesh out, he/she would probably be a tavern keep (good for information and rumors) and perhaps a town guard (again, good for rumors and information on the lizardfolk). Even more, perhaps Garrick would have a "friend" (or not so aggressive) lizardfolk contact that he has been learning from.

Any suggestions you could give me in this area would be appreciated.

All I require is that the people and places created make sense in a small coastal fishing town, and don't duplicate effort made by other players. So for instance... Rayex created in his concept that his characters' mother runs the Green Lilac tavern. So go ahead and use the Green Lilac in your history if you wanted Garrick to have a connection to someone in a tavern setting. Even if in the end I didn't select Rayex, that doesn't necessarily mean that any stuff he created to flesh Seawell out goes out the window. None of these characters are islands unto themselves... and if connections between characters exist and make sense, I'm more apt to select all of them since they have the connections to the town and each other already in place.

So create whomever and whatever you want. Go nuts. Nothing is yet set in stone, but just don't deliberately contradict stuff created in other player's bios. Hope this helps. Thanx!


For drothgery...

drothgery said:
I was hoping you'd have a few dark secrets burried around the town that I could build on, but I guess I could try and put something specific together. There's plenty in generic Eberron lore that would draw someone like Khalia to virtually anywhere (gateways to Khyber, Dhakkani ruins, Dragon Below cultists, etc.), but particularly the more unsettled regions, and places where groups hostile to Thrane and the Silver Flame have been active.

I've really like Khalia since I created her as an NPC, so I'm kind of trying to find a place to play her. Also, this group seriously needs a divine caster.

I certainly could create some dark secrets for the town... but the problem is they would have nothing to do with the adventure that has has been set up. So while it could certainly be a logical reason for Khalia to be in Seawell, it still wouldn't explain why she would be one of eight volunteers to help out with a bunch of missing ships. That's the only reason why I thought the other character might have more promise.

Khalia's background right now of being down here to gather info for some "big mystery" her father sent her on, doesn't really lend itself to the problem and the adventure the town is facing... that's all I'm worried about. Now if you can create some direct connection between Khalia's mystery and someone or something in town directly... then her reasons for helping out with this problem of the ships might make a lot of sense. Perhaps she is here investigating the same ruins that Garrick is here for? And maybe one of the ships that was due in to arrive included some sensitive equipment that she needs to continue her work? Thus she has a direct connection to the town, and wanting to solve the problem with the missing ships (because she needs her equipment). This is just one possible idea that you can work with and will make me NEED to have Khalia in the party. If you can make me HAVE to have Khalia in this adventure because she just fits in too perfectly, then I'll have no choice but to select her. Hope this helps.

DEFCON 1 said:
Perhaps she is here investigating the same ruins that Garrick is here for?

I am more than happy to include anyone in Garrick's background. Just let me know and/or contact me via email or yahoo messenger (footfallurth) and I'll work with you!

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