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We saw a Star War! Last Jedi spoiler thread

Water Bob

TLJ is the second largest domestic opening ever, just a small bit behind TFA, and TLJ did $495 worldwide.

It's a hit!

Negative, negative. It didn't go in.

No, really! It's a hit!


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TLJ is the second largest domestic opening ever, just a small bit behind TFA, and TLJ did $495 worldwide.

It's a hit!

We'll see.

Everyone will go see this movie, it's a Star Wars movie after all. The question is, how many will see it again? I've seen every Star Wars movie before this turd more than once in the cinema (thanks to the re-releases of the original trilogy.) I even saw the prequel trilogy movies several times. I've bought them all, then bought them again on blu-ray.

I have no interest in seeing this movie again.

Remember how long The Force Awakens stayed in cinemas? It was there for months and months, because people were going to see it again and again. I don't think this episode will enjoy the same longevity. People will buy a ticket to a Rick-roll if it has the Star Wars name on it... once.

That's how you kill a franchise. Look at Mass Effect 3, for example. The ending really "subverted expectations" (which is my new euphemism for "sucked") and despite excellent reviews and strong pre-order and launch sales, the fans of the Mass Effect series were not pleased. Mass Effect Andromeda tanked. EA found out they couldn't get away with that crap a second time. If Andromeda had been good, I would have bought it after I saw some positive fan reaction (I'm done paying attention to professional reviewers for movies or games.) Instead, based on what I read, I decided that if the complete game + DLC goes for less that $20 I might pick it up, if I have nothing else to play. This from a guy who was in the habit of pre-ordering the collector's edition of every BioWare game.

Disney has been talking about the Rotten Tomatoes score being the result of trolling, and pointing the CinemaScore as being a more accurate read of viewer reaction. I hope that someone at Disney is smarter than that. I hope they don't pull an EA and double down, producing another entry that... subverts expectations. Hopefully Disney and JJ are paying attention, and will put effort into wrapping the trilogy up with an episode that exceeds expectations.

We'll just have to wait and see.


Putting on a critical hat:

Luke: “I will not be the last Jedi.” Upending the title, which becomes a tease.

Most of the Rebels died because of a consequence of Poe bringing in the Codebreaker, who revealed the fleeing transports.

Finn and Tran hardly know each other. How can they be in love?

The core story seems to be that Luke, in a horrible moment contemplated killing his sister’s son, unleashing dark forces which brought down the nascent New Republic. That fits a Shakespearean tragedy, not Star Wars.

The bombing run and casino planet acts are tacked on. They detract from the core narrative, which is the conflict between Luke, Rey, and Ren. The collapse of the New Republic is setting.

What feels off is that the story of Luke and Ren seems to be a separate narrative from movies IV-VI. The movies VII and VIII work better disjointed from the other movies.



Well, that was fun
Staff member
We'll see.

Everyone will go see this movie, it's a Star Wars movie after all. The question is, how many will see it again? I've seen every Star Wars movie before this turd more than once in the cinema (thanks to the re-releases of the original trilogy.) I even saw the prequel trilogy movies several times. I've bought them all, then bought them again on blu-ray.

I have no interest in seeing this movie again.

Remember how long The Force Awakens stayed in cinemas? It was there for months and months, because people were going to see it again and again. I don't think this episode will enjoy the same longevity. People will buy a ticket to a Rick-roll if it has the Star Wars name on it... once.

That's how you kill a franchise. Look at Mass Effect 3, for example. The ending really "subverted expectations" (which is my new euphemism for "sucked") and despite excellent reviews and strong pre-order and launch sales, the fans of the Mass Effect series were not pleased. Mass Effect Andromeda tanked. EA found out they couldn't get away with that crap a second time. If Andromeda had been good, I would have bought it after I saw some positive fan reaction (I'm done paying attention to professional reviewers for movies or games.) Instead, based on what I read, I decided that if the complete game + DLC goes for less that $20 I might pick it up, if I have nothing else to play. This from a guy who was in the habit of pre-ordering the collector's edition of every BioWare game.

Disney has been talking about the Rotten Tomatoes score being the result of trolling, and pointing the CinemaScore as being a more accurate read of viewer reaction. I hope that someone at Disney is smarter than that. I hope they don't pull an EA and double down, producing another entry that... subverts expectations. Hopefully Disney and JJ are paying attention, and will put effort into wrapping the trilogy up with an episode that exceeds expectations.

We'll just have to wait and see.

I'll go see it an extra time to compensate for you. With luck, they'll subvert some more expectations. No, really, you're welcome; it's no bother. :)
Last edited:

Water Bob


An excerpt:

One Facebook group, “Down With Disney's Treatment of Franchises and its Fanboys,” which aligns itself as a pro-DCEU community, announced on Facebook that it had generated trolls to help review bomb The Last Jedi’s score on Rotten Tomatoes. (Review bombing is when a horde of negative reviews with low ratings are left on an entities page in protest.) The page defines itself by its anti-Marvel and anti-Disney stance as a pro-DCEU fan page.



It says that, sure. It's full of crap, but it does say that.

Look at the number of reviews, compare it to TFA. It doesn't seem to have as many reviews as it should if there were a bunch of bots artificially generating them. Second, look at how many of those negative reviews are multi-paragraph examinations of the reasons why the viewer didn't like the movie. Bots don't do that.

So far, they've just pointed to a Facebook post by an idiot. They haven't actually identified a significant number of botted reviews. Now, I'm sure that there are some reviews that are botted, and I'm sure those skew negative. I'm also sure that there is a significant number of long-time Star Wars fans who think this film is a damn disgrace.

I mean, just look at this thread. No way is this a meaningful sample, but opinions are completely divided and the detractors aren't just dropping an "LOL sux" into the thread and moving on. You can keep telling yourself that pretty much everyone shares your opinion, and that this movie is and will be as universally loved as the 1977 Star Wars and will have as great a place in the mythology as The Empire Strikes Back, but that's just willful ignorance.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
The Force Awakens set out the paths of Kylo, Rey, and Finn. Finn rejected the New Order, and his destiny is to bring about its downfall. Rey has spent her entire life seeking her family, and her destiny is to find it and to embody the Skywalker legacy. Kylo has always sought to be as strong as Darth Vader, and we all know that the ultimate expression of Vader's strength was when he sacrificed everything to defeat the master of the dark side (Palpatine) and protect the scion of the Skywalker legacy. That's Kylo's destiny.

My concern with this is if you're already determined what everyone's "destiny" is, they you'll never be satisfied except with movies that follow the same line of reasoning you are projecting.

If you follow this logic, you must have hated Empire Strikes Back because Luke puts aside his "destiny" of becoming the best with the force to go save his friends on Cloud City. And really dissatisfied in RotJ because A New Hope never set up Luke's "destiny" to redeem Vader. Was Leia "destined" to marry the scruffy nerf-herder that rescued her from the Death Star - would you have judged the original movies harshly if that didn't happen?

The characters in the original three movies grew and changed over the course of the movies as well as having new things revealed (like Leia being a Skywalker), and where they ended up isn't a straight line from what they wanted in the first movie. Sure, there's a foundation there, but there's also a lot more.

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