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Tarrasque Wrangler:

Ok, well, I see a couple of questions regarding the 'service' the server got after the board failed, so, I'll explain a few points....

Cyberstreet is the HOST for ENWorld. They host a server owned by Morrus.
Cyberstreet carries spare parts for the servers THEY own. NOT for servers that OTHERS own. Believe it or not, there were NO boards on hand for the processor that drives the ENWorld server. Much as I'd liked, we cannot pull one of those from our A$$.
Normally, on a 3rd party owned server, THEY are responsible for repairs. As things are, I and the owners of Cyberstreet ARE Morrus by extension when things break here. Had Morrus been local, he's have a key to the building, and could fix his own machine. As I care about ENWorld, I usually fix things FOR Morrus, or, those at CS do.

I built the server for ENWorld. I was asked to give a price on the machine, I did, and I did NOT quote extra parts. There was a budget, and I fit my pricing into the budget. When you buy your next computer, PLEASE be sure to order that extra motherboard, just in case.

Cyberstreet is NOT a cookie cutter web host company, where they can afford to have rotating shifts of 8$/hr monkeys sitting around waiting for a board to blow. It's a smaller, family owned and operated business. A business who works with their clients, rather than shutting a site off at a day past due on service fee's.

Morrus was GREATLY taken care of on the repairs, essentially costing the price of the new motherboard. I do not believe Cyberstreet is charging the almost $300.00 for labor on a double time sunday.

So, now that you know more about WHAT you're talking about, we return you to your regularly scheduled thread...............
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
And it's all greatly appreciated, Adlon! You, Walter and the Cyberstreet crew have come to our aid time and time again. We all owe you a great debt of thanks. :)


Its been a while for me. I finish a PrC and lo and behold enworlds down... hee hee i spent most of monday trying to get to enworld...

you guys are awesome squared.


Herder of monkies
Nice to see things back up.

And thanks for the reminder, P-Cat, that while we may cherish Enworld, it aint a mission-critical real-time application except for maybe the few that actually do business on it, the folks that directly support it don't get paid $100.00/hr in consulting fees to keep it running 24/7 without interruption, and the budget probably doesnt support instantaneous failsafe/switchover servers in a big bad cluster so that anything short of a comet hitting the earth won't take it down (though those last two *would* be nice, huh?).

That being said, and considering how little it actually goes down, I for one appreciate the efforts of those who keep it running on a daily basis so that hundreds, nay, thousands of us can goof off anytime we can sit down at a computer :). Thanks guys.


It's amazing how homeless I felt when this place was down!

And thanks to everybody who helped get it all in place again. (Not least to Adlon and Cyberstreet, I remember what a nightmare it was before you started helping out!)

While it was down I realized that I didn't even remember where the backup boards used to be..... ;) We almost never have need of them these days!


TheAuldGrump said:
That's funny, now the motherboard only runs DOS.

(I have some friends who still use it, and call it the only true operating system...
:p Not that I should complain, I had an Amiga for years after Commodore folded... and still miss it.)

The Auld Grump

punch cards mang. there are 10 kinds of people in this world. those who know binary. and....

i still love the old Cray computers in the NSA. ;)

edit: ditto on the glad to be back and great work to get us here guys..
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