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Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)


Hold the Peppers
Talix said:
I was also surprised the corrupt Justicar gave in so quickly, but I guess the whole point is that he wasn't strong - otherwise he wouldn't have given in to temptation. ;)

The key to Stalwart is that on some level he knew he was doing wrong, but had constructed an elaborate series of self-delusions to convince himself he was in the right. The problem was that these delusions were pretty fragile. Once someone started kicking them apart, the whole thing came tumbling down around him.

It started fairly small. Desalle offered minor amounts of money for minor legal rulings in Missola's favor. It wasn't 100% kosher under Pykosian law, but all the cases dealt with Aegosians. "And after all," Stalwart told himself, "it's legal in Dar Aego." What's the harm?

Then the legal rulings started getting more serious. People were sold into slavery. Stalwart got more uncomfortable, but the money got better and there was always at least *some* evidence to suggest the accused were really guilty. It was a Count versus a series of nobodies. Any Aegosian court would have ruled the same way. It wasn't Stalwart's fault that Dar Pykos let these things be decided under Aegosian law. He was really just doing his duty, right? Right? He didn't want to look at things too carefully, because he was afraid of what he'd find if he did. So it didn't really take a lot of pressure from Anvil to break him.

Also, unraveling this damned plot had already gone on way the hell too long. :)

For the record, the actual conversation was more involved, but the recounting of it suffers from a) lousy notes from the original session, which was almost two years ago, and b) the absence of Bad Monkey Jeff as Anvil at this session (I think. No one can fully remember if he was there or not. For further details, see a)).

As for Cyrus, yes, he was indeed a PC for a short time. His player was only present at one or two sessions. The character, however, stayed with the party for a while, as we kept waiting for the player to return. Eventually it became clear that that wasn't going to happen, so poof, that was the end of Cyrus. He disappeared right about the point where spyscribe's chronicles left off for this extended flashback.
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First Post
Part the Very Twelfth
In which: Reyu is bewildered, an old friend returns, and Anvil ponders commissioning a masterwork gag.
(as recorded by Fajitas)

Reyu glances around the inside of the Fortunate Traveller. It is reasonably full, as it is still early in the evening. Most tables are crowded. She scans the room, looking for the familiar face of the scarred man. Or, at least, looking for a furtive figure skulking in shadows. She sees neither at a first glance.

She does catch a group of humans staring at her. Not that that is terribly uncommon. She is, of course, an elf dressed in traditional furs and beads and thus often attracts attention in Dar Pykos. She is about to ignore them and turn back to her business, but she suddenly realizes that these humans aren’t human at all. They’re elves!

She whips her head around to gawk at them. Indeed, they are elves, but dressed in the manner of the humans of Dar Pykos. Even more shocking, their hair is cut short, without the braids and life-beads that are so important in elven tradition. Reyu is stunned.

They notice her staring back and whisper among themselves. Reyu approaches, wondering if these strange kin can be of aid to her. “Pardon me, sistren” she says to them in Elven. “I find myself in need of assistance.”

Two of the elves stare blankly at her, while the third rolls her eyes a little. “She wants assistance,” she explains to the other two in Common. “I’ll say,” one of them mutters, while the other snickers.

Reyu looks back and forth between them, slightly confused. “Do you not speak our native tongue?” she asks.

“I do some. They don’t,” the female explains. “We don’t have a lot of use for it in town.” She looks down her nose at Reyu, who is still confused. The other two seem to be trying not to laugh at her outfit.

“I’m sorry,” Reyu explains, thrown by their appearance. “I had not realized… I am new here.” (“Clearly,” one of non-Elven speakers whispers, but Reyu ignores him). “I did not know there were… elves… living in Dar Pykos.” When she says “elves” it is not with her usual hesitation, but rather as if she is not entirely sure the word applies to these three. It is difficult for her to keep the disapproval out of her voice.

The others don’t even try to keep their disapproval quiet. “You hadn’t?” one responds. “I thought your type were supposed to be all watchful and stuff.”

Reyu stares coldly, her ire fully roused. “Are all the elves in Dar Pykos like you?”

“No,” they answer. “Just the successful ones.”

Reyu swallows her anger and attends to business. “I am looking for this man,” she says, producing the sketch of the scarred man. “I don’t suppose you’ve noticed him here?”

“No,” the elves respond, not really looking at the sketch. “But you could ask the bartender if you’re curious. It’s traditional.” Somehow, they manage to make that last word an insult.

Reyu turns her back on them and heads toward the bar.

But before she gets there, she feels a tug on her cloak. She turns around, expecting to see the three elves again, but instead she a very strange, very familiar, very short man with a ferret on his shoulder.

“Hi there!” he says in an excited voice. It is Hue, the man she and Thatch met in the forest. “Fancy meeting you in a place like this! What are the chances, I mean, Dar Pykos being so big and all….” He continues prattling about the odds of such a chance meeting. The ferret on his shoulder looks furtively all around them, as if suspecting that this “chance” meeting is actually some kind of plot.

“Um,” Reyu says, adopting a page from Thatch’s book. “It is good to see you, but I am in something of a… rush.”

“Can I help?” Hue asks.


“Great! Lead the way!”

Unconvinced of the wisdom of this action, but seeing little choice, Reyu hurries to the bar. Hue follows behind her, going on and on about his latest discoveries on squirrel mating habits, and how there’s only so much even a legitimate researcher can take before he has to come back to town for a drink.

“Hush,” Reyu tells him as they reach the bar. She gets the bartender’s attention. “Excuse me. I’m looking for this man. Has he been here tonight?” She produces the sketch of the scarred man.

“We’re looking for someone! How come?” Hue asks, out of sight beneath the bar. Both Reyu and the bartender ignore him.

The bartender glances at the sketch. “Oh him,” he says. “No, I haven’t seen him tonight, but he usually stops by every couple of days.”

“Indeed?” Reyu asks, her eyebrows arching.

“Yeah. He usually stops by to pick up messages. Number of folk leave things for him here. Lot of folk get messages here. Travelers and the like.”

“I do not suppose,” Reyu begins, her mind wheeling, “that a message was left for him a few moments ago.”

“Actually, there was,” the bartender replies. “Fella came in, dropped it off, waited a few minutes and then left. Right before you came in, matter of fact.”

“Might I perhaps… see this message,” Reyu asks. The bartender looks hesitant, so Reyu, with little to lose, adds, “Kettenek’s Justice… demands it.”

The bartender seems convinced, and reaches under the bar for a moment. He returns with a piece of parchment. He holds out his hand expectantly and clears his throat. Reyu stares at the outstretched palm, not quite understanding, but Hue says, “I bet he wants money! You should give him some money!”

The bartender looks pained, but Reyu drops a coin into his hand and he presents her with the parchment. It reads:

“The Justicars are looking for you. Lay low. If they catch you, say nothing. We’ll take care of things. –D”

Reyu heads for the door, Hue trailing behind her. “So, good news then?” he asks. Reyu just smiles.


It’s hard to say what Desalle is looking at with more disgust: Anvil, who watches him like a hawk with his sword in hand, or the manacles that pin his wrists. He twists and pulls his arms, but the masterwork manacles give him little room to maneuver.

Desalle turns his eyes on Anvil. “If you know what’s good for you,” Desalle says, “you’ll release me and we can pretend this never happened.”

“No, I don’t think so,” Anvil responds flatly.

“Do you know what the penalty for making unfounded accusations against a Count is in Dar Aego?” Desalle asks.

“I presume it involves slavery,” Anvil replies, “but as we are not in Dar Aego, it does not matter.”

“This cart is Aegosian property,” Desalle reminds him. “You have assaulted my person and insulted my Lord here. By the rightful law, I can have you--"

Anvil interrupts him. “Do you know what the rightful law does to people who threaten Justicars? It is only slightly less severe to them than it is to people who bribe Justicars. I think you will find that Kettenek does not take kindly to his faithful being manipulated. If I were you, I would not worsen my state by continuing to speak.”

Desalle mutters something under his breath. Anvil leans forward to catch it, but at that moment, a sudden burst of light blinds and dazes him. A spell, he realizes a moment too late, as Desalle knocks him off the cart. “Drive! Drive, you fool!” Desalle hisses to the driver.

The cart races away, leaving a gasping, stunned Anvil lying in the street, staring after it.

To be continued…


First Post
Ack! So close to realizing Kettenek's Justice!

Excellent update, as usual. Keep 'em (and the campaign setting sidebars) coming!


Hold the Peppers
KidCthulhu said:
All that money spent on masterwork manacles, and no change left over for a scrap of rag for a gag. Oh, the irony.

Well, ever since then, they've been careful to bind and gag prisoners. Though I suppose it's only a matter of time 'til they try that on someone with Still Spell and Silent Spell.:D


First Post
Part the Very Thirteenth
In which: our heroes take a good long look at somebody’s chest
(as recorded by Fajitas)

Reyu and Hue emerge from the Fortunate Traveler just as Anvil staggers to his feet, clutching his dizzied head. Before Reyu can even ask what happened, Anvil gestures vaguely down the street towards the cart. Words prove unnecessary. One look is enough. Reyu dashes in pursuit, Anvil a step behind her.

“Hey! Wait up!” Hue shouts, as he follows them. Apparently, a few words were necessary.


From cover of darkness, Cyrus scans the street along the Missola compound. Nothing. Good, he thinks. So far, they don’t know we’re here. That’ll keep this nice and quiet. He glances on down the street, where Thatch is watching from his hiding place…

…and sees Thatch’s leg sticking out of the shadows.

Crud, he thinks to himself.

And then he hears the cart, bouncing along the street, pulling up to the compound. “Let us in, you fools! Hurry!” Desalle’s voice all but shrieks, as the cart makes a hair turn towards the gates.

Double crud, Cyrus thinks.

Moments later, Reyu and Anvil come panting down the road, followed by a strange small person Cyrus has never seen before. They run straight up to the gates. “In Kettenek’s name, open these gates!” Anvil loudly declares.

Crud, crud, and double crud, Cyrus thinks, as he looses his sword and breaks his cover.

Cyrus joins the others at the gate. Thatch arrives a second later.

“Um. I guess it didn’t go so…” Thatch begins, but trails off as he sees Hue.

“Hi! Nice to see you again!” Hue says, waving at Thatch. The Ferret, from Hue’s shoulder, eyes Thatch suspiciously with his dark, beady, ferret-eyes.

“Right,” Thatch says, as his eyes refocus on Reyu. “Guess it didn’t go well.”

“Yes and no,” she replies. “We can now connect Desalle to Remmer. Unfortunately…”

“Desalle escaped custody,” Anvil says, “and is still wearing my manacles.” It’s almost hard to say which annoys Anvil more. He turns to Cyrus. “Run into the street and fetch the first contingent of Watchmen you come across. Tell them Justice demands they come here immediately.”

Cyrus runs off, giving the rest of the party enough time to introduce Anvil and Hue, and to fill the little man in on what is going on. Hue seems disturbingly entranced by the notion of taking part in an official investigation.

Cyrus returns shortly thereafter with a troop of Watchmen. Anvil and the Watchmen continue to demand entrance for some time before there is any indication that anyone is listening. Finally, a pair of guards opens the gate and allows the party in.

They are escorted into the house. Missola descends the stairs coming towards them, Desalle a step behind him with a sneer on his face. There is no sign of Anvil’s manacles. “What is the meaning of--" Missola begins, but Anvil has had quite enough.

“We are here to search these premises for evidence of an illicit conspiracy to frame and enslave innocent citizens,” Anvil says. “And to re-arrest your chamberlain.”

“My chamberlain informs me that you attacked him with a magical assault for no reason,” Missola says calmly, as if this is the opening salvo of a debate. But Anvil is having none of it.

“He is welcome to repeat that story in court,” Anvil says. “In the meantime, we will search these premises. If you hinder us, you will be arrested as well.” He gestures for the Watchmen to spread out. The Watchmen look back and forth between the Justicar and the Count, unsure who to listen to. Anvil is, after all, merely a First Order Justicar. There is a brief, tense standoff.

Missola’s face twitches. Finally, he regains his cool demeanor and walks straight up to Anvil. “Very well,” he says. “Search if you must, Justicar. But I assure you, you will find nothing.” He then adds, in an undertone that only Anvil can hear, “I will have your robes for this.”

Anvil ignores the threat and directs his companions and the Watchmen to begin searching. “Um. What exactly are we searching for?” Thatch asks.

“Evidence,” is Anvil’s only reply.

“Um,” Thatch responds.

“We will know it when we see it,” Anvil assures him.

“He’s right, you know,” Hue chimes in. “In my studies, I’ve seen a lot of evidence, and you always know it! This one time, I saw this squirrel--"

“Perhaps,” Reyu says quickly, “we should begin our work sooner rather than later.” There is a collective sigh of relief as the horror of another squirrel lecture is narrowly avoided.

The party begins the upstairs search, while the Watchmen search the downstairs. After a quick scan of the layout, the party agrees that the Count’s personal study is probably the best place to start. Missola and Desalle accompany them, watching haughtily and occasionally reminding the party not to damage anything. At Anvil’s command, two Watchmen keep a careful eye on them at all times. These Watchmen are in turn watched by two of Missola’s household guards. Thus, it is a rather tense group that squeezes into the study and begins its search.

By Pykosian standards, the study is fairly ornate. Delicate carvings (clearly the work of artisans in Dar Karo) adorn the walls and shelves. A few bits of mildly erotic artwork (clearly of more dubious origin than the carvings) are hung on walls or set on corners. Exquisitely crafted weapons are hung about the place. A fine fur rug lies across the floor.

Anvil makes for the large desk on one side of the room. He begins rifling through the drawers, flipping through letters. Thatch checks out the bookshelves, pulling on books, looking for a secret trigger. Cyrus turns his attention to a small chest sitting atop a table. Hue looks around at everything wide-eyed. “Wow!” he says. “You have some cool stuff!” He waves his hands and chants, and to those looking closely his eyes flash blue for a moment. Now Hue looks around the room again, scrutinizing things more carefully.

Meanwhile, Cyrus is having little luck with the chest. “I can’t get this thing open,” he declares.

Hue turns his sight to the chest. It is maybe a foot and a half long and half as wide. Like everything else here, it is crafted from the finest of materials. But to Hue’s eyes, there is something more interesting about the chest. It is tinged in a bluish aura. “Maybe it won’t open ‘cause it’s magic!” he exclaims to Cyrus. The others look around in surprise. “Conjurational magic, I think,” Hue adds.

“Where are the keys?” Thatch asks Missola.

Missola scoffs. “I am under no obligation to aid you in this endeavor,” he says.

“Your aid will not be necessary,” Anvil informs him, as he holds up a ring of four keys he has found in the desk. He tosses them to Cyrus. “Try these.”

The four keys are nearly identical. They are shaped the same, but each has a different colored gem in the handle. Cyrus shrugs and tries the one with the ruby handle. It clicks in the lock. He opens the chest. The interior is lined with red velvet. Inside is a sack of coins, nearly 100 gold pieces.

“That’s it?” Thatch asks. “He has a magic chest, and all he keeps in it is money?”

“Try another key,” Reyu suggests, and she notices that Missola stiffens slightly at the suggestion. However, with a glance at the Watchmen watching him, he takes no action.

Cyrus closes the chest, picks another key at random (the sapphire handle), and inserts it into the lock. Again it clicks. Again Cyrus opens the chest. This time the inner lining is blue velvet, and the contents of the chest have changed. There are now about 15 small vials inside the chest. Cyrus whistles under his breath. “Looks like some kind of arcane enchantment on the chest. This thing may well be the most expensive item in the room.”

Reyu picks up a vial and inspects its contents. “It looks very much like the… substance… we found in Captain Hemlek’s cart,” she says. “The Blackroot Distillate.”

“Blackroot Distillate is perfect legal in--" Missola begins.

“--in Dar Aego,” half the group finishes.

There are still two more keys left, so Cyrus tries them out. The diamond key produces a white-lined compartment containing two larger flasks of liquid. Reyu inspects them, but is unsure what they are. Hue, however, squints at them, concentrating. “Hey!” he says. “These are magic, too. Probably some kind of potions.” He takes them from Reyu, unstoppers them, and sniffs deeply. “Yup! Definitely potions.”

“But not evidence,” Thatch mumbles. The potions are replaced, and the last key, the emerald key, is inserted into the lock. Click.

The green-lined compartment is filled with a large quantity of gems. There is nothing else to be seen.

The group’s shoulders collectively slump. They had so been expecting something more here. After a slight pause, Thatch speaks. “Um. Maybe there’s another compartment in it somewhere.”

“We’re out of keys,” Cyrus points out.

“No, I mean, y’know, a normal one. Like, a fake bottom or something. Um. That happens a lot in stories. Or so I’ve heard,” he adds lamely. It seems worth a try, so the party removes the contents of the green chamber and searches the inside carefully. They repeat the process for each chamber, placing the contents on the table and running their fingers along the inside.

In the red chamber, they find something. There is another key, hidden underneath the lining. It is identical to the first four, but with a piece of obsidian in the handle.

to be continued...


First Post
dpdx: Aww gee. That's really nice to hear, and I'm glad you like it. All due props to Fajitas, because really, where would we be without him?

KidC: Funny you should mention the obsidian. We were gaming a couple nights ago, and in a bit of downtime Fajitas took pains to point out to me that the key had obsidian and not onyx in the handle, just so I should not suspect it indicated some obscure tie to the Vast Onyx-Acquiring Conspiracy we have been getting hints and whispers of lately.

(Before I am accused of being a shameless tease, really, that's almost all we know about these goons. However, the practical upshot of this whole digression is that I am now going to refer to them as "VOAC.")


Hold the Peppers
Gawww. Thanks, dpdx. We try. :)

In other news, I thought I should take a moment to thank Ms. J.K. Rowlings for the loan of her chest.

Err, I mean her magic chest.

Err, I mean Mad-Eye Moody's magic trunk, which I've twisted for my own purposes above. There. Y'all knew what I meant (especially you, KidC).

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