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[WFRP] Through the Drakwald


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The Storm of Chaos
All of you grew up listening to stories of the Great War Against Chaos. The tale of Magnus the Pious and his victory over the armies of Chaos is well known. While there have been wars and threats in the 200 years since, there has been nothing on that scale. Until now. This year the Chaos Lord Archaon invaded the Empire with five mighty armies. They swept down from the Chaos Wastes, ranks filled with mutant warriors, nightmarish monsters, and power-mad sorcerers. Flagellants and other prophets of doom declared these the End Times. And as the armies pillaged and burned their way through the northern provinces of the Empire, it was easy to believe.

You’ve heard endless stories over the past few months. They say that Sigmar once again walked the earth. They say an army of wolves attacked the Kislevian city of Erengrad. They say the dead rose from their graves to defend the Empire. They say a mighty victory was won at Middenheim. They say a plague has choked the streets of Talabheim with bloated corpses.

You can only believe what is in front of your eyes. You are in the town of Untergard in the Drakwald Forest. A nine-day battle took place here, as Beastmen tried to force their way across the town’s great bridge. They were rebuffed but the price was high. The town is in ruins and its remaining citizens struggle to survive. The Imperial army has long since moved on from Untergard, leaving behind only its dead. You’ve heard tell of more battles up north but the war here seems over. Or so you hope.

Jurgen von Schweitzer (Male Human Hunter)
[sblock]You had been roaming the Drakwald Forest when Chaos came. While you can still roam freely through the lush forests, you are wise enough to know better. Much to your displeasure you have had to setup camp in Untergard, a small town in the Drakwald, to stay your travels because of the emergence of the Chaos Armies. Not being a local to the town, you and a couple of other “outsiders” have setup camp in one of the ruined buildings within town.[/sblock]

Ragen Schumann (Male Human Initiate of the Cult of Sigmar)
[sblock]Your pilgrimage pointed you north. Unfortunately Chaos advanced and brought blood, change, and death. You dare not set out on the road through the Drakwald Forest alone as that would be suicide. You, along with a number of other travelers have setup camp in town within on of the ruined buildings.[/sblock]

Carlotta Uberwald (Female Human Camp Follower)
[sblock]You may have found a place. With the coming of Chaos, several travelers, along with yourself have been forced to setup camp with Untergard, a small town in the Drakwald Forest. Hopefully the group with stick together, allowing you the chance to find a niche within the party.[/sblock]

Tobias Kaufmann (Male Human Soldier)
[sblock]While returning home, you got caught up in Untergard, a small town in the Drakwald Forest, when a Chaos force invaded the town attempting to take the bridge. Having been wounded in the skirmish you have joined a camp of other travelers within the ruins of the town. However, you are finally healthy enough to complete the last leg of your journey home to Middenheim, the City of the White Wolf.[/sblock]

You have been in Untergard for several days, as rainstorms of utmost savagery lashed the Drakwald. You find two things when you awaken: the rainstorm has broken and there is a commotion in the nearby Ackerplatz.

(OOC: Although all of you have setup camp in the ruins of Untergard, you are relatively strangers to each other, knowing only each others name and some other basic info about each other.)

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Ragen (Male Human Intiate of the Cult of Sigmar)

He hoped that he was doing some good here, out in the middle of nowhere. This is what it's about, isn't it, lending some small comfort to the afflicted of the Empire?

Sigmar's will had apparently drawn Ragen here, to this small refugee camp. A few days of huddling inburned out buildings, tending the sick and the wounded, was wearing on him. He was running short on healing supplies, and running short on energy. But today a small miracle; the rain has let up. Not a blazing two tailed comet in the sky, but I'll take what I can get, Ragen thought. Sigmar speaks in small ways, as well as the grand.

All around refugees are waking, with a look of hope on their faces. Perhaps now they can move on from here, begin rebuilding their lives. But then a commotion from the nearby plaza.

A fight? Wild animals? I just pray it's not those ghastly beastman again, returning for carrion.

Only one thing for it... let's have a look.

Ragen begins to move towards the noise, beckoning to likely looking hunters and soldiers as he does so.

"Come on lads, lets take a look here. Keep your weapons ready."

Ragen also draws his hammer from his belt, and offers a quick prayer to Sigmar for the safety of the refugees.

Karl Green

First Post
Jurgen von Schweitzer (Male Human Hunter)

Jurgen silently stands and strings his longbow, nocks and arrow and nods to the priestly fellow Aye this bloke probably knows the go'ing about of this here town... iffin' its a fight, well not sure iffin' I should get involved

"Aye there padra... let me leads the way iffin' ye don't mind. Course now who would be a make all this fuss in the middle of a storm, I ask ye?"


Tobias (Male Human Soldier)

The canvas roof swims hazily into focus before Tobias' upraised eyes and for a moment he wonders what is missing before it dawns on him. The rain. The Storm. Raising one hand to clear his vision, muscles strain to pull him into a sitting position on the camp bed. The stiffness around his ribs is all but gone now, though he notes the bruises about tracks left over by clumsy stitches with a sour eye. Ugh. That man must've been drunker than I was. Still, he resolves, good enough to sit up is good enough to march on. He quickly laces his shirt together donning a doublet over the top, still crusted with blood from the man he had half-carried, staggering through the muck, from the skirmish line and rescuing his boots from the puddle which has become his sole company in the lean-to over the past three days.

The mud of what could once have been called a street greets him as he steps out for air, craning his neck to take in the sky. The sounds of disturbance rolling out from the platz a short way away give the deserter pause. What now? Well, better prepared for nothing than caught out by something. He reaches back into the digs to retrieve his sword-belt and kitbag, the latter tethered to a battered shield which pulls his arm down with its unexpected weight, to trail in the mud before he can right it. Gun's like to be as sodden as everything else here, anyway. Shallya's pity but I'm just not thinking clearly yet.

Glancing about self-consciously, Tobias quickens his step towards the Ackerplatz as he adjusts the bag across his back, drawing out a leather thong with which to tie his hair back from his face. His skullcap is dangling by its strap from the crook of his arm by the time he reaches the small group already making for the source of the noise.

The man's face strikes him as familiar, yet distant. He can't place the name even as he recalls a voice in prayer, audible over his wounds' ache... The cutter's tent, then. No matter it was scarcely my best hour, but those're few and far.

"Know what we're about, Father?" He rolls the cap onto his head as he speaks, loosens the sword in his scabbard and he can't keep the chill from his voice as he adds, "Back to war in Sigmar's name, is it?"
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First Post
Ragen untenses a little as he sees the two men follow him. Company's always better at times like this.

He chuckles a little at Tobias's comment. "Steady on, before you get too Hell-bent on battle. For all we know it's a squad of Imperials bringing supplies."

Heh, slim chance of that, I'll be bound.

Ragen nods to the hunter. "Good idea, see if you can sneak up a bit and take a look. But be careful, dammit."

Karl Green

First Post
Jurgen von Schweitzer (Male Human Hunter)
Jurgen nods his head and starts towards the sound of the disturbance, an arrow readied and lookin’ for trouble.

(occ Silent Move (AG) 42% and Perception (INT) 30%, both Jurgen is skilled with so no ½ score... but will take extra time if it would give him any bonus. /occ)


First Post
As you approach the nearby Ackerplatz, you realize the ominous clatter of battle is absent in the newly calm sky. However, many of the survivors have already gathered in the decrepit town square, and are muttering restlessly to one another. Many still nurse battle wounds; whilst others are clearly too old or young to have taken place in the fighting. All are ragged and pale, and some are clearly pinched by hunger.

As you get closer to the milling townsfolk, you manage to overhear that Watch Captain Shiller has an important announcement to make.
(OOC: Group Very Easy Gossip Test 65%)

(OOC: Each of you can take this opportunity to engage each other in small talk and eavesdrop of the locals' gossip. Each person roll 1d10 and include the result with your next post.)
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Tobias (Male Human Soldier)

Tobias releases a tense breath he hadn’t realised he was holding at the priest’s reaction. Hell-bent… rightly said, and moreso than he realises, I’d bet. He looks about them once more, taking in the quiet bowman, and replies with a bitter note he doesn’t quite intend.

“That’s just as well, given our battalion numbers three strong.” Tobias reaches up to tuck an earring – a pointed tooth or fang sheathed in copper – inside his armoured cap and out of harm’s way. The military skullcap, oversize doublet and his hooked nose give him a vulturous mien as they approach the Ackerplatz. He visibly relaxes at the sight of the crowd and removes his hand from the sword hilt, uncertain himself of when it had dropped there unbidden. He lets his eyes drift across the people assembled, taking in their expressions, their need.

“Just look at them. Cold comfort to win a war just to be faced with this.” He shakes his head, lost in thought for a spell. So is this the state of things at home, so much closer to battle than here? Ulric deliver to them the strength that I can’t. The jostling of the throng returns him to alertness, and the ghost of a smile crosses his lips. “Name’s Kaufmann, by the by. I was at the healer when you were ministering there – days back, I think, but I was all in and out at the time.”

(OOC: d10 roll = 4)

Karl Green

First Post
Jurgen von Schweitzer (Male Human Hunter)

Jurgen returns the arrow to his quiver and will join the others to approach the milling crowd, but he is quite, not sure what to say. Crowds and people have never been his strong suit and he much prefers the stillness of the wildness to the gaggle of so many people. But he is still a man, and can not cut himself off completely from society and so he will stick close to the padre... in case he needs help or anything.


First Post
Ragen scans the crowd, his stomach clenching in sympathy for the refugees. As he turns to Tobias, he keeps an ear out to the crowd.

"It is a sad state of affairs, Mr. Kaufmann. Perhaps the Captain has good news. These people are lost, and their homes devastated. I hope they can move on soon."

Ragen extends his hand to the soldier.

"I do hope my prayers were some small comfort to you. As you say, you were not entirely lucid. But you seem to have pulled through well. Oh, and less of the 'Father', please. I'm not as yet ordained. Ragen will do nicely."

(OOC: d10 roll = 6)

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