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What are your last three RPG purchases?


I have to think about this quite hard.

- Pathfinder Ultimate Campaign pdf
- Myth & Magic Players Guide pdf
- Secrets of the Oracle (PF) pdf

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Recently picked up Murder in Baldur's Gate, and the Return of the Crystal Shard adventures, before that, Shadowrun 5th ed book. This is not including my arrival of Numenara product I Kickstarted.

I wonder if recently Kickstarting The Strange counts... since the product won't arrive till next year..

Jan van Leyden

I've got to add two more buy, wchich brings me to a total of four acquisitions in this year:

OSR Bundle of Holding

D&D 4e Rules Compendium (pdf)


David Jose
I'm going to cheat and list four games because I bought two of them at the same time.

The Skeletons - Bully Pulpit Games, Jason Morningstar - Described by the author as a "meditative" RPG. Players play the part of animated skeletons defending a tomb, and incorporates several periods of quietly sitting and waiting in game as the years speed past until intruders inevitably disturb your rest. GMless.

Lovecraftesque - Black Armada, Becky Annison and Joshua Fox - A storytelling game where players take turns supplying different narrative pieces for a story about a single individual slowly discovering something horrible. This game is also GMless.

The Quiet Year - Buried Without Ceremony, Avery Alder - A mapping and worldbuilding RPG where you're playing the part of a community instead of individuals. I haven't had a chance to play this one yet, but I'm desperately looking forward to it. This game is ALSO also GMless.

Blades in the Dark - Evil Hat Productions, John Harper - This game is absolutely freaking spectacular, and I don't know if I'm ever going to be interested in running another campaign that doesn't borrow heavily from this game. The entire premise is that players are playing the part of some kind of nefarious network of scoundrels intent on committing some kind of crime. Beyond that however, instead of then segueing into the standard hour or more of strategizing and gearing up and preparing for every possible contingency that might come up, the game just fast forwards you past all of that to the point in the commission of said crime where the first thing has gone wrong. Then the mechanics of the game kick in and provide the players with the ability to flash back to a previously unseen time where they explain how they had prepared for this exact set of circumstances. It is brilliant, exciting, and the absolute lack of any GM prep time needed fits perfectly into the teeny tiny window of opportunity that exists in my busy adult life.


First Post
- 'Tales from the Loop' RPG (the first kickstarter I backed!)
- 'Thirteen True Ways' and 'Eyes of the Stone Thief', both for the 13th Age RPG
[MENTION=55178]Nytmare[/MENTION]: Why the necroing, if I may ask?


First Post
Cool necro, Hansel!

I've bought way too much RPG stuff in the last month and a half.

I'm going to pop by the store tomorrow and pick up a copy of Harlem Unbound. (Mythos horror in 1920s Harlem. The owner ordered it at my request, so it's almost like I bought it already!)
Last weekend, a few Traveller pdfs. Legends of the Sky Raiders (CT), Type S (MgT) and Spinward Marches (MgT).
The weekend before that, I bought a number of miniatures for D&D.

Voidrunner's Codex

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