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What characters are you thinking about running?

Lord Sessadore

Bladeling, as in, those creepy demon-like things with metal skin and spikes all over their body? I hate those freaking things ... I dunno why, I just despise them. One of those irrational repulsion things, probably. ;) Of course, no offense intended to you, Ozy. I just have an unnatural aversion to them.

I was thinking elf at first, to be honest, but I didn't really want both my characters to be elves. Shifter is another potential ... though I'm liking the deva angle.
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Lord Sessadore

I s'pose that's also a possibility, though I haven't really considered them at all. I think I'd personally prefer to stick to races that have been published in a form that is without doubt intended for PC's - IE, it would take a lot of convincing myself to play a MM race ;) Thanks for the suggestions, though.

I'm thinking a razorclaw shifter or deva avenger is probably going to be my end result. Of course, I haven't read the PHB2 myself yet; inspiration for something else may yet strike ;)

My question to you is, are you going minotaur with your warden for oversized? :p I have to admit the concept is pretty cool, regardless of mechanics.


First Post
Actually I decided not to go with oversized as a racial or at heroic, gonna take Waraxe Prof. at the second level and are aiming for beastbloodied mino-para and the eternal defender at epic so I get threating reach 3 (and oversized but that isn't what I am aiming for)

personally I would go for RC Shifter Avenger but that would create a pattern for you Primal race/Divine Class. OHH:eek:, just read something at wizards DnD site, apparently the Avengers Oath of enimity stacks with Elven Accuracy so you get 2 rerolls:confused: and you take the higher, instead of 1, so now do an Elven Avenger :devil:, Sessadore:D.


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Weapon expertise and Implement expertise will make playing less optimal race/class combination more viable (so you don't have to fret over that 16 in your all-important primary stat). Aside from the cries for power creep, I find that is a good thing. We might start to actually see more Tiefling rangers or fighters. I find the concept cool for some reason...


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I personally like to play a suboptimal character sometimes. It's amazing how much good roleplay value I've gotten out of failing. When the odds aren't super stacked there can be a lot more tension and definitely a lot more enjoyment in succeeding. I may just be feeling the vibe cus I concepted a Halfling fighter this morning but who knows.


First Post
Weeeell... I agree that failing can be fun sometimes. But that depends on the campaign, the party, and the DM. If poor performances in combat mean the death of the character, or worse, the death of a fellow party member, that tends to be much less fun IMO.
On the other hand, in less challenging, more light-mooded campaigns, playing the cowardly, nigh-useless (in combat) bard sure was fun.

But in the average game, if I was a wizard I'd like a competent defender in the front line.


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I've gotten some basic framework done for my Dwarven Invoker Petrified Redwood.

I'd like to work with a few others who are making PHB2 characters, to form a bit of a backstory. All I've got so far, I'd like Him/Her to be from the valley of bone, and to be Ometeotl/Omecihualt. (that being the opposing god to the god of death in Aztec Mythology.)

I'm going with the, kingdom of dwarves who turn into liches on their 150th birthday and are trying to invade the home of the gods, example... it's freaking hilarious! And gives Ometeotl/Omecihualt a reason to manifest as an avatar.

That said, I don't feel like shaking up the local action, or the normal play space. Just the Far Lands, which are already shaky and indefinite and don't need definition just yet anyhow.

So anyone feel like working on some cross character background? It doesn't have to take place in the Valley of Bone, and EVERYTHING is on the table for me to change about the character (except mechanics).


First Post
Take a look at 7 Rabbit's background. (I've been flipping back and forth randomly on using the Aztec or Mayan names - I called the underworld Xibalba in that writeup, but I've been using Mictlan in play. Maybe we should be more persistent, where some of the Valley of Bone kingdoms are "Aztec" influenced and others are "Mayan"?)

I like your kingdom of liches idea - it could even be the same one Rabbit's from. I've already established in RP that Rabbit's been taught that the God of Death is a horrible, evil creature and that therefore becoming undead in order to stay out of his hands is a GOOD thing, so this fits your concept perfectly! (I set up some background for this in the tavern - maybe I should copy that to the wiki.) On the other hand, I was picturing succesfully becoming undead as being more rare - one of Rabbit's ancestors is famous for it, and if EVERYONE becomes a lich at age 150, that wouldn't be very notable.

So maybe we should be from rival kingdoms, where yours knows the secret of an easy path to lichdom, and mine is always trying to steal it from you?

EDIT: also, I figure Rabbit is fairly famous where he's from, so you may have heard of him. As "that quack astronomer who's always ranting about something".

Another idea I had, which I hadn't really been able to work in, is that they're not called the "Golden Kingdoms" because of their mineral wealth like outsiders assume - they're called that because they were the first to cultivate corn. (Of course, they're also highly wealthy, so the name has a double meaning now.)

EDIT again: I see you're a ritual caster. I've been RP'ing in the Echoes of O thread that ritual magic in this area works completely differently than in the Valley of Bone. (Rabbit has never heard if residuum and is fascinated by the concept of it powering spells.) Rabbit's ritual casting was specifically astrological, so if you're from a different Valley of Bone mystic tradition, maybe yours still works and you've brought supply of whatever mystic items you need. (So people seeing you cast would find it strange and different to the versions they're used to.) Or maybe you've already learned the local ways of casting since you got here. Or, if you don't like the idea, maybe it's just Rabbit's kingdom's brand of magic that doesn't work, and he's just sheltered and doesn't know how the other kingdoms do things. Which would kind of tie into the idea that lichdom is common in your kingdom, and his hasn't figured it out yet - maybe he's from the sticks!
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First Post
For the record the land of Dwarven Liches isn't my idea, I stole it from the character creation guide.
It was the most elaborate example, and seemed like a joke really, so I figured it had a place in the world... :lol:HA!

7 Rabbit seems to have been made as a jump off point for Petrified Redwood! I'm really excited you let me know about him.

I think I'll work in 7 Rabbit's famous uncle, as the Lich Dwarf who sparked rumor that all Dwarves from Choca Paquillz become liches at 150. The reality can still be that very few are successful, but many try.

My other character Kamotz is slowly (but surely) painting Death as an awful guy, who seems really great. Like a charming gambler, who is really a dirt ball.

I like the idea of knowing who 7 Rabbit is, and thinking he is a quack, but still looking for him, to deliver news of the state back in Choca Paquillz. (How he has lost his job, and shouldn't go back without some serious proof of his theory, or an amazing deed of redemption) That could even be Petrified Redwoods Kicker!

I think Petrified Redwood could fit into the "Warriors of The Storm", but that is all your call...

I may let the Ritual Casting flavor as if the Invoker is simply having the ritual occur, but going through a bluff check, to fake it. (the bluff will cost the same amount that the ritual components would) That way 7 Rabbits ritual casting issues stay open for you to clarify.

How do those ideas sound JoeNotCharles? Anything need tweaking? Anything you'd like to add?

I'm still open for intermingling Petrified Redwood's character background and such if anyone else would like to! :D

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