• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E What D&D Product Can Be Seen In The Crystals?

WotC has posted an image of a pile of crystals through which distorted glimpses of what looks like a product can be seen. In the comments below, folks have been flipping, enhancing, and generally squinting at the image behind the crystals, and while it's hard to make out, guesses include 'Journey Through the Radiant Ocean' (although I personally think that first letter looks more like an X or...

WotC has posted an image of a pile of crystals through which distorted glimpses of what looks like a product can be seen. In the comments below, folks have been flipping, enhancing, and generally squinting at the image behind the crystals, and while it's hard to make out, guesses include 'Journey Through the Radiant Ocean' (although I personally think that first letter looks more like an X or K than a J). 'Citadel' is also a popular guess for that last word--'Journey(s) to/from the Radiant Citadel'? Take a look and see what you think (or check the comments for flipped and enhanced versions).

Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 6.59.03 PM.png

In Spelljammer lore, the phlogiston--the space between the crystal spheres in which the prime material worlds can be found--is also known as the 'Rainbow Ocean'. And crystal seem on-brand for crystals spheres.

Below the text, the image appears to be of some kind of marketplace. Above it, WotC wrote "Through the depths of the Ethereal Plane is a beacon of possibility and adventure... "

There was apparently a press event today, pending some kind of product announcement on Tuesday.


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Let's remember this market not only has a lot of imagination, but players are used to face puzzles. It is a softer way to create hype. And if somebody says a good theory, maybe they use it in a future.

A theory: a new adventure where PCs have to visit Sigil, and to travel by a spelljammer helm in the Astral Sea, and in the end a easter eggs about a potential crossover with a no-D&D franchise is showed, or a clue about a secret stronghold of a order of renegades githyankis, the "nightmare gate"(black spiral?).
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I see possible before WotC in Magic: the Gathering beyond universe. Lots of WoD factions could appear in Ravenloft, but WoD PCs are practically "monster classes". They would need a lot of playtesting to design the special powers. And maybe the first step would be with Changeling because it is closest option to be enough "family friendly". It is possible, but it would need a third franchise besided WoD and CoD.

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