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What Do You Want To Talk About? (EnWorld edition)

Does anyone know what happened to DirtyFrank? He was the one that did the football leage game thing or whatever it was. He hasn't been on in a while. He probably doesn't even realize that he has been terminated. If anyone has a way to contact him, you should get him to come over here.

I wonder if the girlies in the group got hit as well. To bad we Don't have a way to contact them and get them to join up here.

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Well ,Dirty Frank did post a pic of hisself, so it possible that he may have also posted that pic on his facespace or another internet forum, so all we need to do is do an image search for that pic and could probably find him, the girlies too, unfortunatly the only place I can think of were he posted a pic was in the group, which is inaccessible it seems! Has any one managed to get ahold of CHIA? RH you got his email right?

In other news Derp is ussually asleep when I get home from work, but today he was up and kept meowing at me, I guess hes hungry or whatever, well I tried ignoring him but he managed to get out of the basket the kids have been keeping him in and managed to hobble his way over to me and gives me this look like "dude, didnt you hear me!?" So I figure fine I guess I got to feed him, well I dont want to keep him on the bottle, but im not sure if he can handle dry food yet, so I take some of the kitty formula and mix it with some dry cat food, and wouldnt you know it he likes it, Derp likes it! He still has trouble holding him self up so he spilled alot of it on the floor, and he mostly was just lapping up the milk or formula or whatever you want to call it, but then once that was all gone he started munchin down on the cat chow, yeah Derp!

@ The_Silversword. As I understand it, it was your daughter who named the cat Derp in the first place. So maybe the weird name issue is a product of your genetic traits :D. Anyhoo, congrats on the raise. I used that service you mentioned, your place of employment had no current openings. Hope you can make this week's session instead of having to work (Silver and I have been the core of a gaming group for over 20 years in case anyone was interested).

Well, Derp is a very fitting name for him, hes getting better at moving around but still had trouble keeping his balance, I was thinking that he was just weak and wasnt getting enough milk from mommy cat cause his brother got pretty darn big but Derp is still super tiny, he may have some sort of birth defect or something, his front legs seem to work fine its his back legs that seems to give him problems, might have to take him to the vet.

And yeah, the bastards have a hiring freeze going on right now, they figure if they can make chumps like me work 12 hours M-F and 8 on saturdays, why would they need anyone else? bastards!!! So yeah I got to work Saturday, so im not going to be able to do any gaming this weekend,damnit. (and has it really been 20 years? *counts on fingers and toes* holy crap it has! More than 20 even, im out of fingers and toes!)

On the subject of dirtyfrank, I went ahead and tried an image search for 'dirtyfrank' aside from being a Pearl Jam song, its also apparently some sort of sex act, so I refined my search to 'WotC forums dirtyfrank', all I got was his OTTer avy and oddly enough pictures of EE.


First Post
I don't know what you're complaining about, ZB. We have the Dolphins. Nuff said.

Umm ... bro? Your Dolphins beat my Browns in week 1. :p

Nice to hear from you ZB. Yeah my Chargers have Titans this week away. Shocker of last weekend...Seattle trouncing Niners?

Too late for some Picks?

Yar, found a few minutes here and there. Rare these days - too much technical reading to do. Anyhoo, I don't think the Hawks winning is a surprise. I mean, they beat the Niners down pretty hard last year and it's never easy playing there. Just a bad matchup for the Niners and they better hope they don't have to face 'em in the postseason.

I'd love to do picks but I doubt I'd be able to keep up with 'em. I think the days of an over 30k post account are over for me. Darn ... :p

The Dolphins May have near the Browns in week one, but it was just week one. They always come out looking good at first. They may do good through the first four or five weeks, but after that, they suck hard. A team made up of seven years olds that are retarded, and wheelchair bound, and blind, and have no arms, or any idea what football is, our how to play it, and are actually not for year old kids but a badly drawn picture of rocks, could beat the Dolphins by at least 30 touchdowns.

Robin Hoodlum

The Dolphins May have near the Browns in week one, but it was just week one. They always come out looking good at first. They may do good through the first four or five weeks, but after that, they suck hard. A team made up of seven years olds that are retarded, and wheelchair bound, and blind, and have no arms, or any idea what football is, our how to play it, and are actually not for year old kids but a badly drawn picture of rocks, could beat the Dolphins by at least 30 touchdowns.
I bet the Steelers couldn't.


I tried that search on google image and I saw one piece of my artwork, but none of me. I'm quite confused.

How the heck did you do an upside question mark? I may have exaggerated a little, I got other things other than df's avatar and pics of you, there was lots of dungeon maps and other stuff, scroll down, youre on there, im telling you!! I would take a screen shot and proves it, but Im not going to post a pic of someone without their permission, unless its like Ed Greenwood or something

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