What does OAD&D stand for?

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I've seen it more often as OD&D. I don't know for sure, but I can make a darn good guess gauging by context. OD&D stands for "Old Dungeons and Dragons", which would mean any version of D&D released earlier than 3.0. The A isn't required because only 2nd Edition ever used the term "Advanced"... so "Old Advanced Dungeons and Dragons" would be a release from the Department of Redundancy Department. AD&D refers to 2e only. OD&D refers to, as far as I can tell, 1e AND 2e. As I said, anything before 3e.


hmmm... see the other thread too...

OD&D = Original D&D (no advanced), and was the best, most balanced (if boring) system until the modern technology of v3.5 came out. Try it sometime, you might like it cause you tend to die ALOT. HP=0=dead. Now make due when your highest ability score is a 14, and you have to roll for your starting hit points. Yessirree kids, uphill, both ways, through a snowstorm, and we ate dirt for XP and liked it.

OAD&D = 1st edition Advanced. Yeah, yeah, whatever, who cares about spell components and your PC's eye color. Doesn't change the fact that you still die ALOT.


Fieari said:
I've seen it more often as OD&D. I don't know for sure, but I can make a darn good guess gauging by context. OD&D stands for "Old Dungeons and Dragons", which would mean any version of D&D released earlier than 3.0. The A isn't required because only 2nd Edition ever used the term "Advanced"... so "Old Advanced Dungeons and Dragons" would be a release from the Department of Redundancy Department. AD&D refers to 2e only. OD&D refers to, as far as I can tell, 1e AND 2e. As I said, anything before 3e.

Not exactly. There was D&D, then AD&D and after 2nd edition AD&D came out it was called (you guessed it) 1st edition. D&D became OD&D (Original D&D) and the rest was advanced.


Creature Cataloguer
actually, "2nd edition" was the 2nd edition of AD&D. ;) it wasn't actually (just to confuse you more) the second version of dungeons and dragons. :)


Gary Gygax
jaerdaph said:
I've always found it amusing that in the insurance world, AD&D on a form stands for 'Accidental Death & Dismemberment'.



Long ago I was a supervising underwrtier, managing individual, group, and association group life and accident & health policies, including AD&D and LTD, as well as unusual risk policies.

And D&D used to mean "Deaf & Dumb" in regards to answering police questions :D



Creature Cataloguer
that acronym must have been a weird transition at first. ;) i work in underwriting, hear it all the time, and giggle to myself. and we also have policies called TSRs ;) (sold by Telephone-Sales Representative)

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