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What is Success in the RPG Industry?

Millions of people in the US did, only to have management renege on the agreement with various excuses and anti-labor administrations and courts cut off means of recourse. Someone who started working in the last couple of decades scarcely has the chance to make that choice. This is cruel advice, unless you know of something that modern workers have any sort of actual shot at.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
You just have to choose a career in which retirement planning is part of the benefits package.

"Just get a better job," is one of those pieces of advice that ignores the practical reality that large swaths of the population do not have the privilege to do so.

But, in the end, this topic is rather outside the scope of this thread, which is about what counts as success in the RPG industry, not the general status of the working class in the USA today.
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