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D&D 5E What psionic powers do YOU want to see?


Yeah, psionic combat would indeed be cool, and even though it is kind of nuts in some ways, what I really want it to be is two psionic beings mentally dueling over the course of a single round. The two telepaths lock eyes from across the battlefield, sweat immediately appearing on both their brows, one perhaps lifting a finger to his temple, then suddenly has his eyes roll to the back of his head and collapses, unconscious or dead. The other immediately looks weakened, blood dripping from her nose. They just spent what to them took a half-dozen rounds of intense mental combat, but to everyone else took a handful of seconds.

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Yeah, psionic combat would indeed be cool, and even though it is kind of nuts in some ways, what I really want it to be is two psionic beings mentally dueling over the course of a single round. The two telepaths lock eyes from across the battlefield, sweat immediately appearing on both their brows, one perhaps lifting a finger to his temple, then suddenly has his eyes roll to the back of his head and collapses, unconscious or dead. The other immediately looks weakened, blood dripping from her nose. They just spent what to them took a half-dozen rounds of intense mental combat, but to everyone else took a handful of seconds.

A basic system could be using your Wisdom scores as temporary mental HP, the attacks and defenses damaging or deflecting loss. First to 0 is out of action/unconscious/dead/etc.
The key would be, making this compact enough to be a combat within a combat without dragging it out.

Or simply rolling manifestation checks against eachothers Willpower scores as DC, first to overcome the DC wins with modes applying to help secure victory.
This way would be fast and brutal.

Greg K

I look to movies like Beastmaster, Dreamscape, Firestarter. I also look to stories of oracles and mediums. To a lesser degree specific comic book characters (Professor X, Jean Grey, Destiny). I have no interest in ninja Psylocke or many of the more weird psionic abilities found in AD&D 1e (and later editions). Powers, I am interested seeing include the following:

Telepathy/Mind Control/ Mind Blast/Mental Illusion/ Mental Paralysis/ Memory Alteratio
Telekinesis/ Telekinetic Push
Animal Control/Animal Communication/Beast Sight
Dream Control
Emotion Control/Sense Emotions
Object Reading
Light Control/Hypnosis/ Images
Spirit Control/Detect Spirits/ Communicate with Spirits
Water Control
Drawing from certain martial arts traditions: Making the body heavy, extremely light (increased leaping disance, walk on sand without disturbing), hard as steel, faster reaction, increase strength
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Ability to sense other nearby psionic creatures
Ability to detect and/or influence general emotions and surface thoughts of large populations
Long-range telepathic communication with other psionic creatures
Attacks that only work on other psionic creatures

I also played a Psion in 4e, and my favorite power there could make enemies attack each other pretty reliably. This was very simple in 4e, but might not work in 5e.


I'd like to share a bit of what I have regarding subclasses. I plan on releasing this on the DMs Guild eventually and have kept it in line with the Forgotten Realms, so it references Auppenser and Jhaamdath(this not in name, though) to offer continuity. I modified one and completely changed another, with some advice from this thread combined with my many pages of notes on the subject over the last couple years. Let me know what you think! Honest critique and advice is welcome, as long as it is respectful.

This is just lore blurbs on each subclass(called Disciplines), of which there are three per base class. There is a focus on psions knowing it takes a lot of time and focus to achieve acuity with their powers, which is called the Long Road in the text. I plan on later introducing a supplement that covers wild psions(aka extremely dangerous), but that is a ways off.

Firstly, the base psionic classes are the Metamind and the Battlemind.

The Metamind is a catch-all containing 3rd edition's Psion varieties, with a touch here and there of prestige classes. They focus on mind over body and have abilities that allow them to sacrifice their corporeal form to enhance their powers(and incorporeal form!).

The Battlemind shares pieces of the psychic warrior, soulknife, and various other official and 3rd party ideas. They focus on a balance of mind and body, with a flurry of smaller powers meant to enhance their physical capabilities. The balance differs depending on subclass.

Metamind Disciplines
The Telekine
The ability to move objects with your mind alone is one of the most useful, basic powers a psion has at their disposal. This ability is used far and wide above all other psionic powers. Many take the long road to hone this avenue of the mind, favoring discipline over enhanced telekinetic powers. Leaving behind the basic ability to move things with their mind, a true Telekine can surround themselves with shields of force, crush foes like dried leaves in their palm, carry themselves through the sky, or create massive concussive waves around them.

The Telepath
All psions are gifted with the power to read minds and project their thoughts. That is one of the fundamental abilities of an awakened mind. A Telepath is far, far more than a mind-reader. Through the insinuation of thoughts and manipulation of senses, the psion has is able to make others believe they fight a beast, or quicksand lies in their path, or even to disregard the psion as empty air in front of them. The Telepath is the master manipulator of intelligent minds, and none except another psion or highly-trained, perceptive mind is even aware of the interaction.

The Uncarnate
Some psions are gifted with the ability to interact with the planes between the material and the endless black of the multiverse. Most of these interactions occur within the astral plane, the dimension between worlds that allows much of the travel between planes. While magic can persist within astral space, psionic power truly shines here in more than luminous brilliance. The astral plane, as well as adjacent planes such as Limbo, are able to be manipulated by the thoughts of an awakened mind into nearly any shape they so choose, if their mind is powerful enough. The Uncarnate has dedicated their psionic abilities towards this avenue, taking the long road between worlds. From simple tasks such as touching things beyond this world, to leaping through material planes via astral jaunts or soaring through the ether as a living effigy of psionics are some of the abilities of the Uncarnate.

Battlemind Disciplines
The Sublime
To those warriors whom have Auppenser's Boon, the most direct use of their powers is in the balance of their mind and body not just as a weapon but as a tool to expand the faith and defend the believers of the Lord of Reason. The Sublime eschew weapons that don't naturally exist upon their own body, believing using only themselves allows them better control over their actions and to help maintain physical perception in combat. While there were many enlightened warriors wandering the lands during the time of the great empire, they are rare upon Toril, just as all psions are now. While they can be found in numbers upon worlds and planes beyond, those few here seek to reach enlightenment through honing their minds and bodies along the long road without monastic discipline or guidance.

The Shaper
A dedicated psychic warrior often learns how to form their mental prowess into physical extensions of their body through sheer will. Absolute battle focus allows the Shaper to bend their psionic power into nearly-imperceptible extensions of themselves that shred and maim their enemies just as a perfectly-honed blade would. To a trained psion, impossibly-thin ripples of light and motion can be perceived as they are sent forth to assail a foe, as a blade in hand coinciding with a fierce chopping motion or spears of violence as the psion shoves his hands forward. While similar to the Sublime in practice, where they seek to enlighten and subdue if necessary, the Shaper shows no restraint in destroying its enemy.

The Dreadnought
Borrowing bits and pieces from many battlemind disciplines, the Dreadnought uses every power they can discover to move faster, hit harder and survive longer, and control the battlefield. They do not focus entirely on abilities that enhance their own skill-at-arms, also using powers that cause fear and confusion in the enemy ranks, as well as hindering battlefield movements and perceptions. A single Dreadnought rushing at inhuman speeds into ranks of terrified enemy troops whom believe a full company is charging them is not unheard of.

/end blurb

That's it for now. I hope you like the direction so far. I'm still working on the mechanics for each, but I hope to have them playtested via ENWorld and locally as soon as I have a working product I am comfortable with. I also plan on releasing Discipline expansions, touching on things that reach beyond Toril(aside from the Uncarnate), such as illithid-hunting subclasses and/or Dark Sun-type barbarian-psions.
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Here is a little more information.


To manifest a power, a Psion must make a Manifestation Check, which is a d20 roll modified by the character's combined psionic character levels, their Wisdom modifier, and the power's Threshold modifier. A basic power does not need a check to manifest, however a threshold penalty totaling more than the psion's INT modifier requires a DC 5 Manifestation check.


Psionic characters begin with the most basic of powers, learned by their mind awakening and through the honing of those manifestations over time. Their powerful minds can see how these powers come to be, and may manipulate their mental formulas to enhance the manifested effects. This ability is referred to as Overchanneling. When a psion manifests a power, they may add an amount of power points up to their Wisdom modifier to that power for no additional cost, except for an increase in Threshold penalty. A psion may further overchannel a power by spending power points up to their combined psionic character levels to that power. The effects vary by power and are detailed within each power's entry in the Powers section on page ##.
Each power point spent on a Overchanneling increases the Threshold for casting that power by 1, which increases the DC of the Manifestation check, as mentioned in the Threshold paragraph.
A psion may never overchannel a power beyond twice their current psionic character level.

And here is an partial draft of the Telekinesis basic power. Some of the discipline abilities are left out. I'm also toying with the idea of giving psions a free point to spend on their discipline abilities per casting, or possibly one above the norm of twice your psion level.

Power Range: 30ft*
Effect Range: 10ft*
Weight: 100lbs*
Duration: Concentration

Any object or creature within the power's range and the weight limit may be affected by Telekinesis. An affected object may be moved in any direction at the effect's range, per turn of concentration. Attempting to move a target beyond the power's range causes the targeted object or creature to stop at maximum range, though the power doesn't fail or stop in any form. The basic power allows an object of up to 100lbs to be moved at 10ft per round(or less, if the psion prefers) within a 30ft radius around the psion.

A creature is affected in the same way as an object, but may attempt to resist the power with a Strength check greater than the Manifestation Check of the psion. This signifies hugging the ground, clinging to an object, or purely muscling themselves away from the force. Any psionic creature may choose to resist Telekinesis with Strength, or a Wisdom Check greater than the Manifestation Check of the psion. A successful Wisdom check by a psionic target cancels the power, however a successful Strength check merely prevents the target from being moved. On their own turn, they must succeed at another Strength check to move from the current location, or as long as the psion concentrates on telekinesis. A psionic character that fails their Wisdom check, may try again each turn that they are under the effect of Telekinesis on their own turn. Success cancels the power.

Power Range: 30ft/+1PP
Effect Range: 10ft/+1PP
Weight: 100lbs/+1PP

Telekine Discipline
Years of practice in the art of telekinesis has granted new and extraordinary paths for the psion to tread upon during their journey upon the Long Road. A Telekine may further augment their Telekinesis manifestations with these Overchanneling abilities. Each costs +1PP to manifest with the Telekinesis power, and may not be used within the same application of the power, but may be used in succession of a concentrated Telekinesis manifestation.
(A psion manifests a hastened telekinesis power to quickly lift an enemy into the air in one round. On their next turn, they Expand the target, causing it to burst in the air above the other enemies.
A psion may concentrate to maintain the power without a second round of the Hasten ability, adding an additional ability into the manifestation. They must still deal with the Threshold penalty from the previous manifestation check, however they only have to pay a power point for the new ability instead of the entire manifestation.)

Compress/Expand: The Telekine is able to focus their telekinetic ability into a pinpoint location, forcing energy into or away from it aggressively and often lethally. Psions caught using this power are often thought of as diabolical witches and warlocks, and sometimes hunted as such if their power's origins are unknown, furthering the need for psions to take the Long Road alone.
For every power point spent on this ability, the target takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage as their body either is either smashed into itself or nearly turned inside-out. Bones are broken and sinew is twisted and warps within the telekinetic nightmare manifestation. Creatures killed by this power are grotesquely warped asunder, unless the psion chooses to lessen the visual impact, however the dead still look eerily smashed or internally-manipulated if so.

Hasten: While not as violent as compressing your enemies with your mind, this ability allows a psion to double the distance a target is moved within a round from telekinesis. Snatching enemies off of their feet to speed them upside down and backwards out of the window is one such application of a Hastened telekinesis manifestation. In addition, for every 10ft the target is unable to reach the full range of the effect, they take 1d6 bludgeoning damage. A wall, tree, huge creature, etc.

Most of this is from my rough working copy, so things may run-on or seem out of order. I'm also working on an alternate method of manifesting that uses a die pool, with single die difficulties, successes add together to determine effects. You can also burn successes to add discipline effects to a successful manifestation. If this becomes something I feel is easy and unique to the game, I may go with this as the primary method. I'd like to see it as something truly different from the D&D norm.

Thoughts are welcome.
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