What's your gaming history before coming to 3e?

What's your D&D history look like?

  • 3e D&D was the first version of D&D I played (whether or not I've played other RPGs)

    Votes: 24 6.8%
  • I started with 2nd edition AD&D, and now play 3e

    Votes: 68 19.2%
  • I started with 1st edition AD&D (or earlier), moved to 2nd edition, and now play 3e

    Votes: 147 41.5%
  • I started with 1st edition D&D (or earlier), [b]didn't[/b] play (or gave up on) 2nd edition, and now

    Votes: 104 29.4%
  • I started with 1st or 2nd edition D&D (or earlier), and [b]still[/b] play the older edition instead

    Votes: 11 3.1%


Clockwork Golem
Red box set. Then 2e games and the red boxed set games at the same time. Then 1e. then back to 2e. Then 3e.

I wandered arounda lot, and I left out a bunch of stuff that wasn't dnd related.

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First Post
What? There's no choice for "tried 3rd ed., but went back to 2nd?" heh, heh... of course there isn't.

Seriously though, you should have had a choice for "started with Basic"


First Post
Started with Basic, moved to expert and then 1ed. Quit gaming for 3 or 4 years then started gaming again 1988, we gamed everything under the sun except D&D. After College we tried 2ed but only for a couple of months and went back to White Wolf games. We have been Playing 3rd edition for about a year to a year and a half now.


I started in '80 with the Basic set (the one with the red dragon on the cover) then moved to AD&D 1st, 2nd and 3rd ed. In between AD&D/D&D games I played or ran some 1st and 2nd ed. Gamma World, Star Wars d20, FASA Star Trek, MERP/Rolemaster, Werewolf, Vampire, Shadowrun, Alternity, Stormbringer, Villians and Vigilantes, Star Frontiers, Earthdawn, DC Heroes, and Mechwarrior.


First Post
I'm one of those rare birds in role-playing who didn't play D&D until 3rd ed. came out. I've played plenty of other systems over the last 15 years, but no previous edition of D&D had a rules system I could stomach, even if I liked a lot of the trappings of the game such as "standard fantasy (elves/dwarves/humans, etc.) and my favorite campaign setting (Forgotten Realms). 3e was the first edition of the game to bring the rules more in-line with a lot of the innovations other game systems have developed over the years. Even though D&D was the grand-daddy of them all, only recently has it appealed to me.


First Post
I started with basic, and have played each edition since then, and hopefully, I'll keep on with each edition to follow. :)


ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
I'm one of the weirdos that took a 100% skip on second edition - at the time I felt it was a half-assed patch-kit on the 1st ed rules.

Holy Bovine

First Post
I started with the red & blue boxes Basic & Expert D&D but moved on to AD&D (1E) thinking that it was the next step up in the rules (boy was I wrong!). After struggling with getting my group at the time to switch to AD&D I finally managed to convince them and we played it for 3 years in high school during lunch breaks. Then at university it seemed that everyone was making the switch to 2E. I did too but aside from the specialty priests never really liked the rule changes.

By the end of my 4th year at university 2E had lost its luster and most people had switched back to 1E or house ruled 2E to death and beyond. About 6 months before 3E came out I tried to start a new campaign (my first RPG game since my Warhammer RPG group self destructed 3 years earlier) using 2E with some house rules. That group also nearly self destructed (twice! :( ) but I managed to keep it together and switched to 3E when I picked up a 'used' (it was in perfect shape) copy of the PHB at a second hand book store. After reading it I was very excited to convert my campaign immediately - and I haven't looked back yet.

Except for Hackmaster - I am going to start a new campaign in the new year using this - it is an amazing system. Really what 2E should have been.


I've played OD&D, then switched to 2e because it was the current system at the time, and then switched to 3e as soon as it was out. Each step was a huge improvement IMO.
Kilmore said:
What? There's no choice for "tried 3rd ed., but went back to 2nd?" heh, heh... of course there isn't.
There is, it's the last option ("I started with 1st or 2nd edition D&D (or earlier), and still play the older edition instead of 3e"). :confused:
HellHound said:
I'm one of the weirdos that took a 100% skip on second edition - at the time I felt it was a half-assed patch-kit on the 1st ed rules.
Judging from the poll results, you aren't a weirdo. Well, no more than the rest of us anyway. ;)
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First Post
I started about a year ago with 3rd Ed after a flirtation with some random unidentified edition when I was about 11 (it was years ago, it was one session, didn't get on with it at that age and I don't remember). I have the red books too. Never played that version but they look like they're going to prove useful for my project on the inclusion of women in D&D.

I'm DMing now, too, after a year as a player - still not too sure if it's too soon.

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