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When it gets expensive!


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Why are you buying all of those books and all of those products? Do you realize that they're going to be cheaper in a year when the "craze" has died down a bit?

Reminds me of people who rushed out and stood in line to pay $500 for iPhones, and then they were mad when the price dropped to half afterwards. That's what you guy, I suppose.

The gaming market doesn't work that way. You might find a bargain on gaming items if for whatever reason their supply exceeds the demand (either due to poor sales or overproduction).

The fact of the matter is that too often in a niche markets (or for niche products), such as those in gaming where that have smaller production runs which may eventually dry up even when a small steady demand continues. This especially happens with high quality products that just didn't have good initial sales and so publication stopped, though word of mouth and reputation causes the demand to continue.

I've seen many gaming items that are sold for 200% to even 1000% of the original selling price due to supply shortages.

It all is still about supply and demand, and when you are dealing with smaller niche markets, the supplies tend to be on the low side compared to mass market items such as iphones and televisions.

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Want to know the really sad thing. Due to living in the far north of England I have found nobody to play with so I have all the D&D books (Not the H,P,E adventures, nor the Big Adventures) Plus the Pathfinder books - I have a DDI sub etc. The only game that I play occasionally with my kids is Thunderstone - and the old D&D board game.

In theory I can wait for all of these items - but especially for the Heroscape I worry that they will not be available when I come to buy them in the future.
Well, for a start, considering you aren't even using those books because you have noone to play with, and considering the amount you are buying in a month, I think you wife is INCREDIBLY tolerant of you.

Then again, you might have a really well paid job. But that is none of my business and beside the point, so removing my bif fat nose from your personal affairs forthwith!

Secondly, if you want to get into a game, and since you like to spend money on your hobby, might i recommend you check out Fantasy Grounds II. They are doing awesome things with 4e system and it is compatible with any well known game system, and even little known ones because you can basically make your own ruleset if you get the full full version.

If you are okay with the normal rulesets then the full version which allows you to play as DM or player was under $50 I think. Or you can get the player lite version which is about $20. It has really beautiful 3d dice you roll and... well, if your interested you can down load an unliscenced version fronm their home page which will allow you to check it out before you buy it. I have no vested interest in this btw, just a happy customer!

It took me little over a week and I was in two weekly games! And considering you are in England I could probably talk to my DM and get you into our game on Wednesday evenings 7pm england time. Supposedly we have five players, but only 4 of us ever show up constantly... soo... there you go. Let me know if your interested.


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My DDI subscription has totally relieved any pressure I used to feel regarding the purchase of D&D books. I simply don't buy D&D books any more.

That said, I still buy far too many Exalted, Shadowrun, and now Fate system books (like Dresden and Anglerre).

Cheers, -- N

Increase in flavor seems to be directly proportional to the amount of interest I have in reading it on the can. (And therefore a need to have a physical copy.)

(At first this was only the DM books like MoTP and such... but now it's starting to creep into all of them. DAMN YOU WIZARDS FOR MAKING SOMETHING I WANT TO BUY! :D)

DDI is still the best for actual usability in my game though! :D


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It is most likely that most of the members here at EnWorld are collectors of more than one game, do you find that you have a particular month in the year when you just have to say - "Ouch - I am going to delay this one."?

Not really. My spouse's tastes far exceed my own in terms of expense. ;)


Luckily I am not a completionist collector. I also only tend to buy books for one system. This helps keep the spending at a pretty reasonable level for the most part.


First Post
Luckily I am not a completionist collector. I also only tend to buy books for one system. This helps keep the spending at a pretty reasonable level for the most part.

I tend to only buy for one system at a time... But this just means I buy in chunks... Like if I get an urge to play shadowrun or something I'll run out and buy a bunch of books that are out for Shadowrun I don't have yet... Then if I felt in the mood for WoD I'd do the same there.

So it doesn't really cut down on the amount of books I buy... Just the timing. :p

I'm A Banana

Nifft said:
My DDI subscription has totally relieved any pressure I used to feel regarding the purchase of D&D books. I simply don't buy D&D books any more.

That said, I still buy far too many Exalted, Shadowrun, and now Fate system books (like Dresden and Anglerre).

I'm in this boat, but less so. The DDI is a great help for giving me access to the rules. I'll still buy awesome books and things independently (I'm looking at the Dark Sun books, and the Castle Ravenloft game pretty keenly, and I'll probably pick up the Essentials sets, too).


I tend to only buy for one system at a time... But this just means I buy in chunks... Like if I get an urge to play shadowrun or something I'll run out and buy a bunch of books that are out for Shadowrun I don't have yet... Then if I felt in the mood for WoD I'd do the same there.

So it doesn't really cut down on the amount of books I buy... Just the timing. :p

Heh! Looking at my buying history I guess this describes me as well! As when I do switch systems or even focus within the same system that tends to send me off in hunt of gathering up books related to that system or focus (i.e. switching from a Forgotten Realms to Eberron campaign focus)

So yeah, I guess just the timing of my RPG spending is different! :D

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