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D&D General Which Enworlders do you want to game with?


He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
I like the sound of a monthly or biweekly ENworld one shot club. Vary the times and days to capture the wide membership and allow folks chances to play and meet other ENworlders.
Larry David Hbo GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm

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Moderator Emeritus
I look at it this way. . . I'd be willing to try playing with anyone from ENworld - and have played with too many ENWorlders to count at GEN CON and other events (mostly old-timers). I'd even be willing to try with people on my ignore list if for no other reason than to see if they act "like that" in-person too or if it is just an online thing. Though in reality, it'd be because I'd been ignoring them so long I forgot who they are and why I was ignoring them! :LOL:

I Dont Know Her Mariah Carey GIF

Are we talking about who you want to game with in real life or on a virtual tabletop somewhere? ;) If it is the former, is there a convention frequently attended by hordes of ENWorlders? If not, we ought to plant our convention flag somewhere and create a new one. ;)

ENcon, A5eCON, Level UP..... :p


Morkus from Orkus
I should have posted this one on Feb 14th.

Which Enworlders do you have a secret gaming crush on, meaning that you wish you could play a game or campaign with them?


@iserith, @Charlaquin , @Bawylie (RIP), and @Ovinomancer (RIP) because I nearly always appreciate what they have to say about game philosophy (e.g. metagaming, player vs. DM empowerment, agency, orcs and racial ASIs, etc. etc. etc.)

@Manbearcat and @pemerton to try something very different from D&D (like Torchbearer)

@M_Natas and @Eyes of Nine because their #Dungeon23 designs are so cool I figure they must be fun to RPG with

Share the love!
I would play with almost all of them and there are many who are about equal in choice, but since average groups are 4-5 people, I'm only putting down four of you guys.

@Snarf Zagyg, @Umbran, @iserith and @Charlaquin.

@Greg K is being excluded because I have gamed with him before and I'm selecting new folks. :)


I like the sound of a monthly or biweekly ENworld one shot club. Vary the times and days to capture the wide membership and allow folks chances to play and meet other ENworlders.
Larry David Hbo GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm
I'm going to GaryCon this month, so my schedule is a little wacky, but would normally be down to do the occasional game with some ENners.


Loves Your Favorite Game
While there are plenty of folks I'm sure I would have a good time with, it's the folks who play games that are radically different than my experiences thus far that I'm always fascinated by, and curious about their tales. @Manbearcat in particular always has very interesting insights into how different play structures drive character action and growth, and their recounts of sessions are so unlike anything I've seen or played, especially for DitV. Likewise, @hawkeyefan 's understanding of PbtA and its ilk, how to craft scenes and moves that follow the agendas and principles so as to bring the vision and goals of the system to life is something I wish I could grok better. In a very distant, but similar vein, @Lanefan 's style of game and play is always fascinating to me, even if I don't know that it's the sort of game I could do long term.

That all said, I don't think I'm a strong enough player to actually keep up with what any of them put on the table, so maybe I could just stand next to the group that is playing and watch. :p


Morkus from Orkus
I look at it this way. . . I'd be willing to try playing with anyone from ENworld - and have played with too many ENWorlders to count at GEN CON and other events (mostly old-timers). I'd even be willing to try with people on my ignore list if for no other reason than to see if they act "like that" in-person too or if it is just an online thing. Though in reality, it'd be because I'd been ignoring them so long I forgot who they are and why I was ignoring them! :LOL:

I Dont Know Her Mariah Carey GIF
I have nobody on my ignore list, but I'd be willing to play with those who have me on theirs. Despite how things turn out in discussions here, I think many of use are much closer to one another in real life than it may appear here.


I think I would be willing to try a game with anyone on ENWorld, which reminds me @darjr Did you ever get that playtest group you proposed at one time going?
I would be quite interested in a non D&D game.

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